Popular Post NUFCSOUL Posted June 3, 2016 Popular Post Posted June 3, 2016 (edited) Sadly I must relay the news that record collector and record dealer John Powney has died. John had been ill for some time and was almost a recluse at his home in Hazlerigg just north of Newcastle. A hardy band of friends still rang him or visited, kept him company and helped with the bit of shopping he needed especially Dicka. A lifetime of smoking finally took its toll and recent medical help was to no avail. He was found today by close friend Paul 'Dicka' Dickson who called on Police to make a forced entry. Paul has asked me to do the social media platforms. Details of exact cause, funeral etc are not at hand at the moment. A short overview - John had very few rivals when it came to a knowledge of all things soul. He was literally an encyclopaedia in relation to artists, labels, songs and the total history of everything from his own recollection. Believe me he knew everything from doo wop, r'n b, northern etc right through to modern and beyond ! As a collector he had every tune through his hands and eventually sold them. I mean everything - Shrine to whatever, he had them all. He wrote sleeve notes etc, discovered the James Lately, DJ'd for a while, did list after list to an ever eager customer base and you know what... Never had a mobile, put out paper lists, wasn't on the internet, never had a PC and didn't have an email address. !! But... that was John. His lists right to the last one a while back meant ringing in at 8.30am on the date he advised. It was chaos every time but that's how it was. John also didn't give a jot for so called prices - he sold it for what he thought it was worth knowing a so called scarce record actually existed in its hundreds. There's so much more of course, but you get the picture - stubborn ? Yes. Single minded ? Yes. But he loved company. Helped so many with records and knowledge. Anyone could go into the back room and play records for hours. Oh and it was sacrilege to leave without any records. Whatever he was, whatever you may think, or if you knew him from the past or recently, I have tried to be humble with my words. John I know would nod and accept that. You're with a lot of those you told us about now mate - God bless. Tony Fiddes 3/6/2016 Edited June 15, 2016 by NUFCSOUL Funeral details update. 12
Henry Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Very very sad news. John was one of the real genuine soul men. A true character of our wonderful scene. I'm sure that many on here will have bought from him over the years. He turned up so much good stuff over the years. RIP John!
Lfcjunkie Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 (edited) Really sad news this and you've described John just how I/we remember him....still bring him up in conversation regarding his Castle lists and the records he had and the prices!..also had the pleasure of him dj-ing for us when my brother,Stuart Marshall, and myself ran the Devonshire Arms soul nights in Skipton in the esrly to mid 90's...he'd bring a posse of geordies with him or probably more likely they brought him!!..Davey and Elaine Mason ,Tomma,Gazza White,Tim Carr and more....typical John though when we had any tune we thought rare/big he'd pull one out of his box in a rarer format..eg:playing his Channel 3 on a issue copy...and many others...never being a smart ass neither ...the place was always rammed when John was in town...he never wanted a penny neither..couldn't push money into his hand ..what a genuine North East guy he was..r.i.p John Dave Longbottom Edited June 3, 2016 by lfcjunkie Addition 2
Gilly Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 How sad, this guy has to be given the highest respect, he was way ahead in his game, it was he who put Guy Hennigan onto James Lately who in turn told me about it and because of that I got lucky. Have to say I only ever met him once. I remember Micky Cruise was always talking about him as was Tony Colby he must of influenced a lot of people in his reserved life style. Bless you John, it was the likes of he who made what we are today. 2
Benji Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Shocking news. I remember meeting him in his house in 1995 like it was yesterday. Brought a few tapes with me and asked me if he could record some of his favourite tunes for me. Instead he handed over his DJ box full of rarities and one-offs and told me to pick out and record whatever disc I want myself. And not to forget your rants on your sales lists, honest and outspoken. You are a true character. Bless you John. 1
Guest Mrs M Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Very sad news. Visited his home a number of times with Micky Cruise. John had phenomenal records. A big lover of Doo Wop along with his love for soul music and his cats... RIP JP, God bless..
Micksmix Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Terrible news not spoke to John for quite a few years, but used to love our conversations on the day of the list and yeah very strict with the no calls before 8.30.Had some great things off John over the years, too many to mention, a very knowledgeable guy who didn't suffer fools. RIP mate a pleasure to have known you!!!
