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Posted (edited)

Strange! I've spoken to a number of people who have a liking for the music, but find the 70's fashions naff and have mentioned that as a factor that puts them off attending. However, as you say "it has no significant bearing", I must have got mixed up somewhere along the line. :thumbsup:

I thought 70's fashion was quite "IN" at the moment? Damn, I was dusting off my shirts with the long pointy collars too.

I really hope you don't mean by 70's fashions: spencers, vests, patches and beer towels? They were never in fashion (well oxford bags were for a while) they were considered a necessity for energetic dancing in a hot environment (well the patches weren't but you know what I mean). That sort of fashion puts me off attending tobe honest and I'm 48

Edited by paultp
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Oh, and Dave, with respect mate, you can stick your hip hop where the sun doesn't shine. I've spent half my life trying to avoid that nonsense without having to endure it at northern soul events :lol:

Anybody who is attracted to northern soul is not likely to want to hear hip hop. Plain and simple. The follk who will be attracted to it will be people who are fed up with shithoptripbeatdrumandbassgaragegroove, or whatever else is trendy this year. They will want to hear northern soul music. Which sounds like either motown or james brown, archie bells or quality disco.

Hip Hop never will be northern soul, and it has no part at a northern soul event. Forget that, seriously, you're worrying me.

It doesn't get played because it is basically, pony.

Spoken like a true norman! :thumbsup:

Is this thread about the northern scene or a music scene which includes soul such as the genre we call northern? My student son runs a night where they play funk, "quality" hip-hop, (and I don't profess to know what constitutes that), soul and even some 60's R&B, and apparently these nights are well received.

Guest James Trouble

Spoken like a true norman! :thumbsup:

Is this thread about the northern scene or a music scene which includes soul such as the genre we call northern? My student son runs a night where they play funk, "quality" hip-hop, (and I don't profess to know what constitutes that), soul and even some 60's R&B, and apparently these nights are well received.

You know me Dave, I'm a 6ts die hard at heart. Keep the faith and all that. It'll never be over for me, northern soul, it's my life. :lol::unsure:



They let the fashions put them off attending, hmmm potential to be true soulies then if that outweighs the music :lol:

I've asked before, perhaps in your next survey you could ask these youngsters exactly what we should be wearing? :thumbsup:

I'm not sure they would want to be "true soulies" :unsure:

Survey is and odd word for casual conversation, but I would hazard a guess that they might expect to see people wearing similar clothes to those they would wear to the pub??


I thought 70's fashion was quite "IN" at the moment? Damn, I was dusting off my shirts with the long pointy collars too.

I really hope you don't mean by 70's fashions: spencers, vests, patches and beer towels? They were never in fashion (well oxford bags were for a while) they were considered a necessity for energetic dancing in a hot environment (well the patches weren't but you know what I mean). That sort of fashion puts me off attending tobe honest and I'm 48

Yes, I'm afraid that is what I meant by the misnomer fashion :lol:

And I know what you mean.... and me too. :thumbsup:


You know me Dave, I'm a 6ts die hard at heart. Keep the faith and all that. It'll never be over for me, northern soul, it's my life. :unsure:tongue.gif

Oh, I'm welling up now! :lol:

I need to find one of those black fist motifs to post! :thumbsup:


so, err, stepping outside of the northern soul scene, and bearing in mind how most younger people nowadays would prefer to download newer tracks rather than traipse all the way into town on the bus on a wet Saturday afternoon and put up with a big queue and some moody geek behind the counter of HMV who can't operate the til properly and has to call the supervisor, is it yet acceptable to use any of the newer means of music media such as laptops, ipods, etc, for djing with, on the soul scene?

