Henry Posted November 4, 2014 Posted November 4, 2014 SOUL45COLLECTORTo reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me.Most major credit/debit cards accepted directly,also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends & Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates.Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition.As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R & B / 60's Soul Kane and Abel Break down and cry recommended Destination 25 Little Marion Let me back in your arms w/demo/great Destination 50 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 "Dialtones, The" "If you don't know, you just don't know / Don't let the sun shine on me " vg+/w/demo/sl warp-nap Dial 15 "Tex, Joe" "Baby, be good " great Dial 15 "Tex, Joe" "Baby, be good" w/demo/great Dial 20 "Trask, Diana" Precious time nice mid-tempo Dial 6 "Hall, Thomas" You told me a lie M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommeded Diamond 25 "Linneas,The" Born to be your baby demo/great Diamond 20 "Linneas,The" It's a good kind of hurt demo/2 x's ol-flip/great Diamond 20 "Pirouettes, The" If you see my baby 2 xol/great Diamond 20 "Varner, Don" More power to ya / Handshakin' demo/great Diamond 25 "Winters, Ruby" I don't want to hurt nobody recommended Diamond 15 "Winters, Ruby" Just like a yo yo recommended Diamond 15 Steptones Lonely one / Steppin high (inst) EX+/superb Diamond Jim 250 "Cookies, The" Only to other people Dimension 10 "Irwin, Big Dee" And heaven was here stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 25 Brenda & The Tabulations That's in the past VG/plays great/superb Dionn 20 Brenda & The Tabulations That's the price you have to pay recommended Dionn 15 "Lady Fox & Foxettes, The" Our love (will never grow cold) recommended Don-El 20 Contemplations Alone with no love (wol) / same-inst VG++/superb Dontee 125 Entertainers IV Temptation walk (wol) EX-/great Dore 6 Vel-vetts You really never know till its over EX/superb/great inst. Flip too Dore 75 "Alexander, Arthur" Keep her guessing VG++/sol-flip/v sl warp-nap/great/rare Dot 200 "Flowers, Phil" Son of mine w/demo Dot 12 "Love, Ronnie" Chills and fever EX-/sm sol/2 x's ol/great Dot 20 Mellow Fellows My baby needs me / Another sleepless night M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Dot 50 "Mod Squad, The" Beautiful woman w/demo/great/unknown? Dot 20 "Granger, Gerri" You must be doing something right Double L 8 "Hudson, Pookie" (I love you) for sentimental reasons ex-/great Double L 12 "Jackson, George" That lonely night ex-/sl warp-nap/superb mid-tempo Double R 15 Georgia Prophets For the first time recommended Double Shot 20 "Van, Billy" A year ago great/unknown? Dra 25 Precisions If this is love EX+/classic Drew 25 "Edwards, Dee" "All the way home / Love, love, love (sm wol) " M-/classic Detroit/great flip too D-Town 75 "Rogers, Lee" Boss love great D-Town 12 "Davis, James" Chains around my heart great R&B Duke 20 "Parker, Junior" Wait for another day nice mid-tempo Duke 15 "Parker, Little Junior" You're on my mind Duke 10 "Taylor, Ted" Hold me tight Duke 10 "Smith, Effie" Trouble mind w/demo/xol Duo Disc 10 "Dynamics, The" Hold it! ex-/R&B inst. Dyna 15 "Blackmon, Bobby/Soul Express" She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60 Commands Don't be afraid to love me / Around the go-go EX/2 great sides Dynamic 40 Bethea I wouldn't come back great Dynamo 15 Bethea I wouldn't come back w/demo/great Dynamo 20 "Foxx, Inez And Charlie" You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 35 "Foxx, Inez