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I'm 18, This 'northern' Thing Is Not Mine To Have

Guest Mr Faye

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Guest Mr Faye

This 'Northern' thing...this scene isn't mine, I'm 18, I'm 40 years too late. But that's okay, because I don't look at myself as being on the 'northern soul' scene...that's not my scene portrayed on the One Show, or the Brit Awards, that's yours they're embarrassing on national TV, nothing to do with me.

Personally, I like to think 'it' should be called just a 'rare soul' scene today. As there are many varieties of genres get that played out, yet all get put out under that one title...

There's no need for kids to be wearing baggy trousers, that want to be apart of the scene, that's been and gone, a small fad their parents might of been involved with. It's not theirs to do or pretend to be a part of...

Bags badges and lots of baggy things...

Appreciate the past, the roots, the people that have made it possible. Don't be rude or ignorant to the people that have lived and breathed the scene their entire lives...learn from them...become knowledgable if you wish...

There's enough music out their for new comers (like myself), to still appreciate classic northern, but to remember it's not mine...a new generation should find their own path...we will get influenced from the past of course.

But there doesn't need to be another Casino.

You don't need to wear fancy dress to enjoy great soul music.

The past doesn't need to be repeated.

It's not ours to repeat.

Aaron :)

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Couldn't agree more and I'm 43 years older than you - could never understand the badge, baggy trousers, vest thing - yep always just thought it a soul scene and if you like a rare soul scene!! Hey, and regarding the badge, baggy trousers, vest thing today....well?

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Well said, Aaron! There's hope and the future just got a little bit brighter.


One small point though; this 'baggie' thing doesn't really represent the scene as it was. Sure, some people wore baggies, but they came and they went - it was a fad. To me at least, Northern Soul doesn't have a uniform. Only the media and those on the nostalgia trip think it does. 

Edited by Russell Gilbert
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Guest Mr Faye

Couldn't agree more and I'm 43 years older than you - could never understand the badge, baggy trousers, vest thing - yep always just thought it a soul scene and if you like a rare soul scene!! Hey, and regarding the badge, baggy trousers, vest thing today....well?

Well it's just embarrassing...

I'm just glad I don't dress up and do a 'northern soul' every weekend.

They can go to their Blackpool, join in the fun with the dance competitions, it keeps them away from the proper nights with proper people :)

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Actually I've never subscribed to the idea that "baggy trousers" were a northern soul thing.

They were a general UK "fashion" thing that came onto the scene during Wigan's early years.

They were not a scene fashion thing that spread to the general population, the exact opposite was the case.


True, have a look at any contemporary news report up to and including 1979 and people will be wearing baggies.

The badge thing - at the time it was a way of showing that you supported the scene, if you saw someone else wearing a Wigan Casino patch, you'd go and speak to them, be it in a supermarket, football match etc

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Guest Mr Faye

True, have a look at any contemporary news report up to and including 1979 and people will be wearing baggies.

The badge thing - at the time it was a way of showing that you supported the scene, if you saw someone else wearing a Wigan Casino patch, you'd go and speak to them, be it in a supermarket, football match etc

That's all fair enough, but that was then.

There is no need for it now.

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That's all fair enough, but that was then.

There is no need for it now.


That's quite correct there isn't and to be honest I don't

think that "look" is very prevalent on today's scene.

In fact its quite rare these days at most of the events I've attended 

over the last few yeas or so.

Edited by Kegsy
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Hee hee, love it. Always has been about the music mate. Spencer's baggies stopped being fashion as soon as people started buying them - tourists! One of the great sights to see was a baggied and badged up stomper trying to elbow some jelly sandled blouse wearing mincer for some space on the dance floor! Wear what you want mate! As for badges, go look up fetish in your dictionary. Welcome to the fold

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Wore bags when I was a teenager.  Easy to drop the fashion as styles changed.  I think it's much harder for these fifty something baggy trouser wearers to suddenly start dressing normally, as it would be akin to admitting that you looked like a clown and you've finally seen sense.

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Guest Mr Faye

Hee hee, love it. Always has been about the music mate. Spencer's baggies stopped being fashion as soon as people started buying them - tourists! One of the great sights to see was a baggied and badged up stomper trying to elbow some jelly sandled blouse wearing mincer for some space on the dance floor! Wear what you want mate! As for badges, go look up fetish in your dictionary. Welcome to the fold

I just find it disappointing and embarrassing, kids my age, old and little younger, STILL are trying to do something 40 years too late. Their parents are at fault for making them look like fools and dress like clowns. They believe they are hero's because adults who haven't a clue and also wear fancy dress suck up to them.