It is widely accepted now on other music scenes, how would people feel if they were listening ot the same music they could be hearing from new cd's and vinyl, but from a laptop for example? does it really make any difference? isn't it all still down to the selector behind his virtual decks? I am talking about legally obtained hi-kwality playback, not some microwaved version of old tracks off limewire btw.

and i an NOT suggesting that people play mp3's on the northern soul scene god forbid! :thumbsup:

Guest Carl Dixon

Winnie - yes, generate new venues without the Northern Soul tag.

Dave Moore - agree with your comment about respect. I remember I once collected a cassette recorded magazine called 'Sound on Sound' (I think) in the early eighties. I got as far as release 9 or thereabouts, and somebody said in one of the interviews 'Northern Soul' is dead and so was some famous English footballer whom name escapes me.I found that offensive on both counts and stopped my subscription. It is about respect and choice. Individuals can make up their own mind and I agree there is a big choice over here. I should visit more venues and join in the fun.


Oh, and Dave, with respect mate, you can stick your hip hop where the sun doesn't shine. I've spent half my life trying to avoid that nonsense without having to endure it at northern soul events :thumbsup:

Anybody who is attracted to northern soul is not likely to want to hear hip hop. Plain and simple.

I manage to enjoy a bit of both. While I agree I wouldn't want to hear them at the same venue, it's not impossible to like both sorts of music.



so, err, stepping outside of the northern soul scene, and bearing in mind how most younger people nowadays would prefer to download newer tracks rather than traipse all the way into town on the bus on a wet Saturday afternoon and put up with a big queue and some moody geek behind the counter of HMV who can't operate the til properly and has to call the supervisor, is it yet acceptable to use any of the newer means of music media such as laptops, ipods, etc, for djing with, on the soul scene?

It is widely accepted now on other music scenes, how would people feel if they were listening ot the same music they could be hearing from new cd's and vinyl, but from a laptop for example? does it really make any difference? isn't it all still down to the selector behind his virtual decks? I am talking about legally obtained hi-kwality playback, not some microwaved version of old tracks off limewire btw.

and i an NOT suggesting that people play mp3's on the northern soul scene god forbid! :thumbsup:

IMO the music should be played from the format that it was originally released on, whether that is CD, MP3, Digital Down loads or chunky black vinyl.


Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)


I don't like the look of that dancefloor... :unsure:

Seriously though i can survey the opinions of at least 60 sixteen year olds tomorrow regarding rare soul if you like. Imagine you were trying to persuade them along to a soul night. What would you play them, any suggestions?

Even better, post a sound clip and i can play in on my laptop in class. :thumbsup:

I'll post their opinions of your choices tomorrow..... :lol:

Edited by Matt Male
Posted (edited)

Don't usually get embroiled in these debates now, as it's mostly all been said before. Thought I'd chip in on this one though as some of it I found particularly patronising...

Surely as people have wanted to try different styles of music they've set up their own gigs. If you have the courage of your convictions simply go out and "do it". Been done in the past. Being done now. The guys who mandate an "all one room policy" should step up to the plate and DO IT. We, the soulies will then decide if it's for us or not. I've been collecting over 30 years and even I sometimes feel I'm being patronised by certain posts/threads/discussions! I don't particularly like the majority Modden Soul, House, Garage, Disco, Tent, or whatever the latest terminology is for the style that more commonly "blisters" itself on to Northern gigs cos it isn't self sustaining, but surely that's my choice. I'm nearly 50....I don't need edjumacating from peeps who consider them selves more "soulful" than me. I would suggest that the people clamouring for the "new blood" are the very same people who turn youngsters off with their "I know best, and you're all behind the times" attitude. It turns ME off...and I've been here 30 years!

I have a number of friends who collect, follow, lead, run gigs, etc that are in their mid 20s. I never sought them out, changed my clothes to fit in with them, shaved my tache off, advised them to listen to certain records, etc. What I did do however, was treat them with the respect that I would treat anyone else, irrespective of age, or background on "the scene". The one thing that's different on the overseas "soul scenes" is a lack of people trying to ram their preferences down other people's throats. The younger element here in the States know what they like, they don't old gimps like me trying to "teach them" for Fcuk Sakes.

