Mighty Bub's Memorial trophy
Cleethorpes dance competition trophy missing names

Your help is needed
If you have ever attended the fantastic Cleethorpes 6T's Soul weekender run by Ady Croasdell, you will be well aware that the madness on Sunday night includes the DJ Dance competition, where DJ's who should know better, are rounded up to perform in a ritual of humiliation that is most commonly known as musical chairs.
The winner of this event since 1999 has been awarded the Mighty Bub's Memorial trophy.
This was meant to be engraved each year with the winners name and returned for the next years shenanigans.
The Trophy went missing in Europe somewhere in 2008 and was only returned last Year in 2015, this means that we have quite a few names to fill the gaps.
As I won it last year (and quite a few others) I feel that I should get this up to date and returned to Ady ready for the 2016 weekender 10th - 12th June
Can you help with missing names please.
1999 - Wakey & Ady
2000 - Dave Rimmer
2001 - Roger Banks
2005 - Niamh Lynch
2006 - Andy B B
2007 - Keith Money
2008 - ?
2009 - ?
2010 - ?
2011 -?
2012 - ?
2013 - Andy Newman
2014 - Eddie Hubbard (I think)
2015 - Andy Newman
Many thanks for your help
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