And Charlie" You fixed my heartache M-/superb Dynamo 40 "Andrews, Harold" You're a winner ex-/w/demo/superb Early Bird 65 "Andrews, Harold" You're a winner M-/w/demo/superb Early Bird 75 "Huey, Claude" Feel good all over EX-/classic Early Bird 65 Eddie & Ernie The cat M-/recommended Eastern 15 "Bragg, Johnny" They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 "Gin & Gents, The" Dreams for sale / Boy and girl 2 great sides Eldorado 25 "Vonn, Gary" Keep on comin' back to you girl w/demo/great mid-tempo Elf 15 "Cincinnatians, The" Do what you want to do M-/recommended Emerald 30 "Pipkins, Jim & Boss Five,The" Mr. C. C. great mod inst. Emerge 15 "Kay, Joey" Bundle of joy R&B/recommended Empire 100 "Ames, Nancy" I don't want to talk about it M-/1st yellow lbl/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 25 "Franklin, Erma" I don't want no mamas boy (xol) w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb R&B Epic 75 "Hamilton, Roy" Don't come cryin' to me (xol) / If only I had known w/demo/2 great sides Epic 30 "Hamilton, Roy" I need your lovin' great Epic 30 Soulosophy Mama's book / Live your life with someone w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15 Steelers Can't take this pain w/demo/recommended Epic 25 "Troy, Ben E" I miss you M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 15 Vibrations Cause you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/classic Epic 150 "Wade, Adam" Rain from the skies superb version Epic 30 "Akens, Jewel" You sure know how to hurt a fella ex- Era 6 "Mosley, Tommy" Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 "McKay, Delsey" Cast your spell on me Belgian/pic. Slv/superb Eurec 30 "Lexingtons, The" I found my baby recommended Everest 25 "Lynne, Gloria" You dont have to be a tower of stregth EX+/recommended Everest 30 "Jones, Bobby" You're a devil great Expo 12 "Boothe, Bette" Teardrop avenue / Right on time great Falew 30 "Conn, Billy" I should have known recommended Federal 20 "Jewels, The" My song recommended Federal 15 "Corby, Chuck & Entrees, The" I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75 Will Of The People We got love / Because you broke my heart M-/demo/2 great sides/TIP!!! Firebird 10 "Walker, Gloria & Chevelles, The" Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15 "McGregor, Billy" Fall on my knees / Mr Shy 2 great sides Flash 12 "Bond, Lou" "Ooh, you cheater / What have I done " 2 great sides Fontana 30 "Cunningham, Diane" Someday baby M-/great Fontana 20 "Leaders, The" Night people vg+/great Fontana 10 "Leaders, The" Night people great Fontana 15 Taste Of Grey Just once in my life (Joe Renzetti at his best!!) M-/w/demo/superb Fontana 25 "Strong, Nolan" Mind over matter great Fortune 15 "Five Emprees, The" Hey lover vg+/great version Freeport 12 "Rouzan Sisters, The" Dance every dance great Frisco 10 "Hambric, Billy" Talk to me baby / Human M-/2 great sides Fury 30 "Taylor, Little Johnny" Help yourself Galaxy 10 "Dawn, The" In love again / Ba ba ba de ba vg++/w/demo/great Gamble 15 "Sharp, Dee Dee " What kind of lady / same M-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Gamble 100 "White, Artie (Bluesboy)" Don't love him like you did me / Gimme some of yours deep/funk Gamma 8 "Drapers, The" (I know) your love has gone away / You got to look up M-/w/demo/2 great sides Gee 100 Exits I don't want to hear it / same EX-/w/demo/classic Gemini 75 "Constellations, The" Easy to be hard / same M-w/demo Gemini Star 12 "Armstead, Jo" A stone good lover (sm wol) / The urge keeps coming (inst) VG++/classic Giant 20 "Armstead, Jo" I've been turned on great Giant 12 "Lost Souls, The" I'm your love man superb Northern/rare Glasco 75 "Baron, Elliott" Man to man / The spare rib (stol) EX/2 great sides Golden World 30 "Debonaires, The" How's your new love treating you? / Big time fun M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Golden World 40 "Sunliners, The" All alone / The swingin' kind EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Golden World 125 Profiles Take a giant step walk on M-/recommended Goldie 60 "Sierras, The" I'll believe it when I see it superb Goldisc 20 "Sierras, The" I'll believe it when I see it w/demo/superb Goldisc 30 Star-Drifts An eye for an eye w/demo/recommended Goldisc 15 "Contours, The" Just a little misunderstanding EX-/classic Gordy 12 "Contours, The" Just a little misunderstanding classic Gordy 15 "Lands, Liz/King, Rev Martin Luther" We shall overcome/I have a dream(speach) Gordy 6 Martha & The Vandellas One way out M-/classic Gordy 15 "Reeves, Martha & Vandellas, The" Forget me not 2 great sides Gordy 15 "Reeves, Martha & Vandellas, The" I gotta let you go / same M-/w/demo/superb/rare demo Gordy 30 "Starr, Edwin" My weakness is you M-/superb Gordy 25 "Weston, Kim" A thrill a moment ex-/classic Gordy 55 "Weston, Kim" A thrill a moment classic Gordy 60 "Weston, Kim" A thrill a moment (xol) M-/w/demo/classic Gordy 80 "Channels, The" I got my eyes on you / Anything you do w/demo/2 great sides Groove 50 King Edward & His BD's Beg me (wol) / Girls are (suppposed to be) ex-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75 "Mills, Margie" What about mine? / Look who's crying on my shoulder M-/w/demo/great Groove 20 "Mancha, Steve" Don't make me a story teller ex-/demo//wol/great Groovesville 20 King James & Mel You better move on sld Hal 12 "Dunn, Leona" Baby don't play around great Hallmark 15 "Strogin, Henry" Good love EX+/great R&B Hank 20 "United Four, The" She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 "Walker All Stars, Jr " Good rockin' EX+/R&B inst/superb Harvey 40 "Walker All Stars, Jr " Good rockin' M-/DJ ink stamp ol/R&B inst/superb Harvey 40 "Yeomans, The" Unlucky ex-/great Heidi 20 "Zircons, The" Don't put off for tomorrow (what you can do today) M-/great Heigh-Ho 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Patty & The Emblems "Mixed-up, shook-up, girl " M-/great Herald 25 "Townsmen, The" Just a little bit ex-/w/demo/wol/great Herald 25 "Cherry People, The" And suddenly EX-/great Heritage 8 "Cherry People, The" And suddenly great Heritage 10 "Wynters, Gail" You've got the power M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Hickory 20 "Gee, Ronnie" Shes so fine VG++/great R&B Hiddy-B 25 "Mike & Censations, The" Don't mess with me / There is nothing I can do about it M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Highland 30 "Wrigley, Betty" Selfish one superb version Hit 20 Inovations Stay on the case / What now my love EX-/superb/great group flip too Hit Sound 40 L.H. & The Memphis Sounds Double up / House full of rooms M-/2 great sides Hollywood 40 "Williams, Freddie" Name in lights / I just can't believe it M-/w/demo/superb/great flip Hollywood 75 "Carr, Timothy" A stop along the way xol/recommended Hot Biscuit 15 "Carr, Timothy" A stop along the way w/demo/recommended Hot Biscuit 20 "Carr, Timothy" Love me love great Hot Biscuit 15 "Epic Splendour, The" A little rain must fall recommended Hot Biscuit 15 "Greene, Al & The Soul Mates" Dont leave me EX-/superb/sol-flip Hot Line 12 "Sha-Rae, Billy" Do it M-/great funky dancer Hour Glass 12 "Mitchell, Jock" Work with me Annie EX/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75 "Raye, Anthony" Give me one more chance EX-/superb/rare issue Impact 35 Classics IV Stormy good version Imperial 10 "Courtney, Lew" The man with the cigar recommended Imperial 20 "Courtney, Lew" The man with the cigar w/demo/recommended Imperial 30 "Irwin, Dee" I can't stand the pain demo/great Imperial 15 "Jackson, June" It's what's underneath that counts / Fifty percent won't do demo/2 great sides Imperial 75 "McCracklin, Jimmy" Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 "O'Jays, The" I'll never forget you (2 x's ol) EX-/classic Imperial 125 "O'Jays, The" Whip it on me baby great Imperial 15 "Silhouettes, The" Which way did she go w/demo/stmol-flip Imperial 20 "Dee, Little Jimmy" I should have listened / I went on v sl lbl ring wear/great Infinity 30 "Lynn, Cindy & The In-Sounds" Meet me at midnight EX/w/demo/classic In-Sound 100 "Bates, Lee" You won't do right recommended Instant 25 "Nash, Johnny" You got soul EX+/great Jad 3 "Price, Lloyd" "Take all / Luv, luv, luv " 2 great sides Jad 25 "Price, Lloyd" "Take all/Luv, luv, luv" w/demo/2 great sides Jad 30 "Hamilton And The Fifes, Edward" I'm gonna love you / Call me EX/2 classics Jameco 75 "Houston, Cissy" I just don't know what to do with myself M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Janus 30 "Jo, Shirley" Trust each other M-/recommended Jas 8 "Continental 4, The" The love you gave to me great Jay-Walking 6 "Robins, Jimmy" I can't please you superb R&B Jerhart 15 "Patterson, Bobby" What a wonderful night for love / My baby's coming back... M-/2 superb sides Jetstar 30 "Patterson, Bobby" What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 "Butler, George (Wild Child)" Hold me baby w/demo Jewel 15 Johnny and Jon Why did you leave me wol-flip/R&B/recommnded Jewel 20 Johnny and Jon Why did you leave me ex-/demo/smooth R&B Jewel 20 "Wagner, Cliff" Exception to the rule recommended Jewel 40 "Clovers, The" For days / Too long without some loving w/demo/wol/2 great sides Josie 25 "Clovers, The" For days/Too long without some loving w/demo/great Josie 30 "Elliot, Linda" Fell in love with you baby VG++/lite wol & lbl ring wear/recommended Josie 25 "Elliot, Linda" Fell in love with you baby w/demo/recommended Josie 50 "Flowers, Phil" You little devil R&B/superb Josie 25 "Flowers, Phil" You little devil w/demo/R&B/superb Josie 35 "Johnny & Expressions, The" Where is the party ex-/great Josie 15 "Kokomos, The" No lies w/demo/sm wolgreat Josie 20 "Lanham, Richard" (Hey little girl) don't believe him w/demo/recommended Josie 25 "Love, Jimmy" Two sides to every story w/demo/recommended Josie 45 "Love, Mary" The hurt is just beginning / same w/demo/great mid-tempo Josie 15 "Mitchell, Grover" I don't want to hear it w/demo/2 x's ol/great Josie 15 "Original Cadillacs, The" I'll never let you go (wol) / Wayward wanderer M-/2 superb sides Josie 35 21st I just can't forget your name / The thought of me losing you M-/2 great sides Joy 25 "Appreciations, The" Afraid of love great Jubilee 30 "Dentie, Gino" Sad Tomorrows / same ex-/w/demo/great mid-tempo Jubilee 20 "Dentie, Gino" Sad Tomorrows/same w/demo/great mid-tempo Jubilee 25 "Gibson, Beverly Ann" A three dollar bill EX+/w/demo/superb Jubilee 75 "Skyliners, The" Don't hurt me baby recommended Jubilee 20 "Skyliners, The" Everything is fine sl lbl wear/recommended Jubilee 10 "Skyliners, The" Everything is fine ex-/recommended Jubilee 10 "St. Clair, Renee" Look what I got M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Jubilee 