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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul
Rich,Charlie Let me go my merry way listen_f1.gif / Big boss man listen_f1.gif M-/wol/2 great sides Groove 25
Fletcher,Darrow That certain little something listen_f1.gif / same (lite stmol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Groovy 40
United Four She's putting you on listen_f1.gif M-/superb Harthon 60
Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100
Bryant,Don Coming on strong listen_f1.gif M-/demo/wol-flip/great Hi 30
Wynters,Gail You Don't Have To Be In Love listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol-flip/superb Hickory 40
Frontera,Tommy You're my leading lady listen_f1.gif VG++/wol/superb Hi-lite 60
Taylor,Joe & The Dominoes You don't love me listen_f1.gif EX/recommended HMF 30
L.H. & The Memphis Sounds Double up listen_f1.gif / House full of rooms listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Hollywood 40
Mitchell,Jock Work with me Annie listen_f1.gif EX+/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75
Raye,Anthony Give me one more chance listen_f1.gif EX-/superb/rare issue Impact 35
Jackson,June It's what's underneath... (xol) listen_f1.gif / Fifty percent won't do listen_f1.gif M-/demo/2 great sides Imperial 75
McCracklin,Jimmy Can't raise me listen_f1.gif M-/superb R&B Imperial 30
Lynn,cindy & The In-sounds Meet Me At Midnight listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/classic In-sound 100
Robins,Jimmy I can't please you listen_f1.gif (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15
Julian,Don Philly jerk listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20
Castor,Jimmy Block party listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30
Patterson,Bobby What A Wonderful Night For Loving listen_f1.gif  / T.C.B.. Or T.Y.A. M-/2 superb sides Jetstar 25
Wagner,Cliff Exception to the rule listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Jewel 40
Wagner,Cliff Exception to the rule listen_f1.gif M-/demo/recommended Jewel 60
Clovers For days (lite mark ol)/Too long without some loving M-/w/demo/2 great sides Josie 25
Clovers For days listen_f1.gif / Too long without some loving listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol/2 great sides Josie 25
Elliot,Linda Fell in love with you baby listen_f1.gif EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 50
Flowers,Phil You little devil listen_f1.gif M-/R&B/superb Josie 25
Flowers,Phil You little devil EX+/w/demo/R&B/superb Josie 35
Mitchell,Grover I don't want to hear it listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/2 x's ol/great Josie 15
Dee,Joey & The Starlighters Feel good about it (Part I) listen_f1.gif / Feel good about it (Part II) EX+/great Jubilee 15
Dee,Joey & The Starlighters Good little you (wol) listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Jubilee 25
St. Clair,Renee Look what I got listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Jubilee 50
Sensations Feat Yvonne Baker It's Good Enough For Me listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/sm label fold-flip/great Junior 40
Patti & The Emblems One man woman listen_f1.gif EX+/recommended Kapp 20
St. George & Tana Without your heart listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Kapp 25
Mcelroy,Sollie Angel girl listen_f1.gif / Party time listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Karol 30
C.O.D.'s I'm a good guy listen_f1.gif / Pretty baby listen_f1.gif M-/superb 'n' cheap Kellmac 10
Vernon & Jewell Hold my hand listen_f1.gif (FANTASTIC SAX!!!) M-/superb R&B/FANTASTIC SAX!!! Kent 25
Vernon & Jewell That's a rockin good way listen_f1.gif M-/great R&B Kent 15
Fabulous Denos Bad girl listen_f1.gif / Once I had a love listen_f1.gif EX-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides King 30
Jewells Lookie lookie lookie listen_f1.gif / Smokie Joe's listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides King 25
Debbie & The Lads/debbie Falls Dear lord above listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Ladd 100
Ferguson,Sheila How did that happen listen_f1.gif / Little red riding hood listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Landa 125
Sydels You don't know listen_f1.gif / Happy go lucky guy listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Lang 50
Gerard Happiest man listen_f1.gif M-/superb Laurie 75
Jerry & His Uniques Yes he will listen_f1.gif / Lonely man listen_f1.gif EX-/lite label ring wear/sm wol/superb/great flip too Lennan 175
Jhamels A road to nowhere listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended Liberty 20
McDaniels,Gene It's a lonely town listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol/superb Liberty 15
