Henry Posted December 2, 2014 Posted December 2, 2014 SOUL45COLLECTORTo reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me.Most major credit/debit cards accepted directly,also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends & Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates.Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition.As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R & B / 60's Soul Rotations Don't ever hurt me girl / If I could be like Columbus EX+/highly recommended/great sweet flip Law-ton 40 "Relations, The" Puddin-n-tang (is my name) unknown?/ignore title/great Lebby 15 "Relations, The" Puddin-n-tang (is my name) w/demo/unknown? Lebby 20 "Relations, The" Puddin-n-tang (is my name) (ignore title-great) unknown?/sl. warp-nap Lebby 10 "Guess, Lenis" In my room vg++/audible scratch at end/great Legrand 15 "Owens, Garland" I want to know if you love me great LeMonde 20 "Clark, Dee" 24 hours of loneliness demo/wol Liberty 15 "Davis, Brendetta" I can't make it without him M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Liberty 60 "Jhamels, The" A road to nowhere demo/recommended Liberty 25 "Madison, Rosalind" Neighborhood girl / No other love M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Liberty 50 "McDaniels, Gene" It's a lonely town w/demo/wol/superb Liberty 15 "Sheen, Bobby" How many nights ex-/demo/great Liberty 15 "Sheen, Bobby" How many nights EX+/great Liberty 15 "Van, Ila" It must be love ex-/recommended Liberty 15 "Wilson, Obrey" That's where lonesome lives demo/wol/recommended Liberty 25 "Wilson, Obrey" That's where lonesome lives demo/recommended Liberty 30 "Leavill, Otis" I'm amazed EX+/w/demo/xol/superb Limelight 40 Phil & Del My girl Jean recommended Linda 25 O'Jays How does it feel ruined label/clean vinyl & flip lbl Little Star 5 "Parker, Gloria" Why can't we get together good version LLP 10 "Chandler, Denise" I'm walking away recommended Lock 15 "Aiken, Ben" You were meant to be my baby EX/recommeded Loma 15 "Enchanters, The" We got love w/demo Loma 15 "Lewis, Artie" Ain't no good / Falling (in love with you) w/demo/2 great sides Loma 25 "Curry And The Heart Stoppers, Geraldine" You're so wonderful / No matters how hard I try (flip-Joyce Curry) M-/sm wol/2 great sides London House 75 Lemon Tree A tender affair / Glory glory (VIRTUALLY UNKNOWN) M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!-be quick! Lucky Eleven 30 "King, Anna" The big change EX+/great Ludix 75 "Brown, Otis" I'am ready for love / Will you wait M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20 "Upfronts, The" "Baby, for you love " recommended Lummtone 40 "Washington, Albert" Loosen these pains and let me go R&B/recommended M. In The Street 15 "Huey, Claude (Baby)" Keep it to myself EX-/demo/wol/superb M.I.O.B. 85 "West, Norm" Baby please demo/recommended M.O.C. 20 "Furys, The" Never more w/demo/recommended Mack IV 20 "Bailey, JR" Too late / Hold back the dawn demo/great Mala 15 "Bishop, Bobby" That's where I belong vg+/demo/label wear Mala 6 "Fugitives, The" Your girl's a woman wol/demo Mala 15 "Van Dykes, The" What will I do if I lose you sol/vslw Mala 15 Mighty Sam Never too busy M-/great R&B Malaco 15 "King, Anna" In between tears wol/recommended Malibu 40 "Jogettes, The" Johnny's comin' home R&B/great Mar 12 "Du-ettes, The" Every beat of my heart M-/classic Mar-V-lus 12 Miss Madeline Lonely girl / Behave yourself recommended Mar-V-lus 12 "Hamilton, Edward & Arabians" Thank you mother recommended Mary Jane 15 "Classic Sullivans, The" "Shame, shame, shame " M-/superb Master Key 100 "Fidels, The" I want to thank you / Boys will be boys M-/2 superb sides Maverick 50 "Fascinations, The" Girls are out to get you ex-/sm stol/classic Mayfield 12 "Wesley, John & The Four Tees" You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Guys & Dolls Looking for a lover great Mellow 10 "Burnette, Dorsey" Little acorn wol Mel-o-dy 10 "Bowen, Jeffrey" II'll get by (all by myself) (Inc Co sleeve) w/demo/superb/great flip too Mercury 75 Brothers Grimm Looky looky EX/w/demo/wol-flip/classic Mercury 40 Brothers Grimm Looky looky M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/classic Mercury 50 "Bryant, Arnold" House in order M-/superb/2nd issue Mercury 10 "Bryant, Arnold" House in order M-/w/demo/superb/rare demo Mercury 30 "Butler, Jerry" What's the use of breaking up great Mercury 8 "Charades, The" You're with me all the way w/demo/wol-flip/superb Mercury 60 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 "Dreamlovers, The" Bless