Lucky Cordell R.I.P.
Chicago Radio Legend passes

Lucky Cordell R.I.P, Chicago radio legend
Sadly he lost his life due to a house fire that he and his daughter Pat of Pat & Pam singing fame, were rescued from last week. He had attempted to save his daughter in the fire, but sustained 70% burns in the process and lost his fight for life yesterday (Tuesday).
Lucky was a legendary Chicago radio DJ who eventually went on to manage his beloved WVON station. He grew up along side a generation of great radio DJ's, Frankie Croker, Jimmy Bishop, Al Perkins as well as his friends E.Rodney Jones and Herb 'The Cool Gent' Kent in his home city.
Besides DJing he also turned his hand to record producing, occasionally singing and label owning. The musical talent was passed down to his daughters Pat & Pam who recorded the pretty 'Hey love on Daydream Records. He was also very proud of getting the career of Heaven & Earth off the ground working very much behind the scenes on their first stuynning LP on GEC.
He became good friends with many record collectors in the U.S. and across Europe.and was always ready to help track down that elusive 45 and the people behind them for many of us. I spent many a happy hour down in his basement full of 45, digging and chatting with him.
He will be sadly missed by many ...............................
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