Sooty Posted December 25, 2014 Posted December 25, 2014 (edited) YO HOOOO!!x I hope you all had a fantastic day....I have!x As promised....the link to the full documentary made at Kings Hall in 2003 is now available forever.....FOR FREE!!!!x The version I have uploaded is the one put out on DVD last year to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of it's making! In the past 11 years over 2000 Soulies Nationwide have happily paid £10-15 for a VHS or DVD copy of the very same! A timeless ''product' too really....but no longer a cash generator....for anyone....just a Soulful resonator......which I like....X A gift....for Xmas....and hopefully is archived in the memorabilia the scene has gathered over its lifetime!x A labour of love originally for me.....and fitting to go out to all....for free...ENJOY!x I'm away now until after the New Year and wish you all a Happy 2015.....X * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X N.B.....there are no DVD's....or records....or nowt to buy as the end credits offer.....all done and finished.....just a free program to watch.....that's it..............!!!!x Going back to my 'wonderland' technology sound/light show.....4000 holes drilled....personally......thousands have been to see it......job done!!!x ....and Xmas cheer to finish.....doh!!!!x The Judge asked what was that at the back of the Limo.....I said me Xmas stocking.....and u know wot ure Honour....not 1 saddo put owt in there......! He chickled....took pity and gimme a soft fine.........there......there is a 'Santa' in us all.....i;ve shown said....enjoy the film.....after Eastenders of course....hehe!!!x Edited January 5, 2015 by SOOTY 2
Wiganer1 Posted December 25, 2014 Posted December 25, 2014 GOOD MEMORIES SOOTY,,THANKS FOR SHARING...ALL THOSE THAT DIDNT KNOW THE TWO LABELS ...LOL 2
Sooty Posted December 25, 2014 Author Posted December 25, 2014 (edited) ....not 1 person got the 2 WG1.......and I thought it a simple Q!!!x Mind you....if I hadn't have had the 2nd issue as The New Younghearts in a bulk I bought one time....then perhaps I would never have known either....!x Good banter tho'.....and out of over 100 'films' made of various subjects taking me around the world.....honest to Herb was my favourite 'night off'....honest!x Thank YOU all...!x * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edited December 25, 2014 by SOOTY
Wiganer1 Posted December 25, 2014 Posted December 25, 2014 SHOUTING SOULTOWN AT THE VIDEO....WELL IT IS OVO NOWADAYS..LOL 1
Davetay Posted December 26, 2014 Posted December 26, 2014 ....not 1 person got the 2 WG1.......and I thought it a simple Q!!!x Mind you....if I hadn't have had the 2nd issue as The New Younghearts in a bulk I bought one time....then perhaps I would never have known either....!x Good banter tho'.....and out of over 100 'films' made of various subjects taking me around the world.....honest to Herb was my favourite 'night off'....honest!x Thank YOU all...!x * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X You only asked us, where we had come from, and l said Florida. We had just got back from ours hol's that day, . Anyway l would told you three labels, most people forget about the Zea release. For the record Canterbury and Soul Town. 2
Davetay Posted December 26, 2014 Posted December 26, 2014 YO HOOOO!!x I hope you all had a fantastic day....I have!x As promised....the link to the full documentary made at Kings Hall in 2003 is now available forever.....FOR FREE!!!!x The version I have uploaded is the one put out on DVD last year to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of it's making! In the past 11 years over 2000 Soulies Nationwide have happily paid £10-15 for a VHS or DVD copy of the very same! A timeless ''product' too really....but no longer a cash generator....for anyone....just a Soulful resonator......which I like....X A gift....for Xmas....and hopefully is archived in the memorabilia the scene has gathered over its lifetime!x A labour of love originally for me.....and fitting to go out to all....for free...ENJOY!x I'm away now until after the New Year and wish you all a Happy 2015.....X * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Finally after almost 12 years we get to see it. I would have liked some footage from the Modern Room, but it wasn't to be. Like you said it was bloody dark up there. 1
Guest stewmac Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 i bought it when it came out no idea what happened to it ,thanks to Sooty for putting it up !
