Northern Soul Cover Versions? Love Or Hate ?
latest project comprises of 4 cover versions of...

Northern Soul Cover Versions?
Firstly let me introduce myself my names Lee Jeffries and I work for http://www.wholesale...oming-home.html
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Cunnie photo
CunnieDec 14 2013 08:43 PM
Northern Soul records are found & not made Lee.
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Soulman58 photo
Semi known gem
Soulman58Dec 14 2013 08:58 PM
Cunnie, on 14 Dec 2013 - 7:43 PM, said:
Northern Soul records are found & not made Lee.
I'm sure that's what the artists thought when they made them!!!
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 15 2013 04:35 PM
Fao cunnie sadly if your digging for new ones you need deep pockets and you gotta be fast on ebay as 99% of them turn up on there and your up again all the usual suspects, so even if your mr or mrs money bags your chances are slim. I'm giving 50 chances ! more generous than mr wonkier himself. Only 15 liffords left now and when there gone there gone
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Cunnie photo
CunnieDec 15 2013 06:10 PM
Sorry Lee but like I said 'I prefer to search for original vinyl'.
People have had their reputations bably damaged in the past by so called 'tailor mades'.
IMO if you must play cover versions play one's that were not tailor made for the scene as 99% of them fail.
Try this for size, a cover version that is getting more & more play's & rightly so as for me it's as good if not better than Millie's version.
Some might love it & some may hate it but the point I'm making is it was not falsely made for the so called Soul scene.
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Becket photo
Semi known gem
BecketDec 15 2013 08:57 PM
I wondered why the label was covered in "test pressing , audition record , advance copy , DJ only demo". How many times do you need to repeat the same thing really. It isn't a DJ Only item anyway is it ? Vocal take 1 - was this the best take or is there to be others ? The labels all cluttered up - does it need all that stuff on it. I also keep seeing the word "copys" which grates with me.
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marktsoulman photo
Second Issue
marktsoulmanDec 15 2013 11:42 PM
Sorry guys, as much as I respect some of the taste that Steve has, these are just a sham of the real thing. I understand the spirit, and in a strange way admire it but truthfully these are awful and that is why they are still for sale weeks on at only £50 a pop. If we loved them, you would be fighting us off.
Mark T
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soulontop photo
Tape swappers fav
soulontopDec 16 2013 09:13 AM
I think I will hang on to my money you know what they say a fool and his money are easily parted.
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 16 2013 10:36 AM
I have the mark williams and do prefer it . humm well think this post real sums up the market and pressing in demanders for the mass market is the only way to go. as you can bag a licence for 300 notes miles cheeper than 3k for making a new version.
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sharmo 1 photo
Getting spins again
sharmo 1Dec 16 2013 12:38 PM
Hi Lee , Sir your a real man coming on here and admitting defeat in front of the northern soul community , only a man could do that and I for one applaud your integrity Sir. I'm under no illusion Lee that these will sell eventually but I was with your dad last week and as I said if someone finds 10 hours of unissued material and legally or otherwise have say 500 hundred made you'll do well to sell half . If you reissue the snake yet again it will sell and sell and sell. I never like to see anyone who's put time and effort and a great deal of money into a project and it not work out , I sincerely hope they eventually sell best regards Simon.
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 16 2013 01:47 PM
Many thanks Simon Ill sell them no problem as not that many left and at least it will go rare and sure will be discovered in 30 years time when I get contacted by some young soul Dj Offering me £££ to buy my last 3 copys. Warm Regards Lee
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eddiep photo
Tape swappers fav
eddiepDec 16 2013 01:56 PM
I think in any genre of music cover versions of established tunes will always be frowned upon and no matter how much time, money and effort you throw into them you will neither get the respect or appreciation your efforts deserve.
From my own point of view a far more credible, rewarding and creative project would be to throw all the energy and money into making original recordings by new upcoming artists and bands with original material. (In the vein of Sharon Jones , Dap-Kings etc.)
These will only work and take off if the material is good enough of course and appealling to the spectrum of the soul scene if that's the audience you want to aim for?
But then again why pigeon hole yourself?