Leavill,Otis Jane Girl listen_f1.gif / Don't Let Me Down listen_f1.gif EX+/pink demo/2 great sides/ rare Limelight 40
King,Anna The big change listen_f1.gif EX+/great Ludix 75
Brown,Otis I'am ready for love listen_f1.gif / Will you wait listen_f1.gif M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20
West,Norm Baby please listen_f1.gif EX+/demo/recommended M.O.C. 20
Furys Never more listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/recommended Mack IV 20
Legend,Tobi No good to cry listen_f1.gif / Heartbreaker listen_f1.gif M-/demo/2 great sides Mala 40
King,Anna In between tears listen_f1.gif EX+/wol/recommended Malibu 40
Du-ettes Every Beat Of My Heart listen_f1.gif M-/classic Mar-V-Lus 12
Miss Madeline Lonely girl listen_f1.gif / Behave yourself listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Mar-V-Lus 15
Young Folk Lonely girl listen_f1.gif / Joey listen_f1.gif (wol) M-/2 great sides Mar-V-Lus 15
Terrible Tom We were made for each other listen_f1.gif / same EX-/demo/classic stomper Maverick 175
Wesley,John & The Four Tees You still need me listen_f1.gif / It's the talk of the town listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Melic 125
Guys & Dolls Looking for a lover listen_f1.gif M-/great Mellow 10
Bowen,Jeffrey I'll get by (all by myself) listen_f1.gif (Inc Co sleeve) EX+/w/demo/superb/Inc Co sleeve/great flip too Mercury 75
Brothers Grimm Looky looky listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/wol-flip/classic Mercury 40
Bryant,Arnold House in order listen_f1.gif M-/superb/2nd issue Mercury 10
Chalfontes Much too much for comfort listen_f1.gif / He's the right kind of guy (WOL) listen_f1.gif M-/1st press/2 great sides Mercury 30
Charades You're with me all the way listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 60
Dreamlovers Bless your soul listen_f1.gif/ The bad times make the good times (WOL) listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Mercury 30
Fads The problem is listen_f1.gif / Just like a woman listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rarer issue Mercury 100
Hall,Carl As Long As She Needs Me listen_f1.gif EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45
Hendrix,Margie One room paradise listen_f1.gif EX/great Mercury 75
Jackson,George Tossin and turnin listen_f1.gif / Kiss me listen_f1.gif EX/2 great sides Mercury 12
Lewis,Herman Think before you walk away listen_f1.gif / same (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25
Mob Disappear listen_f1.gif / I wish you'd leave me alone listen_f1.gif M-/pink demo/2 great sides Mercury 15
Moore,Melba Patience is rewarded listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/recommended Mercury 15
Warwick,Dee Dee We've got everything going for us listen_f1.gif / Don't you ever give up on me listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Mercury 25
Young Jessie I'm a lovin' man (sol) listen_f1.gif EX/green demo/Inc Co slv/great Mercury 30
Burns,Jackie & The Bo-Bells I do the best I can listen_f1.gif EX-/great/rarer issue M-G-M 45
Cambridge,Dottie He's about a mover listen_f1.gif M-/recommended M-G-M 30
Carol & Gerri On You Heartache Looks Good listen_f1.gif / How Can I Ever Find The Way listen_f1.gif M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too M-G-M 300
Formations At the top of the stairs listen_f1.gif / Magic melody listen_f1.gif EX/classic/great flip too M-G-M 12
Grayson,Milt Something gets to me EX/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 35
Grayson,Milt Something gets to me listen_f1.gif EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/great/What a voice! M-G-M 40
Mars,Marlina Head & shoulders listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60
Nash,Johnny I'm So glad you're my baby listen_f1.gif / Stormy listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides M-G-M 40
Nash,Johnny You never know listen_f1.gif / Good goodness listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40
Nash,Johnny You never know/Good goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40
Payne,Freda Sad sad September listen_f1.gif M-/demo/superb M-G-M 20
Payne,Freda Sad sad September EX/superb M-G-M 20
Perry,Charles How can I listen_f1.gif EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30
Superiors Can't make it without you (wol) listen_f1.gif / Let me make you happy listen_f1.gif VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30
St. Clair,Kelly Don't look over your shoulder listen_f1.gif M-/nice/with pic. sleeve Millage 30
Charmaines Keep on searchin listen_f1.gif EX+/demo/recommended Minit 20
Ascots Yes it's all right listen_f1.gif / Mother said listen_f1.gif EX/wol/great mid-tempo & sweet flip Mir-a-don 50
Belles Don't pretend listen_f1.gif / Words can't explain listen_f1.gif VG+/WOL/classic/great flip too Mirwood 50
