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Northern / R & B / 60's Soul


"Allen, Jeffrey" Dilly-dilly  M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mala 200
"Bailey, JR" Too late / Hold back the dawn  demo/great Mala 15
"Bishop, Bobby" That's where I belong vg+/demo/label wear Mala 6
"Fugitives, The" Your girl's a woman  wol/demo Mala 15
"Legend, Tobi" No good to cry / Heartbreaker  EX+/demo/2 great sides Mala 40
"Van Dykes, The" What will I do if I lose you  sol/vslw Mala 15
Mighty Sam Never too busy  M-/great R&B Malaco 15
"King, Anna" In between tears  wol/recommended  Malibu 40
"Jogettes, The" Johnny's comin' home R&B/great Mar 12
"Du-ettes, The" Every beat of my heart  M-/classic Mar-V-lus 12
"Hamilton, Edward & Arabians" Thank you mother  recommended Mary Jane 15
Classic Sullivans "Shame, shame, shame " M-/superb Master Key 100
"Fidels, The" Boys will be boys / I want to thank you  M-/2 superb sides Maverick 50
"Wesley, John & The Four Tees" You still need me / It's the talk of the town  M-/2 great sides Melic 125
Guys & Dolls Looking for a lover  great Mellow 10
"Burnette, Dorsey" Little acorn  wol Mel-o-dy 10
"Bowen, Jeffrey" II'll get by (all by myself) (Inc Co sleeve) w/demo/superb/great flip too Mercury 75
Brothers Grimm Looky looky  EX/w/demo/wol-flip/classic Mercury 40
Brothers Grimm Looky looky M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/classic Mercury 50
"Bryant, Arnold" House in order  M-/superb/2nd issue Mercury 10
"Bryant, Arnold" House in order M-/w/demo/superb Mercury 20
"Butler, Jerry" What's the use of breaking up  great Mercury 8
"Charades, The" You're with me all the way  w/demo/wol-flip/superb Mercury 60
Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40
"Dreamlovers, The" Bless your soul / The bad times make the good times  2 great sides Mercury 30
"Dunn, Joyce" A New change of address / same-mono (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 30
Fads Just like a woman / The problem is  M-/w/demo/sm feint wol/Inc Co slv/great Mercury 100
"Hall, Carl" You're so qualified  M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Mercury 30
"Lewis, Herman" Think before you walk away / same (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/superb Mercury 25
"Long, Lynn" Do I baby  great Mercury 20
"Long, Lynn" Do I baby demo/great Mercury 25
"McPhatter, Clyde" Crying won't help you now (Inc Co sleeve) w/demo/great mid-tempo Mercury 25
"Moore, Melba" Patience is rewarded  M-/w/demo/recommended Mercury 15
"Scott, Bobby" It's real  demo/nice mid-tempo Mercury 15
"Warwick, Dee Dee" Foolish fool  v sl lbl ring wear Mercury 8
"Warwick, Dee Dee" We've got everything going for us / Don't you ever give up on me  M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Mercury 25
"Warwick, Dee Dee" When love slips away / House of gold  2 superb sides Mercury 15
"Yuro, Timi" (I'm afraid) the masquerade is over  Mercury 15
"Yuro, Timi" (I'm afraid) the masquerade is over  w/demo Mercury 20
Broadways You just don't know / Sweet and heavenly melody  M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides M-G-M 50
"Burns, Jackie & The Bo-Bells" I do the best I can  ex-/great/rarer issue M-G-M 45
"Cambridge, Dottie" He's about a mover  M-/recommended M-G-M 30
"Camp, Joani" I'm gonna try  demo/lbl dmge-worse on flip M-G-M 8
"Gaynor, Gloria" "Searchin' / Reach out, I'll be there " recommended M-G-M 12
"Impact, The" My world fell down  demo/v sl warp-nap/great M-G-M 12
"Impact, The" My world fell down M-/demo/great M-G-M 15
"Invitations, The" The skate / Girl I'm leavin' you  recommended M-G-M 20
"Jarrett, Peter & Fifth Circle, The" "Run run, baby run " demo/great M-G-M 15
"Mars, Marlina" Put your love on strike / Give your love to me  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60
"Nash, Johnny" You never know / Good goodness  M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40
"Nash, Johnny" You never know/Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40
"Payne, Freda" Sad sad September  demo/superb M-G-M 20
"Payne, Freda" Sad sad September EX/superb M-G-M 20
"Perry, Charles" How can I  EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30
"Quinn, Carole" Good boy gone bad  demo/recommended M-G-M 12
"Quinn, Carole" Good boy gone bad recommended M-G-M 12
"Quinn, Carole" I'll do it for you / Do those little things  great M-G-M 20
"Royalettes, The" Never again  wol/up-tempo version M-G-M 12
"Royalettes, The" Never again up-tempo version M-G-M 15
"Smith, Grant And The Power" Thinkin' about you  M-/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 75
