Guest Soulsurfer Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Northern soul was once cool. We were better than our "normal" mates as we were part of the greatest underground music scene. They were wondering what we got up to over the weekend, there was some mystique around us. Now the term just conjures up everything divvy, tacky and uncool. Our mates now laugh because of the image portrayed by some. As said it is no longer confined to the north, it is world wide so may be rare soul is a better term? I like the term "rare soul" but invariably, you have to use the term "northern soul" to explain just what it is you're referring to.....
Mark S Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Anyone asks me I just stare at them tilt my head and dribble they go away then .
Tattoodave Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Anyone asks me I just stare at them tilt my head and dribble they go away then . Smart move Mark, wish I'd thought of it, though I'd smile inanely too, I can do that well.
ZootSuit Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 (edited) IF, back int day, you were a male 'PROPER' Allnighter attnding Northern Soulie, YOU WERE SHRIVELLED AND WRINKLED, age had sod all to do with it !!!!.And has been said, no matter where in the world you are these days, you see NS you have a starting point for a conversation, well apart from the Northern Soul T shirt wearing scooterist mentioned earlier :) Edited November 7, 2014 by ZootSuit
MartynJJ Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 One of my senior managers dropped by yesterday and the conversation went along the lines of. "hey Martyn, I've heard you're into northern soul?" to which I proudly affirmed but knew straight away what was coming...."So you go out at weekends wearing baggie trousers and patches on vests and stuff?" And it's precisely at these moments that I despair and despise all at the same time as I try and explain what really draws me to this movement. The music and the dance culture. Only to be asked "so you dont wear baggie trousers then?" I dont KOKO!!, I dont KTF!!, I dont badge up and I sure as hell hate being referred to as a "soulie!!" (that one single term really does grate on me). I'm a 53 year old bloke who happens to like a lot of 60's and 70's American soul music amongst a variety of eclectic musical tastes
Guest Chris61 Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 'Soul', 'Rare Soul' and 'Northern Soul' I thought were three separate genres of music . Now if you like all three then cool pick the name you want but if you like Northern the use Northern. Why, well if you that say you love the music etc won't use the bloody name who will ?? ffs baggies, badges and bags might be a standing joke but I'd hate to be a 'Teddy Boy' with a 'DA' (ducks arse) hair style, or a 'Punk' or heaven forbid a 'Goth'. Then you might be a 'Rocker' jesus I thought they were part of a car engine. So grow up, own the name and be proud, I know I am..
John May Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Mm reading through here, there seems to be a consistent theme, not wishing to be labelled with the Northern soul tag, because it lends to wearing baggy trousers, badges etc, and having to explain oneself. So the term Rare soul is used as an alternative to Northern soul, to avoid embarrassment and awkward explanations. bit of a cop out i think. I'm proud to say i'm into Northern soul, i don't wear baggy trousers or sow on badges, but each to their own. live and let live i say. Northern soul and Rare soul are the same thing as far as i'm concerned, whether i'm at a local oldies night,or lifeline all nighter, its all Northern soul too me. KTF.
hullsoul Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 The point I was trying to make earlier in the thread isn't what I think I am I know what I am but it's what others think I am,the majority of people whether on or off the scene when the term "northern soul" is used have an initial view of me that is far away from the actual reality.So a term I was proud to use for most of my life (don't forget for many of those years been associated with the term was universally disapproved of) doesn't now describe me,so why would I use it?Like I said earlier I'm not saying I'm right & the majority says I'm not.So if a stranger asked out the blue what I was into I wouldn't use the term "northern soul" for fear of misleading them..........I'd probably have to go into some long drawn out explanation that would bore the arse off them,bit like I do on here Cheers Martyn
spot Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Our Lass calls me an R Soul regularly, does that count? And I've now seen 2 Films, got the cd & have the Temptation story, so I must be a Northern Soulie, oh I don't get p*ssed or slop beer about on the dancefloor, so that'll count against me, anyway I'm with Mr Bird, you can't pigeon hole us, were our own weird people, just as everyone thought in the 70's. Spot.
