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Crossover / 70s / Modern Soul


"Nesbary, Sherm (Reb)" "Don't make me sorry / All my life, all my love (green lbl)" superb x-over/great flip too Cheri 30
"Acoustics, The" Living in hard times  recommended Cherry Blossom 15
American Gypsy "10,000 miles / Angel eyes " M-/superb Chess 10
"Burke, Solomon" "I'm leaving on that late,late train " great Chess 8
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can  recommended Chess 15
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can w/demo/recommended Chess 20
Shadow People don't know what love is/same w/demo Chess 15
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love superb/great flip too Chess 30
"Hudson, Michael" The angels listened in great Chimneyville 10
"Adams, Arthur" Can't wait to see you  superb Chisa 20
"Adams, Arthur" Can't wait to see you/same w/demo/superb Chisa 25
"Chandler, Gene" Let me make love to you  ex-/superb Chi-Sound 12
"Chandler, Gene" Make the living worthwhile / Time is a thief  2 great sides Chi-Sound 8
"Jackson, Walter" If I had my way / same demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10
"Keyes, Troy" See no evil / same (mono) demo/superb Chumley 40
"Baker, Johnny" "Operator,operator " great Cisco 15
"Gee, Frankie" Date with the rain  w/demo/great version Claridge 15
"Johnson, Rozetta" Chained & bound  M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Clintone 25
"Johnson, Rozetta" To love somebody/same w/demo Clintone 10
Krystal Generations You were never mine  superb Crossover CMC 25
Festivals Take your time  superb Colossus 15
I.A.P. Co. Check yourself  superb version Colossus 20
"Mob, The" I'd like to see more of you  ex-/wol & sol-flip Colossus 8
"Mob, The" I'd like to see more of you great Colossus 10
"Comer, Mary Love" Come out of the sandbox  highly recommended CoLove 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing / same demo/great Columbia 20
Anacostia All I need  recommended Columbia 15
Anacostia All I need/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
"Anderson, Deborah" Don't know what's coming tomorrow  nice mid-tempo Columbia 10
"Austin, Patti" Can't forget the one I love / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 30
"Barrow, Keith" Free to be me 2-step Columbia 8
"Blood, Sweat & Tears" Tell me that I'm wrong  wol/superb Columbia 15
"Davis, Mac" I'm just in love  ex-/highly recommended Columbia 50
"Dyson, Ronnie" You and me / The more you do it  ex-/2 great sides Columbia 12
Ghetto Children I just gotta find someone to love me / same w/demo/great Columbia 30
"Grant, Eleanor" You oughta be here with me  nice Columbia 15
"Lance, Major" "Come on, have yourself a good time / same-mono" M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended  Columbia 10
"Lorelei, The" S.T.O.P. (STOP) / same-mono w/demo/great Columbia 12
"McCrae, Gwen" Leave the driving to us/same w/demo Columbia 5
"Mercury, Eric" Take Me Girl Im Ready / same w/demo/superb version Columbia 30
"Moore, Jackie" This time baby  recommended Columbia 8
"Moore, Jackie" This time baby w/demo/recommended Columbia 10
"Nobles, The" Nobody but you / same w/demo/great Columbia 20
Pockets Happy for love / same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 10
"Silver, Stirling" Damned if I do / Sunshine (when I got you)  2 great sides Columbia 40
"Silver, Stirling" Sunshine ( when I got you)/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
"Taylor, Johnnie" You're the best in the world  recommended Columbia 10
"Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do  M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 150
"Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do (lite wol) vg++/w/demo/superb Columbia 100
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same w/demo/stmol & wol-flip Columbia 12
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/While we went to the moon  M-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 20
"Tymes, The feat. Williams, George" Someone to watch over me / She's gone  w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15
"Wilson, Donald" I've gotta get myself together  w/demo/recommended Columbia 40
"Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart  recommended Columbia 15
"Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart/same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15
Patterson Twins Gonna find a true love / same  EX+/w/demo/sm wol/superb rare version Commercial 300
Sound Of Experience "Easy come, easy go" funky Community 15