"Tulips, The" You better stay away from my baby  demo/2x'sol  M-G-M 15
"Turner, Spyder" I can't make it any more  M-/doesn't get any better!/classic M-G-M 15
"Willows, The" Outside the city  demo/wol/great M-G-M 15
"Wilson, Norris" Where the action is  M-/great mid-tempo M-G-M 20
"Roberts, Lou" My love is stronger than my mind  w/demo M-G-M SOM 15
"Douglass, Gwenn" The picture / Pretender  EX+/superb/nice flip too Michelle 100
"Barnes, Orthea" Your picture on the wall / Same as before  M-/2 great sides/1st label/RARE Mickay's 75
"Hollingsworth, James" Running back to you  great Mikalin 12
"St. Clair, Kelly" Don't look over your shoulder  nice/with pic. sleeve Millage 30
"HItson, Herman" Yes you did  M-/demo/red & black label/superb Minit 150
"Robinson, Shawn" My dear heart / Find love right now  M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic/nice flip too Minit 250
"Spellman, Benny" Every now and then  demo/great Minit 15
Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business  demo/wol/great Minit 20
"Memphis Men, The" Oh what a night / Act natuarlly  M-/w/demo/recommended Miramar 30
Bob & Earl Baby your time is my time  great mid-tempo  Mirwood 8
Bob & Earl Dancin' everywhere  M-/great Mirwood 6
"Lee, Jackie" The duck / Let your conscience be your guide  2 great sides Mirwood 10
Olympics "Baby, do the Philly dog " great Mirwood 8
Olympics Mine exclusively / Secret agents  EX/2 great sides Mirwood 10
Olympics Mine exclusively/Secret agents M-/2 great sides Mirwood 12
"Adams, Johnny" No in between / Don't wait too log (XOL)  EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 15
"Day, Jackie" Oh ! What heartaches  classic Modern 20
"Three Of Us, The" I'm gonna love you baby  M-/great Molly 30
"Swann, Bettye" I think I'm falling in love / Don't take my mind  great Money 15
"Swann, Bettye" Make me yours  great Money 15
C L And The Pictures Baby not now  M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Monument 100
"Contrasts, The" What a day  recommended Monument 12
"Jefferies, Fran" Gone now  EX+/w/demo/superb  Monument 75
"White, Tony Joe" Polk salad Annie  R&B Monument 15
"Vontastics, The" Lady love EX-/recommended Moon Shot 20
"Vontastics, The" Lady love  M-/recommended Moon Shot 25
"Robinson, Ted" Thing called love (wol) / A little satisfaction  EX-/great Moonville USA 20
"Clark, Chris" From head to toe  EX/recommended Motown 15
Four Tops The key  recommended Motown 10
"Holland, Eddie" Jamie  classic Motown 25
"Holland, Eddie" Jamie (2.15 version) classic Motown 30
"Martin, Tony" The two of us  ex- Motown 10
"Ross, Diana & Supremes" Time changes things  recommended Motown 10
"Ross, Diana & Supremes" Will this be the day recommended Motown 10
"Ruffin, David" I pray everyday you won't regret loving   Motown 8
"Ruffin, Jimmy" What becomes of the broken hearted / same w/demo/'74 re-iss/classic Motown 6
"Spinners, The" Truly yours  great Motown 15
"Supremes, The" Time changes things  2nd/great Motown 10
"Supremes, The" Time changes things ex-/great Motown 12
"Wells, Mary" Two lovers / Operator  great Motown 10
"Wonder, Stevie" Nothing's too good for my baby sm wol/great Motown Yesteryear 5
"Burrage, Harold" Master key ex-/wol/recommended M-pac 15
"Burrage, Harold" Master key  recommended M-pac 20
"Simpson, Big Daddy" Give me back my ring  R&B M-pac 12
"Earls, The" Papa / If I could do it over again  sm wol/2 great sides Mr. G 30
"Curry, Louis" I'll try again tomorrow / A toast to you (xol)  VG++/2 great sides M-S 15
Variations Shakin' and breakin'  M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40
"Williams, Arlene" Duck all over town (xol)  M-/great R&B Musette 40
"Scott, Walter" Silly girl / Just you wait  2 great sides Musicland USA 20
"Crossen Jr, Ray" Try some soul  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Musicor 20
"Freeman, Audrey" Three rooms / Looking for me  M-/2 great sides Musicor 75
"Jive Five, The" You'l fall in love / Crying like a baby  2 great sides Musicor 15
"Parish, Dean" "Bricks, broken bottles and sticks (XOL) / I'm over eighteen " EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Musicor 200
"Perkins, Joe" Runaway slave  ex-/w/demo/recomndd Musicor 75
"Powell, Marilyn" Please go away  vg++/Inc Co sleeve/great Musicor 50
"Radcliffe, Jimmy" Moment of weakness  vg++/great Musicor 12
"Toys, The" You got it baby / You've got to give her love  w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 20
"Harris, Milton" You should have told me / She's hurting me  superb mid-tempo Mutt 30
"Washington, Baby" Why did my baby put me down  vg++/sl label wear-flip/great R&B Neptune 12
"Washington, Baby" Work out  great Neptune 15
