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Picture the scene - Chesterfield art college 1982 and my mate Mitch, having been turned on to northern soul by me(!) has asked to borrow some of my 45s so he can tape 'em. So he tapes 30 of my favourite records and leaves them in a tesco carrier bag in my locker....well you can guess the rest. Some chump helped himself all kinds of good stuff - MY good stuff, like NF Porter on Lizard, Dave Love (which I've just replaced!), Jimmie Raye on dark blue KKC which I am sure was an original, even weird sh*t like Jon & Robin on Abnak.


I still seethe about this 32 years later. (Hey maybe Mitch didn't put them in my locker after all).


I guess there are a lot of people out there with 'hot' stuff in their collections and they seem to be able to sleep at nights.


Any particular piece of vinyl that you have had 'taken' from you that really REALLY stings? And what would you do to the knob who took it?


Or have you subsequently found a record that used to be yours for sale and tried to get it back?


Maybe if there were any way of identifying particular lost records - I don't know, if you were daft enough to write your name on the label rather than the sleeve! we could use the forum to shame people into giving records back! - For example all mine were in cardboard sleeves with 'Stu' in the top right corner (I know, I know....)

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

Yeah but it was by a gorgeous female from Widnes at the casino. Made a mistake by taking someone as a friend. My then girlfriend didn't see it like that and walked away. That was in 1979, I never seen her again. Would love to see her again just  to explain if nothing else. Steve

Edited by Winsford Soul

Not quite stealing but I had a 'mate' who was a serious collector and when I started a family and stuck one time for coin relieved me of Morris Chestnut on original demo Frank Dell on Valise and a few other goodies for a piss poor price. He relieved me of the Morris Chestnut for £20. Tantamount to theft from someone that called themselves a friend.

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I had a batch of about 100 NS records stolen from me between sending them off in L.A.'s Terminal Annex post office, and their getting on the plane to be sent to Manchester.  I think someone in the US customs office in L.A. took them.  Then, shortly after that, a friend of mine in Lancashire sent off 3 fairly valuable 45s to me to my L.A. digs, and they never arrived in the L.A. terminal Annex Post Office.  They must have been stolen by that same customs worker.  Now I never have records sent to my L.A. address.  I have them sent to me only in Holland, or to my sister's address, if I absolutely must have them in L.A.(almost never).


One of the records I am especially pissed about, as a serious Detroit collector.  It was a dead rare (almost unknown) HOB group record I'd never seen in all my years of digging, by Mr. X and The X-Tones.  My friend in Lancashire did play it for me over the telephone before sending it.  The other two Detroit records in that package I have since obtained.  But, I am still angry over the loss of both packages.

  • Helpful 1

Not quite stealing but I had a 'mate' who was a serious collector and when I started a family and stuck one time for coin relieved me of Morris Chestnut on original demo Frank Dell on Valise and a few other goodies for a piss poor price. He relieved me of the Morris Chestnut for £20. Tantamount to theft from someone that called themselves a friend.

Aaaargh Frank Dell was on my stolen lis - what a record!


Maybe this post is gonna cause some pain and very negative feelings - not what our scene is about. Shall we close it?


Never lost owt in the post though Robb, that must be a real bummer.

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

Aaaargh Frank Dell was on my stolen lis - what a record!


Maybe this post is gonna cause some pain and very negative feelings - not what our scene is about. Shall we close it?


Never lost owt in the post though Robb, that must be a real bummer.




Hey, Stuey, don't even think of closing the thread. Let the victims move a step towards closure. Threads like this are cathartic - if this one  hurts the feelings of the perpetrators of such dastardly deeds, then maybe they'll consider atoning for their chicanery.

  • Helpful 1
Guest Soultown andy

There are plenty of thieves and dodgy characters on this scene,some are praised on this site by many who simply turn a blind eye .Con men grasses thieves etc masqueradeing as promoters and djs who are hailed as good guys by plenty,to land dj spots free entry to venues etc.Its always been like this and sadly doubt it will ever change.


There are plenty of thieves and dodgy characters on this scene,some are praised on this site by many who simply turn a blind eye .Con men grasses thieves etc masqueradeing as promoters and djs who are hailed as good guys by plenty,to land dj spots free entry to venues etc.Its always been like this and sadly doubt it will ever change.

also andy there are good guys and girls who do care,h,n y, billy

  • Helpful 2

box of 70 early motown fell out of the back of the van when i did a mobile disco somewhere near RAF WADDINGTON

did not realise till later went back next day no sign of the sturdy box hope it turned someone on broke my heart


Guest Soultown andy

also andy there are good guys and girls who do care,h,n y, billy

Of course there are billy,but way to many sit on the fence or turn a blind eye if it benefits them.Hope ur keepim well not seen you for while.