"Cole Jr, Nat & Carter, Teri" You  superb Comptons Staff 30
"Jones, Jimmy" Ain't nothing wrong making love..first night / Time & changes  great x-over/funk flip Conchillo 15
"Dyson, Ronnie" Don't need you now  great Cotillion 12
"Green, Garland" 80-90-100 m.p.h. w/demo Cotillion 10
"Matlock, Ronn" Let me dance/same demo Cotillion 6
Park Avenue Slow motion/same ex-/w/demo/great Cotillion 8
"Patti & Lovelites, The" Love bandit  M-/superb version Cotillion 20
"Patti & Lovelites, The" We've got the real thing  recommended Cotillion 25
Tony and Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet  2 great sides Cotillion 20
Tony and Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet w/demo/great Cotillion 30
"Burton, Jeanne" (Nobody loves me) like you do do  Cotton 6
"Strong, Barrett" Love is you/You make me feel the way I do v sl warp-nap Coup 8
"Strong, Barrett" Love is you / You make me feel the way I do  recommended Coup 10
"Gadson, James" Good vibrations orig. sleeve Cream 10
"Kennedy, Ray" She's a lady  Cream 10
"Jenkins, Diane" "Sweet wine,music and my imagination"  Creative Funk 8
"Butler, Billy" She's got me singing / Feel the magic  great Curtom 15
"Butler, Billy" She's got me singing/same demo/great Curtom 15
"Hutson, Leroy" Ella weez / same EX-/demo/great Curtom 15
"Hutson, Leroy" Ella weez/same demo/great Curtom 20
"Impressions, The" I'll always be here ex-/wol/recommended Curtom 12
"Impressions, The" I'll always be here  recommended Curtom 15
"Impressions, The" Wherever she leadeth me  superb Curtom 20
Jones Girls Misteri  great Curtom 15
June & Donnie What's this I see / I thank you baby  M-/Inc Co slv/2 recommended sides Curtom 12
"Lance, Major" Stay away from me  great Curtom 10
Natural Four Love's so wonderful  EX+/UK/demo/wol/superb Curtom 30
Natural Four Love's so wonderful(sm xol)/same-mono EX+/demo/superb Curtom 30
"Waters, Freddie" Singing a new song / same demo/recommended Curtom 15
"Edwards, Mill" I found myself  superb x-over Cutlass 15
"Edwards, Mill" I found myself/same demo/superb x-over Cutlass 15
"Electras, The" Another man's woman  w/demo/recomnded/rare CVS 25
"Standish, John" It just takes some time x-over Cyma 12
Lady Margo Simply got to make it  recommended Cynthia 20
Channel 3 The sweetest thing / same M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 150
"Davis, Tyrone" I'll be right here   Dakar 8
"Height, Donald" I choose you / same-mono M-/w/demo/fantastic!!! Dakar 60
"Johnson, Jay" Ooh baby/same w/demo Dakar 5
"Leavill, Otis" I'm so jealous  great Dakar 12
"Leaville, Otis" Love uprising / same w/demo/great Dakar 12
"Monroe, Ben" Broken home  M-/recommended Dakar 15
"Qualls, Sidney Joe" How can you say goodbye  great Dakar 10
"Qualls, Sidney Joe" Where the lillies grow  great Dakar 12
"Smith, Floyd" Getting nowhere fast vg+ Dakar 6
"Wallace, Wales" Forever and a day / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40
Solaris You and me  great/orange label  Dana 8
Solaris You and me great/blue label  Dana 8
Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol/superb Dash 60
Pat & Pam Hey love / My baby and I  2 great sides Day Dreaming 15
"Summits, The" It takes two   DC International 8
"Nero, Frances" Footsteps following me (ex- pic sleeve/sm woc) UK/recommended Debut 8
Jive (Five) Fyve If I had a chance to love you  M-/superb x-over Decca 40
"Holmes, Eldridge" Lovely woman  x-over/recommended Deesu 75
"Holmes, Eldridge" Lovely woman w/demo/rare/recomnded Deesu 100
"Jones, Jimmy" I don't mind confessing / Live and let live  2 nice sides Deke 20
Crown Heights Affair Dreaming a dream great De-Lite 8
"Electras, The" Another man's woman  recommended De-Lite 15
"Saddler, Janice & Jammers" My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75
"Troy, Benny" "Ecstasy, passion & pain" w/demo De-Lite 8
"Koons, Janice" If I had it all to do over  M-/w/demo/superb Dellwood 30
Three Karats Yes I will great/2 X'sol Delray 10
"Bell, Reuben" Baby love w/demo Deluxe 10
"Lundy, Pat" Another lovin' kind of feeling  Deluxe 8
24 Karat Gold What does the future hold / New love  M-/2 great sides Desert Bone 75
Enchantment Hold on  great Desert Moon 8
Take Five Reaching out for love recommended Destiny 8
"Edwards, Dee" I can deal with that  VG+/superb x-over De-to 75
"Murray, Tim" Thinking of you (original/pale blue label) M-/original/pale blue label/great Detroit Traks 40
"Winters, Ruby" In the middle of a heartache  recommended Diamond 30
"Winters, Ruby" We're living to give  demo/great Diamond 15
