Guest Dirk Tiggler Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I'm sure that the first time I heard 'Before you break my heart, reconsider' Brenda Holloway wasn't until around 1987 ? But it seems that it's been around for ever so I'm not entirely sure. I have memories of the dj playing it 3 times in his set and leaping of the stage to dance to it at the 86 club in Bridgnorth but would love confirmation about the date when it first got plays. Ade
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) I'm sure that the first time I heard 'Before you break my heart, reconsider' Brenda Holloway wasn't until around 1987 ? But it seems that it's been around for ever so I'm not entirely sure. I have memories of the dj playing it 3 times in his set and leaping of the stage to dance to it at the 86 club in Bridgnorth but would love confirmation about the date when it first got plays. Ade Wow!! News to me Ade!x I was given a copy in 1993/ freshly pressed to play! I was DJing Nationwide at the time and just played it! My Soul Nights in Cambridge first and then ventured out further. From memory some folk knew of it.....but nobody had a copy that I shared the circuit with at the time.....until other copy's began to be sold for £20 each end of '94 I think it was! They were the thick/white copy's. I remember seeing a second copy using thinner vinyl and it had a slight blue tint to the label rather than pure white. They began selling for a £10er late 90's. Other than this day....I know nowt about the tune or its previous....except I liked it upon hearing it and played it accordingly!x Like you.....i'm interested to know it's previous.....!x In fact....I don;t think I have ever seen the so called 'original'....if one exists!x The tune Butch played at the time...Birdwalkin' with a voice....I accused of being Butch's Nanna! It was said in jest.....but from memory....I don;t think he appreciated it......especially when I announced my thoughts on it as he left it spinning for me to take over with at the 100Club once!x Hadn't heard that ever since 1974/5.......and was aware at the time that folk were 'making' tunes as 'originals' it all came together as a jovial comment at the time!!!x Sorry Butch!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 It was a 90's discovery wasn't it, Chris King? I can remember the white label 45's appearing. It's proper title btw is 'Think It Over (Before You break My Heart).
Dave Pinch Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 i got one of the thicker vinyl white label 1st presses from dave appleyard for £20....when it was 1st a mint unplayed dottie and millie on topper for a tenner same day....about 1992 i think
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) Chris King was behind most of the Motown 'discoveries' that were pressed I recall Chalky..X uptempo cut of a Supremes chart hit...another tune by the 4 Tops......I think there was about 4 that came on the same pressing as Reconsider but can't remember the actual tunes....all within a year in the mid 90's. My thick white copy only ever had 'Reconsider' on it......I think it may have had your title in brackets...or the 2nd blue tint issue did...but....from memory I can only think of seeing the word Reconsider on it and her name underneath! I gave it to a Soulie who had danced to it every time over 3/4 years I spun it at Nighters. Winsford A/ last A/N gig 1999! Gave away about 30 tunes that night to key a 'thank you'....for their support...and have never regretted it!.....X LUV SOOTY X Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) Did Richard Searling play this on his radio show last week or week before? Ode to the Ritz and said it was the first time it was played that night at the Ritz by CK? I certainly remember the pressings, reconsider in I think red ink stamped on the white label. I remember getting bored with it/sick of hearing it very quickly as every man and his dog hammered it. Edited September 22, 2014 by chalky
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 i got one of the thicker vinyl white label 1st presses from dave appleyard for £20....when it was 1st a mint unplayed dottie and millie on topper for a tenner same day....about 1992 i think I know you Dave......I know it!!!x You are spot on too....I was racking my brain to remember how I got my copy.....and I think it was possibly Dave Appleyard!!!x I was mingling with Boston/Kings Lynn crews and began DJing at their gigs first and foremost as my first 'away' gigs! Boston became a real 'rave' and that is how I came across Dave! I did get some tunes from him over the first couple of years...'93/4.....and yup....perhaps it was him! However....I do have this vivid memory....of it arriving 'anonymously'.....! Same with the other Motown re-leases...! To this day.....I cannot say who sent them.........!x Forever grateful tho' as nobody at Blackburn/100Club/Winsford/Congleton...and many other fine A/N venues of the day...had it...or spun it and left it for me to 'cream'!!!x When getting on the bill at Bretby in ' over....everybody had them all.........hehe!!!x I know your name Dave Pinch......and sorry I can't remember beyond that at the moment!!!x Help!