your soul / The bad times make the good times 2 great sides Mercury 30 "Dunn, Joyce" A New change of address / same-mono (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 30 Fads Just like a woman / The problem is M-/w/demo/feint wol/Inc Co slv/great Mercury 100 "Lewis, Herman" Think before you walk away / same (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/superb Mercury 25 "Long, Lynn" Do I baby great Mercury 20 "Long, Lynn" Do I baby demo/great Mercury 25 "McPhatter, Clyde" Crying won't help you now (Inc Co sleeve) w/demo/great mid-tempo Mercury 25 "Moore, Melba" Patience is rewarded M-/w/demo/recommended Mercury 15 "Scott, Bobby" It's real demo/nice mid-tempo Mercury 15 "Taylor, Gloria" Total disaster / Don' want to be a girl that cries recommended Mercury 40 "Warwick, Dee Dee" Foolish fool v sl lbl ring wear Mercury 8 "Warwick, Dee Dee" We've got everything going for us / Don't you ever give up on me M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Mercury 25 "Warwick, Dee Dee" When love slips away / House of gold 2 superb sides Mercury 15 "Yuro, Timi" (I'm afraid) the masquerade is over Mercury 15 "Yuro, Timi" (I'm afraid) the masquerade is over w/demo Mercury 20 "Burns, Jackie & The Bo-Bells" I do the best I can ex-/great/rarer issue M-G-M 45 "Cambridge, Dottie" He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 "Camp, Joani" I'm gonna try demo/lbl dmge-worse on flip M-G-M 8 "Gaynor, Gloria" "Searchin' / Reach out, I'll be there " recommended M-G-M 12 "Grapevine, The" I can't get enough of you ex-/demo/great M-G-M 12 "Impact, The" My world fell down demo/v sl warp-nap/great M-G-M 12 "Impact, The" My world fell down M-/demo/great M-G-M 15 "Invitations, The" The skate / Girl I'm leavin' you recommended M-G-M 20 "Jarrett, Peter & Fifth Circle, The" "Run run, baby run " demo/great M-G-M 15 "Mars, Marlina" Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX+/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 "Nash, Johnny" Im so glad youre my baby/Stormy M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 "Nash, Johnny" You never know / Good goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 "Nash, Johnny" You never know/Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 "Payne, Freda" Sad sad September demo/superb M-G-M 20 "Payne, Freda" Sad sad September EX/superb M-G-M 20 "Perry, Charles" How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 "Quinn, Carole" Good boy gone bad demo/recommended M-G-M 12 "Quinn, Carole" Good boy gone bad recommended M-G-M 12 "Quinn, Carole" I'll do it for you / Do those little things great M-G-M 20 "Royalettes, The" Never again wol/up-tempo version M-G-M 12 "Royalettes, The" Never again up-tempo version M-G-M 15 "Stevens, April" Wanting you M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic M-G-M 40 "Tulips, The" You better stay away from my baby demo/2x'sol M-G-M 15 "Turner, Spyder" I can't make it any more classic/Doesn't get any better! M-G-M 15 "Willows, The" Outside the city demo/wol/great M-G-M 15 "Wilson, Norris" Where the action is M-/great mid-tempo M-G-M 20 "Roberts, Lou" My love is stronger than my mind w/demo M-G-M SOM 15 "Douglass, Gwenn" The picture / Pretender EX+/superb/nice flip too Michelle 100 "Barnes, Orthea" Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/2 great sides/1st label/RARE Mickay's 75 "Hollingsworth, James" Running back to you great Mikalin 12 "St. Clair, Kelly" Don't look over your shoulder nice/with pic. sleeve Millage 30 "Banks, Homer" 60 minutes of your love M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/classic Minit 30 "HItson, Herman" Yes you did M-/demo/red & black label/superb Minit 150 "Spellman, Benny" Every now and then demo/great Minit 15 Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business demo/wol/great Minit 20 "Memphis Men, The" Oh what a night / Act natuarlly M-/w/demo/recommended Miramar 30 Bob & Earl Baby your time is my time great mid-tempo Mirwood 8 "Lee, Jackie" The duck / Let your conscience be your guide 2 great sides Mirwood 10 Olympics We go together / Secret agents EX/2 great sides Mirwood 12 "Olympics, The" "Baby, do the Philly dog " great Mirwood 10 "Day, Jackie" Oh ! What heartaches classic Modern 20 "Three Of Us, The" I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 "Swann, Bettye" I think I'm falling in love / Don't take my mind great Money 15 "Swann, Bettye" Make me yours great Money 15 "Contrasts, The" What a day recommended Monument 12 "Jefferies, Fran" Gone now EX+/w/demo/superb Monument 75 "White, Tony