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Northern / R & B / 60's Soul


"Hamlin, Billy" Somebody please  recommended Toy 15
"Curtis & Showstoppers" Sad girl  ex-/group soul slowy/great Travis 20
"Royal, Margaret" I'll never go away  very sl lbl stain Tra-x 30
"Adams, Lindy" A bird in the hand  great Tri Disc 15
"Du Pont, Shelley & Calendars" Stop driving me crazy wol/great Tribune 12
"Du Pont, Shelley & Calendars" Stop driving me crazy  great Tribune 15
"Fox, Tony" Why did you lie to me   Tri-Spin 8
"Gardner, Don" Ain't gonna let you get me down  recommended Tru-Glo-Town 30
"Moore, Joe" Nobody loves me / Hang right in there  2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50
"Sandpipers" All over but the crying  w/demo/great Tru-Glo-Town 20
Symphonics" Our love will grow  great group soul Tru-lite 30
"Lee, Carol" I'll buy you gold  w/demo Tru-sound 20
"Fantastic Vantastics" Gee what a boy  ex-/great Tuff 15
"Dynamic Tints" Falling in love  ex-/great Twinight 40
"Guild, The" You've got the cutest smile  w/demo/nice Twinight 20
"Gorman, Stan & The Revolvers" I love lovin' you  M-/superb/rare Ty Tex 60
"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl  recommended Uni 15
"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl demo/recommended Uni 25
"Green, Garland" All she did…. / Don't think that I'm a violent guy  2 great sides Uni 10
"Green, Garland" Jealous kind of fella  great Uni 15
"Lovelites" This love is real / Oh my love  M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 nice sides Uni 10
"Mirettes, The" Ain't you trying to cross over / Whirlpool  recommended Uni 12
"Barnes, Billy" I'm coming to see you  vg++/w/demo/great United Artists 15
"Barnes, Billy" You'd have to fall in love  United Artists 8
"Crystals" My place(xol)/You can't tie a good girl down ex-/wol/w/demo United Artists 25
"Crystals" My place (xo) / You can't tie a good girl down  w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 30
"Davis, Joyce" Moments/Superman ex-/great/R&B flip United Artists 12
"Davis, Joyce" Moments / Superman  great/R&B flip United Artists 15
"Dawn" Love is a magic word  w/demo/wol-flip/great United Artists 25
"Elektras" It ain't as easy as that  EX-/w/demo United Artists 20
"Germaine, Denise" Unforgotten yesterdays  w/demo/great United Artists 30
"Jive Five" A bench in the park  great United Artists 15
"Jive Five" I'm a happy man  great United Artists 15
"Johnson, Marv" All the love I've got  recommended United Artists 15
"Johnson, Marv" All the love I've got w/demo/recommended United Artists 20
"Johnson, Marv" Don't leave me  great United Artists 20
"Love Chain" Sensative vibrations  w/demo United Artists 20
"Mimms, Garnet" Look away  recommended United Artists 15
"Smith, Roy" I can remember  demo/recommended United Artists 30
"Spontanes" Where did I go wrong / Aint no big thing  M-/w/demo/superb/good flip version too United Artists 125
"St. John, Rose" Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol)  ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100
"Thomas, Gene" I'd rather not talk about it  M-/w/demo/superb United Artists 50
"Thomas, Gene" I'd rather not talk about it EX+/rare issue/superb United Artists 50
"Insights, The" Love is a game  VG++/superb/RARE United Audio 75
"Lorri, Mary Ann" I wanna thank you  w/demo/recommended United International 40
"Mintz, Charles" Running back / inst. re-iss/with pic. Sleeve Up-Look 10
"Superlatives" I still love you  EX+/pale blue lbl-2 lines/classic Uptite 100