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) ....memory's are flooding back!x I went to see a friend i;d made on the scene whilst DJing at Nighters up north. I went to his house......there were THOUSANDS of these pressed Reconsiders/Supremes etc stacked in his room....hall...and kitchen!!!x The day I visited....there was a new arrival just in....indeed I helped him open the boxes as they arrived! It was an LP...white label....featuring all of the above and a couple more i'd never heard! He gave me one! I don't do LP's and never have....but kept it for a while and remember hearing some brilliant stuff on there by mainstream artistes! Either variants of classic hits....or 'new' stuff such as Reconsider! Glady's Knight had a track on there and the Velvettes Lonly Girl remix I think....and Itching in My Heart was one of my favs....real basssy and I never did get the 45 of it....! I think 'A Bird in The Hand' alternative was on there too! I swapped it for a Midnight Johnny Gordy Demo....which I still have as testament to this experience.and was well pleased with my impromptu unannounced original visit!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edit....I haven't named the friend and won't. He trusted me...and did right too. Sooty's 'safe'...init. But it hasppened! 500 copy's of the LP I recall arrived fresh from the presses that day. I was told that was it! I got the first...I believe.........did you get 1? What's on it....!x Happy days!x ( wasn't Chris King. We never spoke throughout my tenure until I went back to the scene to do the 'Togetherness' Documentary in 2003....where I interviewed him as 'old mates'! We got on....and have done since!x Some things just take Edwin sang....X @@ ~ Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Davenpete Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 1000% it turned up later than 92 - at least 95 I reckon. Dx
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I don't recall an LP with these titles on? A CD yes. Only boot lp I remember is the one Rob Marriott did and it didn't have Reconsider on it.
Dave Rimmer Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Reconsider was definitely not amongst the first lot of white label 7" pressing of unreleased Motown. The first lot were The Supremes alt version, Marvelettes - 'Boy From Crosstown', there was a Gladys Knight, and a couple of others. Reconsider was at least five years later.
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Reconsider was definitely not amongst the first lot of white label 7" pressing of unreleased Motown. The first lot were The Supremes alt version, Marvelettes - 'Boy From Crosstown', there was a Gladys Knight, and a couple of others. Reconsider was at least five years later. That first lot I think there was 8 45's and as you say Reconsider wasn't amongst them nor was it done by the same people, might be wrong? I spent ages sorting what was left of them a few years later to sell as job lots. Suspicion, that was another of the batch and one we ran out of quickly when sorting. There wasn't many packs with all the 45's.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) All I know is....I have a flyer with 'Reconsider' featured on it and I began spinning it at the City Stop after it arrived anonymously in mid 1993! My ex Mrs will confirm as will my then regulars that irtt was a 'Sooty tune' so to speak.....nobody at my gigs had it! Was I sent a 'Test Press' copy???? Clueless honest.....but summink tells me it had a box on there with writing on it below the actual name/tune print! I had the reconsider before the LP....but may be wrong that Reconsider was on the LP circa 94/5! Never seen a red written copy of Reconsider Chalky!!!!x Opened up a debate now ain't we......superrrrr!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edit...'Suspicion'....that was on the LP and again I got on a 45 sent to me in advance of ever seeing the LP! I was being 'used'....but went with it! Got me a full dance floor and my Liz Lands.......!x Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 What is this LP? Suspicion had been known about since the early 80's. It was also booted by people who were nothing to do with Reconsider. Suspicion, Velvelettes, Glady's Knight 'Too late', turned up via a different source, Robb K.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I have to go. I would be really pleased to be told what the tracks were on this LP and if there are links to them on Youtube or owt!They were good in the main....and deserve to be heard by all! Suspicion I never liked...the slooow version. Perhaps it weren't on ther LP either! I had a fast version but din't play that either other than once or twice when it arrived. However I was DJing 3 sometimes 5 times in a weekend and so to have played it twice in 1 night out at 2 gigs....meant I din't play it!x Genuinly interested in hearing these tracks again!x If it helps....I was in Nottinghamshire when the LP's arrived!....and my friends name has not been mentioned as yet!x @@ ~ Have a good day all!x LUV SOOTY X
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Was I sent a 'Test Press' copy???? LUV SOOTY X I doubt there was a test press, they were boots, it isn't as though you are sending them out as promos either to generate interest for future sales. Any given away would be from the same batch as those sold, might have had a different stamp on them but the pressing would be the same. I'm sure I saw it with just Reconsider stamped on it and then the fake test pressing one with details written in. I've just pulled the 'This IS Northern Soul' comp from the shelf. In it Chris King writes about Reconsider that it was discovered by Pete Lowrie when he acquired some reference dub plates on one of his trips to America.
