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To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis.

Postage to Europe is Euro 5,50 for the first record, add 0,50 Euro for each additional 45
Worldwide Postage is Euro 8.- for the first record, add 1.- Euro for each additional 45

I recomend registration for more expensive orders!

Trade offers and wants lists are always welcome

PAT STALLWORTH: Questions Part 1 & 2 * FLY-BY-NITE, VG++, 500.- Euro

Ohio Modern Soul groover on Bill Jacocks short lived Fly-By-Nite label. Great atmospheric semi instro flip on Part 2!!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/patstallworthquest1_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/patstallworthquest2_1.mp3

THE MAR-KEYS: Heavenly Thing * MAR-KEYS, M-, 250.- Euro

Dave Hamilton penned Detroit sweet soul masterpiece. Clean as a whistle and so very hard to track down. This is my last copy of the small batch I had.
Soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markeysheavenlyshort_1.mp3

McKINLEY MITCHELL: Party Across The Hall / She's Already Married * BLACK BEAUTY, M-, 175.- Euro, one on hold one more copy available

Indemand funky crossover with an equally good ballad flip
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mckinleypartyacross_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mckinleymitchshesmarried_1.mp3

HERMAN HITSON: I Got That Will / You Are Too Much For The Human Heart * ATCO, promo, VG++, stamp on label, flipside has a label tear and sihsn of a removed tiny sticker, 100.- Euro

Not many funky soul records can top this raw masterpiece with one of the finest deep soul cuts ever recorded on the flip.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hermonhitsongotthat_1.mp3
soudnfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hermonhitsontoomuch_1.mp3

THE PERFECTIONS: Leaning Post / Love Storm * DRIVE, VG, 100.- Euro

Highly recomended group soul 2-sider out of Miami. Top side has a funky crossover feel to it and the flip is a hell of a good sweet soul cut. The price reflects the condition I believe. A hard record to track down and not widely known.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/perfectionsleaning_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/perfectionslovestorm_1.mp3

EDDIE JONES: Give Me Good Lovin' * FAIRMOUNT, promo, VG++, 75.- Euro

1966 uptempo Northern Soul from the streets of Philadelphia on this Cameo/Parkway subisdiary
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejonesgivemegood_1.mp3

TOMMY BUSH: Stop And Think! * SPECIALITY, promo, M- 75.- Euro, on hold

Indemand funky crossover soul in awesome nick! One of the best new discoveries of the last 2 years!
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommybushstop_1.mp3

NATE WILLIAMS: You're Doing Wrong / She's A Woman * HONEY B, VG++, minor warp nap, "x" on label flipside, 60.- Euro sold

Rare and driving funk, that never got the attention it deserves. Maybe nowadays with lots of new DJs entering the scene, this bull will start a frenzy when it's finally released from it's chains of ignorance! Great deep flipside on top...
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/natewilliamsyouredo_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/natewilliamsshesa_1.mp3

THE SWAN SILVERSTONES: Trust In God * SAVOY; M-, 60.- Euro


Killer 70's funky gospel 45, that is still under the radar and would easily tear any dancefloor apart.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/swansilvertrust_1.mp3

CLARENCE REID: You Got To Fight / Three Is A Crowd * ALSTON, M-, drill hole, has a medium warp, not affecting play, 60.- Euro sold

All these Alston titles release before they did a distribution-deal with Atlantic are hard to track down with this funky soul masterpiece being no exception. Great crossover flip, that I actually prefer.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidyougotto_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidthreeis_1.mp3

JO-JO HAMMETT & THE HURRICANES: Ain't That Heavy / The Next Time * GEORGIA, VG++, large label tear on flip, 60.- Euro

Rarity alert! Funky R&B tune out of LaGrange / Georgia with a pretty good deep flipside.
sounfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jojohammettaintthat_1.mp3
sounfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jojohammettnexttime_1.mp3

LITTLE JERRY: There Ain't Enough Love / Don't You Feel * EMBER, promo, VG+, plays ex, 50.- Euro

Despite this being an excellent R&B 2-sider, this is Swamp Dogg's aka Jerry William 2nd ever recorded 45
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejerrythereaint_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejerrydontyou_1.mp3