"Jackson, Cookie" Uptown jerk  EX+/sl warp-nap/great Uptown 10
"Lewis, Debra" A million tears  recommended Valiant 20
"Lewis, Debra" A million tears w/demo/recommended Valiant 25
"Lewis, Debra" You stole him  ex-/w/demo/ink stamp ol-flip Valiant 15
"Radiations" Shaking up the nation  great Valise 15
"Ballads" I can't see your love (for the tears in my eyes) / Pt II-same-inst.  VG+/great Vee-Jay 40
"Chandler, Gene" Check yourself  EX+/recommended Vee-Jay 20
"Everett, Betty" Trouble over the weekend / The shoe won't fit  2 great sides Vee-Jay 10
"Everett, Betty" Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15
"Hughes, Fred" You can't take it away  great Vee-Jay 8
"Jackson, Barbara" Second best  w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30
"Jones, Bobby" A certain feeling  great Vee-Jay 20
"Rivingtons" I love you always / Years of tears  EX/demo/Inc rare Co slv/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60
"Rubies, The " A Spanish boy / Deeper  M-/recommended Vee-Jay 15
"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on  w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50
"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on M-/great Vee-Jay 40
"Group From Queens" Boss man / Your search is over  EX+/w/demo/2 superb group soul sides Veep 30
"Soul Sisters" A thousand mountains / You got 'em beat  recommended Veep 15
"T-birds" Nobody but you / Have you ever been in love before  up-tempo/deep Vegas 15
"T-birds" Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love w/demo/up-tempo/deep Vegas 20
"Ethics" Searching / Sad sad story  w/demo/great Vent 15
"Ballads" My baby knows how to love her man  recommended Venture 15
"People's Choice" You're mine  recommended Veroneeca 20
"Chantels" You're welcome to my heart vg++/vg- flip/demo/great Verve 12
"Chantels" You're welcome to my heart  ex-/great Verve 15
"Chantels" You're welcome to my heart demo/great Verve 20
"Chantels" You're welcome to my heart great Verve 20
"Ganey, Jerry" Just a fool (xol)  EX-/classic/plays great Verve 60
"Prince Harold" Born to please  ex-/great Verve 15
"Prince Harold" Born to please  black label/great Verve 20
"Superiors" What would I do  M-/classic Verve 30
"Ward, Clara" The right direction  M-/v sl warp-nap/rare issue/classic Verve 100
"Webs" I want you back/We belong together EX-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 25
"Webs" I want you back / We belong together  M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 30
"Bossmen" Take it easy  w/demo/recommended Vim 75
"Dean, Debbie" Why am I lovin' you / same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75
"Monitors" Say you (wol)  M-/EX- flip/superb VIP 20
"Spinners" It's a shame ex-/great VIP 6
"Spinners" It's a shame  great VIP 8
"Spinners" My whole world ended (the moment you left me)  great VIP 6
"Storm, Billy" Push over  ex-/sm lbl tear/great Vista 15
"Dino & Doc" A woman can't do (what a man do)  recommended Volt 30
"Mad Lads" I don't want to lose your love  mid-tempo Volt 15
"Carr, Eddie" Your love is indescribably delicious / Evel Knievel  M-/superb/great popcorn flip W.H.C. 150
"Brown, Maxine" If you gotta make a fool of somebody  w/demo/great Wand 10
"Bruce, Ed" Don't let it happen  great R&B Wand 15
"Byrd, Russell" You'd better come home  sm wol/great Wand 12
"Diplomats" Love ain't what t used to be  ex-/sm stol-flip/superb Wand 15
"Diplomats" Love ain't what t used to be w/demo/wol/superb Wand 25
"Diplomats" There's still a tomorrow (sm wol/stmol)  superb Wand 25