Hooker1951 Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 NEIL CLOWES gave me a copy of the White Reconsider record when I was D J ing for him at Keele in early 1993 I started to play it out straight away being a brilliant tune. Thaks that particular time not so many jocks had it by the middle of 1994 a good few had aqquited it. GOD BLESS MICK LYONS
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Test press of the Boot possible Chalky? I knew mine was different to the ones sold for £20 afterwards...which were better than the £10 blueys some years later! The Reconsiders surfaced about 2/3 months after i;d been spinning mine! It was the first of about 6 records sent to me 'in advance' I gather! Most were double siders and I believe eventually ended up forming the LP?! It makes do you 'sell' a tune? Make it popular! As I was everywhere and popular....then job done....'smart move'! Would liked to have thanked them personally tho'...!x Ady did the same with I'll Never Stop Loving You...although all transparent!x I popped in to see him impromptu the week leading up to the Anniversary! He had the Carla Thomas's all neatly waiting in a box for the night! I popped in to wish him a good night as I was up in Blackburn...same night to finish the would have missed the 100 Club doo! He gave me a copy...the light blue original 6t's job. I believe I was the first to spin it 'publicly'! I spun it at a Soul Night on Friday and then my 'warm up' 100club/Blackburn gig Saturday in Cambridge before racing to Blackburn and spinning it up there for the first time ever.......same time as Ady was spinning it down Souf! Job done....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Before I go....I have found some 'evidence' to 'date' some of the above! I will put it up in about 5 minutes! Thanx all for the 'stimulation' this morning! It's why I come in get away from it all....!Taa!x
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) Test press of the Boot possible Chalky? I knew mine was different to the ones sold for £20 afterwards...which were better than the £10 blueys some years later! The Reconsiders surfaced about 2/3 months after i;d been spinning mine! It was the first of about 6 records sent to me 'in advance' I gather! Most were double siders and I believe eventually ended up forming the LP?! It makes do you 'sell' a tune? Make it popular! As I was everywhere and popular....then job done....'smart move'! Would liked to have thanked them personally tho'...!x Ady did the same with I'll Never Stop Loving You...although all transparent!x I popped in to see him impromptu the week leading up to the Anniversary! He had the Carla Thomas's all neatly waiting in a box for the night! I popped in to wish him a good night as I was up in Blackburn...same night to finish the would have missed the 100 Club doo! He gave me a copy...the light blue original 6t's job. I believe I was the first to spin it 'publicly'! I spun it at a Soul Night on Friday and then my 'warm up' 100club/Blackburn gig Saturday in Cambridge before racing to Blackburn and spinning it up there for the first time ever.......same time as Ady was spinning it down Souf! Job done....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Before I go....I have found some 'evidence' to 'date' some of the above! I will put it up in about 5 minutes! Thanx all for the 'stimulation' this morning! It's why I come in get away from it all....!Taa!x Those who were given copies of reconsider prior to those sold were given the same copies as far as I can remember. I had one but moved it on as I got sick of hearing everyone playing it. As for Carla Thomas, Ady had been playing it a long time before the anniversary 45 came out. Edited September 22, 2014 by chalky
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 As for Carla Thomas, Ady had been playing it a long time before the anniversary 45 came out....I meant apart from Ady!!!x I wos proud to have been given the chance to do so...X NEIL CLOWES gave me a copy of the White Reconsider record when I was D J ing for him at Keele in early 1993 I started to play it out straight away being a brilliant tune. Thaks that particular time not so many jocks had it by the middle of 1994 a good few had aqquited it. GOD BLESS MICK LYONS GOD BLESS MICK LYONS Well said Hooker!x LUV SOOTY X ...1993 I first spun it....exact day coming up as a result of a flyer I just found!x
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 NEIL CLOWES gave me a copy of the White Reconsider record when I was D J ing for him at Keele in early 1993 I started to play it out straight away being a brilliant tune. Thaks that particular time not so many jocks had it by the middle of 1994 a good few had aqquited it. GOD BLESS MICK LYONS I remember first hearing at Keele I think Mick. Rob Wigley also got one quite early and was playing it at The Hollingwood Hotel nights we had in Chesterfield.