They say that "familiarity breeds contempt". You have no idea how lucky you are in UK to have all this on your doorstep, venues galore, withing easy travelling distance, top class collectors spinning top class 45s week in, week out.

In my opinion, the very people who are contstantly questioning the "future" of Rare/Northern soul are the very same ones who will eventually damage it so much it will simply fragment and disappear as a "scene". The one thing that will never disappear however will be "The Record Collector"...now there's a different topic!





Hey Dave, how ya doin mate, hope all is well in sunny Florida.

Whilst I hope that your post wasnt directed at me personally blush.gif , there are a couple of points for discussion in your post:

I love all the types of Rare Soul from the 6ts to present day. My favourite genre will always be 6ts & 7ts tho'. However I do like certain sounds within all eras & genres of Rare Soul & the x factor I speak of is that certain something within a record that makes it popular to the Rare Soul Scene/Rare Soul Collectors. For example, for every thousand soulful house records that are released maybe there will be one or two that might be relevant. The same with gospel, blues, disco, RnB, etc.................not every soul record ever released was/is relevant to a Rare Soul scene, the above applies, for every few hundred contempoary soul records that were/are released a minute fraction are relvant from the 'scenes' point of view, therefore I feel an open mind with regard to these things is essential, liike Dave T quite rightly points out most of the legendary venues were ground breaking to some extent or another at the time.

I also actually did go out & do it, I promoted a very successful soul night & an Allnighter with a completely open music policy...........I would also add that this was done at a time when the scene wasnt particularly buoyant & it certainly wasnt 'trendy' to be doing such things, I did it cos I love all types of rare soul music. At the Newbury Nighters we had people from Manchester passing other Allnighters to get to us !. I will be doing it again too in some form or another. However I would never ever suggest that anyone should be doing anything other than what they enjoy & I am not saying Im any better or that I have better taste in soul music than others who have a more traditional view of things I just have my own opinion.

Knowing & respecting you like I do Dave your comments concerning younger soul fans & fans from other countries are spot on too, certainly the guys n gals that attend The Hitsville Weekender in the US are testiment to that.

And finally the UK are truly blessed to have such a vibrant & thriving Rare Soul Scene, until you dont have it on your doorstep its difficult to appreciate it, but trust me I know & my whole atttude has changed towards the scene cos of this.

I am now takeing coverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

BTW posters using phrases like Norman Soul :thumbsup::lol::unsure: do not actually help when it comes to these discussions, can we grow up a little class :yes: .


Edited by Russ Vickers
Guest SteveJohnston

If you were to buy a bottle of wine today would it be old world or new world? If you answer the old world I can equate that to traditional values, respect and a 45rpm record! If you answer the latter, you have opted for a new world Chardonnay with 'essence of oak' put in it so unsuspecting British people think it is 'oaked' in a barrel , CD's and MP3's! If you are confused, you have dual standards, unlike me, I am not confused, but have dual standards!!


BUSHLAND Chardonnay Reserve 2005 a fantastic Australian wine from Aldi £4.99 a mate told me about it and boy is it worth trying it really is a to Die for whine.

A bit like this topic.


It doesn't get played because it is basically, pony.

And I take it you have your finger on the pulse enough to make that considered statement do you???


Mark R

Posted (edited)

The dead wood that needs clearing out could easily be hearded into an old working men's club with a promotion like THIS (nice one Jason)!

Then bolt all the doors and set fire to the building, that'll be end of it and everything will be better. :thumbsup:

The promotional info is spot on.....We would know where to avoid like the plague if some events were as 'up front' as this !!

Edited by bridget

I'm not sure they would want to be "true soulies" :thumbsup:

Survey is and odd word for casual conversation, but I would hazard a guess that they might expect to see people wearing similar clothes to those they would wear to the pub??


