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Jessie Davis There's Room For Me

Haunting moody Northern Soul benefiting from a that man Arthur Wright stamping his moniker on yet another Northern Soul juggernaut from one of the scenes revered artists.

Near every recording Jesse made in Los Angeles during the 60s is a Northern Soul trophy-piece, with his complicated crooning snugly fitting the big production, which on this occasion Arthur Wright builds up to an instrumental break crescendo, crafting just foolproof dancefloor cuisine.

SO RARE - I’ve personally not heard this out in the clubs for a few years now… we consider this ripe for relaunch and certain it will draw that appreciated round of applause from the throng, that only truly great tunes receive..especially when no ones expecting to hear it.

TOP-DRAWER NORTHERN SOUL.. that rarity has ensured it just ain’t heard enough.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 966.00

Crow Your Autumn Of Tomorrow C/w Uncle Funk

So different ! many consider this as the 45 that freed up the floodgates of acceptability, as the envelope of what was “Northern Soul” was pushed wide open.

As the minestrone of bold-brass, insanely delivered through a misty veil of Psyche, Funk and innovation creating an incomparable NS floor destroyer… …because when the volume is ramped right-up,..the dancefloor is already in full sway..you can expect only one result..


The near-anonymous genius of Stan Vincent comes though in an all-powerful wave of undiluted Northern Soul excellence; with no attempt whatsoever at any note appealing to the masses.

That’s why this well-respected NS classic still to this day polarizes opinion. My opinion is THIS IS NORTHERN SOUL at it’s most inventive and most-compelling…

Flip it over for a FUNK MONSTER !!

…what more could a boy ask for? Perhaps some recognition of Stan Vincents plethora of Soul-achievements would be a good starting point.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 1,020.00

Buck And The Sixteenth Movement Fool, Fool C/w Trust Me This Night

Extremely rare vocal-group trophy!

We’ll lead with the harmony stroller side (an effortless delicacy, a masterclass of it’s genre) for a D.I.Y. production this carries all the weight of an Impressions or Temptations session. Crisp harmony callings endorses a wonderfully expressive lead.. A killer sweet-ballad of the very highest calibre.

Now to move onto the even better flipside, that I envisage as the “Soul Essence” “Saturday afternoon” nominee for the Throne of most Soulful-Dance-Tune; Even though it got brief wider audience as a national release Playboy 6001 but still tough to find. This is a neglected a mid-tempo experience ,that has just blown me away - with it’s highly polished approach to line after line of beseeching lyrics, wrapped in a duvet of strings.. just TOO MUCH …it’s records like this that remind me SOUL is the greatest music on Planet Earth.. especially when it’s an precisely produced street-level session with no intention of using commercial over-production methods that wreck so many major label recordings..

Well if you like them Unicorn-Rare drenched in mythical soulfulness, check out both sides of Raymond Buckner and his crew…they are awesome..with “Fool, Fool” being a Sweet Soul Grail of extreme elusiveness.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 137.00

Just Bobby I'm A Winner

An under-the-radar California indie that has flirted with the “Modern” rare soul DJ for many years now and used to be obtainable last centruy..

This century this 45 is seldom it ever seen for sale - upon refreshing my ears, it still ripples with all the qualities I remember buying it for.

Dominating Horns make an intrusive entrance blaring the way clear, for an unusual gnarled vocal to catch your attention. Whiskey & tobacco worn vocal chords with a lifetime of tales to tell, is just perfect for a song about a tough life and being determined to become a winner.

Jazz & soul influences converge to deliver a fabulous dancefloor experience, flip it over and it’s just what your wishing for - the same vocal serves up a delightfully emotional Soul ballad.

The mysterious “Just Bobby” has a voice that you just know has experienced it all…

Bobby Montgomery by any chance..?

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 322.00

Archie Bell Harder And Harder

With the “Beyond Compare” experience of Great Yarmouth’s Soul Essence looming large on the horizon. It’s sleek dance-soul like this that gives you a taste of the style you will be bathing in for 3 days from 11th. 12th. 13th. of April this year.

It’s a place where quality of the tune is far more important than rarity, but having said that, many of you will already know this 1981 Philly delicacy was never issued as a 45 in USA.

As a UK disc it never gt off the ground, neither did the splendid album it was plucked from.

So delight in it’s captivating blend of full orchestra presence with a Jazz/Funk twanging guitar forcing the dance-beat throughout. Producer David Morris Jr. certainly fills the gap left by The Drells absence….