Metrojean "Mama, let me do it my way " beat ballad New Sound 20
"Ryder And The Detroit Wheels, Mitch" Too many fish in the sea (sol)  EX+/great New Voice 5
"Ryder, Mitch" Sock it to me-baby  with color pic. sleeve New Voice 15
"Sands, George 'N Sonny" Down by the ocean  EX/demo/recommended New Voice 30
"Kittens Three, The" Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams  EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40
"La Belle, Patti" Love me just a little / The jokes on you  2 great sides Newtime 15
Gladys Love  recommended O-Gee 30
Artistics This heart of mine / I'll come running  M-/classic/great flip too Okeh 75
"Belgianetts, The" The train  recommended Okeh 25
"Black Velvet, The" Just came back / Come on heart  w/demo/sm wol/2 nice sides Okeh 10
"Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer ex-/classic Okeh 15
"Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer  small lbl tear/classic Okeh 15
"Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer classic Okeh 20
"Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer w/demo/classic Okeh 30
"Butler, Billy & Enchanters" Gotta get away / I'm just a man  superb/great flip too Okeh 25
"Church, Jimmy" The hurt  M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/xol-flip/Inc co sleeve Okeh 50
Fundamentals I wouldn't blame ya / Let me show it to you  EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 75
"Jackson, Walter" One heart lonely vg+/wol/great Okeh 10
"Jackson, Walter" One heart lonely ex-/great Okeh 12
"Jackson, Walter" They don't give medals wol/great Okeh 8
Little Richard Well / Poor dog  2 great R&B sides Okeh 15
"Taylor, Ted" Need you home  great Okeh 15
Triumphs Workin / Memories  M-/w/demo/Inc picture sleeve/superb Okeh 125
Variations Yesterday is gone  w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30
Vibrations Keep on keeping on  w/demo/recommended Okeh 30
Vibrations Pick me / You better beware  EX/EX- flip/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 25
"Williams, Larry/Johnny Watson" A quitter never wins  EX+/classic/sleeve Okeh 40
Fiestas I gotta have your lovin'  w/demo?/recommended Old Town 15
Solitaires Lonesome lover / Pretty thing  2 great sides Old Town 25
"Calello, Pat" The things I need  M-/w/demo/highly recommended Oliver 60
"Williams, Sandy" California w/demo/great Oliver 15
Admirations Don't leave me  fantastic One-derful 15
Admirations Wait til I get to know you / inst. fantastic One-derful 15
"Clay, Otis" A lasting love / Got to find a way  great m-tempo/up-tempo One-derful 12
"Clay, Otis" Show place  wol-flip/recommended One-derful 12
"Clay, Otis" Show place recommended One-derful 15
"Everett, Betty" I'll be there  recommended One-derful 25
"Mitchell, McKinley" A bit of soul  great One-derful 25
Rockmasters A wonderful thing  demo/great One-derful 30
Sharpees I've got a secret  recommended One-derful 20
Sharpees My girl Jean  recommended One-derful 20
"Day, Eddie" For my girl / Summers gone  2 great sides Onyx 30
"Harner, Billy" She's almost you/Fool me  classic/superb m-t flip Open 8
"Harner, Billy" She's almost you /Fool me (superb m-tempo flip) w/demo/classic Open 12
"Helms, Jimmy" My little devil  recommended Oracle 30
"Smith & The Laughing Kind, Tommy" I'm going to save you / I'm gonna put some hurt on you  M-/2 great sides Orbit 20
Hollywood Persuaders Drums a-go-go  superb inst/DRUMS!!! Original Sound 12
"Neal, Tommy" Goin' to a happening  EX/yellow label/classic Pameline 100
Eighteenth Edition When you love someone  great Panther 30
De Vonns Freddie  M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25
Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (wol/stmol)  ex-/w/demo/rare west coast press Parkway 60
Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (xol)  M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve Parkway 75
"Graves, Joe" See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20
"Holman, Eddie" A free country  xol-flip/great Parkway 10
"Campbell, Vi" Seven doors  EX/demo/great R&B Peacock 40
"Harper, Bud" Wherever you were  VG++/demo/superb R&B Peacock 175
"Verdell, Jackie" Come let me love you  vg++/wol/demo Peacock 25
Classmen The yang yang (The heart string)  ex-/great dancer Pearce 25
"Peterson, Kris" I believe in you  M-/w/demo?/great Pelikin 20
Impossibles Well it's alright   Pellegrino 15
"Barrett, Susan" No one but you  ex-/w/demo/great Philips 25
"Brown, Ruth" Mama  EX/w/demo/wol/R&B/great Philips 25
"Brown, Ruth" Mama w/demo/R&B/great Philips 30
"Covey, Julian & The Machine" A little bit hurt  M-/classic Philips 50