Chalky Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Really sad news. Had the respect of everyone. R.I.P. John.
Wally Francis Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 R.I.P John, You were as stubborn as that old cat you had, if it didn't move you couldn't look in the box. One of life's characters. 1
Davidwapples Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Very Sad news , only spoke to John a few weeks ago and I sent him some money and he send me a pack of records , I have been buying from him for years , He was happy to help on any queries and told you straight what things were worth or labels and would happily recommend tunes to you.
Ady Croasdell Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 That's terrible news, one of the most respected collector/dealers I ever heard about and a huge credit to the scene. Ady
Paul Shirley Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 yep i agree with all the above he was a real book of knowledge and legend , only spoken to him over the phone not many people i warm to but with john it was instant a real top bloke
Guest gfarrington Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 (edited) not read all the comments yet , before posting , was informed yesterday by his close friend dave byrne who is devastated , didnt post anyting at the time as john hated the internet with a passion , ive heard so many stories about john and spoke to him countless times , will always regret never having gone up to see him in person , we always had a laugh over the phone , total respect for the man who has had most things pass through his hands , always sold at fair prices , and had a wealth of knowledge , not only the records artists and labels , but also amateur football teams , rip john powney , castle / phatkat records ps , great write up tony , respect to dicka for being there for him a true friend Edited June 4, 2016 by gfarrington
manus Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Always remember him rummaging through the deletions box in Callers Records in Newcastle on a Saturday morning in the 70s , he was a an extremely knowledgeable guy. And I recall visiting his house around 1975/76 and being astounded at the quality of the records he had doubles of for sale and that was before looking at his collection which was the best I have ever seen. He was a true Soul man. All the best Manus 1
Guest Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 (edited) Hello everyone I thought I would jump back on to soul source and pay my respects to John Powney a man I had a respect for over the years! John was a throwback a real decent person,complicated and intelligent to boot -he loved his cats -non league football and could name any team from the forties onwards! In terms of soul knowledge I have not met anyone to match to be honest but unlike some he was so unassuming about it,not a smart arse -not looking for accolades just a mad eccentric Geordie who had the insight to ship crates yes crates of us imports over to north shields docks in the sixties. I made monthly visits to Johns in the late eighties and nineties either to trade but mostly to buy with my good friend Gaz Simons,jeez we would walk out with records like Jock Mitchell demo George Kirby demo the Performers etc for next to nowt -we often got the feeling Johns real pleasure was seeing your face when you bagged a long time want ! I can remember bagging Henry Brookes/the Reachers/ Moses Smith and about 100 invictus imports in one session plus love Committee etc for literally pennies -crazy days.We were often gobsmacked by the fact that we could literally view whole logos more than not on demos -Diamond Jim etc he had the lot ! He made terrible coffee lol and he made me laugh -he had a real vulnerable side but it warms my heart to know that decent lads looked after him in his later years. Rest in Peace John and God Bless. Baz Atkinson Edited June 5, 2016 by Barry Baz Atkinson
ronsoul Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Sad news that John died yesterday. Tony summed him up so well at the start of this thread ! He was a complex character ! We always got on well and he put me on to so many records over the years , Karmello Brooks years before it went big, Reachers for £8 too many to list.Enjoyed our trips to King Bee even though John struggled with his illness the last couple of times . A generous friend , rest in peace John. Ron Edmundson 1
Soulfool Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 So sad...never had the pleasure of meeting John but spoke with him many times and bought a lot of stuff from him....always looked forward to his lists...my thoughts and condolences to all those close to him...R.I.P.
Nickinstoke Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I never met John, but always enjoyed talking on the phone, and bought loads from him over the years. His rants on his list always made me laugh - among others, he had no time for Tony Blair, the Royal Family, Kevin Keegan, Michael Jackson and Cliff Richard. A true one-off. We'll miss you, John 2
Guest Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I'm sorry to hear that. Very sad news. He was always a bit of a character and had a great record collection. I enjoyed playing records at his house and he also did very interesting DJ spots. Had a bit of imagination and didn't just play the same old, same old! RIP John.