"Dodds, Nella" "Finders keepers, losers weepers / A girl's life" great Wand 15
"Esquires" Part angel / I don't know  recommended Wand 10
"Hughes, Freddie" Send my baby back  superb Wand 12
"Inspirations" Kiss and make up  ex-/vsld Wand 10
"Jackson, Chuck" Any day now  great Wand 15
"Jackson, Chuck" I don't want to cry great Wand 10
"Jackson, Chuck" I don't want to cry  blue label/great Wand 15
"Moore, Johnny" Haven't I been good to you (sm wol) / A dollar ninety eight  demo/2 superb sides Wand 25
"Preyer, Marvin" It's coming to me  demo/R&B/great Wand 50
"Robinson, Rosco" That's enough  classic Wand 20
"Steele, John & Del-Mates" Tha fat man  R&B Wand 15
"Dickens, Charles" In the city /That's the way love goes  M-/w/demo/2 great sides Warner Bros. 30
"Invincibles" Woman is the soul of a man  M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros. 35
"Baby Little & Playboys" Big time playboy  R&B/great Watts Way 30
"Sensations" Too shy / Please baby please  M-/vg++ flip/2 great sides Way Out 15
"Springers" I know my baby loves me so  vg+/w/demo? Way Out 8
"Debanairs" Feel all right / Everything I need  superb/great flip too W-BS 20
"Hughes, Freddie" Send my baby back / Where's my baby  first label/great Wee 20
"Forevers" What goes around (comes around)  w/demo/recommended Weis 20
"Lamp, Buddy" I wanna go home / You've got the loving touch  ex-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35
"Experts" You're bein' brainwashed baby  great Whirl World 15
"Powell, Bobby" I'm gonna leave you  great Whit 15
"Powell, Bobby" What are you trying to do to me  ex- Whit 10
"Damon's Orient Express, Liz" You're falling in love  great White Whale 8
"Scott, Walter" Silly girl / Just you wait  demo/v. sl. warp-nap White Whale 12
"Vanguards" I can't use you girl  highly recommended Whiz 15
"Dubs" Just you  great Wilshire 15
"Dubs" Just you demo/great Wilshire 20
"Five Stairsteps" Playgirl's love  superb Windy C 12
"Five Stairsteps" You can't see / Ain't gonna rest  great Windy C 12
"Quaite, Christine" In the middle of the floor  recommended World Artists 15
"Church, Eugene" Dollar bill  demo/great World Pacific 25
"Counts" Stronger than ever / Gospel Truth  EX-/superb/great R&B inst flip/RARE Yes 150
"Intrigues" In a moment  superb Yew 15
"Cortez & Entertainers" Life / I sent her back (to to the home she loves)  recommended Your Town 25
"Johnson, Syl" Surrounded / Straight love no chaser  superb R&B Zachron 15
"Larry & Rexettes/Johnson, Larry" That ain't all / Mercy R&B/great inst. Flip Zorro 20
"Cormier, Myra" G O 2 & the rest of it / Pleasant dreams  demo/2 good sides ZZZ 20
"Bracelets, The" You're just fooling yourself (2 x's ol)  EX+/w/demo/great 20th Century 50
"Fashions, The" A lover's stand  recommended 20th Century 15
"Lancelot, Rick" That's my bag  vg+/w/demo 20th Century 8
"Grayson, Art" Bad dreams  EX/DEMO/recommended 4 Corners 40
"Williams, Sandy" Pushing a good thing too far / Anyone in the world  M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 4 Corners 100
"Mr. Tears (Paris)" Don't lead me on  ex-/great 4J 35
"Mr. Tears (Paris)" Don't lead me on great 4J 40
"Tempo, Nino & 5th Ave. Sax" Sister James  2 x's ol/great A&M 12
"Dotson, Jimmy" "Gone, gone, gone / To be your lover " 2 great sides Aar O Dot 15
"Charles, Ray" Go on home  recommended ABC 10
"Charles, Ray" Hide 'nor hair  good version ABC 10
"Charles, Ray" I don't need no doctor  M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic ABC 25
"Charles, Ray" Something inside me  recommended ABC 15
"Cotillions, The" Sometimes I get lonely  great ABC 20