Thought this was about sustaining the soul scene, there's been people who dip in and out for years. Said survey cos you said you'd spoken to a number of people which made it sound significant, but understand from what you've said now that it wasn't. Similar clothes to the pub? Football shirts, tracky bottoms pump action trainers all round then :thumbsup:


I don't like the look of that dancefloor... ohmy.gif

Seriously though i can survey the opinions of at least 60 sixteen year olds tomorrow regarding rare soul if you like. Imagine you were trying to persuade them along to a soul night. What would you play them, any suggestions?

Even better, post a sound clip and i can play in on my laptop in class. :thumbsup:

I'll post their opinions of your choices tomorrow..... :thumbsup:

It would be quite interesting to play them a traditional 6ts oldie, a recently discovered 6ts newie, a typical 7ts/8ts dancer & a soulful new release. See which they enjoyed. Of course its all irelevant really, cos none of em will be bustin' down the doors of the local soul night, but as an experiment could be quite interesting.

What about:

Dobie Gray - Out On the Floor

Johnny Praye - Cant Get Too Much Love (Yes I Know Butch has played it for at least 10 yrs)

Carstairs/lil Major Williams

Amy Winehouse/Ron Hall/

Im sure there are better suggestions but just as a start.

I suspect that most wouldnt particularly really like any with the exception possibly of the new released stuff.



I thought 70's fashion was quite "IN" at the moment? Damn, I was dusting off my shirts with the long pointy collars too.

I really hope you don't mean by 70's fashions: spencers, vests, patches and beer towels? They were never in fashion (well oxford bags were for a while) they were considered a necessity for energetic dancing in a hot environment (well the patches weren't but you know what I mean). That sort of fashion puts me off attending tobe honest and I'm 48


I find it amazing it would put you off of going somewhere, so the music wouldn't come first? Very strange IMO



BTW posters using phrases like Norman Soul :thumbsup:sleep3.gif:D do not actually help when it comes to these discussions, can we grow up a little class :D .



Who made you headmaster? I used that term in one of my posts, can you explain how it detracted from the discussion. If I agree, I'll do a 100 lines :thumbsup:


Hey Dave, how ya doin mate, hope all is well in sunny Florida.

Whilst I hope that your post wasnt directed at me personally :D , there are a couple of points for discussion in your post:

I love all the types of Rare Soul from the 6ts to present day. My favourite genre will always be 6ts & 7ts tho'. However I do like certain sounds within all eras & genres of Rare Soul & the x factor I speak of is that certain something within a record that makes it popular to the Rare Soul Scene/Rare Soul Collectors. For example, for every thousand soulful house records that are released maybe there will be one or two that might be relevant. The same with gospel, blues, disco, RnB, etc.................not every soul record ever released was/is relevant to a Rare Soul scene, the above applies, for every few hundred contempoary soul records that were/are released a minute fraction are relvant from the 'scenes' point of view, therefore I feel an open mind with regard to these things is essential, liike Dave T quite rightly points out most of the legendary venues were ground breaking to some extent or another at the time.

I also actually did go out & do it, I promoted a very successful soul night & an Allnighter with a completely open music policy...........I would also add that this was done at a time when the scene wasnt particularly buoyant & it certainly wasnt 'trendy' to be doing such things, I did it cos I love all types of rare soul music. At the Newbury Nighters we had people from Manchester passing other Allnighters to get to us !. I will be doing it again too in some form or another. However I would never ever suggest that anyone should be doing anything other than what they enjoy & I am not saying Im any better or that I have better taste in soul music than others who have a more traditional view of things I just have my own opinion.

Knowing & respecting you like I do Dave your comments concerning younger soul fans & fans from other countries are spot on too, certainly the guys n gals that attend The Hitsville Weekender in the US are testiment to that.