HOTT SNOW: Do It / Let Nature Take Its Course * AR'CADE, M-, small sticker on lbl flip, 45.- Euro sold

While the promo with the superb deep funk track "Let nature Take..." on both sides is fairly easy to find, the issues are 10 times tougher. And you miss out on a fantastic 70's dancer. Do your self a favour and buy some hot snow in wintertime!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hottsnowdoit_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotsnowletnature_1.mp3

CORNBREAD & BISCUITS: The Big Time Spender * MASKE RECORD, VG++, side 2 has a waterdamaged label (see pic) top side has a clean label, 40.- Euro

Rare R&B dancer
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cornbreadbiscthebig_1.mp3

RODNEY TROTTER'S EGYPT: Space Nigga / Jackpot On A Cosmic Ship (Las Vegas Politics) * GREEDY RECORDS LTD:, M-, 40.- Euro

1977 P-Funk influenced space funk 2-sider, totally off the hook and as weird as you like it.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rodneytrotterspace_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rodneytrotterjackpot_1.mp3

BLACK HAZE EXPRESS: Won't Nobody Listen / Pretty Soon * CLINTONE, VG++, 40.- Euro

Birmingham / Alabama gritty funk on Sam Dees and Clinton Harmon's label.
Soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/blackhazewontnob_1.mp3
Soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/blackhazeprettysoon_1.mp3

DENNIS LANDRY: Sing my Song * SOUL UNLIMITED, M-, 40.- Euro sold

One of the very best funky 70's soul tunes! This sounds great next to all the big ticket items of the world.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dennislandrysingmy_1.mp3

TYRONE "WONDER BOY": If You Don't Need Me /  Good Company * 4 BROTHERS, M-, 40.- Euro on hold

A young Tyrone Davis, before he became the master of the sophisticated chicago sound, with this blasting Northern Soul 2-sider. Produced by a guy named Jack Daniels and Tyrone sounds like he has gargled with a drink by the same name
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyroneifyoudont_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronegoodcompany_1.mp3

LENOX AVENUE: Sunshine * CHESS 2101, M-, 50.- Euro

Last copy of the small batch I had
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lenoxavenuesunshine_1.mp3

LENIS GUESS: Super Woman / Me And Peanut * POLYDOR, promo, M- 35.- Euro

One off major label release from Norfolk / Virginia soulman Lenis Guess. Raw funky soul at it's very best...
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lenisguesssuper_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lenisguesspeanutand_1.mp3

LISA RICHARDS: Mean Old World * SURE-SHOT, M-, 30.- Euro

shiny, clean copy of this femme texas 60's dancer
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lisarichardsmeanold_1.mp3

THE CONTINENTAL 4: The Way I Love You * JAY-WALKING, M- 30.- Euro

The rarer silver text issue of this floating late 60's dancer.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/continental4thewayilove_1.mp3

AVATARR: Depression / So Glad I Found You * MYSTIC INSIGHT, M-, 30.- Euro

Super uplifting Ohio modern soul gem with lyrics not quite fitting to the dance groove. Flipside is quality sweet group soul
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/avatarrdepression_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/avatarrsoglad_1.mp3

THE WILSON BROTHERS: Soul Town / I'll Always Love You * RCA, VG++, 20.- Euro

Uptempo group soul with a funky edge, that would go down well with all the popular spins of today. Flipside is a facemelting sweet soul cut.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wilsonbrossoultown_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wilsonbrothersillalways_1.mp3

WATSON AND THE SHERLOCKS: Standing On The Corner / Funky Walk * SOULVILLE, M-, 25.- Euro

Two uptempo funky edged late 60's dancers on a 45 graced by the best band name ever!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/watsonstanding_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/watsonfunkywalk_1.mp3

JOHNNY STEELE: Danger Zone / Can't Go On * GOLDEN CITY, M-, 25.- Euro on hold

Excellent raw funky Northern Soul with an outstanding deep ballad on flip-
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnysteeledanger_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnysteelecantgoon_1.mp3

GLORIA PARKER: Hello Baby - Goodbye, Too / If You Ever Loved Someone * LLP, M-, 25.- Euro