Ultimately this is a commercial project as is every record that is wrote, produced, marketted and packaged to be sold to punters out there. To have a tune composed and performed with substance and artistic creativity surrounding it will not go unoticed and can only benefit reputations.
I'm no expert on this subject but from personal experiance in playing in local bands on and off over 25 years there are plenty who would love the chance to record and spread their music to the masses with the kind of financial backing you have put up for this project.
All this is just my opinion of course but maybe food for thought??
Good luck in your future ventures mate.
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 16 2013 02:46 PM
sadly we find that new material is tuff to shift as no one knows them our best sellers have been bob sinclar and lisa stansfield already established tunes
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sharmo 1 photo
Getting spins again
sharmo 1Dec 16 2013 04:16 PM
One Day young man Alan sugar will be working for you best of luck son , every day's a day at school and every day's the last round in the ring , something tell's me your going to be successful one of these five minutes , all the best simon.
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shinehead photo
Tape swappers fav
shineheadDec 16 2013 04:26 PM
perux, on 16 Dec 2013 - 1:46 PM, said:
sadly we find that new material is tuff to shift as no one knows them our best sellers have been bob sinclar and lisa stansfield already established tunes
Ive already moved on lol this boy never stands still check it out
just built a 2000 sqr foot automated bottling plant in london
Are they re - mixes ?
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sharmo 1 photo
Getting spins again
sharmo 1Dec 16 2013 04:53 PM
shinehead, on 16 Dec 2013 - 3:26 PM, said:
Are they re - mixes ?
Brilliant sir.
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 16 2013 06:02 PM
lol ha ha ha
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staceys dad photo
Tape swappers fav
staceys dadDec 16 2013 08:18 PM
lou pride ( original ) one of the greatest records ever.....your re-mix bloody awful....
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staceys dad photo
Tape swappers fav
staceys dadDec 16 2013 08:26 PM
perux, on 13 Dec 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:
the 50 copys of each will be break even as studio time and artists and real musicians especially from the royal philharmonic cost a fortune so no we wont be making a penny. but will be all the richer for the experience . Lee
so are your saying you not out to MAKE money......
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 17 2013 10:01 AM
Hi staceys dad may I point out that these are not remixes they have been produced from scratch with real instruments.
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 17 2013 10:11 AM
I do feel most people have missed or not read the reason for doing this I was looking for critic on the quality of vocals and production with the view of making fresh stuff see quote
(The driving reason for re producing these exquisite productions was to try my hand at creating recordings using the old methods of 100% real musicians, and the only way to measure this was to cover original records with different arrangements with the view of writing new material down the line once I had mastered this unbelievably skilled craft.)
I ask this question if you don't in brace the youth and ENCOURAGE AND WELCOME THEM all collections will be worthless in 20 years as there wil less numbers on the scene and no new scene people to buy them. ITS TIME TO CHANGE OUR MIND SET AND SECURE THIS WONDERFUL SCENES FUTURE AND LIGHTEN UP BABY X
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Pete S photo
Soul Source - A KTF Way of Life Forever Group
Pete SDec 17 2013 03:08 PM
Could you point me in the direction of the tree which the money grows on? :-)
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polyvelts photo
Getting spins again
polyveltsDec 17 2013 03:19 PM
Hi Lee, Are you planning on playing any of these on Saturday night ?
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steve woomble photo
Tape swappers fav
steve woombleDec 17 2013 04:03 PM
Just do your thing Lee.
I can see what you mean about using these as 'experiments', and good luck to you. Rather than 'cover versions' I'd love to hear you have a go at something credible and newly written with big production values. Why not?
I'm sure we can all remember when we first heard our own individual 'that record' and how it totally killed us. So, what would have been different about it if it had been made last week? It would still be 'that record'
Get on with it Lee! Carry on regardless!
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steve woomble photo
Tape swappers fav
steve woombleDec 17 2013 04:11 PM
(btw - when I say 'credible' above, I'm not suggesting that these current efforts are not credible, if you know what I mean! :-) )
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perux photo
Semi known gem
peruxDec 17 2013 05:49 PM
Cheers steve nice words from a credible guy
and they may get a spin saturday who knows
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Hunter Quint photo
Semi known gem
Hunter QuintDec 19 2013 09:37 PM
hate hate hate
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