Flamingos She shook my world  M-/superb Philips 20
"Hebb, Bobby" Crazy baby / Love me  2 great sides Philips 8
"Hebb, Bobby" Love love love (wol)  EX+/classic Philips 12
"Intentions, The" Don't forget that I love you (XOL)/The night rider EX+/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 50
"Intentions, The" Don't forget that I love you / The night rider  M-/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 60
"Kelly, Paul" Sweet sweet lovin'  great Philips 15
"Lewis, Bobby" Give me your yesterdays / Soul seekin'  demo/2x'sol/v sl lbl wear Philips 30
"Millionaires, The" A rather hip shing / I'd rather do it myself  EX-/2 great sides Philips 20
"Millionaires, The" A rather hip shing/I'd rather do it myself EX+/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Philips 25
"Peoples Choice, The" Lost and found / Keep on holdin' on  M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip Philips 40
"Results, The" Need your love/Funky (female group) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides Philips 12
"Results, The" Need your love / Funky (female group) w/demo/2 great sides Philips 15
"Springfield, Dusty" All cried out / I wish I'd never loved you  great version/superb flip Philips 15
"Toys, The" Ciao baby  recommended Philips 15
"Toys, The" Ciao baby w/demo/recommended Philips 20
"Tyrell, Steve" A boy without a girl  great Philips 20
"Tyrell, Steve" A boy without a girl w/demo/great Philips 25
"Williams, Tony" Second best  recommended Philips 30
"Wilson, Obrey" You don't love me  great Philips 15
"C, Fantastic Johnny" She's some kind of wonderful  M-/classic Phil-L.A. Of Soul 15
"Jones, Buster" Down silent streets  w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60
"Sigler, Benny" I can give you love  re-issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 8
"Stuart, Jeb" In love again  R&B  Phillips 15
Modernistics Down at the go-go  great Pioneer 15
Fabulous Downbeats Life goes on  M-/superb Poison Ring 40
"Starr, Brenda" "Satan, let me sleep tonight" w/demo/fantastic Polydor 125
"Starr, Brenda" "Satan, let me sleep tonight (sl lbl wear flip)" ex-/w/demo/fantastic Polydor 100
"Allison, Leevert" I want to give my heart to you  highly recommended Poncello 40
"Sparkels, The" Where there's a will  ex-/w/demo/great Poplar 30
"Webs, The" Tomorrow (v sl lbl ting wear) / This thing called love  M-/2 great sides Popside 20
"Courtney, Lou" Hey Joyce  VG++/recommended Pop-side 30
"Courtney, Lou" Hey Joyce (wol)  EX+/recommended Pop-side 40
"Fran, Carol" You can't stop me  M-/great Port 15
"Nelson, Nate" Once again  great Prigan 30
"Black, Marion" I'm gonna get loaded  great Prix 15
Joseph Like a fool  w/demo/recommended Project 3 20
Bobbi & Terri You killed the thrill in my heart  w/demo/great Providence 50
"Fulsom, Lowell" Stop and think  R&B/great Prowlin' 25
"Foreman, Linda" Let's get it together  great Public 20
"McLaurin, Bette" As long as your mine wol/great Pulse 30
"Foundations, The" In the bad bad old days / Give me love  Canadian Pye 5
In-Men Ltd Take a look at my baby / The one who really cares  EX/2 great sides Pyramid 125
"Wells, Jean" Sharing your love  great Quaker Town 30
Pinkertones Feat Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk  M-/superb Queen-G 250
"C-Quents, The" Easy for you baby  recommended Quest 125
"Fox, Jeanne" Working girl / same demo/nice mid-tempo Rainy Day 8
"M.S.Q., The" Save a place for me  recommended Rainy Day 25
"M.S.Q., The" Save a place for me demo/recommended Rainy Day 30
"Four Tempos, The" Come on home / Got to have you  2 great sides Rampart 15
"Adventures, The" It's alright  great Ran-dee 12
"Dee, Kiki" Love makes the world go round / same M-/w/demo/superb version Rare Earth 15
"Metros, The" Now that you've gone  M-/recommended Ra-sel 12
"Anderegg, Calleen" Fool's paradise  great RBE 50
"Barnes, Betty" Walking down broadway  w/demo.great RCA 25
"Barnum, HB" Too hurt to cry  M-/classic RCA 75
"Barons, The" Since you're gone  M-/w/demo/superb RCA 40
"Benton, Brook" Where does a man go to cry  great RCA 20
"Benton, Brook" Where does a man go to cry w/demo/great RCA 25
"Cappel, Larry" "Hush, hush " w/demo/superb version RCA 40
"Cavaliers, The" I've got to find her / I really love you  M-/w/demo/2 great sides RCA 60
"Crawford, Faye" What have I done wrong (wol) / So many lies  M-/w/demo/2 great sides/Inc Co sleeve RCA 85
"Day, Bobby" Pretty little girl next door  VG++/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 100
"Escorts, The" The hurt  great version RCA 30
"Hamilton, Roy" You shook me up  M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/classic RCA 150