spot Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 (edited) IF, back int day, you were a male 'PROPER' Allnighter attnding Northern Soulie, YOU WERE SHRIVELLED AND WRINKLED, age had sod all to do with it !!!!. And has been said, no matter where in the world you are these days, you see NS you have a starting point for a conversation, well apart from the Northern Soul T shirt wearing scooterist mentioned earlier :) Zoot I'm afraid I'm totally opposite to that statement, if I see a NS bag, T-Shirt/Polo Shirt or anything linked to NS whilst I'm on holiday or out, then I give em a wide berth, because usually they have recently found it via the Media, want to be cool as it's the new black, pretend they went to Wigan but really only managed the local WMC & Youthie or they're too tight to buy some nice holiday shirts, so wear what they wear every weekend. Spot the shrivelled & wrinkled one, like Yoda but with some lovely holiday shirts. Edited November 8, 2014 by spot
Guest manusf3a Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 (edited) Our Lass calls me an R Soul regularly, does that count? And I've now seen 2 Films, got the cd & have the Temptation story, so I must be a Northern Soulie, oh I don't get p*ssed or slop beer about on the dancefloor, so that'll count against me, anyway I'm with Mr Bird, you can't pigeon hole us, were our own weird people, just as everyone thought in the 70's. Spot. Remember a bunch of us getting off the train at Sheffield on a Friday night mid seventies to go to Samathas,walkingh along the platform prior to the traditional jumping the wall (well dropping cos it was a bit high) there must have been quite a few nighter folk some having got on at various stations along the way from where us Corby lads got on at Kettering .There was a train on the oppostite platform just pulling out of the station,on it a horde of football supporters loads of them at the windows pointing over to the mob of a good few who badges sewn on bag carrying,skinny as hell lads and lasses wearing standard nighter dress of the time ,trews and leathers(full length more than a few ,coats !not trews!the baggy bit has stuck long enough imagine the level of ridicule not only baggy but if the trousers had been made of leather would inspire if connected so strongly as it is anyway by their baggyness add being made of leather to that image think of the impact on the perception of some of the public! who knows what this would have caused?)).There sprang up a loud chant from the footy fans of"Wierdoes ,wierdos, bunch of fucking wierdos, wierdo ,wierdo as the train disapeared from view.They certainly thought we were our own wierd people then,I reckon they were sheffield fans off somewhere like London to wreck havoc from very early on before a saturday game but they could have been from elsewhere the train just stopping at sheffield with the fans coming from another team.Sheffield seems the best fit as they would have been awre of Samanthas(local press,gossip round town) and no doubt scare stories about "Drug Hell's ensnaring innocent young used to be alterboys and 16 year old virgin girls , us lot on the way there no doubt seen as the spawn of the devil ha ha, on our way to corrupt and gyrate like dervishes to the sounds of hades itself's most diabolic orchestra doing it's bit till chased away back into the shadows by the rising of the sun to where we came from,quite possibly being thought of as being from that evil land of corruption itself "The South**^__-=(no word strong enough to express the extent of abomination emanating from this nether world)maybe even "London",itself. I suppose thinking back now it was like shift change at the local works,"Boot and Beer shift clocking of", ",Solatio and Gear shift clocking on?"instead of a taunt made in jest such as "Ar enjoy the night ahead lads its been forcast to go down to minus4,am orf to me comfy feather bed ", it was"Weirdoes,wierdoes bunch of fucking weirrdoes",as the beer and boot shift no pun intended"Kicked off home". Edited November 8, 2014 by manusf3a
Guest Mart B Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 I am one my only gripe is....I have been a punter on the Northern Scene for 40 years youth club and mainstream clubs.So why did the masses turn their backs on the Northern Scene when it was their best days?'No excuses regarding families etc.
ZootSuit Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) Zoot I'm afraid I'm totally opposite to that statement, if I see a NS bag, T-Shirt/Polo Shirt or anything linked to NS whilst I'm on holiday or out, then I give em a wide berth, because usually they have recently found it via the Media, want to be cool as it's the new black, pretend they went to Wigan but really only managed the local WMC & Youthie or they're too tight to buy some nice holiday shirts, so wear what they wear every weekend. Spot the shrivelled & wrinkled one, like Yoda but with some lovely holiday shirts. I AM NOT a baggy, t-shirt wearing Northern Soulie and NEVER have been, only badge I've EVER wore, or worn back in the day, were a TORCH badge. Me and better half were in Australia this year, Bondi beach visit, café on beach, the tunes playing in said café were brill, people great...the conversation were NOT about NS, (BUT its a starting point ), and no one was wearing Casino badges etc etc, . Someone with just a Torch badge on their T shirt, (not a patchwork bag/t shirt covered in Casino badges),.....that's different Edited November 9, 2014 by ZootSuit
John May Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 The point I was trying to make earlier in the thread isn't what I think I am I know what I am but it's what others think I am,the majority of people whether on or off the scene when the term "northern soul" is used have an initial view of me that is far away from the actual reality.So a term I was proud to use for most of my life (don't forget for many of those years been associated with the term was universally disapproved of) doesn't now describe me,so why would I use it?Like I said earlier I'm not saying I'm right & the majority says I'm not.So if a stranger asked out the blue what I was into I wouldn't use the term "northern soul" for fear of misleading them..........I'd probably have to go into some long drawn out explanation that would bore the arse off them,bit like I do on here Cheers Martyn As i said in my previous quote, a lot of people dont like having to explain themselves, that is why if i ever write a survivors guide to life, rule #1 will be never feel you have to explain yourself, even if silence offends.
spot Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 I AM NOT a baggy, t-shirt wearing Northern Soulie and NEVER have been, only badge I've EVER wore, or worn back in the day, were a TORCH badge. Me and better half were in Australia this year, Bondi beach visit, café on beach, the tunes playing in said café were brill, people great...the conversation were NOT about NS, (BUT its a starting point ), and no one was wearing Casino badges etc etc, . Someone with just a Torch badge on their T shirt, (not a patchwork bag/t shirt covered in Casino badges),.....that's different Zoot you misunderstand I never said or implied you were a Baggy Pants Soulie, in fact I never mentioned pants at all, what I meant was I avoid anyone advertising NS when I'm on holiday or shopping or in a pub, Gail my Wife will tell you I'm an antisocial sod anyway on holiday and just about manage to talk to her. Spot.
