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Posted (edited)

It is 3years tomorrow the 11th of October that Bretby had its last Allnighter,Time goes by so fast,It was my local,I could walk to the country club,I had some great nights there :unsure:

I got cought in a snow storm,and walked in like snowman once.



Edited by good angel
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Guest twoflatsup


Good shout for Bretby, gone but not forgotten. My first ever allnighter and where I learnt to dance badly. That dancefloor also saw my one and only attempt to spin like Mad Mick (God bless you Mick). Good times, good tunes and top mates, what more could a boy ask for ? :unsure:



Good shout for Bretby, gone but not forgotten. My first ever allnighter and where I learnt to dance badly. That dancefloor also saw my one and only attempt to spin like Mad Mick (God bless you Mick). Good times, good tunes and top mates, what more could a boy ask for ? :unsure:

you should av bin there at the beginin in 1990 in the early 90,s it was the top venue for breakin new toons :lol:
Guest andycambs

I had my stag nite there June 03, sadly it was my only visit there, we were all made to feel very welcome and had a brilliant nite and I definately would have gone again had it not closed.



only got to one of the alldayers that Chris did there in the early 90's...

but when Dave and Gav started up the nighters - think me and Lou went to pretty much all of them

have some brilliant memories of antics that we got up to..... and met some brilliant people too (especailly in the modern room)

didn't go again once the promotors changed


Still miss Bretby-----Didnt realise just how good it was until i tried to find another regular nighter somewhere else.

Guest markmtfc

Excellent all nighter, with some top tunes being played


It was my first allnighter. I went in 1996 for Chris King's 40th birthday do with Tommy Hunt and Ivy Jo Hunter singing. I loved it and rekindled my love for soul music. I also remember going back in August the following year and waiting outside for a wedding reception to finish before we could get in - chatting away on the grass on a lovely summer's night, very nice.

Guest soul4life

had the privelage of runnin the modern room for sam moore until it closed brilliant venue and great soul people made this nighter the one to be at! many people have commented they wish the event was still on the soul calendar as i do, its only when you have lost somthing you realise how much it meant to you! am sure over the years many of us had sum great times at bretby and cherish the fact that we were there!!!! :shhh::shades::yes:

Posted (edited)


Can you remember Mad Mick, spinning and kicking the speakers up in the air to be catched by the dancers, :lol:


i remember him spinning next to me and getting covered in sweat ! :unsure: , not the nicest thing in the world.

Loved the soul nights there , but could never really get to grips with the nighters for some reason, still went to most of em though , didnt want to miss anything. :D

Edited by tabitha m

The soul nights there were fantastic, most of the top record dealers always there, top music from top DJs....maybe not every time as I managed to gert a set there :unsure::lol:

The nighters just weren't the same IMHO once the soul nights finished. Top marks to Chris Anderton though for putting Bretby on the map.


you should av bin there at the beginin in 1990 in the early 90,s it was the top venue for breakin new toons :unsure:

Those were the best weren't they John :D

Mrs Shute and I used to frequent the dayers there - I can't believe we survived them :lol:


[quote name='tabitha m' date='Oct 11 2006, 04:12 PM' pos

Loved the soul nights there , but could never really get to grips with the nighters for some reason, still went to most of em though , didnt want to miss anything. :unsure:

Got to agree with you Tabitha the soul nights were brilliant.Had some good times at the All nighters but will always have special memories of the soul nights.

Having lost touch with the scene during the early 80's due to boredom and getting married I got invited to a soul night in 1991 and was amazed at how good it was. The music played by Chris and Steve was like a breath of fresh air to someone who had missed Stafford and had dropped out due to the quality of some of the stuff being played. That was the first time I met Chris and I can remember thinking "how can someone so young have such knowledge and good taste"!

Good times



We used to go to the allnighters. Still got Chris King's birthday record and an LP for Bretby's first anniversary.

Remember having to sit outside for the wedding reception as well!!

Forgotton about Mad Mick. What happenned to him?


We used to go to the allnighters. Still got Chris King's birthday record and an LP for Bretby's first anniversary.

Forgotton about Mad Mick. What happenned to him?

Mad Mick RIP

One of the scenes real characters and greatly missed


had the privelage of runnin the modern room for sam moore until it closed brilliant venue and great soul people made this nighter the one to be at! many people have commented they wish the event was still on the soul calendar as i do, its only when you have lost somthing you realise how much it meant to you! am sure over the years many of us had sum great times at bretby and cherish the fact that we were there!!!! :unsure::D:lol:

I had the pleasure of DJ,in for Sam on his first nighter when he took over and also his last one . Loved the place, that and Tony,s. When they both closed in the same year i was gutted. Its because they closed that i became involved with Winsford, it was heading the same way and i couldnt let that happen. Which thankfully after a lot of hard work the venue is on the up again.