Lollipops Busy signal  EX+/w/demo/great RCA 25
"March, Peggy" Losin' my touch  M-/w/demo/stmol/superb RCA 25


Crossover / 70s / Modern Soul


"Mitchell, Prince Phillip" One on one  EX+/Inc Co sleeve/great Atlantic 25
"Moore, Jackie" Both ends against the middle / Clean up your own yard  ex-/classic/great flip too Atlantic 10
"Moore, Jackie" Both ends against the middle/Same-mono M-/demo/classic Atlantic 15
"Moore, Jackie" Sweet Charlie babe vg++/great Atlantic 12
"Moore, Jackie" Sweet Charlie babe great Atlantic 15
Spinners I'll be around EX-/classic Atlantic 8
Spinners I'll be around  EX/classic Atlantic 10
Spinners  Wake up Susan  their next biggie ? Atlantic 8
Spinners  Wake up Susan/same demo/their next biggie ? Atlantic 10
"Swann, Bettye" Victim of a foolish heart (stmol) / same-mono demo/great Atlantic 12
"Kenoly, Ron" You're still blowing my mind / Take it easy (xol)  M-/2 superb x-over sides Audio Forty 40
"Henderson, Ron" I love you more than dancin' / Same  EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30
El Coco Love to the world  AVI 5
Jones Brothers Good old days / Lucky lady  M-/w/demo/2 superb sides AVI 60
Phenomenons Without your love (M- but with sm audible scratch) w/demo/recomnded AVI 12
"Williams, David" Soul is free/same w/demo AVI 8
"Bright, Cal" My love is good for you baby   Azetta 15
Mel & Tim I found that I was wrong  recommended Bamboo 15
Caprells I believe in the stars ex-/great Bano 12
Caprells I believe in the stars  great Bano 15
Norfolk Together  superb Barbara Jean 30
Inner City Jam Band Hurt  great Bareback 10
Sweet Cream I don't know what I'd do  dancer Bareback 10
"Jones, Grace" Sorry  M-/fantastic  Beam Junction 25
21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish (xol)  EX+/demo/superb x-over Beegee 30
"Brunson, Tyrone" I need love ex- Believe/Dream 5
"Cooper, Bo" Don't call it love (EX- stereo) / same (EX+ mono) w/demo/superb x-over Bell 25
"Cooper, Bo" Don't call it love(stereo)/same(mono sm wol) ex-/w/demo/superb x-over Bell 25
"Cooper, Bo" Don't call it love/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb x-over Bell 30
"Granger, Gerri" I can't take it like a man  w/demo/superb Bell 30
Inerpertations Soul affection/Snap-out(inst. version of A side) funk/great Bell 15
"Jackson, June" I'm not sleepin'  w/demo/great Bell 30
"Jackson, June" "Tenderly, with feeling" great Bell 30
"Jackson, June" "Tenderly, with feeling " w/demo/great Bell 30
Masqueraders How big is big  EX/superb Bell 40
"Plummer, Bettye Jean" You don't know  recommended Bell 75
"Rawls, Lou" She's gone  recommended Bell 15
"Rawls, Lou" She's gone/same w/demo/recmnded Bell 15
"St. German, Tyrone" I'm still hooked on you  nice Belshazzer 12
"George, Herman" What have you got / Mental high  x-over/superb Bet It's A Hit 50
"Welch, Lenny" Just what I need  recommended Big Apple 12
"Everett, Frank" Spellbound  M-/recommended Big Smoky 40
"Geddes, David" Wise up girl  classic Big Tree 10
"Owens, Gwen" I don't want to dance no more / same demo/great dancer Big Tree 8
Showtime Incorporated "Please take this heart of mine, girl " recommended Black Circle 15
"Wilson, George" Here stands the man who needs you / inst. awesome x-over Black Circle 20
Vee Jay Where were you  great x-over Black Fox 15
"Love, Devotion & Happiness" Love potion #7 /same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 20
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you  M-/superb Black Prince 30
All The People Wish I had a girl like you  recommended Blue Candle 25
"Green, Ava" Full of love  EX-/great modern Blue Soul 15
"Dawson, Cliff" I can love you better  M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Boardwalk 6
Tierra Memories Time to dance  M-/2 great dancers Boardwalk 10
Brothers Of Soul I'd be greatful  EX+/wol/superb Boo 100
"Butler, Jessie" Best part of a man / Free to be me  2 great sides Bound Sound 25
Valentine Bros Money's too tight to mention  classic Bridge 12
"Mitchell, Barbara" I won't change  nice Brown Bag 10
"Hatcher, Roger" We gonna make it   Brown Dog 10
"Hatcher, Roger" We gonna make it w/demo Brown Dog 15
McArthur I'll never trust you again  w/demo Brown Dog 10
"Bernard, Chuck" Contract on love / same w/demo/great Brunswick 15
"Chi-lites, The" Living in the footsteps of another man  great version Brunswick 20
"Farra, Maryann & Satin Soul" Living in the footsteps of another girl  great version Brunswick 25
"Farra, Maryann & Satin Soul" "Never gonna leave you / same-long ""disco"" version " recommended Brunswick 12
"Hart, Randy" The other one  M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40