And finally the UK are truly blessed to have such a vibrant & thriving Rare Soul Scene, until you dont have it on your doorstep its difficult to appreciate it, but trust me I know & my whole atttude has changed towards the scene cos of this.

I am now takeing coverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

BTW posters using phrases like Norman Soul :thumbsup::thumbsup:sleep3.gif do not actually help when it comes to these discussions, can we grow up a little class :D .


Hey Hey,

My post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular Mate, I'm off to California on 4th Nov. You coming? If not I'll lick Bywell's lugs for ya in between the dancin' and drinkin' :D







I find it amazing it would put you off of going somewhere, so the music wouldn't come first? Very strange IMO


It would definitely put me off whatever the music policy mainly because I find seeing the over 50's dress up like that a touch embarassing and definitely off putting. I think 60 year old Teddy boys are embarrassing too. Each to their own but I am allowed a choice. Given the choice of the same music policy at two similar venues, if one was populated by spencer & vest wearing over 50's and one wasn't I would go to that one that wasn't. What on earth is strange and/or "amazing" about that?

This is hypothetical as I am unable to venture out at the mo and have been for some time due to work committments. I may get to Piercebridge this weekend (working on it) and if I do I'll just ignore anyone wearing spencer's and a vest cos I will be grateful just to have got out to a Northern do.


It would definitely put me off whatever the music policy mainly because I find seeing the over 50's dress up like that a touch embarassing and definitely off putting. I think 60 year old Teddy boys are embarrassing too. Each to their own but I am allowed a choice. Given the choice of the same music policy at two similar venues, if one was populated by spencer & vest wearing over 50's and one wasn't I would go to that one that wasn't. What on earth is strange and/or "amazing" about that?

This is hypothetical as I am unable to venture out at the mo and have been for some time due to work committments. I may get to Piercebridge this weekend (working on it) and if I do I'll just ignore anyone wearing spencer's and a vest cos I will be grateful just to have got out to a Northern do.


I find it strange that you'd consider not going somewhere cos people wearing spencers might be there. As you say, each to their own, think personally I'll stick to looking at who is DJ'n and what the music policy is :thumbsup:



I find it strange that you'd consider not going somewhere cos people wearing spencers might be there. As you say, each to their own, think personally I'll stick to looking at who is DJ'n and what the music policy is :thumbsup:

I didn't say that but if that is how you choose to read then crack on. Not bothering any further with this one.


I didn't say that but if that is how you choose to read then crack on. Not bothering any further with this one.


PTP, if i've misunderstood what you're saying then explain it to me please I'm not trying to misquote you or put words in your mouth. :thumbsup:

I don't wear spencers, but I do take a bag with me, with multiple shirts just like the old days, could that be responsible for putting people off going to do's. The whole concept is beyond me, and it was bought up because apparently it may stop younger people coming onto the soul scene. I'm still of the opinion that first and foremost the music is the catalyst that sparks the interest. If youngsters can't get over the odd eccentric, and lets face it most of have eccentricities, then they're not going to last?



Hey Hey,

My post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular Mate, I'm off to California on 4th Nov. You coming? If not I'll lick Bywell's lugs for ya in between the dancin' and drinkin' :thumbsup:





I didnt think it was bud.

So much want to go to Cali mate, was speaking with Mike t'other night about it & to explain that I just cant afford the dosh to go for one weekend at the moment. Im gutted as I would dearly love to be there for the guys on the Anniversary night, especially as Mike always makes the effort with Hitsville etc. I hope you all have a blast & rest assured I will be walking the floors all night wondering what I am missing..............give Mr Bywell a dig for me & tell im to get some decent records :thumbsup: !!!.




Who made you headmaster? I used that term in one of my posts, can you explain how it detracted from the discussion. If I agree, I'll do a 100 lines :thumbsup:

Do the lines anyway :thumbsup: just for the crack. Just dont think the term is very appropriate. Dont rerally care that much TBH tho'.