Guest Gavin Page

Mad Mick RIP

One of the scenes real characters and greatly missed

God bless him, hope he is at peace :yes:


It is 3years tomorrow the 11th of October that Bretby had its last Allnighter,Time goes by so fast,It was my local,I could walk to the country club,I had some great nights there :yes:

I got cought in a snow storm,and walked in like snowman once.



I thought the Soul Nights were top notch - a few of us used to arrange leave from Berlin to make sure they coincided. When I got back to the UK, the nighters always seemed to clash with the Wilton so for me, there was only one choice really


Soul nights were great here, one of the few soul nights worth us travelling all that way for, and did Chris not do some all dayers here??

Was lucky enough to DJ here and it suited my eclectic (or all over the shop as some would say) style of playing.

Happy memories!!



moved to 'all our yesterdays'


Guest twoflatsup


Can you remember Mad Mick, spinning and kicking the speakers up in the air to be catched by the dancers, :yes:


Sure can Kev, used to love watching him go !! Very patient guy, god only knows how many times he showed me how to stomp, only for me to try and fail miserably.

Remember Dude DJing and us rushing up for his autograph at the end of it ?? Look on his face was a picture, and I've still got the signed flyer somewhere !! :yes:

Catch you soon mate. Jon


Had lotsa`good nights here,and a few poor ones,one really bad one,in fact,i`ve been about once since!!,and i`m not bothered anymore.


had the privelage of runnin the modern room for sam moore until it closed brilliant venue and great soul people made this nighter the one to be at! many people have commented they wish the event was still on the soul calendar as i do, its only when you have lost somthing you realise how much it meant to you! am sure over the years many of us had sum great times at bretby and cherish the fact that we were there!!!! :D:(:(

Aggreed Terry :yes:

Had some great nights at Bretby & will take the happy memories with me till the day i die.

Loved DJ'ing in the Modern room & i still say the sound system you put in there was the best on the soul scene ever :yes:

Best night? The night Colin Curtis was on was a good un even though he was about 3 hours late but the standout night for me was the night it clashed with the kings hall nighter. You, Cliff Dale & myself were the only DJ's in't Modern room & we did about 3 hours each but the crowd just went for it.

Remember the night when the girl in the thin white dress was dancing in front of the uv light :shades::yes:

Met some great people & some real characters in both rooms.


Guest soul4life

Aggreed Terry :yes:

Had some great nights at Bretby & will take the happy memories with me till the day i die.

Loved DJ'ing in the Modern room & i still say the sound system you put in there was the best on the soul scene ever :D

Best night? The night Colin Curtis was on was a good un even though he was about 3 hours late but the standout night for me was the night it clashed with the kings hall nighter. You, Cliff Dale & myself were the only DJ's in't Modern room & we did about 3 hours each but the crowd just went for it.

Remember the night when the girl in the thin white dress was dancing in front of the uv light :(:yes:

Met some great people & some real characters in both rooms.


hi ya mart, no doubt the 3k sound system was awesome and did justice to the great music played by all the d.js during that time..the resident team of you,cliff dales, gary welsh,richard francis,my bro scott and myself all deserve so much credit for pushin the boundries and makin in my oppinion one of the best nites at the time! aswell as all the guest d.js who all left there mark on the bretby modern room..the one thing i loved about bretby is the energy that people just seemed to want dance all night long!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes there was literally a clowd of talc! over the dancefloor! great times indeed.


Remember the night when the girl in the thin white dress was dancing in front of the uv light :(:yes:

She didn't then appear in roller-blades - did she?

Its just that I had a thin white dress...... and used to spend lots of time in the modern room :yes:

If it was me, and you've been mentally affected - then I apologise :D


She didn't then appear in roller-blades - did she?

Its just that I had a thin white dress...... and used to spend lots of time in the modern room :thumbsup:

If it was me, and you've been mentally affected - then I apologise :yes:

Wasn't you Kirsty. This lass had black hair (on her head :lol: )

As for being mentally affected i'm still in rehab from the Frobisher last year :yes::lol:

Posted (edited)

hi ya mart, no doubt the 3k sound system was awesome and did justice to the great music played by all the d.js during that time..the resident team of you,cliff dales, gary welsh,richard francis,my bro scott and myself all deserve so much credit for pushin the boundries and makin in my oppinion one of the best nites at the time! aswell as all the guest d.js who all left there mark on the bretby modern room..the one thing i loved about bretby is the energy that people just seemed to want dance all night long!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes there was literally a clowd of talc! over the dancefloor! great times indeed.

Well,used to be in there all the time,till i got ask do a set in there,turned up with me gems,to be told by whoever set up in the modern room,what you doing!!!,eh!!!,i was asked,i`m on,he says we`ll see,and goes running to steve,and that was the end of it,embaraced to say the least,pushing boundrys,pushing people to there limit more like,it might be the same person who written the above,if so,fukc off you big baby,if not sorry!!,and thanks Sam.