"Hart, Randy" The other one (Inc orig sleeve) M-/demo/wol/great md-tempo Brunswick 35
"Jackson, Walter" Let me come back  M-/superb Brunswick 85
Lost Generation You only get out of love / Pretty little angel eyes (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Brunswick 30
"Moore, Johnny" Just be for real  w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60
Touch Me and you  M-/great Brunswick 8
"Valery, Dana" I'm a woman now w/demo Brunswick 8
"Wilson, Jackie" Because of you  M-/superb Brunswick 85
"Wilson, Jackie" This love is real  sm stol/superb Brunswick 15
"Wilson, Jackie" What'cha gonna do about love  M-/highly recommended Brunswick 15
Bel-aires Seven days / same demo/recommended Brut 10
"Matthews, Milt" All these changes / When kids rule the world  M-/REV LABELS/v sl warp-nap/2 great sides Bryan 8
American Gypsy Angel eyes / Lady eleanor  EX+/UK/demo/2 great sides BTM 6
"Anderson, Joe" You and I / same M-/demo/superb Buddah 30
"Anderson, Joe" You and I/same-long version M-/superb Buddah 30
Aquarian Dream Phoenix / Look ahead great Buddah 12
"Black Satin + Parris, Fred" Everybody stand and clap our hands / same demo/recommended Buddah 15
"Black Satin + Parris, Fred" Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there recommended Buddah 20
"Connors, Norman" Once I've been there  recommended Buddah 10
"Darin, Curt" Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale  M-/2 superb sides Buddah 60
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun / part 2 recommended Buddah 15
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/same demo/recommended Buddah 15
"Fifth Avenue feat. Townes, Carol" Wheeler dealer / same demo/great Buddah 8
Five Stairsteps & Cubie You make me so mad recommended Buddah 10
Fresh Flavor "Without you baby, I'm a loser / same" M-/demo/superb Buddah 20
Futures You better be certain  UK/sol/great Buddah 15
"Green, Marie" "Sorry, that number's been disconnected " recommended Buddah 15
"Henderson, Michael" Take me I'm yours  superb Buddah 15
"Henderson, Michael" Take me I'm yours/same w/demo/superb Buddah 20
"Jackson, Jimmy" Footsteps in the shadows  M-/great Buddah 10
"Mason, Barbara" Bed and board nice mid-tempo Buddah 6
"Mason, Barbara & The Futures" Make it last (with pic. Sleeve) recommended Buddah 25
"Mason, Barbara & The Futures" We got each other/same (with torn pic. Sleeve) demo/nice slowy Buddah 5
Modulations I can't fight your love(EX)/Your love has me locked up(EX-) 2 superb sides Buddah 15
Modulations I can't fight your love / Your love has me locked up  M-/2 superb sides Buddah 20
Monday After Merry-go-round Pt I / Pt ll M-/great Buddah 8
Motherlode Hard life funk Buddah 6
Motherlode What does it take (to win your love)  great version Buddah 25
"Norman, Jimmy" I wanna make love to you / same demo/awesome Buddah 15
"Owens, Tony" All that matters / same demo/recommended Buddah 15
Paragons Oh lovin' you / same demo/recommended Buddah 15
"Perkins, Al" "Yes, my goodness yes / same" w/demo/recommended Buddah 20
Sins Of Satan Dance and free your mind / Part II demo/recommended Buddah 20
Vitamin E Sharing  awesome  Buddah 10
Vitamin E Sharing/same w/demo/awesome Buddah 12
"Wilson, Bobby" Deeper and deeper/Hey girl (tell me) recommended Buddah 15
"Wilson, Bobby" Deeper and deeper / same demo/recommended Buddah 12
Young Gents Think about the children/Big things come in small.. demo/nice/funk flip Buddah 15
Impalas What should he do / I still love you  great mid-tempo/sweet Bunky 20
Family Of Swede Everybody must pay/same demo Butter Fields 8
Family Of Swede I got to move on / same w/demo/recommended Butter Fields 15
Swede I got to move on  1st issue with intro/#275/rare Butter Fields 20
Samson  I need your lovin'  great Buttermilk 15
Dells Closer ex-/class! Cadet 6
Dells Closer  class! Cadet 8
Masterpiece High on music funky Calfdisc 5
"Dukes, Bobby" Just to be with you(inst)/same-mono EX+/w/demo/great inst Calla 8
"Hill, Bobby" I wanna be with you  Calla 6
"Love, Rudy & Love Family" Ain't nuthin' spooky  recommended Calla 10
Naturals I can't share you / Young generation  sweet/funk Calla 10
"Wells, Jean" What have I got to lose / Broomstick horse cowboy  EX+/superb x-over/great flip too Calla 25
"Jones, Albert" You and your love  M-/Canadian/recommended Candy Apple 40
A Taste Of Honey I'll try something new nice vers/pic.slv. Capitol 10
"Acklin, Barbara" Raindrops  wol/recommended Capitol 12
"Acklin, Barbara" Raindrops recommended Capitol 15
Ad Libs Love me / Know all about you  demo/great/funk flip Capitol 25
"Beaumont, Jimmy & Skyliners" I could have loved you so well  Inc Co sleeve/great mid-tempo Capitol 20