Uptempo Northern stomper with an equally excellent deep soul flip.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriaparkerhellobaby_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriaparkerifyou_1.mp3

THE RUBIES: A Spanish Boy / Deeper * VEE-.JAY, VG++, light label damage, 25.- Euro

Rare chicago girl-group-northern with two good sides
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rubiesaspanishboy_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rubiesdeeper_1.mp3

MARGIE ALEXANDER: Can I Be Your Main Thing * ATLANTIC, promo, M-, 20.- Euro on hold

A desert island disc for me. Well, if you like deep ballads, this has to be the ultimate. Old Rod Dearlove fav
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Margaiealexcanibe_1.mp3

DANNY BELL: Your Wrong About Me / Call On Me * DOWN TO EARTH, M-, minimal storage warp, nap, 20.- Euro


If you like Ronnie Walker, this one is for you! Two sweet  sides, that sound so very very Philly, but are actually out of Chicago.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dannybellyourwrong_2.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dannybellcall_2.mp3

EDDY GILES: Losin' Boy / I Got The Blues * MURCO, strong VG, plays ex, writings on label,  20.- Euro

Real soul from down south. One uptempo dance side and a heartfelt ballad.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddygileslosing_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddygilesigotthe_1.mp3

EDDIE HOLLOWAY: Slipping On My Love / I Am The One * ROARING 20's, VG++, writings on label (flipside), 20.- Euro sold

Sophisticted Miami 70's dancer with an amazing ballad flipside.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehollowayslippin_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehollowayimtheone_1.mp3

WALTER RHODES: It's Not Waht You Do / Message To My Woman * VIOLET, VG++, label discoloration on on side (see pic), flipside looks mintish, but plays with crackles, 20.- Euro

Razorsharp midtempo funk backed up by a deep soul masterpiece
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/walterrhodesitsnotwhat_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/walterrhodesmessage_1.mp3

SKULLSNAPS: Ain't That Loving You / Al's Razor Blade * GRILL, M- 15.- Euro sold

If you like sweet and deep soul, don't look any further. One of the finest examples of the genre by the group formerly known as The Diplomats. Good funk instro on the flip as a bonus.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skullsnapsaintthat_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skullsnapsalsrazor_1.mp3

THE FORMATIONS: At The Top Of The Stairs * MGM, VG++, sticker on label, 15.- Euro

Classic Northern Soul dancer produced by Philly legend Leon Huff
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/formationsatthe_1.mp3

BOBBY MARCHAN: (Ain't No Reason) For Girls To Be Lonely * GAMBLE, promo, VG+, 15.- Euro

Great Gamble-Huff produced 60's dancer
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbymarchanaintno_1.mp3

JIMMY McCRACKLIN: Head Over Flip * IMPERIAL, VG++, 15.- Euro on hold

Excellent west coast R&B dancer
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmymccraclinheadover_1.mp3

JOHNNY ADAMS: I'm Grateful * GONE, VG++, mild ringwear on label, 15.- Euro

New Orleans deep soul masterpiece co-written by Eddie Bo
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyadamsimgra_1.mp3

MIKE & BILL: Somebody's Gotta Go * ARISTA, M-, 15.,- Euro

Superb uptempo 70's Northern Soul
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mikeandbillsomebody_1.mp3

SYL JOHNSON: One Way Ticket To Nowhere / Kiss By Kiss * TWINIGHT, M-, 12.-

Bargain price for this amazing windy city 2-sider with a superb Donny hathaway arrangement.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsononeway_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonkissby_1.mp3

SENOR SOUL: It's Your Thing / Some Got It, Some Don't * WHIZ, M-, 10.- Euro

California Chicano funk two-sider in immaculate nick
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/senorsoulitsyour_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/senorsoulsomegotit_1.mp3

IRMA THOMAS: We Got Something Good * CHESS, VG++, 10.- Euro

Muscle Shoals production by Rick Hall with Irma in top form. Excellent 60's dancer and cheap as chips.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/irmathomaswegot_1.mp3

BOBBY CUTCHINS: I Did It Again * LASSO, M-, 10.- Euro


Mint stock copy of this Philly Modern Soul masterpiece
Soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycutchinsididit_1.mp3

Edited by docfish
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