Sold my copy of Ray Pollard - The Drifter. nice mint issue, with the factory sleeve signed by Ray. Didnt want to sell it but had to. UK Collector bought it, selected USPS First Class. We packaged it, put the tracking number in eBay that day. Only, it was a Sat and the postman didnt pick up until Monday. Once the USPS tracking showed that it left the country - which was Wednesday, we got a paypal claim from the buyer stating he had not received it. Bastard knew exactly that paypal (at that time) sided with the buyer. He knew that once USPS tracking showed it gone from the country there was no way to track it. Fucking bastard stole that record and paypal took the $450 back from me.


Way to treat a fellow collector. Tikiterror


Now at least eBay has insurance, and paypal has stopped that policy. Europeans now pay a lot more for shipping due to signatures required.

Guest Duncan Ball

I think selling my last major collection after divorce hurt me the most but I needed somewhere to live! Paris,vondells,chuck flamingo,Dave Charles,Danny woods,jock Mitchell,Freddie Houston,the sequins,the idols,the inticers,acetates oh god im feeling faint :(


I think selling my last major collection after divorce hurt me the most but I needed somewhere to live! Paris,vondells,chuck flamingo,Dave Charles,Danny woods,jock Mitchell,Freddie Houston,the sequins,the idols,the inticers,acetates oh god im feeling faint :(

I feel your pain...


Sold my copy of Ray Pollard - The Drifter. nice mint issue, with the factory sleeve signed by Ray. Didnt want to sell it but had to. UK Collector bought it, selected USPS First Class. We packaged it, put the tracking number in eBay that day. Only, it was a Sat and the postman didnt pick up until Monday. Once the USPS tracking showed that it left the country - which was Wednesday, we got a paypal claim from the buyer stating he had not received it. Bastard knew exactly that paypal (at that time) sided with the buyer. He knew that once USPS tracking showed it gone from the country there was no way to track it. Fucking bastard stole that record and paypal took the $450 back from me.


I feel your pain...


Northern soul is all about broken hearts, the records we sold but wish we hadn't, Relationships which come and go, friends that we miss, passed on or otherwise. But we still keep going back for more...........

AGREE 110% with the above......but record wise.....Everybody go home...Eydie(?) Gorme.....................I'd love to know which thieving bit of scum 1/2 inched my copy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest sharmo 1

Tell us more Sy

One day mick , one day.

Guest sharmo 1

Does it involve stones

Yes Sir it does . I have to explain that mick and I are old chums and he always takes the piss out of my obsession with standing stones and stone circles . It's always been his pet piss take with me hasn't it mick.?

Posted (edited)

I'm confused - I'm sure I started a topic about having your records stolen? I'm relatively new to SS - does this meandering happen a lot?


Maybe you should have titled the thread simply "Ever had your records stolen"   :D    We are simple people at the end of the day  :thumbsup:  :)   (although I hasten to add, I haven't gone off topic  :) .... infact I love them more now than I ever did, the chewy nougat, caramel, nuts & chocolate )

Edited by Alison H
  • Helpful 1

Maybe you should have titled the thread simply "Ever had your records stolen"    :lol:     We are simple people at the end of the day  :thumbsup:  :)   (although I hasten to add, I haven't gone off topic  :) .... infact I love them more now than I ever did, the chewy nougat, caramel, nuts & chocolate )

Alison, they are delicious... Mmmm, a Topic about Topics :rofl:


Aaaaaaarrggghh!!!!  :dash2:

This is no consolation to you Stu but my Dynamics on Top Ten and Ronnie Forte went walkabouts 18 months ago,

I am resigned to never seeing them again.... "Gone but not forgotten"!!! :(


This is awful...how did it happen?

I imagine doing a set at some venue, you get folks hovering around as you concentrate on what your playing,

most are good people, for the life of me I hope it wasn't a friend.... these things happen


Recently double decked at an allnighter and finished of with Johnny Summers I cant let go.

When we had finished the sound engineers kicked into action packing all the gear away.