Edited by ken
Guest soul4life

hi ken, think i remember that nite! wasnt anything to do with you i was just takin the modern room and had booked all the d.js for that nite! and when you told me you were asked to d.j i went to ask sam about it and sam said he knew nothing about it! there was also somone else who said they were d.jing also that nite who wasnt on the bill and this annoyed me as if i was goin to run said room then surely i shud be the one bookin the d.js especially when the guy runnin the event didnt know about the extra d.js either!!!

but never the less i would like to apoligise to you!

regards terry.

p.s if the guy who told you that you were d.jing had gone thru sam are me then am sure things would have been different ken so maybe your anger should be directed at him mate!

Posted (edited)

hi ken, think i remember that nite! wasnt anything to do with you i was just takin the modern room and had booked all the d.js for that nite! and when you told me you were asked to d.j i went to ask sam about it and sam said he knew nothing about it! there was also somone else who said they were d.jing also that nite who wasnt on the bill and this annoyed me as if i was goin to run said room then surely i shud be the one bookin the d.js especially when the guy runnin the event didnt know about the extra d.js either!!!

but never the less i would like to apoligise to you!

regards terry.

p.s if the guy who told you that you were d.jing had gone thru sam are me then am sure things would have been different ken so maybe your anger should be directed at him mate!

Cheers Terry,apoligy accepted,thanks for reply,that seems reasonable,oh i meant Sam not Steve,it was he who asked,i think :thumbsup: still,off me face aswell,went home allmost streight away,to cap it all,Sam still aint paid me. :yes:

Edited by ken
Guest Gavin Page

only got to one of the alldayers that Chris did there in the early 90's...

but when Dave and Gav started up the nighters - think me and Lou went to pretty much all of them

have some brilliant memories of antics that we got up to..... and met some brilliant people too (especailly in the modern room)

didn't go again once the promotors changed

My time co-promoting the 2nd room (Modern) was great fun. Have to say this room was way before it's time in what was played. We had some great Djs play for us !

I miss rooms like this at Gig's


My time co-promoting the 2nd room (Modern) was great fun. Have to say this room was way before it's time in what was played. We had some great Djs play for us !

I miss rooms like this at Gig's

We had some good nights didn't we Gav?.............I remember doing a bit for you there one night, in that 3rd room, at the back..............remember playing things like Glenn Underground "Your Life" amongst others. I think it was the night of the snow storm actually, as I seem to recall being concerned about when I might get home!!

Terry, as I recall, you had lined me up as a guest on the night that got pulled when the venue closed!! Oh well.

Didn't one part of the Bretby series kick off on a New Years Day one year?? Was that Dave's era............I think it might of been, but I didn't go to that "first night". Anyway, I think I frequented the event in all it's guises along the way.............remember the Goucher, Sam, Gav et al period real well.

Would anyone care to try and do a potted history (kind of promoter versus year) for the various guises of this club. I know it started with Chris A, and his soul nights..........I think I only went to one of them as was very much into my modern by then.

Some top tunes from the modern room would be nice to see too!


Mark R

Guest Gavin Page
Posted (edited)


We had some good nights didn't we Gav?.............I remember doing a bit for you there one night, in that 3rd room, at the back..............remember playing things like Glenn Underground "Your Life" amongst others. I think it was the night of the snow storm actually, as I seem to recall being concerned about when I might get home!!

Yes mate you did, again the 3 room nights were just great - The night of the snow storm, I rember the storm as had big issues getting home. Just can not remember who was on that specific night

Terry, as I recall, you had lined me up as a guest on the night that got pulled when the venue closed!! Oh well.

Didn't one part of the Bretby series kick off on a New Years Day one year?? Was that Dave's era............I think it might of been, but I didn't go to that "first night". Anyway, I think I frequented the event in all it's guises along the way.............remember the Goucher, Sam, Gav et al period real well.

Chris and Dave did have a New Years Day bash.

Would anyone care to try and do a potted history (kind of promoter versus year) for the various guises of this club. I know it started with Chris A, and his soul nights..........I think I only went to one of them as was very much into my modern by then.

Some top tunes from the modern room would be nice to see too!


Mark R

Edited by Gavin Page

Chris Anderton, Started it (Great soul nites)

Chris King and I, did the middle bit (2 and 3 room allniter)

And Sam Moore, finished it. So to speak (2 room allniter)

Hi Dave,

Pep had a go in there somewhere as well.


Guest Gavin Page

Hi Dave,

Pep had a go in there somewhere as well.


:D Your right !

Hope all is well Matin - Not seen you since those day's - I think :thumbsup:


:D Your right !