Day,Jackie Oh ! What heartaches listen_f1.gif M-/classic Modern 20
Marvellos Down in the city (xol) listen_f1.gif / In the sunshine listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 40
Universals New lease on life listen_f1.gif / Without friends listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 40
Dacosta,Rita Don't Bring Me Down listen_f1.gif EX-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Mohawk 250
Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby listen_f1.gif M-/great Molly 30
Swann,Bettye Make me yours listen_f1.gif EX+/great Money 15
CL & The Pictures Talking about my baby listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/great Monument 20
Parton,Dolly Busy signal listen_f1.gif EX+/demo/great Monument 75
Velvets Let the fool kiss you listen_f1.gif / Baby the magic is gone listen_f1.gif M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Monument 100
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Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul
Rising Love You take my heart away listen_f1.gif/ same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Venture 40
Strong,Chuck You beat me at my game like a lady Part I listen_f1.gif / Same part II M-/demo/great/rare demo Venture 12
T.F.O. Let love come right on inlisten_f1.gif / Happy family listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Venture 10
Hammond,Clay Women are human listen_f1.gif M-/superb Versepto 15
Keith,Tommy Loving you comes easy listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Vibration 60
Street People Liberated lady listen_f1.gif / Re-run (from an old time movie) listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides/TOP TIP!!! Vigor 15
Branding Iron Slave for love listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Volt 30
Dotson,Jimmy I used to be a loser listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/awesome x-over Volt 30
Hot Sauce Echoes from the past listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Volt 15
Drake,Kent Boss thing together listen_f1.gif / With a lady's hand  listen_f1.gif M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/good flip too Wand 100
Newsome,Frankie We're on our way (part I) listen_f1.gif/ same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros 25
Ruffin,David I wanna be with you listen_f1.gif/ same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros 30
Olympics Girl, You're My Kind Of People listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Warner Bros. 30
Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance listen_f1.gif (with pic sleeve) M-/recommended/Inc M- pic slv Waterhouse 60
Wade,Bobby I'm in love with you listen_f1.gif/ Down here on the ground listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Way Out 25
Dukes,The (Bugatti & Musker) Mystery girl listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/Canada/Inc Co slv/superb WEA 20
Masterpiece The girl's alright with me listen_f1.gif/ same M-/demo/superb version Whitfield 15
Harris,Major Laid back love listen_f1.gif M-/great Wmot 10
Harris,Major Laid back love/same M-/w/demo/great Wmot 10
Mason,Barbara On and off listen_f1.gif/ same M-/demo/potential monster !! Wmot 10
Onyx You never fail to amaze me listen_f1.gif EX+/x-over/superb Yew 40
York,Dr. Don't stop listen_f1.gif / It's on me listen_f1.gif M-/Inc pic slv/2 great modern sides York's 30
Brothers Secret place listen_f1.gif M-/wol-flip/superb x-over Zanzee 25
Brothers Secret place M-/superb x-over Zanzee 30
Brock If we don't make it nobody can listen_f1.gif/ same-long M-/demo/great 20th Century 20
Brock,Tom I love you more and more listen_f1.gif/ same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb 20th Century 30
Dazz,Kinsman I searched around listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10
Dazz,kinsman I searched around listen_f1.gif / same M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12
Grier,Rosey Take the time to love somebody listen_f1.gif / same-mono EX/demo/superb 20th Century 15
Haywood,Leon The day I laid eyes on you listen_f1.gif M-/recommended 20th Century 15
Keith,Ron & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) listen_f1.gif M-/recommended A&M 25
Keith,Ron & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones/same) EX+/w/demo A&M 25
South Daybreaks listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over A&M 30
Garner,Reggie Half a cup listen_f1.gif / same M-/w/demo/Inc. promo info sheet/superb ABC 25
Holman,Eddie I Need Somebody listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Abc 15
Jackson,Chuck I only get this feeling listen_f1.gif EX/recommended ABC 25