Got home and my record was missing, I cant tell you how bad I felt, the memories came flooding

back of where i bought it from - how much I paid - how long it took me to get it. (not quite the

rarest record ever made) but I was so pissed off with myself

Phoned me mate who I double decked with and it was in his box  

Panic over, life was great again. I only experienced this for a few hours so I cant imagine how

it is for you guys who have felt this for years.

  • Helpful 2

Recently double decked at an allnighter and finished of with Johnny Summers I cant let go.

When we had finished the sound engineers kicked into action packing all the gear away.

Got home and my record was missing, I cant tell you how bad I felt, the memories came flooding

back of where i bought it from - how much I paid - how long it took me to get it. (not quite the

rarest record ever made) but I was so pissed off with myself

Phoned me mate who I double decked with and it was in his box  

Panic over, life was great again. I only experienced this for a few hours so I cant imagine how

it is for you guys who have felt this for years.

I do like stories with happy endings...

Guest MissHongkongfuey

We had 3 records taken around 6/7 years ago here in Brum. My partner was DJing and put a few 45s in of mine that I really wanted to hear played out. 2 of the records stolen were my partners and only quite cheapish, although that's not the point. The one of mine that was taken, was a birthday present and is worth now, around £350 and I can't afford to replace it.

The thief is a "Dear" friend of my Fella and although I can't prove it, I know it was him. I've never mentioned since, as I know it will break his heart, long after mine was already broken. No point in passing on the hurt :( 




  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Ok, I found the info. paypal saves everything :)

backbeatclub@googlemail.com and tiki_terror was the ebay name

Joe Dutton is his name

he requested USPS First Class - which was un-trackable. He sent an inquiry 4 days after he paid for it, asking why had he not received it yet (from US to UK!). Once we gave him the tracking number and showed him that USPS showed it had left the country - he did a paypal dispute saying he had not received it. He obviously knew paypal was siding with buyers who claimed non-delivery, and knew that USPS did not show tracking outside the country. Guy scammed me and I lost the money.

I can identify the record if anyone sees his DJ box, or has heard of him selling a Ray Pollard issue. There is something unique about it.

Edited by Gene
address removed

I may be wrong (i.e. someone out there may have nicked something off me and I have never realised!) but the only record I have had disappear was a Frankie & the Classicals, sometime around 1977.


I reckon they did me a favour.

  • Helpful 1

Here's my response to Genes accusation, which he has also posted on Facebook...

In May 2010 I bid and won  a record on Genes eBay auctions.
When trying to pay for the item, I could not find this "drop down" shipping option for Signed for Insured shipping, so sent a request for an invoice for such.
I then paid the amount on the invoice i received.
After a couple of days I logged into eBay, to find that a shipping reference number had been entered into eBays system, however when this number was entered into the UPS website, it  did not confirm the item had  been shipped (or entered into the system by UPS).
After trying for a couple more days, this message was unchanged so I opened a dispute through eBays system as I was concerned about it having been shipped.
At this point I got the following message from Genes Wife:
Dear tiki_terror,
Item title: Northern Soul Ray Pollard The Drifter UA Issue
Item number: 150443827532
Buyer User ID: tiki_terror
Seller User ID: scooterso
Total: $312.73

This item was picked up by the Post Office on May 25th. Now, 8 days later,
you have just filed a Paypal dispute and Paypal have taken the funds you
paid out of my account. This means you have one of my records coming to you
and you haven't paid for it.
I am not happy about this. 8 days is under the time it usually takes packages
from the USA to reach the UK.
You claim that I have never sent it because the "tracking" number only shows
the postage being printed and paid for. However, you opted for First Class
International mail, which doesn't show stage by stage tracking. The next
cheapest service that does that is Priority Mail International, which is
just over $20 more expensive, which I had as an option on the auction, but
you didn't choose.
As a Brit, I know that under UK law, proof of postage is all that is required
to satisfy a court of law that the item was posted. Also, all the other records
that were won by Brits have just started being delivered and all deliveries
are in process right now. Your premature claim to Paypal and having them
remove the funds you paid for the record from my account can be classified
as fraud.
Gene is pushing me to contact the Sheffield Police to file fraud charges,
as he feels you are trying it on. However, I feel you have just misunderstood
the type of shipping you chose, and would like to give you a chance to be
patient for the record's arrival, after having restored the funds to our
Paypal account.
Please prove my thoughts correct.