"Winters, Ruby" We're living to give great Diamond 15
"Easton, Billy" I was a fool  great x-over Dispo 25
"Maddox, Walt" Make it with you great version Doll 15
EBO Prime time / I'd rather be by myself  modern dancer/slowy/great Domino 20
"California Girls, The" Your love puzzles me  recommended Doorway 15
"California Girls, The" Your love puzzles me w/demo/recommended Doorway 20
"Copeland, Vivian" He knows my key (is always in the mailbox)  vg++w/demo/wol/great D'oro 20
"Jackson, Skip and The Shantons" I'm on to you girl / Promise that you'll wait (stunning condition) M-/2 superb sides Dot-mar 175
"Chymes, The" My baby's gone away  great x-over Down To Earth 20
"Impalas, The" I'd think it over girl  Down To Earth 15
Masters Of Soul Should I just read the signs   Duke 8
"Roberts, John" To be my girl  demo/recommended Duke 35
White Family Band I'm a little bit smarter now/Miss America stand up ex-/no label-flip/vg-flip/great Duke 5
"Scarbury, Joey" Midnight mail  EX-/sm ink spot ol/stormer! Dunhill 15
"Garrett, Jo Ann" That little brown letter  M-/superb x-over Duo 40
"Swope, Sheryl" Run to me  M-/superb x-over Duo 40
"Taylor, Jay Jay" I'm not tired yet  recommended Dynamite 15
"Taylor, Jay Jay" I'm not tired yet w/demo Dynamite 20
Phase V There's got to be me  ex-/superb Dynamo 20
"Stephens, Chuck" Let's get nasty  M-/classic East Coast 15
Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over)  great x-over Eastbound 15
Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over) w/demo/great x-over Eastbound 25
"Conservatives, The" Who understands  recommended Ebonic 15
"Clay, Otis" Victim of circumstance  Echo 6
"Scott, Jimmy" Be careful/Part 2 nice EEE 12
Hustlers What ever's your sign (you got to be mine)/Part 2 funk Effie 15
"Johnson, Jessie" Be your man/same test press/80's modern Electro Sound 15
"Callier, Terry" Sign of the times w/demo/modern dancer Elektra 10
"Collins, Leon" I just wanna say I love you / Knowing I love you  2 great sides Elf 10
"Berdell, Cheryl" Giving it all to you  recommended EM.T 10
"Fox, Tony" Give it all up tonight  demo/recommended Emerald City 15
"De Vaughan, William" I've never found a girl (to love like you do) ex-/UK/recommended EMI 12
"De Vaughan, William" I've never found a girl (to love like you do)  UK/recommended EMI 15
"Jones, Gloria" I ain't going nowhere  UK/great version EMI 15
"Pickett, Wilson" Love of my life / I want you  M-/2 great sides EMI America 10
Straight Coming of the rain / Save your breath  2 good sides Encore 20
"Hayes, Isaac" Rolling down a mountainside  recommended Enterprise 15
"Hayes, Isaac" Rolling down a mountainside demo/recommended Enterprise 20
"Lewis, Barbara" That's the way I like it demo Enterprise 8
"Mercury, Eric" What's usual seems natural  w/demo/great version Enterprise 15
"Brenda & Tabulations, The" One girl too late (Orange label) recommended Epic 15
"Brenda & Tabulations, The" One girl too late (Yellow label) recommended Epic 15
Essence Lovin' you comes naturally / same demo/recommended Epic 30
Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv)  M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40
"Freeman, George" I'll be long gone (make my life shine) w/demo Epic 15
"Jeffreys, Garland" What does it take (to win your love) / same M-/w/demo/superb version Epic 20
"Johnson, Alphonso & Diane Reeves" Love's the way I feel 'bout cha/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Epic 10
"Joneses, The" In love again / same w/demo/wol/superb Epic 20
"Joneses, The" In love again/same w/demo/superb Epic 25
"Joneses, The" Who loves you / Lies  M-/2 superb sides/rare Epic 75
"Labelle, Patti" It's alright with me / same w/demo/recommended Epic 15
Smoke City I really love you good modern Epic 5
Sons Of Robin Stone Let's do it now / It only happens in the movies  great/rare issue/sweet flip Epic 30
"Strong, Barrett" Stand up and cheer for the preacher/Inst. funk Epic 15
Upp Never gonna turn my back on you / same w/demo/recommended Epic 20
Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love  recommended Epic 15
Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love/same demo/recommended Epic 15
"Woods, Belita" I just love you  great x-over Epic 25
"Woods, Belita" I just love you/same w/demo/great x-over Epic 25
"Haywood, Leon" There ain't enough hate around to make me turn around  great Evejim 10
"Godfrey, Ray" Come and get these memories  great Event 10
"Mayberry Movement, The" I think I'm in love  EX+/w/demo/superb Event 50
"Davis, Rose" That's enough  great version Excello 8