But they are mere shadows ;)

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The clown suits and ridiculous posturing on TV are embarrassing to us all and are a very recent resurrection (and were always seen as dead naff even back in the day by the boss and his crowd) - deeply tacky and counter to what I see the scene as about - basic love of soulful music you can dance to.


Edited by DaveNPete
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Guest Mr Faye

Aaron I've seen your wants lists and they have as much to do with Northern Soul as Abba so excuse me if I don't click the sycophantic 'like' button in reference to that load of b*llocks you wrote.

What do you mean we don't need another Casino? You never went to the first one, so how do you know. People would pay thousands just to experience one more night there if they could. The scene has always needed a focal point, it doesn't have one now and that's why it's so splintered.

Maybe the records I buy aren't northern or even soul, but being on a limited budget, I pick and chose what I buy.

I still am just as much involved on the scene, as going to various venues goes.

They are just the records I buy.

You're right I didn't go Wigan.

But don't you think we should move on and not dwell on the past, constantly comparing one new think with the old?

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I've often wondered if the baggy pants brigade wear their outfits when they just go to the pub.

Each to their own but I do think they look ridiculous and I'd love to see the reaction if they walked into my local.

I find it embarrassing when someone new to the scene comes along and they think WTF is that all about.

The music may be the same as 40 odd years ago but I don't see the need to prove that I was there 40 years ago by dressing as we did then, but then again I don't care if you turned on to NS yesterday its the music that endures.

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Punters now generally wear polo/shirts, mocassins and normal trousers, a bit of 60/70 fashion and it's not so common to see buggies... you don't have to wear them but it's romantic in a way.


And in the end, how could you not be nostalgic with all the sh**t you see these days? Discos, concerts, music, fashions, styles, bands, magazines are all so meaningless. Youth culture declined drammatically and I don't think many can deny that

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I've looked at the first post and the last post prior to my reply here. 

Aaron I have to say that is the most positive post I have seen in years. Andrea Ko.... where do you go. There are people in fancy dress at every venue!

I will have a look at posts in between to see if I've spoken out of turn but realistically, I don't think so.



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You don't need to wear fancy dress or indeed anything to enjoy soul music  :wink:


I try not to let what someone else is wearing bother me....although for me lots of people excessively dressing up (fancy or otherwise) could be an unwanted distraction. I think its best to forget about that and immerse yourself in the music in the tradition way i.e. dancing about to the best of your ability / age related conditions will allow (and due regard for others) and occasionally closing your eyes. Punctuate this with a little of what you fancy from the bar and chat to a couple of mates and you're on to a winner. Just remember to keep your clothes on. Bare chested posturing is a no no.

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"But there doesn't need to be another Casino. 
You don't need to wear fancy dress to enjoy great soul music.
The past doesn't need to be repeated. 
It's not ours to repeat."


Very well said Aaron .... young in years but wise head on such young shoulders .

We have had our turn with the scene as did our soul bothers and sisters before us ...

Its for new blood to take and yes , learn and look back at the past but to build and have the scene evolve as it should .

It great to see new blood get involved with this music as now there is so much more choice than there has ever been in life.

Our horizons for musical pleasure are vast ... and we should never close our ears ..

I love music ... any kind of music ..I love music..just as long as its groovin !!      

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They don't though do they, they only wear them for dancing I think.  Admittedly, they were the best trousers to dance in.  I'd have thought that the numbers of people who dress like this was under 100 but unfortunately that's what tv programs etc focus on, and of course with the film coming out it'll go into overdrive.  You only have to see a photo taken at Wigan in 1980 to see that the baggies have disappeared, so yes, very odd that they should resurrected.

Have we ever had someone who dresses like that come on and tell us why they dress so retro?

(Says a bloke wearing Levis and a Fred Perry same as 40 years ago  :lol: )


I'll agree with you there Pete.  Unfortunately a lot of older gentlemen who wear them must be under the impression they actually make you a better dancer, and that's sadly not the case.  Witnessed a guy the other week who was wearing the full regalia, bags, brogues and bowling shirt.  After being in the venue for about half an hour, I said to my sister who was with me, "I bet he doesn't make it to the end of the record" and right on cue he stopped dancing half way through.  I don't think he made it through an entire track the whole night.  Sorry if I'm going slightly off topic, but it was funny at the time, and I'm firmly of the belief you shouldn't be wearing baggies if either your age or waistline is greater than the width of your trouser bottoms.