"Black, Cody" Stop trying to do what you see your neighbor do  Inc Co sleeve/great Capitol 25
Brown Sugar I'm going through changes now / The game is over  EX-/EX/2 great sides Capitol 35
"Frazier, Billy" Let's face reality  demo/recommended Capitol 60
"Frazier, Joe" "Truly,truly lovin' me" demo Capitol 10
"Garner, Reggie" Traces/Teddy bear vg/nice mid-tempo Capitol 10
Joy Of Cooking Only time will tell me Canadian/nice Capitol 8
"Love, Marian" "Can't forget about you, baby " demo/recommended Capitol 60
Maze + Frankie Beverly While I'm alone  best version Capitol 15
Maze + Frankie Beverly While I'm alone demo/best version Capitol 20
"Mcgriff, Jimmy" "Fat cakes/Sugar, sugar" 2 funk inst's Capitol 12
Rance Allen Group Reason to survive/same-mono EX+EX/demo/SL WARP-NAP/superb Capitol 30
Rance Allen Group Reason to survive / same-mono M-/demo/superb Capitol 40
"Reynolds, L J" Key to the world / Tell me  VG++/2 superb sides Capitol 20
"Tee, Willie" Reach out for me  M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Capitol 40
"Williams, JJ" Make a believer (out of me again)  Capitol 10
"Wilson, Nancy" Ocean of love  recommended Capitol 15
Sea Level Shake a leg  Capricorn 6
Four Mints You want to come back  M-/recommended Capsoul 20
"Smith, OC" Just couldn't help myself  great Caribou 10
"Jackson, Deon" You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser  sl wap-nap/2 great sides Carla 15
"Jackson, Deon" You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser  2 great sides Carla 20
"Reynolds, Jeannie" Hit and run  recommended Casablanca 10
"Reynolds, Jeannie" Hit and run/same-mono demo/recommended Casablanca 10
"Reynolds, Jeannie" Lay some lovin' on me/Love don't come easy….  Casablanca 6
"Reynolds, Jeannie" Unwanted Company  great Casablanca 10
"Santos, Larry" Can't get you off my mind  superb Casablanca 15
"Scott, Gloria" Just as long as we're together / There will never be another  demo/UK/inst. Flip Casablanca 15
"Scott, Gloria" What am I gonna do / What shall I do (Inst) superb Casablanca 40
"Winters, Robert & Fall" Do it any way you want / Lock me up  2 great sides Casablanca 15
"Ragland, Lou" In the hours of darkness  Casino 8
Topics Women's liberation  great Castle 15
Little Beaver Little girl blue / Ain't no time  2 great sides Cat 12
"McCrae, George & Gwen" "Winners together or losers apart / Homesick, lovesick " superb/great flip too Cat 15
Crack Of Dawn I can't move no mountains  EX-/Dutch/colour pic sleeve CBS 25
"Dyson, Ronnie" The more you do it  UK/BLUE VINYL/great CBS 6
"Moore, Jackie" Do ya got what it takes / How's your…..(sm stmol)  UK/w/demo/2 great sides CBS 15
"Moore, Jackie" This time baby  UK/classic CBS 8
"Tymes feat. Williams, George" Someone to watch over me / She's gone  UK/2 superb sides CBS 15
"Lucas, Matt" You gotta love  demo/recommended Celebration 10
Jade Brown and beautiful  ex-/great Century City 15
"Wilson, Bobby" Here is where the love is  wol/fantastic x-over Chain 8
"Wilson, Bobby" Here is where the love is fantastic x-over Chain 10
"Cuffari, Brenda" My music says it all  pic sleeve/great Charisma 20
"Campbell, Little Milton" Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind  recommended Checker 12
"Sheen, Bobby" Love stealing / same w/demo/recommended Chelsea 15
"Nesbary, Sherm (Reb)" "Don't make me sorry / All my life, all my love (brown lbl)" superb x-over/great flip too Cheri 30
"Nesbary, Sherm (Reb)" "Don't make me sorry/All my life, all my love(green lbl)" superb x-over/great flip too Cheri 30
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy / Same-long version EX/superb x-over Cheri 40
Acoustics Living in hard times  recommended Cherry Blossom 15
American Gypsy "10,000 miles / Angel eyes " M-/superb Chess 10
"Burke, Solomon" "I'm leaving on that late,late train " great Chess 8
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can  recommended Chess 15
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can w/demo/recommended Chess 20
Shadow People don't know what love is/same w/demo Chess 15
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love superb/great flip too Chess 30
"Hudson, Michael" The angels listened in great Chimneyville 10
"Adams, Arthur" Can't wait to see you  w/demo/superb Chisa 25
"Chandler, Gene" Can't wait to see you/same ex-/superb Chi-Sound 10
"Chandler, Gene" Let me make love to you  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Chi-sound 12
"Chandler, Gene" Make the living worthwhile / Time is a thief  2 great sides Chi-Sound 8
"Jackson, Walter" If I had my way / same demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10