Guest MC Little Anne Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 So sorry to hear this sad news , Micky spoke very highly of John and know he had some brilliant records R.I.P. John
Ted Massey Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 RIP John never meet him but bought of him will cherish the records even more
Soul Shaw Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Has anyone got a photo of John, l know the name, after 40 years on the scene , wheeling and dealing,I may well have had records off him, but I could do with putting a face to a name RIP John
Tony Turner Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 A very sad loss, nice, helpful guy. I had never met him but spent hours chatting on the phone to him often about nothing to do with music. He loved comedy too, especially 'Bottom'!
tosh Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 RIP John Was always helpful , best prices , unbeatable knowledge loved cats I think above all else. Always copius brews and tabs when I went up there, a real gent!. Nice to know people looked out for him and fair play to you. Graham
Chris Turnbull Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Really sorry to hear this - spent some entertaining afternoons in his back room mid-late 90's. The first couple of times especially he had boxes full of Twinight, M-Pac, King, Federal, Mar-V-Lus, etc - a real treasure trove. One time I wrote to him shortly after visiting asking for two records I had forgotten to buy. A few days later the records arrived in the post with a note saying 'these records are priceless, and therefore free' - that was the kind of guy he was. Another time I rang up for something on his list that he had already sold, so he let me have his own copy instead. Definite end of an era - RIP John
Flanny Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Only just read this What a character the likes we will never come across again the total opposite of a stereotypical record dealer he loved ranting and slated the soul establishment a real renegade got a fair deal of records from John, when his list came through the door I'd be straight on the phone to him please please don't be engaged I'd whisper silently ... Hi John you still got such and such no it's gone argh! Fuck but do you know this one he'd sel you summat else even better and then keep chatting about anything except records for ages great guy who had time for you ... I can remember like it was yesterday he'd answer the phone all them idiots on the northern scene all after the same fuckin records like fuckin sheep and as for them fuckin dealers ( no names) they fuckin hate me ha! Loved his straight no nonsense attitudes. I'd like to think he's doing a deal with Mickey cruise in soul heaven RIP John 3
Baz Atkinson Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Hello everyone I thought I would jump back on to soul source and pay my respects to John Powney a man I had a respect for over the years! John was a throwback a real decent person,complicated and intelligent to boot -he loved his cats -non league football and could name any team from the forties onwards! In terms of soul knowledge I have not met anyone to match to be honest but unlike some he was so unassuming about it,not a smart arse -not looking for accolades just a mad eccentric Geordie who had the insight to ship crates yes crates of us imports over to north shields docks in the sixties. I made monthly visits to Johns in the late eighties and nineties either to trade but mostly to buy with my good friend Gaz Simons,jeez we would walk out with records like Jock Mitchell demo George Kirby demo the Performers etc for next to nowt -we often got the feeling Johns real pleasure was seeing your face when you bagged a long time want ! I can remember bagging Henry Brookes/the Reachers/ Moses Smith and about 100 invictus imports in one session plus love Committee etc for literally pennies -crazy days.We were often gobsmacked by the fact that we could literally view whole logos more than not on demos -Diamond Jim etc he had the lot ! He made terrible coffee lol and he made me laugh -he had a real vulnerable side but it warms my heart to know that decent lads looked after him in his later years. Rest in Peace John and God Bless. Baz Atkinson PS Back on my old log in ! 2
Lfcjunkie Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 (edited) 12 hours ago, Soul Shaw said: Has anyone got a photo of John, l know the name, after 40 years on the scene , wheeling and dealing,I may well have had records off him, but I could do with putting a face to a name RIP John I'll have look if we have any from the times we had at the Devonshire in Skipton but don't hold your breath as Ive moved house etc...but once seen you never forgot him...countless folks would have never had guessed just how good and knowlegable he was to look at...and i mean that with the utmost respect he was'nt in anyway stereo typical of the soul scene...when he dj'd for us I'm sure one or two punters that did'nt know him thought he was a local from out the otherside of the pub that had wondered behind the decks...till they heard what he was playing... Dave L Edited June 5, 2016 by lfcjunkie Spelling 1
Colsoul Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 Had great respect for John a fantastic taste in soul music and way ahead of his time started with tamla motown at the very beginning, and progressed through the decades educating the younger collectors amongst us, rip, Col 1
trevorq Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 A very sad day! I was very lucky to have known John,a true Gentleman. his knowledge of all things music and non league football never failed to amaze me. John Thank You. Rest in peace T.