"Dorsey, Jackie" Sweetheart baby  w/demo/great ABC 15
"Earls, The" It's been a long time coming / My lonely lonely room  superb ABC 20
"Earls, The" It's been a long time coming/My lonely lonely room w/demo/wol/superb ABC 30
"Everett, Betty" Love comes tumbling down  M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve ABC 40
"Impressions, The" You've been cheatin'  classic ABC 20
"Keyes, Troy" Love explosion  great  ABC 15
"Marvelows, The" I do  great ABC 15
"Mer-lyn" Promise  w/demo/wol/recomnded ABC 50
"Mighty Marvelows, The" I'm so confused  M-/sm paint spot ol/great ABC 20
"Sapphires, The" Thank you for loving me / Our love is everywhere  great ABC 10
"Tams, The" Trouble maker / Laugh at the world  2 great sides ABC 10
"Tams, The" Trouble maker/Laugh at the world w/demo/2 great sides ABC 15
"Tandy, Sharon" I've found love  M-/w/demo/great ABC 25
"Tandy, Sharon" Now that you've gone / Hurtin me  2 great sides ABC 25
"Taylor, Rosemary" I really got it bad for my baby  w/demo/great ABC 15
"We Two" Way down deep inside  ex-/w/demo/wol/great ABC 25
"White, Danny" One little lie  M-/w/demo/xol-flip/great ABC 30
"Mathis, Lucille" Somewhere out there / same demo/nice mid-tempo A-bet 10
"Masqueraders, The " I ain't gonna stop  M-/superb/highly recommended AGP 15
"Hines, Sonny" Nothing like your love  R&B Airtown 10
"Jackson, Chuck" Come on and love me  his first record ? Alcar 15
"Emanons, The" Look in the want ads / One heart  dancer/group-flip/pic slve All Brothers 10
"Vick & John" Dont dish out (more than you can take) (stol) / Lonely man  M-/w/demo/superb/great down tempo flip Allert 40
"Moore, Danny" Somebody new  original/superb Allrite 60
"Harper, Willie" You're gonna pay  w/demo/wol Alon 12
"McPhatter, Clyde" I belong to you  vg/nice mid-tempo Amy 5
"Walker, Anna & Crownettes, The" You don't know / Ode to Billy Joe  demo/R&B/2 great sides Amy 30
"Clark, Delores" Livin' to please  recommended Antares 60
"Florence, Tina" "Too much for me, baby " great Apt 40
"Love, Candace" Never in a million years / I want to get back  nice Aquarius 15
"Love, Candace" Wonderful night  EX+/superb Aquarius 20
"Williams, Ken" Anytime you want me / Take me back  w/demo?/blue-eyed ARA 15
"Lane Relations" Cleaning up here / Everything on earth  w/demo/great gospel Arctic 10
"Mason, Barbara" "Bobby, is my baby " EX/wol-flip/superb Arctic 30
"Mason, Barbara" Half a love  fantastic  Arctic 20
"Mason, Barbara" Half a love w/demo/fantastic  Arctic 30
"Dells, The" Good-bye Mary Ann  M-/DEMO/great Argo 40
"Nash, Johnny" Strange feeling  M-/great Argo 15
"Fisher, Shelley" Big city lights  great Aries 15
"Aesop's Fables" I've got news for you  w/demo/superb Atco 30
"Banks, Darrell" Angel baby (don't you leave me) / Look into the eyes of a fool  M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/classic Atco 60
"Chapman, Andy" Double your satisfaction / Happy is the man  w/demo Atco 20
"Cooper, Les & Soulrockers, The" Gonna have a lot of fun  recommended Atco 25
"King, Ben E" Amor  great Atco 8
"Lee, Marva" Lover boy  warp-nap/great Atco 12
"Lee, Marva" Lover boy tiny warp-nap/great Atco 15
"O'Henry, Lenny" Sweet young love great newy Atco 15
"O'Henry, Lenny" Sweet young love  w/demo/great newy Atco 20
"Sharp, Dee Dee" Bye bye baby / My best friend's man  2 superb sides/recommended Atco 15
"Soul Survivors, The" Mama soul  M-/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended Atco 20
"Soul Survivors, The" Mama soul EX-/highly recommended Atco 15
"Taylor,Ted" River's invitation  ex-/great Atco 10