50 Valentinos Tired of being nobody / same M-/w/demo/great Jubilee 12 "Bloom, Bobby" "Love, don't let me down " recommended Kama Sutra 15 "Ballard, Kenny" Mr. Magic w/demo/great Kapp 25 "Charmettes, The" What is a tear ex-/great Kapp 8 Hesitations You can't by pass love VG+/superb Kapp 35 Hesitations You can't by pass love M-/superb Kapp 50 "Jackson, Jerry" Wide awake in a dream / She lied (sm xol) EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Kapp 85 "Patti & Emblems, The" One man woman recommended Kapp 15 St. George & Tana Without your heart w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Kapp 25 St. George & Tana Without your heart colour pic sleeve/great Kapp 25 St. George & Tana Without your heart w/demo/colour pic sleeve/great Kapp 30 Thee Prophets Playgirl great Kapp 12 Thee Prophets Some kind-a wonderful wol/w/demo Kapp 12 "Welch, Lenny" Rags to riches M-/w/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/great version Kapp 10 "Welch, Lenny" The right to cry fantastic version Kapp 8 Happiness "Luck, love and laughter / Burning mountain " EX-/2 great sides Karma 15 "McElroy, Sollie" Angel girl / Party time M-/2 great sides Karol 30 "White, Danny" King for a day EX+/superb soul Kashe 20 "C.O.D.'s, The" I'm a good guy / Pretty baby superb 'n' cheap Kellmac 10 "C.O.D.'s, The" I'm looking out for me / I'll come running back to you recommended Kellmac 25 "Hill, ZZ" Have mercy someone R&B Kent 12 "Sweethearts, The" This couldn't be me / No more tears M-/DEMO/superb Kent 85 Vernon and Jewell Hold my hand (FANTASTIC SAX!!!) superb R&B Kent 25 Vernon and Jewell That's a rockin good way great R&B Kent 15 "Hart, Dian" All the time recommended Kerr 20 "Austin, Leon" Two sided love recommended King 20 "Ballard, Hank & Midnighters, The" It's love baby (24 hours a day) wol-flip/R&B King 15 "Brown, Charles" Regardless wol-flip/great King 25 "Brown, James" Money won't change you sl warp-nap/great King 10 De Vons Someone to treat me (the way you use to) / same M-/superb King 30 "Duncan, James" Here comes Charlie R&B/great King 20 "Duncan, James" I'll be gone great King 15 "Duncan, James" Out of sight / Too hot to hold recommended King 20 "Duncan, James" Stop talking to your child superb dancer King 15 "Holland, Lee" Let's stay together sol/great King 20 "Holland, Lee" Let's stay together great King 20 "Jewells, The" Lookie lookie lookie / Smokie Joe's 2 great sides King 25 "Kittrell, Christine" Call his name M-/Inc Co sleeve/great R&B King 30 Little Willie John Fever EX+/great King 8 "Mathis, Rita & Notions,The" True love is a wonderful feeling great King 15 "Rozier, Alice" "George, BB and Roy" recommended King 30 "Rozier, Alice" "George, BB and Roy " w/demo/recommended King 40 "Ingram, Luther" Since you don't want me / Missing you 2 good sides Ko Ko 20 "VII Emotions, The" Life recommended K-P 30 Debbie & The Lads/Debbie Falls Dear lord above recommended Ladd 100 Vanguards The thought of losing your love M-/recommended Lamp 25 "Gray, Maureen" Oh my wol/beat ballad/great Landa 15 "Melvin & The Blue Notes, Harold" Get out M-/classic Landa 85 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 40 "Daniels, The" (I lost my heart) In the big city M-/superb/WHAT PRICE IF RARE!!!! Lantam 15 "Casualeers, The" When I'm in your arms / Come back to my arms demo/wol-flip/great Laurie 20 "Four Epics, The" How I wish that I was single demo Laurie 10 Gerard Happiest man M-/superb Laurie 125 "Ladybirds, The" Handsome man (2 x's ol-flip) M-/w/demo/recommended Lawn 100
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