Bossfourpart1 Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 Very sad News this , used to buy off John and i still have those records. Always got the late phone call in to him and still managed to bag a tune on his recommendation off his list! I recall he liked his Gospel too. Great loss , R.I.P. Regards Frank
Platters 81 Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 i used to share with Nick Marshall a Christmas Soul Pack from John for years..he would theme them at your request..how about that...i think he got a kick out of doing it.......very knowledgeable and a nice bloke...condolences to his family...RIP John......... 1
Detroitsound Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 Don't post much , but have to thank Tony Fiddes for his post at the start of this - most sad and unfortunate thread Tony has described John very well there are simply very few people around on the soul scene or indeed wider scene of record collecting who devoted as much of their life to learning so much about their passion.... the music I will always remember John as the most helpful person I have ever come across selling records, he would always be so helpful... hated the whole thing about over inflation of any records, but in particular the ridiculous over inflation of Northern soul 45s and record dealers profiteering unnecessarily I could try to think of others who could match johns integrity amongst record dealers..... but on the whole none would match in my time collecting agree very much so that John did love company and would spend ages talking on the phone about everything and anything, as long as He wanted but did not suffer fools gladly........ have treasured all the records I have purchased from John.... as you just know when he sold them to you....... he wanted you to have them, all the help and advice and most of all his persona........ Bless him 2
NUFCSOUL Posted June 15, 2016 Author Posted June 15, 2016 On behalf of and at the request of Paul Dickson who is organising proceedings - The funeral of John Powney will be held at - Tynemouth Crematorium on Wednesday 22nd June 2016 at 1.30pm. Walton Avenue North Shields NE29 9NJ The service will be conducted by a Humanist and if guests wish to do so, their will be an informal gathering at a local Public House. At a later date there will be a soul event to respect the life of John and details will be posted nearer the time regarding the event. 1
Tony Smith Posted June 15, 2016 Posted June 15, 2016 Only just seen this, sad news, used to look forward to his lists back in the day and many a good tune off him, like all say at really reasonable prices, and was a pleasure to speak to when I rang up. RIP John
Deepdown Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 I met John through Micky Cruise (RIP) and he was certainly a character. He knew so many facts about so many things, not just soul music. I remember going to see him one morning and we started chatting about Football that led on to Non League Football and the passion that John showed for Non League Football was the same as he showed for his music. We must have chatted for hours as he had to go and make his tea as before I moved onto the records. The Soul Scene is filled with so many flamboyant people and it is always sad when we lose someone. John will be remembered by many and I'm sure there will be a smile on there faces when they think of John (RIP) David Skeen
dob Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 I think john powney would of chuckled to himself at his funeral today as 'dean parrish I'm on my way' played out of the speakers as we left the church R.I.P john 1
Guest marin Posted June 23, 2016 Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) On 6/22/2016 at 14:39, dob said: I think john powney would of chuckled to himself at his funeral today as 'dean parrish I'm on my way' played out of the speakers as we left the church R.I.P john Strangely enough Bricks Bottles and Broken sticks started playing in the car as I drove from the Crem yesterday John was a fantastic man, a friend and the sort of bloke who could talk the hind legs of a donkey when you caught him in the mood for a chat I certainly won't be alone in missing him and that is even after he took the mick out of my taste in "Popular Northern" I look forward to dusting down the dancing shoes for the tribute at St Doms, even if the shot silk suit no longer fits Brian Edited June 23, 2016 by marin
John Moffatt Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 (edited) Somehow or other, I have missed all this about John. I am totally shocked and very, very sad to hear he died, and even more upset that I missed his funeral. He was the one who persuaded me, many, many years ago, that R&B was the way to go, and that rare and brilliant records need not be expensive. He was down to earth, straightforward and more than a bit stubborn, and I admired him for all that. I met him a couple of times, but had many, many very interesting phone conversations with him, the last of which could only have been days before he eventually passed away, when we actually arranged to go up and see him in July. That, of course, will now never happen. I will find something suitable for the R&B room in Bridlington this weekend. Thank you John for the privilege of knowing you. John Moffatt Edited June 24, 2016 by John Moffatt
Manfromsoul45s Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 Very Sad news. Knew John and did a lot of deals/trades with him in the 80s/90s. Easy to deal with and a proper gent. R.I.P John
Guyh Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 What a damn shame. Nice bloke John, shy, unassuming but a fabulous record knowledge, and a fantastic amount of vinyl too. We did lots of record deals. Generally, I gave him rare uptempo R&B and he gave me rare northern. It worked for both of us at the time, and I've never seen again half the records he got from me. A lovely bloke, but as his close friends know, very hard to get out of the house! RIP mate...