Jackson,Chuck Just a little tear listen_f1.gif / I can't break away listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Abc 25
La Salle,Denise I get what I want listen_f1.gif EX+/superb/Holland/Inc colour pic slv ABC 25
Melvin,Harold & Blue Notes Reaching for the world listen_f1.gif M-/great ABC 12
Natural Four I Thought You Were Mine listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic Abc 300
Williams,Lenny Choosing you listen_f1.gif M-/recomnded ABC 10
Williams,Lenny Choosing you M-/UK/recomnded ABC 12
Williams,Lenny Choosing you M-/w/demo/recomnded ABC 15
Williams,Lenny Look up with your mind listen_f1.gif M-/great ABC 15
Williams,Lenny Look up with your mind M-/w/demo/great ABC 20
Brothers By Choice Take a little more listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/great x-over ALA 20
Heartstoppers Marching out of your life listen_f1.gif / Court' in mama listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides All Platinum 20
Jackson,Chuck I've Got The Need listen_f1.gif / Beautiful Woman listen_f1.gif M-/UK/classic/great flip too All Platinum 15
Wilson,Charles Trying to make a wrong thing right listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Alley Cat 15
Jimmy Bo Horne If you want my love listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Alston 25
Love Committee Am I wasting time listen_f1.gif / Heaven only knows listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Ariola America 30
5th Dimension No love in the room listen_f1.gif EX+/superb Arista 20
GQ Make my dreams a reality (date-ol) listen_f1.gif / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Arista 12
GQ Make my dreams a reality listen_f1.gif / I do love you listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Arista 12
Hyman,Phyllis Under your spell listen_f1.gif M-/classic Arista 12
Mandrill My kind of girl my girl listen_f1.gif/ same-mono EX/w/demo/sm wol/superb Arista 25
Mandrill Too late listen_f1.gif / same-mono (date stamp ol-mono side) M-/w/demo/superb Arista 75
Perry,Jeff Love don't come no stronger (than yours and mine) listen_f1.gif EX+/wol/version with hand claps/classic Arista 25
Womack,Bobby How could you break my heart (sol) listen_f1.gif (without rap) M-/superb Arista 20
Womack,Bobby How could you break my heart (without rap) (sol) EX/w/demo/superb Arista 20
Cate Bros. Band Where can we go listen_f1.gif / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Asylum 25
Bristol,Johnny Do it to my mind listen_f1.gif M-/superb Atlantic 15
Bristol,Johnny Do it to my mind EX+/demo/highly recommended Atlantic 20
Harris,Major Loving you is mellow listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb mid-tempo Atlantic 25
Johnson Family Peace in the family listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/wol/superb Atlantic 50
LTG Exchange You'll never learn (about love) listen_f1.gif M-/UK/stmol-flip/superb Atlantic 40
Mitchell,Prince Phillip One on one listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co sleeve/great Atlantic 25
Spinners I'll be around listen_f1.gif EX/classic Atlantic 10
Henderson,Ron I love you more than dancin' listen_f1.gif / Same  EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30
Voice Masters Never gonna leave you listen_f1.gif / If a woman catches a fool listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 40
Caprells I believe in the stars EX-/great Bano 12
Caprells I believe in the stars listen_f1.gif EX+/great Bano 15
Norfolk Together listen_f1.gif M-/superb Barbara Jean 40
Crosby,Beverly You can be my lover listen_f1.gif/ same EX+/demo/recommended Bareback 12
Jones,Grace Sorry listen_f1.gif M-/fantastic Beam Junction 15
Granger,Gerri I can't take it like a man listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/superb Bell 25
Masqueraders How big is big listen_f1.gif EX-/Inc Co slv/superb m-tempo Bell 40
Plummer,Bettye Jean You don't know listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended Bell 75
Showtime Incorporated Please take this heart of mine, girl listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Black Circle 15
Wilson,George Here stands the man who needs you listen_f1.gif/ inst. M-/awesome x-over Black Circle 25
Alexander,La-jay Say so listen_f1.gif / same-mono M-/demo/superb x-over Black Gold 50
Love,Devotion & Happiness Love potion #7 listen_f1.gif /same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 20
Boogieman Orchestra Lady, lady, lady listen_f1.gif/ same-inst EX+/sm wol/highly recommended Boogie Man 8
Coffee Cream & Sugar Dance my way into your life listen_f1.gif / Gotta find a way listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Both Sides 50
Artistics It's those little things that count listen_f1.gif / Being in love listen_f1.gif M-/superb Brunswick 25

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