Guest johnny hart Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Si, still northern after all these years ,65, "The follies of youth are, as nothing with glorious retrospect, to the follies of old age"!
Guest Byrney Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) You know what I just typed a 300 word response to the suggestion that we are copping out by not using the term Northern soul as a result of the nostalgia scene having stolen it and morphed the term into something that I want nothing to do with anymore. But you can thank my apple ios8 upgrade for wiping the post out and sparing you that. Simply put - the nostalgia scene has won, the uniform, limited number of records accepted, the rejection of the principal of OVO, the puffed chests of the two year "I was there' Wigan wonders, the safe Darby and Joan atmosphere, butter bean and the flash mobs (not a cover up name) the numerous pictures of owls next to signposts on Facebook, the tacky merchandise, Benidorm Alldayers and the language of KTF, KOKO etc... That is now the face of Northern. Not a cop out at all - the term is now synonymous with the above and represents nothing that for the best part of 35 years I was ever into - but as a term it now means all that. We we have lost the battle. Edited November 9, 2014 by Byrney
hullsoul Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Viva le resistance !! Kev Think I've got a demo of that Cheers Martyn
Hornet Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Cannot believe this thread is still running post 33 was spot on
ZootSuit Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Zoot you misunderstand I never said or implied you were a Baggy Pants Soulie, in fact I never mentioned pants at all, what I meant was I avoid anyone advertising NS when I'm on holiday or shopping or in a pub, Gail my Wife will tell you I'm an antisocial sod anyway on holiday and just about manage to talk to her. Spot. My mistake, BUT, I think your Mrs and my Mrs would get on great, Jackie, my wife, describes me in stronger, but similar terms
Guest Byrney Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) This nice bit of fluffy safeness sums up why I'm giving the term Northern Souler a wide berth: Edited November 9, 2014 by Byrney
pogo paul Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 (edited) I am one my only gripe is....I have been a punter on the Northern Scene for 40 years youth club and mainstream clubs.So why did the masses turn their backs on the Northern Scene when it was their best days?'No excuses regarding families etc. Good question, the nostalgia scene is built up with people that were never there, explains the need for dance lessons,the stupid prices paid for pressing and getting the clothes wrong. When asked i just say into Motown. The post above sums it all up for me. Edited November 10, 2014 by pogo paul
Steve L Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 This nice bit of fluffy safeness sums up why I'm giving the term Northern Souler a wide berth: Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse………. oh lord, why hast thou forsaken us?
KevH Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse………. oh lord, why hast thou forsaken us? Foxy bingo crowd. Got to ask,was Seven Day Fool ever played at Wigan.?
hullsoul Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 This nice bit of fluffy safeness sums up why I'm giving the term Northern Souler a wide berth: Byrney There's no need for that...........can't the moderators do something about post such as this Cheers Martyn
Guest manusf3a Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 (edited) This nice bit of fluffy safeness sums up why I'm giving the term Northern Souler a wide berth: At least the comments seemed to do the video justice!Apart from the first one that was way off the mark,how could, they using the word"Fun as in having fun", for the maniacal gyrations of an inanely grinning mob doing a modern day representation of when st vitus dance would hit a medieval village on market day,is this not mocking the afflicted who are overcome by the dance of the blessed saint vitus.Since the outbreak the town has been cordoned off and is under strict quarantine conditions in case of outbreaks to surrounding areas even the entire nation.Since the outbreak conmen and charlatans have been reported at work in the town selling SNAKE oil to be rubbed into the FOOTSIES of the afflicted.Medical experts have warned against these unscrupulous shysters and have said to just apply plenty of cold com PRESSINGS and to be sure to have the right BOOTS with further advice to be given out during top of the pops when more information is known.The town is said to have suffered enough. It seems a chosen few! were lucky enough to avoid the market square on the dreadful day of affliction therefore lucky for the towns folks afflicted being able to assist the emergency services whose local braches were running at half strength the others being away in the alps on a "sking ",holiday organised by Rust De Winter Stanleys",own registered travel agency and memorobilia ltd company.Mugs,hats,scarves ,beer mats ,, shirts,and of course a multitude of different badges on sale to commenerate your holiday with De Winter Stanley Travel to the Alps. A market trader who had travelled up from "Down South possibly even London",was found beaten to death the day after the initial outbreak,rumour has it that he was blamed for bringing the dread disease of the Saint into the town among his stock of replica fred perrys which some say were contaminated,this rumour is yet to be substantiated and local police have said the death may be connected to the outbreak but are not ready as yet to make a public statement on the demise of the southerner(possibly even a cockney)A police scene of crimes tent still covers his stall and forensic experts have been seen coming and going all day .A rather tubby elderly American gentlemen seen standing nearby was asked if he knew what had happened by a tv reporter ,he answered"Just Dont Know".as he continued to repeat this phrase the female repoter stood in open jawed amazement at his words wondering what she had done wrong. Edited November 11, 2014 by manusf3a
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