Hope all is well Matin - Not seen you since those day's - I think :D

Still wearing out my shoe leather Gavin :thumbsup: ...but not as often :D ...those were the good old days, from the early 90's up untill it closed...did not miss many of them.

Great venue, especially with the three rooms, when it was rammed full.



Chris Anderton, Started it (Great soul nites)

Chris King and I, did the middle bit (2 and 3 room allniter)

Pep, a couple of Allniters

And Sam Moore, finished it. So to speak (2 room allniter)

Think thats the right order :thumbsup:

Guest Gavin Page

Think thats the right order :huh:


Posted (edited)

I can remember in the Local paper,(Police find girl in Geary Lane) Under the infuence of Amphetamines that muust have been in the 90s.

That aways made me smile Geary lane,I dont think the girl found it funny. ph34r.gif


Edited by good angel
Guest Gavin Page

I can remember in the Local paper,(Police find girl in Gearey Lane) Under the infuence of Amphetamines that muust have been in the 90s.

That aways made me smile Gearey lane,I dont think the girl found it funny. ph34r.gif


Always laughed when we turned right in to the said lane :huh:

I had totaly forgotten about the News Paper story :huh:ph34r.gif

Guest soul4life

We had some good nights didn't we Gav?.............I remember doing a bit for you there one night, in that 3rd room, at the back..............remember playing things like Glenn Underground "Your Life" amongst others. I think it was the night of the snow storm actually, as I seem to recall being concerned about when I might get home!!

Terry, as I recall, you had lined me up as a guest on the night that got pulled when the venue closed!! Oh well.

Didn't one part of the Bretby series kick off on a New Years Day one year?? Was that Dave's era............I think it might of been, but I didn't go to that "first night". Anyway, I think I frequented the event in all it's guises along the way.............remember the Goucher, Sam, Gav et al period real well.

Would anyone care to try and do a potted history (kind of promoter versus year) for the various guises of this club. I know it started with Chris A, and his soul nights..........I think I only went to one of them as was very much into my modern by then.

Some top tunes from the modern room would be nice to see too!


Mark R

hi ya mark, hope your well yes you are correct you were one of the guests but the owners were demolitioning the back room so only the northern room happened that nite! am sure gavin chris and myself would like to thank all of of you for supporting the modern room over the years without you then it coudn,t have been the great modern room it was! cheers everyone..had an idea maybe gavin chris and myself could get together for a bretby modern celebration? am sure it would be very attractive to many! wot do you think folks?

regards terry :thumbsup:wink.gifthumbsup.gif

Guest soul diva

:thumbsup: Oh - Happy days..........

Loved this allnighter, what with Chris King bellowing over the mike 'THIS IS BRETBY' - (just in case we'd forgotton where we were, I suppose)

Used to travel up with the Huntingdon and Cambridge crowd. Though I had some of my worst travelling experiences with Sooty behind the wheel of the minibus !!



hi ya mark, hope your well yes you are correct you were one of the guests but the owners were demolitioning the back room so only the northern room happened that nite! am sure gavin chris and myself would like to thank all of of you for supporting the modern room over the years without you then it coudn,t have been the great modern room it was! cheers everyone..had an idea maybe gavin chris and myself could get together for a bretby modern celebration? am sure it would be very attractive to many! wot do you think folks?

regards terry :thumbsup:wink.gifthumbsup.gif

Anytime Mate :D

Posted (edited)

I always have mixed feelings about this event. We had so much fun there. But running it was not so nice, all the shit that went on behind the scenes. Chris king used to get nasty phone calls at home, not nice for his kids when they would pick up the phone. Other promoters ringing up the local drug squad. Every time I stop doing a venue, I say that was the last i'll do, then after 5 or 6 years you think maybe it wasn't so bad. Lets hope it's changed and running Villa will be a joy


Edited by Dave Thorley
Guest Gavin Page

I always have mixed feelings about this event. We had so much fun there. But running it was not so nice, all the shit that went on behind the scenes. Chris king used to get nasty phone calls at home, not nice for his kids when they would pick up the phone. Other promoters ringing up the local drug squad. Every time I stop doing a venue, I say that was the last i'll do, then after 5 or 6 years you think maybe it wasn't so bad. Lets hope it's changed and running Villa will be a joy


Was good fun !

Yes the shite was awful and what ever anybody thinks of Chris King he did not deserve any of it !

I really hope villa works out for you :thumbsup:

Guest Gavin Page

hi ya mark, hope your well yes you are correct you were one of the guests but the owners were demolitioning the back room so only the northern room happened that nite! am sure gavin chris and myself would like to thank all of of you for supporting the modern room over the years without you then it coudn,t have been the great modern room it was! cheers everyone..had an idea maybe gavin chris and myself could get together for a bretby modern celebration? am sure it would be very attractive to many! wot do you think folks?

regards terry :thumbsup:blush.giflaugh.gif


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