JOE TORQUAY Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Tropics Hey You Little Girl C/w The Happy Hour Now here’s a goodie that doesn’t come our way very often - in fact the last time it graced our auction was fully 8 years ago. We can think of, no stronger validation of this 45’s elusiveness than that. From small-town Reidsville, North Carolina this D.I.Y. 60s 45 again exhibits that feelgood “Soul” influenced dance-sound that was so prevalent throughout the 60s Carolinas music-scene. In some cases these recording gave themselves well the thrivng “Beach Music Scene” but in almost all cases providing the British Northern Soul scene with perfectly constructed Northern Soul, without even knowing it. Just how many independent “Soul inspired Beach aimed” recordings graced the Northern Soul scene over the decades is hard to say, but it is well into the 100’s. Before you today is one of the “special ones”, with it’s instantly recognizable finger-clicking simplicity intro, an ear-opening guttural wailing of vocal that quickly disappears to be replaced by a dreamy Falsetto lead, then the booming wailing bounces back - WHAT A FABULOUS INTRO - I can think of no other records that starts with such ingenuity. The two contrasting vocals continue to bounce off each other, contesting who can bring the most to the recording… DAMN FANTASTIC! Love it to bits, and it’s been to long since I heard it last.. for good measure we’ve recorded the flipside - which pales against such enthusiasm but well worth a listen too… You could not dream of owning a finer example of the 60s “Carolina Sound” or indeed own a finer copy - this one is pristine in every way. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 516.00 Little Joe Cook I'm Falling In Love With You Baby C/w Doodle Pickle The insanely elusive ORIGINAL!! Fabulously clean 1965 press of this simultaneously massive Wigan Casino & Cleethorpes Pier anthem circa 74/75 Monster. Whilst Soul Sam was uncontrollably fiddlin’ with the amplifier controls, behind the twin-decks at the legendary Pier; most likely Richard Searling was calmly inciting synchronized hand-claps & backdrops from his lofty stage lookout. What a memorable sight those two legend DJ’s would have witnessed 130 miles apart, straight across the breadth of England, the mirroring of a steaming hot cauldron of a club, ram-jam full of young dancers driven by the energy of mid-60s Philadelphia. It is a vision that has stayed with all who attended… Today I think the previously overlooked Funk-Boogaloo flipside may grab the attention of a few jocks for a possible “rare” spin… but the A-side is iconic Northern Soul so rarely seen for sale! Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 452.00 Sly & The Family Stone Dance To The Music The withdrawn ORIGINAL DIFFERENT MIX to the UK Direction press that “hit” An immaculate copy of the 1968 withdrawn 45, that alleged only lasted a matter of days before it was quickly deleted, by an executive decision to release this “club” winner on the CBS’s vehicle for “Soul” and released on the Direction label using a slightly different take! The rest is history, as hot on the heels of Cliff Nobles “The Horse”, this title surpassed all before as the dancefloor-detonator of the day. An immediate “Disco” smash, that still crams the dancefloors of the UK today. Before you is an immaculate, seldom seen for sale STOCK copy in super clean flawless condition. Two perfect labels and two vinyls that hardly reveal a blemish. Utterly Classic!! Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 198.00 Johnny Praye Can't Get Too Much Love Relentless Northern Soul tyrant!! Floor-destroying arrangement embellished with the most-convincing gathering of backing girls you could ever wish to hear. THIS 45 HAS EVERYTHING required to provoke that spine-tingling Northern Soul buzz you get as every inch of the floor is covered with tricky footwork and focused hand-claps! Euphoric Northern Soul at it’s most convincing - we know the label scans will have caught your eye - now click the soundfile to have your NS heart entangled. Unstoppable.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 798.00 Frankie & Johnny I'll Hold You From the first glimpse of this 45, all my worst fears were confirmed… I am an incurable Record-Anorak who experiences a bigger thrill from holding the outrageously rare, than from any of my other weird-penchants. But I know I’m not alone in preferring to fondle “impossible” vinyl, than the wife… This listing is UNIQUE 1966 UK Decca in house Test Press of what is a completely timeless Northern Soul classic. Check out the flawless, rich sounding soundfile - even though visually both sides of the playing surfaces reveal multiple light surface marks, it plays as you have already heard - Loud, Clean, clear and true. Not a single murmur , click, pop or crackle can be found on the full length soundfile provide. Although it looks Vg, it plays Mint minus! The beauty of the “test Press” not only lies in owning something unlike any other variation but also the depth of sound quality is sensational, because it will have been the “first” press of the virgin factory stamper! Unmissable 45 - British Rare Soul collecting at it’s most thrilling! Tell the wife about it - she’ll completely understand.