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When i first attened the 100 Club back in eighties i was 18 and thought what are all these old boys doing here dancing ? shouldn't they be at home with the kids or down the pub with a similar age group. Yes back then we had alot of youngsters so it didn't bother us too much. There was no baggies etc, that was and still is so uncool imo.

  Aaron i'm now 45 and one of the old boys, one day this will also happen to you :lol: . Live it large while you can son, youth is a great thing and glad to see a bit of youthful fire in the belly.



ps some of those old boys became my best mates for many years.



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Love it .... i was a fashion victim of the 70's ..like most  ... fish tail parker ... the full length leather black  coat for Wigan ... 40 " bags with side pockets and 6 button waist band .... looked great when you span .... but i could only even do two spins or so without loosing balance .... shuffle anyone off the floor ... and feet like Rudolf Valentino ... or is the Rudolf the red nose raindeer  :) 


Always wanted to be James Brown ... but more like Charlie Brown :)

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Mr. Faye's a Peterborough lad. Nearly 40 years since we gathered in The Bell & Oak on Cathedral Square before heading over to the superb niters at the Wirrina ballroom. I hear you have a regular allniter starting soon, in what used to be Annabelle's nightclub in Bridge Street. Wonder if the re-enactment crowd will flood that once it gets going. Enjoy your Soul mate! 

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Guest Matt Male

This 'Northern' thing...this scene isn't mine, I'm 18, I'm 40 years too late. But that's okay, because I don't look at myself as being on the 'northern soul' scene...that's not my scene portrayed on the One Show, or the Brit Awards, that's yours they're embarrassing on national TV, nothing to do with me.

Personally, I like to think 'it' should be called just a 'rare soul' scene today. As there are many varieties of genres get that played out, yet all get put out under that one title...

There's no need for kids to be wearing baggy trousers, that want to be apart of the scene, that's been and gone, a small fad their parents might of been involved with. It's not theirs to do or pretend to be a part of...

Bags badges and lots of baggy things...

Appreciate the past, the roots, the people that have made it possible. Don't be rude or ignorant to the people that have lived and breathed the scene their entire lives...learn from them...become knowledgable if you wish...

There's enough music out their for new comers (like myself), to still appreciate classic northern, but to remember it's not mine...a new generation should find their own path...we will get influenced from the past of course.

But there doesn't need to be another Casino.

You don't need to wear fancy dress to enjoy great soul music.

The past doesn't need to be repeated.

It's not ours to repeat.

Aaron :)



I always thought the same when I went to Wigan in the dying last couple of years before it closed. It was great, but it wasn't really 'my scene' and I always felt like I was gatecrashing a big boys party. Post Wigan though it was most definately my kind of thing. Every now and then people come along at the tail end of something but the trick is to make what comes next your own. :thumbsup:

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Wore bags when I was a teenager.  Easy to drop the fashion as styles changed.  I think it's much harder for these fifty something baggy trouser wearers to suddenly start dressing normally, as it would be akin to admitting that you looked like a clown and you've finally seen sense.


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ive been on the scene on and off 28 years and had a simaliar opinion as yourself but through learning and embracing the scene i realised that without wigan the scene would of possibly died as the oldies/rare records would still be unfound if not lost forever.the demand for collecting 45s grow as wigan did with major record sellers going to the states to discover them and bring them back to supply the demand and move the scene on . there has never been as many soul records (oldies/newies/modern/crossover) as the casino did.the people who went to wigan left the scene to married bought house and had children.now there are returning in numbers as kids have grown up and can again enjoy the scene again. the main thing ive got from the scene apart from lifelong friends is no matter were the venue busy or not so busy ive had great night as long as the dj played to the punters and not for themselves. never once has it bothered me what people wore i just had my own night enjoying the music. never went to wigan would of love to have experience the atmosphere and hearing so many great new soul records but i didnt and such is life. to be able to go evey week for 7 years or whayever it was and have millions of people through the doors over that time it must of been something. there hasnt been weekly allnighters that took off like it were look if a venue is once a month now. id learn to enjoy your era and leave the old school to got on with there thing its the music that counts not the fashion .