Popular Post 6T's Mojoman Posted July 10, 2016 Popular Post Posted July 10, 2016 Only just found about John's sad demise, after phoning a guy I met up with at John's house earlier this year, can't get my head round it, as I thought he was recovering. I would contact John monthly to see how he was progressing, and he rang the middle of May thanking me for the Dave Rimmer book that I had ordered for him & had just been received, as always John with his vast knowledge had found inaccuracies, but overall was pleased with the content. I can't add much to what has already been said, he had some pet hates, one of which was students in his beloved Durham, and he would go out of his way to make his feelings known, which on one occasion I saw for myself. He loved to go down to the riverside to read when visiting Durham, and have a walk round before visiting his favourite coffee bar, which he introduced me to on one of my work visits up to the north east. Definitely a one off who introduced me to many off the beaten track sides, and on list day he would sometimes say a local was after the record I wanted, "but he hasn't rung yet, so its yours". Always ready to chew the fat on record prices, labels, artists, he always could drag so much from his memory about first issues, and groups the artist had been involved with. I got the impression that money was not the main concern to him, provided he could have croissants for breakfast, his coffee & had enough for restocking he was happy. I would sometimes say he had underpriced particular records when talking to him, and always got the same reply, but it isn't worth that realistically its only a £15,£20 £25 record, and that's all he would charge. Been a customer of his for many years in fact I one occasion I asked about tracking down odd copies of Shades Of Soul I was after, and he never forgot, a few weeks later, I received a fat parcel with the said missing ones I wanted. He had copied his originals, posted them, and wouldn't take any payment. That's the type of bloke he was, there was never any favour, whether you were a new customer, or one that had been buying for years, he was always straight talking, and knew his mind. He will be missed greatly, I for one will miss the greeting when he picked up the phone and said "Oh Hello" in his Geordie accent. The last time he spoke to me mid May his words were "Keep in touch" and "when your next I the area don't forget to call in" I will be visiting the area for work in August, but regrettably now will be unable to do either. RIP John, a great friend who will be missed by many 1 3
Popular Post Benji Posted September 28, 2020 Popular Post Posted September 28, 2020 On 04/06/2016 at 02:06, Benji said: Shocking news. I remember meeting him in his house in 1995 like it was yesterday. Brought a few tapes with me and asked me if he could record some of his favourite tunes for me. Instead he handed over his DJ box full of rarities and one-offs and told me to pick out and record whatever disc I want myself. And not to forget your rants on your sales lists, honest and outspoken. You are a true character. Bless you John. went through a box of 100's of audio tapes in the attic the other. To my surprise I found the tape I did back in 1995 at John's house. Here's the track listing. Pure allnighter material. Even 25 years later. little ann - lean lanky daddy - ric tic acetate ruby andrews - wonderful nite - zodiac stemmons express - woman love thief - karma al gardner - i'll get along - lu-pine baby huey - just being careful - usa september jones - i'm coming home - kapp september jones - no more love - kapp jimmy & entertainers - new girl - toddlin' town metros - i'll never forget you - rca lp holly maxwell - only when you're lonely - constellation seminoles - cheating heart - bell acetate (alt take from what i remember) monique - i wouldn't believe - maurci mb's - another day - b-jet natural four - hangin' on to a lie - boola-boola archie bell - a thousand wonders - atlantic (spain) reggie soul - my world of ecstasy - capri bobby williams - only got myself to blame - sureshot ascots - anytime - mir-a-don ascots - another day - mir-a-don tommy dodson - one day love - uptown showmen - a little bit of your love - joker 3 del chontays - baby i need you - steeltown tony amaro - runnin around - loma rocky gil - it's not the end - tear drop otis lee - hard row to hoe - quaint Mind, randomly picked! 5
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