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 392.00 Rosco Gordon Just A Little Bit C/w What I Wouldn't Do I see this male take on the Tiny Topsy monster is hitting DJ play lists… How about this gleaming, utterly immaculate 1963 UK press to impress the turntable voyeurs with ? Give ‘em some uncompromising, totally thumpin’ NS R&B in not only an highly desirable format, but also in the unbeatable 60’s EMI fidelity on that top quality robust vinyl - oh it sounds so rich! Spy the scans, listen to the sound-quality and resist if you can.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 68.00 Changing Scene Magic Love C/w Is Your Hand Where It's At Continuing our weekly journey into the depths of Rare Sweet Soul, this time we have a stylish piece, that just steps over the line into a fabulous “stepper” of the quality you’d expect to hear @ Just Soul, Simply Soul or the legendary “Soul Essence” events. Check out the “Co-Town 1440” test press and release “Soul As Sweet AS You Like It!” Lush strings take to the air, as the falsetto cuts the air cradled by violins and full male vocal backing. Fabulously fluid mild-pacer dripping with classy Soul and an equally finely crafted arrangement as horns come to join the session.. Whether it be Sweet Ballads or pure-steppers that grabs your attention we think this rarity covers both bases.. or maybe it’s FUNK that floats your boat.. Flip it for a FUNKY dancer with attitude and skilled Wah-Wah driving the guys angst.. All’s good with this 45.. so good! Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 69.00 Titus Turner Big Mary's WOW! What an historic 62 year old vision of beauty! On everybody’s favourite label, in its full glory complete with the seemingly “always” push-out TRI-CENTER, this 45 looks completely irresistible. The twanging guitar on the intro of “Big Mary’s” instantly triggers visions of an distinctively attractive jolly n’ sexy Madame in charge of “dark” goings-on in a hideaway-den of iniquity. Smokey, blues man in the corner, turns a blind-eye to the choices of recreation; couples hanging onto the drinks-crowded bar as the Sax-Man suggestively blows his reed; Titus snarls with evocative excitement, presumably in anticipation of a good night ahead…at BIG MARY’S Who could not want to attend.. Equally who could not what to own such a gorgeous disc, bringing all manner of speculative-lusting with it’s R&B Rhythms…cradling that growling vocal. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 110.00 Senators I Shouldn't Care C/w Wedding Bells Street-level 1962 seriously RARE vocal group Doo-Wop from Washington,. D.C. with a tasty Northern Soul candidate hidden away on the flipside. Headed up by James Junior Isom who Soul fans will maybe recognize from his wealth of Soul Group activity though the 60’s and 70’s. This example is one of two release the “Washington Senators” had under the guidance John Dickerson, this one being so obscure they forgot to put the “Artist Text” on the label. (See Scan) and afterthought handwritten “Senators” credit. Click the soundfile to witness an off-the-wall Northern Soul stroller that has yet to be absolutely “discovered” by the world’s most-dedicated sound-scourers. A fabulous mid-tempo NS groove saturated in potential, lead vocalist reminding me of “Cole” in Cole and The Granduers, that is doing so well for Ginger Taylor at the moment. An infectious mid-tempo littered with all the street-corner nativity we’ve all come to love on these early 60’s D.I.Y. sessions. After this fruitless release the group then moved on to bigger things recovering from this April 1962 neighborhood flop - the Washington Sanators were soon morphing into the The Satisfactions - Smash Records, later popping up with several releases on Lionel. After that no 45s but to their credit, a much sought after album on Hot Wax as the “Satisfactions Unlimited” Raw, hard beginnings and determined hard work paid off for James Junior Isom, here is his rarest NS creation - and I LOVE IT! Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 58.00 Tommy Dodson Iii Cooperate C/w You Don't Know (how Much I Love You) STONE MINT!! Los Angeles rarity giving up two fabulous examples of two highly sought-after genres. Leading with the topside Tommy guided by the prolific “Sam Cooke” mentor Rene Hall; Tommy barks out a relentless stomping Northern Soul over the top of blaring, occasionally belching brass with squealing girls driving home a splendid Northern Soul dancer - proper robust thumpin’ dancer - a seldom heard floor-destroyer of immense power! Flip it over for “Soul As Deep As It Gets” as you listen to one of the most-treasured of all Deep Soul rarities, in a few seconds you will tell you why.. it has despair dripping from the grooves, a funeral paced piano fills in as Tommy’s emotion takes pause; and cooing, wooing girls adding another layer to the man’s intense misery, as he tries to convince his girl - she “Don’t Know How Much He Loves Her” Two stand-out recordings - of pure quality covering two seriously collectible genres, remembering this record has only been played ONCE each side for the imposing sound-files to be lifted.. Rare Soul collecting - It don’t get no better than this… Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 260.00 Troy Dodds Rise Up And Walk We are going for contrast this week - covering as many bases of collecting Rare Soul as we can. We think this West Coast big production fits in nicely with that guideline. Bay area crooner Troy Dodds is overseen by prolific writer/producer George Motola on this 1962 Los Angeles session. We all adore Troy’s rich vocal, that has embellished many a California session but his pre-El Camino work, has maybe slept for too long. Be prepared for Troy to yet again prick your ears up, as Mr. Motola adds sleek girl choruses to the guttural lead, then up steps the almost compulsory Sax-man with an expanded solo, further elevating this muscular recording. If you like the Big vocals this ones sits comfortably into a polished Motola production.. Big vocals, Woo-Woo girls, long Sax-break .. what’s not to love? Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 74.00 Carl Hall Mean It Baby C/w You Don't Know Nothing About Love It matters not which side you drop the needle on - The thoroughly individualistic vocal of the Carl Hall, is right up there with the Northern/Deep Soul greats like Darrow Fletcher, Walter Jackson etc. for having that little extra that stands them apart from the crowd… Carl almost squeals but not quite, as the control of that squealing, transforms the lyrics into a heart-trembling rasp of distilled emotion. Even on this speedy, uplifting Northern Soul session with the studio doyen Jerry Ragovoy the purity of his just spills out the speakers. This record has bubbled under the mainstream Northern Soul scene for decades, I can remember it on rare sales lists from Brian 45 Philips when I was a wee lad; and still its remains mostly overlooked by the masses..but for the seasoned old-school NS scholars this is a sleeping giant. Decorated with everything you’d ever wish for in a Northern Soul spin. Vocally MASSIVE, full production just rushes along in perfect 4 beats to the bar Northern Soul fashion, as Carl Hall’s vocal swells as it gets more and more beseeching…FABULOUS stuff!! Deep Soul fans - check out the passionate flipside to hear a voice that is up there with the chosen few, who really stand out .. and the production is mountainous! TWO GREAT SIDES and it is the rarer Yellow stock copy too.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 187.00 Shorty Long Out To Get You C/w It's A Crying Shame This weeks Tamla Motown offering is the labels 11th. release, and one that failed miserably with both USA & UK sales. A 1964 William “Mickey” Stevenson project underlining Mickey’s ear for the more aggressive-black-directed Motown dance-sessions. This “Jerk” “R&B” styled dancer rides on a potent Earl Van Dyke piano rhythm, a far cry from Motown’s aim to break through into the Billboard “Pop” charts, with Mickey making no attempt to entice the “white” buyer, allowing Stevie Wonder to hijack the session with a lengthy insanely-wild blues-harmonica intrusion. Fabulous Northern Soul appreciated R&B shaker, being the final result. Flip it over and its a clone of the a-side, with the pace dropping but none of the feverish R&B energy lost. Condition in bright light is impeccable - vinyl only gives up a few brief hairline blemishes, plays perfectly. Labels as you can see, along with the “Orange wavy-top TMG Sleeve” all are immaculate! OCD - TMG addicts, this is a beauty - whilst not overlooking the two staggeringly fine R&B shakers this 45 offers. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 136.00 Nipper The Dog His Masters Voice - 1950's Souvenir This is the most pleasing piece of memorabilia I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in memory and it’s stupidly RARE! Iconic His Master Voice - Middlesex Factory Visit memento. dimensions are: boxed 75.00mm x 95.00 mm X 38.00mm unboxed 62.50mm x 85.00mm x 32.oo mm Apparently in the 50s, if you visited the EMI Middlesex pressing plant, you may have been lucky enough to come away with this “NIPPER THE DOG” souvenir. This near 60 year was wrapped and unopened until it met me. Still enshrined in the original brown paper wrapping, inside the “Middlesex Ariel” picture of the record pressing plant - inside lay “Tutankhamen” like a tiny “Nipper the Dog” and his record player. Super rare and in perfect condition, entombed, untouched and now ready to be displayed in your record room.. Personally I’ve never seen a “Nipper” of this sort ever for sale - with invariably destroyed display box still intact, I find an astonishing find! Memorabilia connoisseurs act accordingly on this historical piece.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 116.00