"Taylor,Ted" River's invitation great Atco 12
"Williams, Calvin" Lonely you'll be  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb version/nice flip too Atco 30
"Moore, Henry" She's a lover  recommended Athens 15
"Drifters, The" The outside world/Follow me ex-/2 great sides Atlantic 12
"Drifters, The" The outside world / Follow me  w/demo/2 great sides Atlantic 20
"Embers" Where did I go wrong  M-/w/demo/superb Atlantic 125
"Greenwood, Johnny" I'm crawling back  w/demo/great Atlantic 15
"Jackson, Deon" You said you love me  great Atlantic 30
"Jackson, Deon" You said you love me ex-/w/demo/great Atlantic 35
"Jackson, Deon" You said you love me w/demo/great Atlantic 40
"Jo Ann & Troy" Who do you love  R&B/recommended Atlantic 10
"La Belle, Patti & Blue Belles The" Wonderful  great Atlantic 10
"Lewis, Barbara" Don't forget about me  great Atlantic 12
"Lewis, Barbara" Don't forget about me w/demo/wol Atlantic 15
"Lewis, Barbara" I say love   Atlantic 10
"Lewis, Barbara" If you love her / Straighten up your heart (sm wol)  Canadian/2 great sides Atlantic 20
"Lewis, Barbara" Sho-nuff / Thankful for what I got   Atlantic 15
"Matthews, Shirley" (You can) count on that / Big-town boy  2 great sides Atlantic 15
"Tee, Willie" I want somebody  M-/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended Atlantic 30
"Thomas, Carla" For you  recommended Atlantic 10
"Thomas, Carla" The puppet  ex-/w/demo/wol/nice Atlantic 15
"Uggams, Leslie" Don't you even care  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb  Atlantic 50
"Washington, Ella" "Bye, bye baby " w/demo/recommended Atlantic 30
"Incredibles, The" Without a word / Standing here crying  M-/w/demo/great Audio Arts 20
"Radcliffe, Jimmy" My ship is coming in  EX+/sl label ring/superb Aurora 30
"Garrett, Kelly" This heart is haunted (with original sleeve) w/demo/recommended Ava 30
"Attractions, The" Mama's baby / C.O.D.  2 good sides/Texas label B&B 15
"Carlton, Little Carl" Why don't they leave us alone  #627/great Back Beat 10
"Hinton, Joe" Got you on my mind  M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50
"Arrows, The" Bring back the one I love  sl warp-nap/great Bandit 15
"Arrows, The" Bring back the one I love great Bandit 20
"Electric Love, The" She wants to be free  nice mid-tempo Bandit 10
"Beaumont, Jimmy" I feel like I'm falling in love  ex-/great Bang 8
"Rose Colored Glass" Can't find the time  nice Bang 10
"Preston, Nancy" I got a right  w/demo/great Banward 40
"Hysong, Don" Baby here's my heart  ex-/great Bard 10
"Martin Sisters, The" Only seventeen  w/demo/nice Barry 15
"Rivera, Hector" At the party (sm wol) / Do it to me  EX/2 great sides Barry! 15
"Jenkins, Earl Duke" Misusin' me  recommended Bee 20
"Jenkins, Earl Duke " Misusin' me ex-/w/demo/recommended Bee 25
"Jenkins, Earl Duke " Misusin' me w/demo/recommended Bee 30
"Attractions, The" That girl is mine  VG++/lite lbl wear/wol-flip/superb Bell 20
"Attractions, The" That girl is mine  M-/DEMO/superb/Morris Chestnut lead vocal! Bell 40
"Dearborn, Billie" You need me to love you  EX-/sm clear sol/recommended/rare issue Bell 40
"Dearborn, Billie" You need me to love you  M-/recommended/rare issue Bell 50
"Dearborn, Billie" You need me to love you  M-/demo/recommended Bell 50
"Graham, Rita" Can I go with you  w/demo/nice ballad Bell 10
"Inspirations, The" Gotta find a new love / I can feel it  M-/2 superb sides Benn-x 15
"Occasions" There's no you  M-/superb Big Jim 20

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