Hooker1951 Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Sorry Sooty I Played it first Tony,s Blackburn early 1993 I remember the response very well hope your keeping well thanks. Mick Lyons
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why it went down well Mick!!!!x What did I know prior to arriving up there?!x THANK YOU for giving me that opportunity that no one else would mate...'the people'....appreciated were the first!X My Son who you threatened to kidnap after one of the St Ivo's is now a Dad with a 2 year old and doing well! He always remembers that occasion and thanx for leaving such a happy impression on him...and us all....although his Mam was cr*pping herself that u meant it.....hehehe!!!x Nice to hear from you....and I should mention Little Scotty too who was one of my fervent supporters who may have well canvassed you for my first spot!x Super folk and happy days!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Hooker1951 Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I,m currently co promoting stateside along with Andy M,cabe you and your missus are more than welcome to dates Oct 18 8pm 4 am. Dec 27 8pm 6am Thanks Mick
Dave Pinch Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 1000% it turned up later than 92 - at least 95 I reckon. Dx no your miles out .. i remember when i got mine... i just so happens it was the night of my 1st ever dj spot at the travellers rest in rotherham..never ever did it before then.... dave appleyard was on same time.. he was a mate of ray hudsons. i bought reconsider and dottie & millie and played both to no reaction this was feb 1995..reconcider was absolutely bolloxed .. i think i even sold my copy by then
Winsford Soul Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Chalky. I remember it from keele. Can't remember who played it and I also remember it from tonys, didn't know it was you Mick that played it, didn't know who it was. I also remember it on the white boot and it was definitely after the Gladys knight. Too late. So me thinks late 94 ish Steve
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I,m currently co promoting stateside along with Andy M,cabe you and your missus are more than welcome to dates Oct 18 8pm 4 am. Dec 27 8pm 6am Thanks Mick Nice 1 Mick....!x Here's a first for you....hehe! and me then Mrs parted after 28 years and divorced amicably and well after time nearly 7 years ago...I think!.... Mick!x She is active on the local scene with her partner as they are both into the music. I'm happy for her and the local scene!x I haven't frequented any Northern scene since leaving yours in 1999...with tears in my eyes I recall and Lynn giving me a cuddle at the top of the stairs.....'classic'!x Done a few 'Chairty' bits here and there.....and will always do such if i'm free.....but that's it! I popped into Kings Hall in 2003...and 2013......and was 'impressed'....but nowt like 'we' had going up yours back in the 90's......HARD CORE....I should know....I wos one of em!x Thanx again Mick for your sincere 'fellowship' without any strings! In fact were one of the only 'genuine' folk I met in the 10 intense years.....a pure Soulie...for the people! We'd always get on....and have......thanx....!x I do travel the UK and indeed would love to see you again anytime!x I think the 18th is the same night as the Edinburgh Northern film night! It could work! I could pop in on the way back down....or make the December for definite!x I will let you know!x LUV SOOTY X ...I thought u wos blessing Mick Lyons init as I din't know it wos u....hehe!x I don;t do religion...but agreed all the same!x I hope my sermon is approved...!x @@ ~
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 no your miles out .. i remember when i got mine... i just so happens it was the night of my 1st ever dj spot at the travellers rest in rotherham..never ever did it before then.... dave appleyard was on same time.. he was a mate of ray hudsons. i bought reconsider and dottie & millie and played both to no reaction this was feb 1995..reconcider was absolutely bolloxed .. i think i even sold my copy by then It was definitely doing the rounds 92/93, I remember it from Keele, probably the first place I heard it actually thinking about it.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) Some 'evidence'...! It ties in too......I believe this was 1995! I played it on the night as 1 of the 10 tunes i'd played that became so called 'Sooty tunes' as a personal 'anniversary of 2 years DJing at the time!! The first gig I promoted was in April...Good Friday....1993. The 1st Anniversary a year later at The City Stop....Reconsider was theee tune played 3 times that night....upon request and I was the only 1 with it my nway still! It was an A/Nighter so got away with it! My first visit to Blackburn was in July '93 I believe....never forget it!x Until you said what you've said Mick......i'd never heard it I don;t think other than when I played it around my way!x However....I was tw*tted at yours the first 2 visits.....honest!hehe!x I didn't DJ for u until September that year to have taken notice of the music played! U definitely spun it first by my reckoning up yours....and I certainly had a copy before April 1993 down mine....we is getting there!!!!..does it help the detectives trying to pin the LP....or originator of the '93 copy....down!!x Must go!x @@ ~ Edit......arggggh......bad memory's!!! The City Stop flyer....made up of pics I painstakingly cut out....and letraset....every flippin letter rubbed pute or owt! The original is multi-coloured.....had it printed to be 'black and white'...job done! My ex Mrs lost houuuurs as did my kids over stuff like this! Guilty of neglect......sigh....hang me. @@ ~ ....i'm outta here!x Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Am I missing summit? Where is the evidence? All I see is two flyers with no evidence on either of reconsider? You could have saids all the above without the flyers? I haven't seen nor can I find any evidence of a bootleg LP with Reconsider on it either?