Sooty Posted December 27, 2014 Author Posted December 27, 2014 (edited) DAAAAAAAVEEEEEE!!!!!!x Wot a tite ar*e not finding a tenner in 12 years........hehe!!!x That reaction you have given means 'job done'!x I made it for pleasure....mine...and everyone's! No money/business or owt.....and it was only after we got back and reviewed what we'd got that we realised.......we had the lot!x The reason I focused on your holiday is because you had travelled the furthest to be there.....!!!x ZEA.....a brown 70's label?! Had that copy and have the Canterbury......the Soul Town version I had but got rid as t was poor quality for DJing with I recall?!x 12 years....YOU mate....are the first to ever mention the Zea copy...the 3rd......yet thousands have watched it! You my friend...have been worth waiting is the film for you!!!! Job done!x Stewmac...what happened to it was I edited it....showed it to Kev Roberts a few weeks after the night....he was gobsmacked as he'd only known me as a DJ/Promoter before then.....ordered 1000 copies from me....which was nice as it paid for a new camera for our then fledgling media firm! I delivered the 1000 copies.....he asked for another 300 a few weeks later.....couldn't do as the firm i'd used to duplicate to get the price to make it viable wouldn't do less than 500 at a time......and so that was that......and the master copy I made went into a box of VHS tapes featuring bits and bobs from all over the place......and sat for 10 years!!!x In 2005....I was up t'norf and popped into a gig.....walked around and saw for the first time a bootlegged DVD of it....for a £10!!!!! I asked the guy what it was about....he waffled....I bought it......absolute sh*te production/copy and poor picture quality! He had said as a sales ploy....'sold about 30 copys 'ere tonight so it's a good un'.....! He'd obviously not seen it....granted the room was dark....I had a limo outside causing a buzz around the room.....but other than that....I fink I was recognizable....if he'd have watched it!!!!x That's all I knew until last year when making an album featuring 'mixes' using some Northern Tracks that we wondered how to get them out there to 'hard core' as a sign of respect before their commercial release!! I remembered the film....and it was 10 years since making anniversary of put it on DVD 'officially' for the first time proper done with free new tunes at the end....and put em thru here.....and all were happy!x We sold our album....thousands have watched the film.....then the Northern Soul film comes buzz....and I think....yeah......meat for the bone........'ave it!x It was made as a 'labour of love' and indeed have never seen it as a 'earner' to put it on line....for all...forever.....epitomises what it was about......TOGETHERNESS. I don't do rhetoric......folk Nationwide will confirm!x * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I'm having a Xmas Day with my Grandson who is a talking 2 and a bit now and will take a clip round the lug hole n looking forward to it.....built him a huuuuge train in me front room with lights....coal truck full of pressys........and once that has all gone away for around 2 weeks I think!x I won't be able to get on line and so take this opportunity to say THANK YOU ALL for your sincere friendship and comradery offered over the years. No...I weren't 'there' back in the day....and was a 'latecomer'......but the majority took me in as their own....which is my lasting memory of the scene and will always be. With this film....I feel as though I have given back to the scene that gave me.....what I needed at the time...a feel good factor. I got it......invested it into other paths of life....and hopefully leave behind a legacy that the scene left with me.......a 'happy' one....X I hope that happiness continues into the New Year for all.....and yes.....I would like to think I can invest chill out time at an occasional function myself in 2015!!!!x It will be fitting.....a 40th Anniversary since I danced to The Champion and You're Ready Now...Better Use Your Head....Netherhall Youth Club....1975.......remember it as if yesterday........and still get excited at that prospect all these years later!!!x Happy New Year all.....X The above 'logo' used in the film was made from the guys T-shirt.....stood outside the hall at the beginning (2.53)....proud of that..!x EDIT>>>>>Besides being tight ar*es the lot of are appreciative too.....!x The film sold/gave away around 2000 copys over 11 years. I have just checked the stats for the views since placing the link on my FB and in a few forums on Xmas day.......and I am gobsmacked as Kev was originally........1483 complete watches....only 4 'bum outs' who lasted a few minutes!! BRILLIANT.....and I knew it was right to do....X Still tite ar*es tho'.....hehe...!x One day Rodders.....we'll be millionaaaaires....! Yeah when u stop giving our best stuff away to ure mates we will dipstick.......sigh!x * / @@ ~ Edited December 27, 2014 by SOOTY 1
Patto Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 Sooty Thanks for that i enjoyed watching it,nice gesture to put it out in full .Some great interviews and a good insight to the scene as it was 10 years ago.I missed that night but went to every other one that year and for me that was the best time at the Kings Hall. Honestly at the time if you had asked me the question i would have answered with all three labels.I owned all three,but the only one i own now is the Soultown issue.I always thought The New Younghearts sounded crisper,and with more punch,and looks Beautiful. Happy New year to you Patto 1
Jim Ohara Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 Managed to watch in all about 10 minutes at various points of the total film I ain't going to comment any more than that!!!! 2
Eddie Hubbard Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 I thought it was great , lots of friends on there , well done Sooty ... 3
Soulandy Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 That was brilliant and looked great on me new BIG Tele. Great stuff 1