Joe" Polk salad Annie R&B Monument 15 "Vontastics, The" Lady love EX-/recommended Moon Shot 20 "Vontastics, The" Lady love M-/recommended Moon Shot 25 "Mac, Bobby" Keep on vg+/great Moonglow 6 Four Tops The key recommended Motown 10 "Holland, Eddie" Jamie classic Motown 25 "Holland, Eddie" Jamie (2.15 version) classic Motown 30 "Martin, Tony" The two of us ex- Motown 10 "McNair, Barbara" You're gonna love my baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/fantastic Motown 100 "Ross, Diana & Supremes" Time changes things recommended Motown 10 "Ross, Diana & Supremes" Will this be the day recommended Motown 10 "Ruffin, David" I pray everyday you won't regret loving Motown 8 "Ruffin, Jimmy" What becomes of the broken hearted / same w/demo/'74 re-iss/classic Motown 6 "Spinners, The" Truly yours great Motown 15 "Supremes, The" Time changes things 2nd/great Motown 10 "Supremes, The" Time changes things ex-/great Motown 12 "Wells, Mary" Two lovers / Operator great Motown 10 "Wonder, Stevie" Nothing's too good for my baby sm wol/great Motown Yesteryear 5 "Burrage, Harold" Master key ex-/wol/recommended M-pac 15 "Burrage, Harold" Master key recommended M-pac 20 "Simpson, Big Daddy" Give me back my ring R&B M-pac 12 "Earls, The" Papa / If I could do it over again sm wol/2 great sides Mr. G 30 "Curry, Louis" I'll try again tomorrow / A toast to you (xol) VG++/2 great sides M-S 15 "Williams, Arlene" Duck all over town (xol) EX+/great R&B Musette 40 "Scott, Walter" Silly girl / Just you wait 2 great sides Musicland USA 20 "Crossen Jr, Ray" Try some soul M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Musicor 20 "Jive Five, The" You'l fall in love / Crying like a baby 2 great sides Musicor 15 "Perkins, Joe" Runaway slave ex-/w/demo/recomndd Musicor 75 "Powell, Marilyn" Please go away vg++/Inc Co sleeve/great Musicor 50 "Radcliffe, Jimmy" Moment of weakness vg++/great Musicor 12 "Toys, The" You got it baby / You've got to give her love w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 20 "Harris, Milton" You should have told me / She's hurting me superb mid-tempo Mutt 30 Sunlover's You'll never make the grade M-/classic Mutt & Jeff 75 "Dockett, Jimmy" Take a chance M-/fantastic! Mystic 4 40 "Washington, Baby" Why did my baby put me down vg+/slw Neptune 12 "Washington, Baby" Work out great Neptune 15 Metrojean "Mama, let me do it my way " beat ballad New Sound 20 "Ryder And The Detroit Wheels, Mitch" Too many fish in the sea (sol) EX+/great New Voice 5 "Ryder, Mitch" Sock it to me-baby with color pic. sleeve New Voice 15 "Sands, George 'N Sonny" Down by the ocean EX/demo/recommended New Voice 30 "Kittens Three, The" Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams M-/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 "La Belle, Patti" Love me just a little / The jokes on you 2 great sides Newtime 15 Gladys Love recommended O-Gee 30 "Belgianetts, The" The train recommended Okeh 25 "Black Vellvet, The" Just came back / Come on heart w/demo/sm wol/2 nice sides Okeh 10 "Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer ex-/classic Okeh 15 "Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer small lbl tear/classic Okeh 15 "Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer classic Okeh 20 "Butler, Billy & Chanters" I can't work no longer w/demo/classic Okeh 30 "Butler, Billy & Enchanters" Gotta get away / I'm just a man superb/great flip too Okeh 25 Carstairs He who picks a rose M-/superb Okeh 50 "Church, Jimmy" The hurt M-/w/demo/slight warp-nap/xol-flip//Inc co sleeve Okeh 50 "Jackson, Walter" One heart lonely vg+/wol/great Okeh 10 "Jackson, Walter" One heart lonely ex-/great Okeh 12 "Jackson, Walter" They don't give medals wol/great Okeh 8 Little Richard Well / Poor dog Okeh 15 "Taylor, Ted" Need you home Okeh 15 "Variations, The" Yesterday is gone w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying / Ain't love that way VG++/2 great sides Okeh 25 Vibrations Keep on keeping on w/demo/recommended Okeh 30 Vibrations Pick me / You better beware EX/EX- flip/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 25 "Williams, Larry/Johnny Watson" A quitter never wins EX+/classic/sleeve Okeh 40 Fiestas I gotta have your lovin' w/demo?