Mood-changing dance soul - very hard to find in this form - and a lasting testament to the 20 years or more of the “Soul Essence” DJ’s have raising the soul-bar right up to and past the ceiling..

Just fabulous ain’t it…

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 258.00

Rotations I Can't Find Her C/w Searching In Vain

Stunning.. vocal group dancer that enjoys a strong underground following..

Don’t be fooled by the tinkling minimalistic intro, this tune suddenly changes gear and purrs uphill gathering pace as it goes, from one sublime moment to another. The expressive lead vocal delivers sweet pain as the perfectly fused harmony flirts with the lilting backing track .

I’m a real sucker for this style of Northern Soul so please forgive me when I say this really is a tune to get “Over-blown” about.

Funk followers may enjoy the “Whitfield” inspired flipside.

For me, the streets of Cleveland have given up a vocal-group masterpiece in the form of the “I Can’t Find Her” side…truly awesome.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 456.00

Eddie Burns You Better Cut That Out C/w I Am Leaving

This week’s R&B offering is one rare Detroit thumper..

From the man who Motown took under their wings during the early 60s releasing 3 45s on the Harvey label all of which are highly sought after, not just by the Motown archeologists but also by the Northern Soul R&B jocks appreciative of Eddie’s naturally aggressive vocal presence.

This example of his work is far, far rarer than his better distributed “Harvey” outings this is Motor City dance-blues from the streets ..born in Virginia Park area of Detroit, an obscure Joe Von Battle project using his own private label.

Both sides pump it out - we’ve led with the “You Better Cut It Out” side which carries a mighty-punch; with the flip a little more subtle in it’s approach. Click the double soundfile we think you’ll agree both sides are ripe for NS exposure.

Not only is this 45 seriously elusive - it is also in stunning condition, most probably unplayed before being acquired from that “File only” collection. We doubt it would be possible to find a finer copy or indeed discover a more likely winner that has yet to grace those imaginative “no boundaries” R&B sets.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 102.00

Artistics Girl I Need You C/w Glad I Met You

A contender fir the greatest vocal-group Northern Soul double sider ever issued in Britain - at this moment I can’t think of a better one.

Chicago’s reply to Motown’s male vocal groups, deliver two fabulous 1967 constructed dance tunes. Both sides carry that magically uplifting happiness feel, that only the very best of it’s genre can inspire.

This gathering are without question sit in Northern Soul virtual “Hall Of Fame” as most every recording they ever made appeals to it’s followers.

This listing will appeal to those of you dedicated not to the British release NS classic but also those committed to upgrading their collection to it’s finest possible summit of perfectness.

This PROMO copy is beautiful Mint - in every respect. center hole looks only a passing stranger of the spindle.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 261.00

Patti Austin Leave A Little Love C/w My Lovelight Ain't Gonna Shine No More

Rare BLACK STOCKER with the seldom seen BOLD SILVER text..this 45’s rarest and most-attractive format.

16 year old Patti borrows Lulu’s original British Decca recoding, injecting a purity only young girl Soul-Sister of Patti’s high-calibre could hope to deliver.

The opening bars drip with teenage pain, then Bert DeCoteaux lifts the rhythm and the atmosphere switches over to an uplifting Northern Soul dancer, with the genius of Henry Jerome’s full orchestra guidance, this Les Reed & Robin Conrad composition floats into another dimension.

Flip it over and two of the Soul’s stalwarts join forces to write a plodding horn driven mid-tempo Joey (My Ship Is Coming In) Brooks & Barbara English compose another imprerssive NS stroller.

Looks gorgeous, sound fabulous and seldom seen in this eye widening form.

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 145.00

Earl Van Dyke 6 By 6 C/w All For You

Oh yes totally flawless 1970 Promo that was the very first EMI release on TMG that was sparked off by the then still underground “Northern Soul” scene playing it at the clubs from their treasured 1966 import of SOUL 35028.

The influence of Northern Soul in the year 1970 was igniting all manner of “meet-the-demand” releases from all the UK’s major labels.

This particular PROMO as all TMG addicts will verify for some inconceivable reason is extremely hard to track down… this copy is factory fresh (if you look closely the shards of gossamer-vinyl are still attached to the spindle-hole)

It don’t get no better than that…

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 184.00

Keni Lewis What's Her Name C/w Drug Traffic

The writing talent of Keni Lewis pairs up with an equally impressive wordsmith in the shape of Detroit & New York producer Robert Bateman, a man with a very impressive Northern Soul Curriculum Vitae.