Sooty Posted December 29, 2014 Author Posted December 29, 2014 Unbelievable.....honest.....i'm absolutely gobsmacked! Tipped 2500+ watches today....since Xmas afternoon when I first placed the link!!!x FANTASTIC and I am sure it will get 'shared' more as more see it....self proliferating....a 'virus'.......which is what it is all about.....spreading viral joy......JOB DONE!x A happy thought to go away with and indeed wish all of you a sincere Happy New've made mine....I reckon!x * / @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Pezer Posted December 29, 2014 Posted December 29, 2014 Was great to see the photo of my old mate Pat Loasby, hard to believe he passed away over 16 years ago!!! 1
Sooty Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) !x Edited January 2, 2015 by SOOTY
Sooty Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) Happy New Year all!x I have popped in to share the 'stats' of what's happened since placing the above Documentary link!x The figures represent folk who came via this link or who shared the link and viewed it in full as of last night!x 4187 'looks' at it with 2600+ watching the film in full....via Soul Source....!!!!x THANK YOU for your interest!x Soul Source Stats....for 1 week since Xmas Day!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Pat...16 years Pezer??!!! BLIMEY!!!x I did the speech at his funeral......the lad who was going to do it was overcome with emotion and passed the job onto we walked into church!!!x No probs.....great friend....good lad.....solid Soulie......and lived it....X Everybody laughed....cried....and seemed to enjoy my words....I thought!x It was only afterwards that everyone came up and said I'd referred to Pat as Bob......all the way through my speech whilst tapping his box.....! Bob was the guy who backed out.......obviously rattled me brain...if not me heart!!!!!hehe!!x Pat woulda pi**ed himself....and we all know it....X He got a huuuuge redundancy deal.....bought he got his 'dream' before leaving us......which I have to be happy with.....I reconciled...X There is nooooo way he is resting in peace Pezer....init!!X I miss him....X Edited January 2, 2015 by SOOTY
Sooty Posted January 5, 2015 Author Posted January 5, 2015 71 Unknown 135 143 Stats above for Sunday's downloads/watches of the Togetherness Doc!x Soul Source peaked last Saturday 27th with 512 downloads in 1 day! That has now steadied to an average of 80 ish a day! On Saturday I went searching for Northern Forums on FB......NIGHTMARE!!!!! Hundreds of 'em!!!x I placed the link in went ballistic.....but it wos laborious! The FB and 'unknown' figures come from FB links i placed! On Sunday.....amazingly....a new account opened up to attract/co-ordinate ALL FB NS/Scooter groups..........and over 200 have piled in so far.........a 'come to Daddy' moment......!!!!! So today I am sitting in that group and going down the list and giving em the film.......job done!!!!!x To date since Xmas day......5743 full watches have occurred with a total of 8,000+ clicked play....for a quick browse! 'Quality' stuff methinks and hopes it helps you promoters/venue owners to see the value of Soul Source and its potential as an advertising 'vehicle'!x I would pay to use it....if I was flogging survey suggests!x Thank you all for the kind comments left in forums Nationwide and yup.....many 'old faces' are popping outta the FBwork....which has been fantastic!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....and for some reason...the video to the last track on the film hasn't come thru! The tune is there but not the graphics......a glitch of some sorts thru the here it is for those asking for it....from the scooter scene in the main.......awesome!!!!x
Mike Posted January 5, 2015 Posted January 5, 2015 Figures are interesting stuff, and the vid seems to have gone down well Sooty Though as been going since xmas day ask can you wind down using this thread now There is the video feature here - which is aimed as acting a reference/archive so you may wanna add it (adding is just a 5 second affair) better if you do it rather than site so your the point of contact for any comments/qs etc cheers mike
Sooty Posted January 5, 2015 Author Posted January 5, 2015 Nice 1 Mike and thanx for the pointer!x It has gone down well mate......over 20 have come forward as featuring in the film and never seeing it....which is brilliant!x The feedback is what it deserves.....a sincere simple film with no 'objective' it is!x The DJ's give a super account of themselves and the scene.....and 'the people' my 10 year intense association....and knowing 'Soulies' for 40 years.....then again....they represent 'the people' as is. It wasn't important to me as sat for 10 years.....along with over 30 other 'quality' productions of various interests.,.......all 'done and finished' with....for me! I am glad I have done what I have......I knew it was a cash generator too.....if I wanted it like that.....but never have. In essence......I have stayed true to my principals applied to the scene throughout my association with it.......never been 'business'....always pleasure. There ain;t 1 DJ...promoter or Mogul who can tell u different. Proud of that.....and yes....I believe that attitude has been captured in the film! A unique 'product' in every sense!x I couldn't take it serious on the night......I only went to 'chill' as I was in the middle of sorting out a high ranking peedo ring back 'ome! The bu**ers din;t leave hassling me out of bringing em to account as they smashed me window to get me phone whilst I was in the venue chatting to DJ's! Amazing eh...? Me.....just getting away from it all.............where else could I have gone....and felt safe??? THANK YOU ALL....even tho' u never knew....X You were the only 'family' I had. Folk wonder wtf I was about for those 10 years? Just a Soul brother..........end of. A rarer commodity than most vinyl....I have figured..........X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
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