Thought this was about sustaining the soul scene, there's been people who dip in and out for years. Said survey cos you said you'd spoken to a number of people which made it sound significant, but understand from what you've said now that it wasn't. Similar clothes to the pub? Football shirts, tracky bottoms pump action trainers all round then :thumbsup:

And I thought the original post was comparing the intransigent scene here with the european acceptance of "the whole of soul", and not very favourably.

I have spoken to a number of people about it, so what they've said is significant to me... glad to find you weren't being sarcastic btw.

Hope you don't mind me saying, I find your choice of clothes for a trip to the pub a little surprising... afraid I've only ever worn a football shirt when plaing football.


And I thought the original post was comparing the intransigent scene here with the european acceptance of "the whole of soul", and not very favourably.

I have spoken to a number of people about it, so what they've said is significant to me... glad to find you weren't being sarcastic btw.

Hope you don't mind me saying, I find your choice of clothes for a trip to the pub a little surprising... afraid I've only ever worn a football shirt when plaing football.

Here ya go Boyz, get yersens some nice gear and a lovely patch for Dave x x x x :thumbsup::thumbsup:




And I thought the original post was comparing the intransigent scene here with the european acceptance of "the whole of soul", and not very favourably.

I have spoken to a number of people about it, so what they've said is significant to me... glad to find you weren't being sarcastic btw.

Hope you don't mind me saying, I find your choice of clothes for a trip to the pub a little surprising... afraid I've only ever worn a football shirt when plaing football.


Lots of people wear football shirts casually don't they? Or have I imagined walking round town seeing Arse*nal and Man U shirts all over the place? Accept it's significant to you by the way, I was talking about the numbers you've talked to and whether them coming onto the scene would represent a marked increase in youngsters attending.


Guest WPaulVanDyk

I not care what happens to the soul scene when you lot obviously are not around or in your 80's and can't attend. What i worry is that where does Northern soul go.

Personally i hope that in my time there will be people out there who are willing to give places a go at playing Northern soul and nothing else so i can attend or even could be Djing using records i have been passed down from by dad. Right now i enjoy going to them with my dad.

You all worry about early yet many of you have years left on the scene to attend and wonder how it would go the 35 - 45 etc who have like 30 years not the ones who are obviously 55 - 65 etc and realize we ain't so young now.

But rest assured while i am alive Northern soul will still be apart of this world cause i will be telling people about it and i do hope that while you lot are up there you can think well thanks Matthew your 50 or what ever age and you have certainly been able to convince and tell people how good it is to go out and listen to music that is well over 40 years old.

Guest sydney bridge
very good curnow! c u in frankfurt for uptight? looks like i'll be in nuremberg for work the week before and after the weekender, with a free weekend inbetween, which is handy :lol:
Yes looking forward to it.I`ll be wearing my CALL THIS A PARTY?YOU WAIT TILL I`M DEAD t-shirt wicked.gif

I not care what happens to the soul scene when you lot obviously are not around or in your 80's and can't attend. What i worry is that where does Northern soul go.

Personally i hope that in my time there will be people out there who are willing to give places a go at playing Northern soul and nothing else so i can attend or even could be Djing using records i have been passed down from by dad. Right now i enjoy going to them with my dad.

You all worry about early yet many of you have years left on the scene to attend and wonder how it would go the 35 - 45 etc who have like 30 years not the ones who are obviously 55 - 65 etc and realize we ain't so young now.

But rest assured while i am alive Northern soul will still be apart of this world cause i will be telling people about it and i do hope that while you lot are up there you can think well thanks Matthew your 50 or what ever age and you have certainly been able to convince and tell people how good it is to go out and listen to music that is well over 40 years old.


Some of us may not be around to say thanks Matthew you're 50, so thanks in advance smile.gif


I personally think peeps are panicking over nothing, great music will always survive, i fully expect this music to be there till the end.