"Douglas, Ron" I'm in love  demo/xol/great Excello 30
"Washington, Jerry" In my life I've loved ex- Excello 5
"Ware, Leon" What's your name  recommended Fabulous 10
Blackbyrds What's on your mind  dancer/great Fantasy 10
"Checkmates Ltd, The" Take all the time you need / same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy 30
"McWilliams, Paulette" Don't give your heart away  ex-/recommended Fantasy 12
"Muhammad, Idris" For your love  demo/UK/superb Fantasy 10
"Simmons, David" It's a shame / Will they miss me  UK/demo/superb Fantasy 25
"Simmons, David" Will they miss me/same-mono demo/superb Fantasy 20
Three Pieces I need you girl / same(mono) demo/superb Fantasy 25
Sweet Thunder "Baby, I need your love today" class-mellow Fantasy WMOT 8
"Two Tons, The" Never like this  superb/hard to find Fantasy/Honey 20
"Marshall, Faye" Tonight I'm gonna make you a star  recommended Fay-don 20
"Murray, Clarence" Please accept my love Please accept my love  nice mid-tempo Federal 15
"Dell-Vikings, The" Finger poppin' woman  M-/highly recommended Fee Bee 50
"Welch, Lenny" I thank you love  recommended Fig 12
"Cole, Freddy" If I had your love nice First Shot 12
"Ross, Jackie" Don't change your mind w/demo/great Fountain 15
"Yuro, Timi" When something is wrong with my baby  M-/great Frequency 25
"Green, Bob" I've never found a girl  pale blue lbl/great version Fretone 12
"Green, Bob" I've never found a girl white lbl/great version Fretone 12
"James, Willie" Sweet lips and sensuous hips / long disco vers. great Friends & Co 8
"Long, Eddie" Mo jo workout funk R&B/sm wol-flip Fun City 10
"Middleton, Gene & The Funk Factory" No one to love me  EX-/fantastic x-over Funk Factory 50
"Alexander, Margie" Keep on searching  Future Stars 8
"Carter, Clarence" I couldn't refuse your love  great mid-tempo Future Stars 20
"Taylor, Hersey" Ain't gonna share your love  Future Stars 10
Valentino I was born this way / same-mono w/demo/great x-over Gaiee 12
"Williams, Lenny" How can I forget you (sm stmol) / Feelin' blue  EX/lightly audible scratch/superb x-over Galaxy 30
"Williams, Lenny" How can I forget you / Feelin' blue  EX+/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40
"Intruders, The" Devil with an angel's smile / same w/demo Gamble 8
"Guthrie, Gwen" Family affair great modern version Garage 12
"Thomas, Vaneese" Heading in the right direction demo Geffen 6
Notations Think before you stop  recommended Gemigo 15
Notations Think before you stop/same demo/recommended Gemigo 15
"Jemison, Mike" Bright light lady funk Geneva 10
"Edwards Generation, The" School is in / Someone like you  recommended Ghetto 15
"Bell, Archie & Drells" Ain't nothing for a man in love  recommended Glades 15
"Bell, Archie & Drells" Dancing to your music  recommended Glades 15
True Image It ain't fair/Secret lover  Glades 15
Love Committee Cheaters never win w/demo/recommended Gold Mind 15
Love Committee Cheaters never win / Where will it end  2 great sides Gold Mind 15
"Jones, Chris" Destination unknown / I'm the man  x-over/funk-flip Goodie Train 20
Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE KAPP LABEL) vg++/great/orig. label Gordo 15
Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE KAPP LABEL) wol/lite lbl ring wear//great/orig. label Gordo 20
Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE KAPP LABEL) great/orig. label Gordo 25
21st Creation Tailgate / same w/demo/dancer/great Gordy 10
"Eric & Vikings, The" I'm truly yours/same w/demo/great Gordy 20
"Eric & Vikings, The" I'm truly yours / Where do you go (baby)  great Gordy 20
"Militello, Bobby & Carn, Jean" Let's stay together  w/demo/great version Gordy 15
"Militello, Bobby & Carn, Jean" Let's stay together great version Gordy 15
"Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas" Love guess who  M-/neat drill hole next to middle hole/fantastic!!! Gordy 20
"Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas" Love guess who fantastic!!! Gordy 25
Undisputed Truth Save my love for a rainy day  Gordy 6
"Undisputed Truth, The" You got the love I need  superb Gordy 15
"Rance Allen Group, The" I know a man who  M-/w/demo?/awesome soul Gospel Truth 75
"Troutman, Tony" I truly love you  stunning mid-tempo Gram-o-phon 15
"Troutman, Tony" I truly love you/same-mono (stunning mid-tempo) vg+/ex- flip/demo Gram-o-phon 10
"Gaslight, The" I'm only a man  superb Grand Junction 15
"Love, Jill Baby" My way or hit the highway great Grand Prix 10
"Starr, Edwin" I'll never forget you  superb x-over Granite 15


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