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Guest Chris61

Silly, stupid, embarrassing. OMG what am I talking about. Ohhh just about EVERY youth fashion of the past 50 years, all will attract criticism from someone. But, to post on a 'Northern Soul' forum is kinda like walking into the wrong end of a football ground in the late 70's. NOT the best thing to do. 

Perhaps 'I'm 18 and new to the  Northern Soul scene' would have gained more favourable comments, but to decry an important era of the scene shows a complete lack of respect, sorry Aron. My advise, try talking to some of the older guys round here enjoy some of the stories and just enjoy the music. 

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This 'Northern' thing...this scene isn't mine, I'm 18, I'm 40 years too late. But that's okay, because I don't look at myself as being on the 'northern soul' scene...that's not my scene portrayed on the One Show, or the Brit Awards, that's yours they're embarrassing on national TV, nothing to do with me.

Personally, I like to think 'it' should be called just a 'rare soul' scene today. As there are many varieties of genres get that played out, yet all get put out under that one title...

There's no need for kids to be wearing baggy trousers, that want to be apart of the scene, that's been and gone, a small fad their parents might of been involved with. It's not theirs to do or pretend to be a part of...

Bags badges and lots of baggy things...

Appreciate the past, the roots, the people that have made it possible. Don't be rude or ignorant to the people that have lived and breathed the scene their entire lives...learn from them...become knowledgable if you wish...

There's enough music out their for new comers (like myself), to still appreciate classic northern, but to remember it's not mine...a new generation should find their own path...we will get influenced from the past of course.

But there doesn't need to be another Casino.

You don't need to wear fancy dress to enjoy great soul music.

The past doesn't need to be repeated.

It's not ours to repeat.

Aaron :)


This 'Northern' thing...this scene isn't mine, I'm 18, I'm 40 years too late. But that's okay, because I don't look at myself as being on the 'northern soul' scene...that's not my scene portrayed on the One Show, or the Brit Awards, that's yours they're embarrassing on national TV, nothing to do with me.

Personally, I like to think 'it' should be called just a 'rare soul' scene today. As there are many varieties of genres get that played out, yet all get put out under that one title...

There's no need for kids to be wearing baggy trousers, that want to be apart of the scene, that's been and gone, a small fad their parents might of been involved with. It's not theirs to do or pretend to be a part of...

Bags badges and lots of baggy things...

Appreciate the past, the roots, the people that have made it possible. Don't be rude or ignorant to the people that have lived and breathed the scene their entire lives...learn from them...become knowledgable if you wish...

There's enough music out their for new comers (like myself), to still appreciate classic northern, but to remember it's not mine...a new generation should find their own path...we will get influenced from the past of course.

But there doesn't need to be another Casino.

You don't need to wear fancy dress to enjoy great soul music.

The past doesn't need to be repeated.

It's not ours to repeat.

Aaron :)

Hi Aaron,well I'm touching 60 ,and I agree with a lot of that ,well said :yes:


Bazza   :hatsoff2:


oops how did that happen quoting you twice ?

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Rubbish !


I dress up as a pirate when listening to 50's R&B in the late afternoon


Advised very early on that for that kinda music my best bet was a parrot 4-5



Nowt wrong with 50's R&B ,I love it ,in the right place  :yes: and I can say "that was before I was born"  :D


Bazza   :hatsoff2:


Well , before 55  :huh:

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Well said Philly, let's just sit back and laugh at some of these old people hanging onto the every word of an 18 year old who clearly posted just to get a reaction

There's actually a lot to be said for what Aaron has written, but only if you've been on the scene for years. When you're 17 it's akin to asking to be allowed into the big boys game of football, whilst watching from the sidelines. ''We don't need another casino''! Just comes across as I never went, I never experienced it, and all you lot talking about it means I can't be involved in the conversation. 

Aaron, I like you, think you're a genuine lad, but criticising musical taste and clothing isn't the way forward, you'll gather a few devotees along the way, but you won't be changing the world buddy  :thumbsup:

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Guest Andy Kempster

Maybe the records I buy aren't northern or even soul, but being on a limited budget, I pick and chose what I buy.

I still am just as much involved on the scene, as going to various venues goes.

They are just the records I buy.

You're right I didn't go Wigan.

But don't you think we should move on and not dwell on the past, constantly comparing one new think with the old?



and yet you seem to dress as a mod, which correct me if I am wrong is a revival movement itself.......modernist  :g:

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