Guest Labeat Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Mmmm, Johnny Praye £798, thats come down to half price to what it first reached a few years back
Guest Aaron Darcy Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Mmmm, Johnny Praye £798, thats come down to half price to what it first reached a few years back Labeat , your right i thought it would have made £1000 pounds someone got a bargain imo
Mrtag Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 (edited) Mmmm, Johnny Praye £798, thats come down to half price to what it first reached a few years back Not the only bargain on there Neil that Tropics looks Cheap for a minter!! compared to this!! £513.34 @ Paypal's current exchange rates plus International shipping and maybe customs charges!! Great result for somone me thinks!! Edited March 5, 2015 by mrtag
Mrtag Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Labeat , your right i thought it would have made £1000 pounds someone got a bargain imo Deffo!!
Gene-r Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 (edited) Jesus Christ! Rosco Gordon on Stateside for £68! What price would the original on Top Rank go for then, given that this is a 1963 "reissue"? Edited March 5, 2015 by Gene-R
Sutty Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 surprised he's selling a statue of a mixed-breed dog rather than a pure-bred 1
Kegsy Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 (edited) surprised he's selling a statue of a mixed-breed dog rather than a pure-bred Please don't go down that road, you will have the OVO police telling us we can only play records on original 60's record players next and by extension that its not OVO unless its in its "birth sleeve" as JM puts it. Edited March 5, 2015 by Kegsy 1
Raremusicdirect Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 (edited) Labeat , your right i thought it would have made £1000 pounds someone got a bargain imo I thought it did ok, thought it was currently in the £ 600 - 800 bracket ? Edited March 5, 2015 by RareMusicDirect 1
Raremusicdirect Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Having viewd the auction as a whole, thought the prices were maybe "dipped" a little on previous histeria auctions............ a blip or tide turning ?
Kegsy Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Having viewd the auction as a whole, thought the prices were maybe "dipped" a little on previous histeria auctions............ a blip or tide turning ? What even on Carl Hall £187 good God I wish I could get that for my issue.
Raremusicdirect Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 What even on Carl Hall £187 good God I wish I could get that for my issue. That did well, but overall, nothing on the wow scale imho ..............maybe the mix of tunes.........
Amsterdam Russ Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Hall’s vocal swells as it gets more and more beseeching…FABULOUS stuff!! Deep Soul fans - check out the passionate flipside to hear a voice that is up there with the chosen few, who really stand out .. and the production is mountainous! TWO GREAT SIDES and it is the rarer Yellow stock copy too.. Sorry, this item has already been won! The winning bid was £ 187.00 The rarer stock copy? What? There isn't a promo of "Mean it baby". The white label of Loma 2068 features a long and short version of "You don't know nothing about love". Get your facts right! 2
jocko Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 The rarer stock copy? What? There isn't a promo of "Mean it baby". The white label of Loma 2068 features a long and short version of "You don't know nothing about love". Get your facts right! You sure there isn't a WD? I thought I had seen one, but in over 20 years of collecting Loma never got one, so maybe it was my imagination.
Cover-up Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Out of 14 items, FOUR ended under £100 - THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH! 1
Amsterdam Russ Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 You sure there isn't a WD? I thought I had seen one, but in over 20 years of collecting Loma never got one, so maybe it was my imagination. Never seen one myself. "You don't know nothing…" was the A side. Ragovoy was effectively running Loma out of New York at that time and this, of course, is one of his trademark monster productions. The long version is 3:56 while the edit is 3:11.
Guest Aaron Darcy Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 surprised he's selling a statue of a mixed-breed dog rather than a pure-bred I like it
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