/recommended Old Town 15 Fiestas Think smart M-/w/demo/sm wol/classic Old Town 300 Solitaires Lonesome lover / Pretty thing 2 great sides Old Town 25 "Calello, Pat" The things I need M-/w/demo/highly recommended Oliver 60 "Williams, Sandy" California w/demo/great Oliver 15 Admirations Don't leave me fantastic One-derful 15 Admirations Wait til I get to know you / inst. fantastic One-derful 15 "Clay, Otis" A lasting love / Got to find a way great m-tempo/up-tempo One-derful 12 "Clay, Otis" Show place wol-flip/recommended One-derful 12 "Clay, Otis" Show place recommended One-derful 15 "Everett, Betty" I'll be there recommended One-derful 25 "Mitchell, McKinley" A bit of soul great One-derful 25 Rockmasters A wonderful thing demo/great One-derful 30 Sharpees I've got a secret recommended One-derful 20 Sharpees My girl Jean recommended One-derful 20 "Day, Eddie" For my girl / Summers gone 2 great sides Onyx 30 "Harner, Billy" She's almost you/Fool me classic/superb m-t flip Open 8 "Harner, Billy" She's almost you /Fool me (superb m-tempo flip) w/demo/classic Open 12 "Helms, Jimmy" My little devil recommended Oracle 30 "Smith & The Laughing Kind, Tommy" I'm going to save you / I'm gonna put some hurt on you M-/2 great sides Orbit 20 Hollywood Persuaders Drums a-go-go superb inst/DRUMS!!! Original Sound 12 "Mac, Bobby" Keep on / Walkin' together M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Original Sound 10 Eighteenth Edition When you love someone great Panther 30 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (wol/stmol) ex-/w/demo/rare west coast press Parkway 60 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (xol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve Parkway 75 "Grant, Janie" "My heart, your heart (west coast release)" EX-/w/demo/classic Parkway 60 "Holman, Eddie" A free country xol-flip/great Parkway 10 "Sigler, Bunny" Girl don't make me wait EX/classic Parkway 40 "Campbell, Vi" Seven doors EX/demo/great R&B Peacock 40 "Verdell, Jackie" Come let me love you vg++/wol/demo Peacock 25 Classmen The yang yang (The heart string) ex-/great dancer Pearce 25 Impossibles Well it's alright Pellegrino 15 "Barrett, Susan" No one but you ex-/w/demo/great Philips 25 "Brown, Ruth" Mama EX/w/demo/wol/R&B/great Philips 25 "Brown, Ruth" Mama w/demo/R&B/great Philips 30 Flamingos She shook my world M-/superb Philips 20 "Hebb, Bobby" Crazy baby / Love me 2 great sides Philips 8 "Intentions, The" Don't forget that I love you / The night rider M-/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 60 "Kelly, Paul" Sweet sweet lovin' great Philips 15 "Lewis, Bobby" Give me your yesterdays / Soul seekin' demo/2x'sol/v sl lbl wear Philips 30 "Millionaires, The" A rather hip shing / I'd rather do it myself EX-/2 great sides Philips 20 "Millionaires, The" A rather hip shing/I'd rather do it myself EX+/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Philips 25 "Peoples Choice, The" Lost and found / Keep on holdin' on M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip Philips 40 "Results, The" Need your love/Funky (female group) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides Philips 12 "Results, The" Need your love / Funky (female group) w/demo/2 great sides Philips 15 "Springfield, Dusty" All cried out / I wish I'd never loved you great version/superb flip Philips 15 "Toys, The" Ciao baby recommended Philips 15 "Toys, The" Ciao baby w/demo/recommended Philips 20 "Tyrell, Steve" A boy without a girl great Philips 20 "Tyrell, Steve" A boy without a girl w/demo/great Philips 25 "Williams, Tony" Second best recommended Philips 30 "Wilson, Obrey" You don't love me great Philips 15 "Jones, Buster" Down silent streets w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 "Sigler, Benny" I can give you love re-issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 8 "Stuart, Jeb" In love again R&B Phillips 15 Modernistics Down at the go-go great Pioneer 15 Fabulous Downbeats Life goes on M-/superb Poison Ring 50 "Starr, Brenda" "Satan, let me sleep tonight" w/demo/fantastic Polydor 125 "Starr, Brenda" "Satan, let me sleep tonight (sl lbl wear flip)" ex-/w/demo/fantastic Polydor 100 "Allison, Leevert" I want to give my heart to you highly recommended Poncello 40 "Sparkels, The" Where there's a will ex-/w/demo/great Poplar 30 "Webs, The" Tomorrow (v sl lbl ting wear) / This thing called love M-/2 great sides Popside 20 "Nelson, Nate" Once again great Prigan 30 "Black, Marion" I'm gonna get loaded great Prix 15 Joseph Like a fool w/demo/recommended Project 3 20 Bobbi & Terri You killed the thrill in my heart w/demo/great Providence 50 "Fulsom, Lowell" Stop and think R&B/great Prowlin' 25 "Foreman, Linda" Let's get it together great Public 20 Admirals Sawmill M-/superb R&B Pulse 40 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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