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 ....remnants of a wayward life..........just found it!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X to count sheep....literally.....good juju!x
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Am I missing summit? Where is the evidence? All I see is two flyers with no evidence on either of reconsider? You could have saids all the above without the flyers? I haven't seen nor can I find any evidence of a bootleg LP with Reconsider on it either? I conceded that Reconsider perhaps wasn't on the LP well as I haven't a clue what was on it from memory! My 'evidence' re reconsider and possesion of it is of my memory prompted by the events as described happening in my life at the time....nowt else!x Hope it helps!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I conceded that Reconsider perhaps wasn't on the LP well as I haven't a clue what was on it from memory! My 'evidence' re reconsider and possesion of it is of my memory prompted by the events as described happening in my life at the time....nowt else!x Hope it helps!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I reckon you are talking about the Motown LP The Marriotts did........before Reconsider as well. I'm struggling to think of another.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 THAT'S IT Chalky!!!!!! That insert was in the sleeve! Eddie Holland kicking it off......FANTASTIC!!!x The other tunes i;ve mentioned not on there were issued as just 45's then...?!x Reconsider 'original' boot...white with thick viyl fat grooves @ £20 pressed in early 93 at the latest....and LP perhaps a year later? I am genuinly happy that I've found the tunes again! Never seen some of them or heard them other than on here! Eddie Holland I used on a football vid briefly the other day....yet this was the first time i;d heard it! Brilliant!x Bugged Kev Fev in Norwich for it for months afterwards.....! Nice 1 mate......can sleep soundly tonight in Newport knowing I ain't gotta think of sheep!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 THAT'S IT Chalky!!!!!! That insert was in the sleeve! Eddie Holland kicking it off......FANTASTIC!!!x The other tunes i;ve mentioned not on there were issued as just 45's then...?!x Reconsider 'original' boot...white with thick viyl fat grooves @ £20 pressed in early 93 at the latest....and LP perhaps a year later? I am genuinly happy that I've found the tunes again! Never seen some of them or heard them other than on here! Eddie Holland I used on a football vid briefly the other day....yet this was the first time i;d heard it! Brilliant!x Bugged Kev Fev in Norwich for it for months afterwards.....! Nice 1 mate......can sleep soundly tonight in Newport knowing I ain't gotta think of sheep!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X The LP was late 80's. At the very latest really early 90's. It was before reconsider. The 'unissued' tracks on that LP were sent over to Rod Shard on a tape by Robb K in late 81 early 82. It is common knowledge who did the LP, vol 2 never came out.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 The LP was late 80's. At the very latest really early 90's. It was before reconsider. The 'unissued' tracks on that LP were sent over to Rod Shard on a tape by Robb K in late 81 early 82. It is common knowledge who did the LP, vol 2 never came out. ! I arrived at me mates house....1994.....have the exact date as I was on other business documented and popped into my friends for 'chill out' and these had just arrived and I believed 'new'! That's all I know...or remember!x He had boxes with 50 of each of the 45's....all Motown stuff as I described! Perhaps the 'promotion' of the new 45's had inspired a re run of the LP? It wasn't Rob Marriott's I was have no clue as to the answer!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Chalky Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 ! I arrived at me mates house....1994.....have the exact date as I was on other business documented and popped into my friends for 'chill out' and these had just arrived and I believed 'new'! That's all I know...or remember!x He had boxes with 50 of each of the 45's....all Motown stuff as I described! Perhaps the 'promotion' of the new 45's had inspired a re run of the LP? It wasn't Rob Marriott's I was have no clue as to the answer!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X The Lp was definitely done late 80's and no second run. My mate went on his scooter to collect our copies in person.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 ...old stock then.....given a new lease.......!x I was happy with it in 1994......2014???......some tunes never die.....get on it!!!!hehe!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X hour late on leaving.....but happy with it!x @@ ~