Interesting bringing up Rock & Roll, there's a bit of a renaissance in Brighton for this at the moment with younger kids getting into it & that scene started 10 years before the Soul scene.

The clothing thing is a red herring, some people look great when they are 50 & some look stupid when they are 20, you either know how to dress or you don't, i've seen soome great looking Rockabillys, Skinheads, Soulies who still looked sussed at 50.

My preference is for the Northern Soul scene but i like other forms of Soul music also, i personally think they can all survive, NS dos, mixed Soul dos whatever, the one thing that will happen though that allways does is the good ones will survive & the rubbbish ones won't, that's life!

And lastly i hope vinyl continues to be played cause to me it's the best format but i wouldn't cry if someone played a different format.



I personally think peeps are panicking over nothing, great music will always survive, i fully expect this music to be there till the end.

Interesting bringing up Rock & Roll, there's a bit of a renaissance in Brighton for this at the moment with younger kids getting into it & that scene started 10 years before the Soul scene.

The clothing thing is a red herring, some people look great when they are 50 & some look stupid when they are 20, you either know how to dress or you don't, i've seen soome great looking Rockabillys, Skinheads, Soulies who still looked sussed at 50.

My preference is for the Northern Soul scene but i like other forms of Soul music also, i personally think they can all survive, NS dos, mixed Soul dos whatever, the one thing that will happen though that allways does is the good ones will survive & the rubbbish ones won't, that's life!

And lastly i hope vinyl continues to be played cause to me it's the best format but i wouldn't cry if someone played a different format.


Totally agee Simom :yes: .



Interesting set of responses and it kept Gavin entertained for days :thumbsup: Last time we spoke I think he was on the floor in fits. But good to see so much passion, clearly alot of life in us all yet.




Soul Djs will play 6ts 7ts 8ts and 9ts and 00? Keith Minsull will be expected to drop a banging house tune into his set? There will be in the future (when you are all dead) a spot where we can hear Freddie Houston mixed in to Fatboy Slim.... with the Sounds of Blackness.....finished with the Soul Bros Inc!

A time where all the tribes come together for one Jazztacular Allnighter? A time for Soul and Funk and Ska and House and Beats? There will there be a new drug with no bad effects!

Dont worry all you old people (You will be dead anyway), because all us young people will have all your old records and we will mix them with all our new records and we will have a good time!!! There will be no expensive records....just good taste!!!!!!!!!!!

So stop whinging and enjoy the rest of your lifes!!

Young Mossy



Soul Djs will play 6ts 7ts 8ts and 9ts and 00? Keith Minsull will be expected to drop a banging house tune into his set? There will be in the future (when you are all dead) a spot where we can hear Freddie Houston mixed in to Fatboy Slim.... with the Sounds of Blackness.....finished with the Soul Bros Inc!

A time where all the tribes come together for one Jazztacular Allnighter? A time for Soul and Funk and Ska and House and Beats? There will there be a new drug with no bad effects!

Dont worry all you old people (You will be dead anyway), because all us young people will have all your old records and we will mix them with all our new records and we will have a good time!!! There will be no expensive records....just good taste!!!!!!!!!!!

So stop whinging and enjoy the rest of your lifes!!

Young Mossy

Hey "Young" Mossy and welcome to Soul-Source,

And what a way to start, get in there!!! ....If there's anyone "biting" later today you could be in for a bit of flak heading your way wicked.gif .

Keep the kevlar helmet handy!!......I shall be watching this thread with interest....

"Older" Derek

Guest WPaulVanDyk

not in a million years. i can honestly say this that i know Northern soul will continue cause all my friends will get hypnotized to attend them and realize they like it lol. Or in other words give it a listen proper attend and go wow look what we have missed


Of course things will be better when you old buggers all die...........and i shall be waiting with my Credit card and savings to purchase all your 45s !!!!!! :yes::lol::P But i feel with developing Medical Science i could be in for a long wait!!!!

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