Hidden away on a Funky side that enjoyed brief “Mecca” spins from Colin Curtis, is a luscious vocal-group crossover from the “Rambunctious” boys at the controls.

Keni contorts his vocal on the intro, as a neat diversion for what is about the unfold. Soothing start is suddenly elevated by an uncredited vocal-group enriching the production with some ultra-smooth harmony cooing & arrhing throughout the a convincing dance arrangement. Stylish in the extreme, just what you’d expect from amigos with such a glittering pedigree.

Flip side Bateman draws from the Motor City and Norman Whitfield’s inventiveness with a Temps-esque thumping piece of Funk with the few opening notes ironically “borrowed” neatly from “Get Ready” - maybe? At this moment in time a “Funker” has possibly not been aired since a couple of 70s Saturday nights out in Blackpool.

Two strong sides of conflicting genres but spectacularly strong and frustratingly rare! 

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 188.00

Bobbi Row And The Englishmen Why You'd Put Me On C/w Fact Of Life

Put Arthur Wright and Don Julian into the same studio, you have every right to expect something different and infectious.

Don Julian, was undoubtedly California’s premier purveyor of the vocal-group soul-sound, crafts a dreamy Northern Soul stroller, with Arthur Wright constructing the plodding backing track. The combination you’ll find is one of those tunes that becomes a Northern Soul ear-worm.

Sultry builder bristling with all the creaminess of Don Julian’s “Larks” recordings. To grab a little radio station attention they name Bobbi’s vocal backing boys as “The Englishmen” - personally I’ve never heard any Englishmen who could deliver silky harmony back-up like these guys do..

This listing is for those of you who seek out records you just never see and dripping with level of quality, that I find hard to believe it never sold a bean upon release…

Truly beautiful rarity - elusive in the extreme

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 102.00

Tom Green Endless Confusion

1974 British release offering up a spectacular blend of Jazz/Soul/Latin and a pinch of funk. Making it absolutely ideal for today’s ever-changing NS scene that seems to have rooted itself in upfront, harder edged soul-dance grooves of late.

This 45 has of course already had some turntable action, several DJ’s have championed it over the decades with great response but never quite going “viral” to become known by the wider audience.

That is why we’ve listed it today - with feeling that maybe the last time was not quite the right time - it certainly is bloated with all the ingredients today’s dancers are appreciating.. shrill girls, twangy funk directed guitar work and a sandpapered lead vocal perfectly spewing out the imaginative lyrics…

Rarity, would be better describe as very scarce UK ONLY..although it is not as apparently it received an homeland release in the USA on Evolution 1082 but I know of no-one who has a copy..

So if you DJ with a real-cool dance tune - that only seems to be attainable on it’s highly elusive 1974 UK press - then do not pass by - as you may not spy another for quite some time..

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 188.00

J. B. Bingham She's Gone C/w Keep On Walking

The Los Angeles collaboration between H. B. Barnum and J. B. Bingham gave birth to one of my all time favourite 70s recordings “All Alone By The Telephone” epitomized everything I adore about the 70s anti-disco dance productions.

So imagine spending years looking at his other wonderful 45 on United Artists and receiving far-east wants requests for STOCK copy only. Well, the double sided promo was hard enough to find and in fact delivers another finely honed soulful dance tune, that is only nano-beat behind “Telephone”

It is no exaggeration I spent decades wondering what the flip would sound like - as for me Barnum & Bingham were such a magical combination. Well, here is a debut for the auction, the STOCK copy with both sides - that I suspect will ignite interest from the land of the “Rising Sun”

But I also have a sneaky feeling those SOUL completists, who frequent the corridors of “Soul Essence” could well give them a run for their money…

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 113.00

Richard Temple That Beatin' Rhythm C/w Could It Be

You know dancing is a part of life…”

Legendary Northern Soul classic from the halcyon days of Wolverampton’s “Catacombs” Club - when avid readers of Blues & Soul would quickly skip past all those artist features, charts etc. As the most-important feature was “The Cats” advert and what wondrous snippets of the clubs latest plays were they displaying?

Ironically when the name “Richard Temple” first graced those must-view ads, the word from further up north was there’s was no such artist, it’s a cover-up; named after the street the Club was situated on “Temple Street” Wolverampton, a pilgrimage for growing hoards of the early 70s pre-Wigan Soul-fraternity.