"Keyes, Troy" See no evil / same (mono) demo/superb Chumley 40
"Baker, Johnny" "Operator,operator " great Cisco 15
"Gee, Frankie" Date with the rain  w/demo/great version Claridge 15
"Johnson, Rozetta" Chained & bound  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Clintone 25
"Johnson, Rozetta" To love somebody/same w/demo Clintone 10
Krystal Generations You were never mine  superb Crossover CMC 25
Festivals Take your time  superb Colossus 15
I.A.P. Co. Check yourself  superb version Colossus 20
Mob I'd like to see more of you  ex-/wol & sol-flip Colossus 8
Mob I'd like to see more of you great Colossus 10
"Love Comer, Mary" Come out of the sandbox  highly recommended CoLove 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing / same demo/great Columbia 20
Anacostia All I need  recommended Columbia 15
Anacostia All I need/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
"Anderson, Deborah" Don't know what's coming tomorrow  nice mid-tempo Columbia 10
"Austin, Patti" Are we ready for love (ink stamp ol) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 30
"Austin, Patti" Can't forget the one I love / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 25
"Barrow, Keith" Free to be me 2-step Columbia 8
"Blood, Sweat & Tears" Tell me that I'm wrong  wol/superb Columbia 15
"Davis, Mac" I'm just in love  ex-/highly recommended Columbia 45
"Dyson, Ronnie" You and me / The more you do it  ex-/2 great sides Columbia 12
Ghetto Children I just gotta find someone to love me / same w/demo/great Columbia 30
"Grant, Eleanor" You oughta be here with me  nice Columbia 15
"Hill, Z.Z." Universal love / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 15
"Lance, Major" "Come on, have yourself a good time / same-mono" M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended  Columbia 10
Lorelei S.T.O.P. (STOP) / same-mono w/demo/great Columbia 12
"McCrae, Gwen" Leave the driving to us/same w/demo Columbia 5
"Mercury, Eric" Take Me Girl Im Ready / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version Columbia 30
"Moore, Jackie" This time baby  recommended Columbia 8
"Moore, Jackie" This time baby w/demo/recommended Columbia 10
"Nobles, The" Nobody but you / same w/demo/great Columbia 20
Pockets Come go with me  M-/recommended Columbia 6
Pockets Happy for love / same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 10
"Silver, Stirling" Damned if I do / Sunshine (when I got you)  2 great sides Columbia 40
"Silver, Stirling" Sunshine ( when I got you)/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
"Taylor, Johnnie" You're the best in the world  recommended Columbia 10
"Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do  M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125
"Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do (lite wol) vg++/w/demo/superb Columbia 100
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun / same w/demo/stmol & wol-flip Columbia 12
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun / While we went to the moon  M-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 20
"Tymes, The feat. Williams, George" Someone to watch over me / She's gone  w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15
"Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart  recommended Columbia 15
"Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart/same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15
Sound Of Experience "Easy come, easy go" funky Community 15
"Jones, Jimmy" Ain't nothing wrong making love..first night / Time & changes  great x-over/funk flip Conchillo 15
"Smith, George E" Don't find me guilty  EX+/recommended Conclave 15
"Dyson, Ronnie" Don't need you now  great Cotillion 12
"Green, Garland" 80-90-100 m.p.h. w/demo Cotillion 10
"Matlock, Ronn" Let me dance/same demo Cotillion 6
Park Avenue Slow motion/same ex-/w/demo/great Cotillion 8
Patti & Lovelites Love bandit  M-/superb version Cotillion 20
Patti & Lovelites We've got the real thing  recommended Cotillion 25
Tony and Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet  2 great sides Cotillion 20
Tony and Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet w/demo/great Cotillion 30
"Burton, Jeanne" (Nobody loves me) like you do do  Cotton 6
"Strong, Barrett" Love is you / You make me feel the way I do  v sl warp-nap Coup 8
"Strong, Barrett" Love is you/You make me feel the way I do recommended Coup 10
"Kennedy, Ray" She's a lady  Cream 10
"Jenkins, Diane" "Sweet wine,music and my imagination"  Creative Funk 8
"Butler, Billy" She's got me singing / Feel the magic  great Curtom 15


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