Ted Massey Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 John Wilkinson was selling these didn't it have Barbara McNair on the other side
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Wilko was part of the 'in crowd' getting the latest tunes I recall Ted!x I didn't get mine from him as he would have handed it to me as we were good friends throughout!x I do recall seeing the Barbara McNair on 1 B side but I think that may have been the 2nd issues...bluey tint? My copy sent anonymously was a 1 sided tune....blank on the other but had the grooves! That's what led me to suggest to Chalky it may have been a 'test copy' of the first boot! I haven't ever got involved in the technicalities of pressing s or owt and just offer my innocent memory of it all!x Ain't seen or spoke to Wilko since the late 90' he about still?!x LUV SOOTY X ...still leaving....!x
Dave Rimmer Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 It definitely wasn't Wilco that did the 'Reconsider'. He might allegedly have had some involvement, on a purely peripheral basis, in other previously unreleased things, but this wasn't one of them.
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 It definitely wasn't Wilco that did the 'Reconsider'. He might allegedly have had some involvement, on a purely peripheral basis, in other previously unreleased things, but this wasn't one of them. Correct Dave...X Wilko was flogging all the issues that came about in '95....I remember it well!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Andy Rix 100 club ...hmm....Andy was deeply involved in the Shrine stuff in '93...and 94 I remember! I would be surprised if it was Andy who made it....or played it! I think back then it would have been considered a 'boot' or the like.....and Andy as I remember him would not have gone near it! I do remember his sets during the time too....'unique'...but no recollection of any familiar Brenda Holloway among his set!x Interesting name to come up with tho' Toad...and nowt would phase me as to the truth........!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
TOAD Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Oh how little you know. It's a fact nothing to discuss he played it.!
Sooty Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) I knew more than I did this morning now...thanx to you...and Mick Lyons Toad!x Willing to learn....always have been! Such a trait got me spots every 'happening'all-nighter in the Country when I was a 'student'.....i'm happy! It's to be supported mate....not frowned upon...I suggest!x Step outside of this scene...and perhaps I may be able to assist you with your knowledge base too!x I still stand by the thought that Andy was a dedicated 'purist' and indeed am surprised it was on his playlist back then!x He ain;t gone down in me estimation like.....just surprised he did!x I was eager....perhaps gave too much respect to some and not enuff to others! Easy done....forgive me!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ..Andy Rix....Dave Flynn....'Gods' to me music all I remember! Drugs were better back in the 90's too.......happy days!x Or am I confusing Andy Rix with Andy Dyson?!.....doh!x @@ ~ Edited September 22, 2014 by SOOTY
Robbk Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 "Suspicion", "Never Too Late", Lollipops, Velvelettes and those early '80s "finds" came from Rod S's tape off me. "Reconsider" was "discovered" in the early '90s from a recently auctioned, "lifted from Motown", acetate. Several others were auctioned during the early '90s, many of them had been acetates that had been in Tom DePierro's office when we were working on "From The Vaults", but Rod hadn't heard and so, hadn't taped in the early '80s.
Dave Pinch Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 Reconsider was definitely not amongst the first lot of white label 7" pressing of unreleased Motown. The first lot were The Supremes alt version, Marvelettes - 'Boy From Crosstown', there was a Gladys Knight, and a couple of others. Reconsider was at least five years later. was a little later but no where near 5 years later
Dave Rimmer Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 was a little later but no where near 5 years later See Robb K's post above yours.
Dave Pinch Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 See Robb K's post above yours. what i mean is the white labels of boy from crosstown ,suspicion etc wernt in circulation that early,,probably only a year or two at most before reconcider
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