Before you today, is in our experience the rarest Mirwood Northern Soul PROMO in near perfect condition.

Both labels are flawless, as is the vinyl, except for a couple of extremely light fingernail brushes on the flipside vinyl - obviously not affecting play. A-side vinyl is a wonderful Mint -.

The Cats signature tune wearing it’s white-suit and looking irresistible - but do not overlook the supremely soulful mid-tempo flipside - that just oozes class.

“Could It Be, that I’m Fooling Myself…. could it be, you gave your love to someone else?”

Sorry, this item has already been won!
The winning bid was £ 299.00

Guest Dave Fleming

Another wow the Rotations.... £456...

this seems to have shot up,has someone started playing it?.....

  On 10/04/2014 at 05:58, mark b said:

Been playing rotations for years,  but has always been about £150.00 maybe £200 tops.


the crow was a bit of a surprise 


Indeed... have been offered several copies over the years, but since I can't stand it - I passed.


Certainly far from the usual idea of what 'Northern' is and It does seem to have attracted an audience outwith the usual circles as I've heard it played at funk and house nights although I doubt the DJs there would bother shelling out over a grand for an original.

  On 10/04/2014 at 08:25, wiganer1 said:

jesse davis - what a great record! ....stafford memories of this for me...

agree Mark, went a wee bit cheap too.

  • Helpful 1

  On 09/04/2014 at 18:10, Dave Fleming said:

Another wow the Rotations.... £456...

this seems to have shot up,has someone started playing it?.....


What a brilliant record though.

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)
  On 10/04/2014 at 08:27, grant said:

agree Mark, went a wee bit cheap too.






Yeah I thought that was a bit cheap although it didn't have the picture cover I don't think. I've got a Mint- copy with the sleeve. How much do you reckon I should put that up for in sales? 





Edited by soulman
  On 10/04/2014 at 09:47, soulman said:




Yeah I thought that was a bit cheap although it didn't have the picture cover I don't think. I've got a Mint- copy with the sleeve. How much do you reckon I should put that up for in sales? 



not sure mate Manship states £1200 with pic sleeve, so maybe £1000?

Guest Dave Fleming

  On 10/04/2014 at 09:04, jordirip said:

What a brilliant record though.

Quite agree Jordi,but it was a brilliant record when

it was £25.. ;-)


  On 10/04/2014 at 12:27, Dave Fleming said:

Quite agree Jordi,but it was a brilliant record when

it was £25.. ;-)


Absolutely Dave. It's been played out for years at good soul venues but it always sounds great to my ears. May be it's just starting to get picked up on by the circus scene.

  • Helpful 3
Posted (edited)

Wasn't the funk flipped being spun by George and a few others?? Maybe something to do with it?


Crow was hammered in all three rooms at Prestatyn, and has been getting spun across the board for ages now so doesn't surprise me it's gone to £1k.

Edited by corbett80
  On 10/04/2014 at 15:07, Jerry Hipkiss said:

"Harder and harder" Barry?...7 and 12" UK issue, I played the 7" on the show this morning...


I went straight to the shelves for the Becket section thinking I must ahve it, bast**d, 12" only, and LP so if someone wants the much more desirable 12" get in touch........


What about all these British demos from these days then of totally obscure tracks, Leon Bryant etc etc, they must be worth 100's, I.m rich at last.....

Guest marco
  On 10/04/2014 at 09:04, jordirip said:

What a brilliant record though.

Indeed it is

Guest Bigsoulman

  On 09/04/2014 at 18:10, Dave Fleming said:

Another wow the Rotations.... £456...

this seems to have shot up,has someone started playing it?.....

Mick H apparently but I've been playing it for years, wonderful record....but....456 quid?....eek!

  On 10/04/2014 at 09:03, Barry said:

I  have the 12" - odd it was a 12" only release.

Had two copies of the 45.Sold one on here for £15 but had loads of pms on it .


Glad i kept one. :)

  On 10/04/2014 at 09:04, jordirip said:

What a brilliant record though.

just found a copy in my record room,  yes forgot how good this is Rotations I Can't Find Her C/w Searching In Vain


I would pay 100 pounds for a stock copy of the jb bingham. maybe even for the don julian on safe, very hard on that label.


the rotations is hard to find clean.

  On 10/04/2014 at 08:25, wiganer1 said:

jesse davis - what a great record! ....stafford memories of this for me...


Looks like my copy turned out to be a good deal then





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