To which I responded:
Thanks for your swift response.
I have not taken the dispute to a claim, only opened a dispute, so the funds have not been returned to my account for this 45.
I have never intended to receive a 45 that I haven't paid for, but only ensure that it has indeed been shipped.
 The wording of the USPS site does not confirm shipping, only that you have 'informed' them that you 'intend' to ship - if this means that a shipping label has been paid for, then any confusion is down to the poor standard of information on the USPS website, and for this I apologise for 'jumping the gun'.
The reason I lodged a dispute is the fact that this is the first time that I have been supplied a 'shipping number' (which I  have  checked on daily without it being updated)  and that it has not been noted that the  U. S. Post office were in receipt of the item.
I did not see an alternative form of shipping on the invoice, otherwise I would have opted for it.
I have received four seperate packages from U.S. sellers that were purchased and paid for at the same time, and in the case of two packages after this 45, hence my worry about the item actually being shipped.
The threat of contacting the Sheffield Police is not required.
 I am fully aware that no fraud (or indeed any crime) has been commited by me disputing receipt,  Paypal would not offer such a service as 'dispute resolution' where they place a block on funds if it were illegal.
To insinuate that I am commiting a fraud is inflammatory and in my opinion does nothing in aiding a swift resolution of the situation.
I will of course remove the dispute as soon as the item is received.
Joe Dutton.
Unfortunately the item was never received, so I escalated the claim on the 20th of June.
Paypal investigated the claim and found in my favour.
This was the only contact I had with this eBay seller - at no point did I enter into any dialogue with Gene  - and since no further contact was made considered the matter closed.

What has happened in the intervening time for the seller to rake over the coals of this situation 4 years down the line I cannot imagine, but at no point during this time has he been in contact with me, which is strange when he has clearly had my, and more disturbingly, my wifes contact details (which he has seen fit to plaster over the internet, even though she was in no way involved in the situation, other than a joint Paypal account being in her name) and could clearly have made his position clear at any time.

At the end of the day, I did everything by the book, yet I'm the one having to respond to Genes accusations.


So, you admit to selecting First Class shipping. You admit we sent the record. Our job was done.


You claim there was no option for Priority. That is a lie, as we sent plenty of shipments out at that time using Priority. Just because you didnt see it, or didnt choose it, doesnt make it my fault the record never got to you. Every record dealer I know works the same way. If you wanted some other type of shipping then you should not have processed the sale, and instead sent a message about it - instead - you processed the sale with USPS First Class shipping - so that is what you got.


Be honorable and pay for the record you won regardless if the post office lost it, or you used the paypal loophole to get a free record. Eyes are on you to do the right thing.

Posted (edited)

I may be wrong (i.e. someone out there may have nicked something off me and I have never realised!) but the only record I have had disappear was a Frankie & the Classicals, sometime around 1977.


I reckon they did me a favour.


:ohmy: - Beautiful record!


Len :thumbsup:

Edited by LEN
  • Helpful 1








Both have posted your take on this 4 year old ebay dispute/matter/argument

As there's nothing else left to say imo or to be gained by further discussion, am now asking you both to now drop this matter on here, either take it to pms or go back to ebay or elsewhere




So, you admit to selecting First Class shipping. You admit we sent the record. Our job was done.


You claim there was no option for Priority. That is a lie, as we sent plenty of shipments out at that time using Priority. Just because you didnt see it, or didnt choose it, doesnt make it my fault the record never got to you. Every record dealer I know works the same way. If you wanted some other type of shipping then you should not have processed the sale, and instead sent a message about it - instead - you processed the sale with USPS First Class shipping - so that is what you got.


Be honorable and pay for the record you won regardless if the post office lost it, or you used the paypal loophole to get a free record. Eyes are on you to do the right thing.





We obviously hit an impasse.


You want me to pay for a record that you have no evidence that you ever shipped 4 years ago - the shipping number supplied did not change status from "intending to ship", so the number was at best incorrect, or at worst a fabrication.


You expect me to trust you, yet you say that I sent abusive e-mails (my only contact was with your wife as above) and that I initiated a claim within 4 days of payment (When again all evidence points to a dispute not a claim, being opened after 8 days, and after trying the shipping number on the USPS website several times over this period) - In doing this you have proved that you are willing to fabricate half truths and tell downright lies to bolster your case.


I'm not willing to enter into any further discussion with you, as you seem to have a very warped view on the situation, which no amount of back and forth will alter.

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