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Future Of Northern Soul

Guest LeedsPal

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Can we stay on topic, this is not a song debate, but the poster asked for response about the future of Northern Soul. Comments about individual records are about as useful as sugar in a snowstorm. Hate to be bitchy, but I have had a glass of wine (ok 3 glasses).


Quite - I can only apologise for 'them lot', I try so hard to keep it all 'on track' :wink::D ........Right - 'The Future Of Northern Soul'.......I actually don't really care that much, they can have it when I'm finished with it - which will be a long time yet, because I see a lot of positives rising after a 'testing' last ten years (when a lot of friends have turned their back on it) I'm sure it will carry on in some form......I've said this before - I hope they rip the rule book up and do it their way.


By the way, on reading your post this morning, I thought wow - three glasses of wine, and it's only 10.30am!.....Then saw the time that you posted :D 


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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When king Canute ordered the tide to go out, he was doing it to show his advisors that he could't get his own way just because he was the king. Similarly, it is quite amusing to think


that we, as Northern Soul fans, can dictate the way the future of our musical 'scene' develops. Let's face it there is a finite number of records out there and (barring a vinyl


resurgence) are not likely to be any more. Any definition of 'Northern Soul' must surely include the word "dance", and it would be silly to pretend otherwise. For the same reason,


any venue playing some of the records posted here would struggle to claim itself a 'Northern Soul' venue. The music of black America is what attracted me and my sisters before me


to the Northern scene, not labels or overrated D.J.'s. As a thirteen year-old or a fifty-five year-old I would not stay at a venue wich played some of this nonsense posted above.


I went to a so-called Northern night a few months ago and was extremely disappointed at the playlist. Excellent music, absolutely no doubt about it, but it didn't have anything extra.


No charisma, no energy, no get outta' that chair and dance man! If these sort of clubs flourish then Northern Soul will have been hijacked by a dreary bunch indeed. One can almost


evisage people sitting around in Breton sweaters, smoking pipes and snapping their fingers to the groove man! There won't be any vitality there.


I like to think that in thirty years time when all us oldies are dead, some kid is going to find some mp3's on an old memory stick and call his mates and say get a load of this mate!


They will eventually get together and hire a community lliason centre somewhere and, armed with some old footage, try and put their emotions into dance. Thus Northern Soul will


be re-born!


On the other hand, some people may just vote with their feet and only frequent venues where the music (oldie or newie ) makes them wanna dance. :wicked:

Edited by drewtg
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A lot of nonsense is said about what is N/Soul what is R&B ,I'm a fan of R&B as are many more ,I like the stuff Aaron posted ,But I know its not suitable for this Scene folks will tell you they can't stand R&B ,having just walked off the floor having just danced to a R&B tune, so go figure ,N/soul or R&B is an opinion a feeling and that's all it is  :yes:


Bazza   :hatsoff2:

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When king Canute ordered the tide to go out, he was doing it to show his advisors that he could't get his own way just because he was the king. Similarly, it is quite amusing to think


that we, as Northern Soul fans, can dictate the way the future of our musical 'scene' develops. Let's face it there is a finite number of records out there and (barring a vinyl


resurgence) are not likely to be any more. Any definition of 'Northern Soul' must surely include the word "dance", and it would be silly to pretend otherwise. For the same reason,


any venue playing some of the records posted here would struggle to claim itself a 'Northern Soul' venue. The music of black America is what attracted me and my sisters before me


to the Northern scene, not labels or overrated D.J.'s. As a thirteen year-old or a fifty-five year-old I would not stay at a venue wich played some of this nonsense posted above.


I went to a so-called Northern night a few months ago and was extremely disappointed at the playlist. Excellent music, absolutely no doubt about it, but it didn't have anything extra.


No charisma, no energy, no get outta' that chair and dance man! If these sort of clubs flourish then Northern Soul will have been hijacked by a dreary bunch indeed. One can almost


evisage people sitting around in Breton sweaters, smoking pipes and snapping their fingers to the groove man! There won't be any vitality there.


I like to think that in thirty years time when all us oldies are dead, some kid is going to find some mp3's on an old memory stick and call his mates and say get a load of this mate!


They will eventually get together and hire a community lliason centre somewhere and, armed with some old footage, try and put their emotions into dance. Thus Northern Soul will


be re-born!


On the other hand, some people may just vote with their feet and only frequent venues where the music (oldie or newie ) makes them wanna dance. :wicked:


Post of the week………Brrrrrrrrilliant.   :thumbup:

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I've been a northern soul fan since the age of 14 I'm now 57 and have found northern soul in Dubai alive and well which has given me the will to live out here.

The future of Northern Soul is truly alive and kicking.Once in the blood it can never be taken away!

Keep the faith.

We are visiting our Son in Dubai over the Holidays. I have asked him to get us Tickets for the Wafi City (Carters ?) See you there ??

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A lot of nonsense is said about what is N/Soul what is R&B ,I'm a fan of R&B as are many more ,I like the stuff Aaron posted ,But I know its not suitable for this Scene folks will tell you they can't stand R&B ,having just walked off the floor having just danced to a R&B tune, so go figure ,N/soul or R&B is an opinion a feeling and that's all it is  :yes:


Bazza   :hatsoff2:


Clu........Na :D .......Fair enough mate.


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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Take these 
Jimmy Robbins-I Cant Please you
Billy Eckstine - I Wonder Why
Jimmy Hughes - It Ain't What You Got
Albert Washington - I'm the Man
Excuses - Trick Bag
Mel Torme - Comin' Home Baby 
Betty O'Brian - She'll Be Gone
All floor fillers ,and yes they are all R&B  :ohmy:
Bazza   :hatsoff2:
Edited by Bazza
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Take these 
Jimmy Robbins-I Cant Please you
Billy Eckstine - I Wonder Why
Jimmy Hughes - It Ain't What You Got
Albert Washington - I'm the Man
Excuses - Trick Bag
Mel Torme - Comin' Home Baby 
Betty O'Brian - She'll Be Gone
All floor fillers ,and yes they are all R&B  :ohmy:
Bazza   :hatsoff2:



I had Jimmy Robins as a 100% Northern Soul record long before anyone was associating it with R & B.  That came way later.  Mel Torme must surely be classed as pop though, good record as it is.

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Disrespectful......it's the most obvious case of the Emperor's New Clothes since The Emperor's New Clothes......

Any way nurse, would you please wheel me around the day room once more?

And please try not to burst my my colostomy bag......can we please put the wireless on, I do hope Al Bowlly has been rescued from that mineshaft he fell down!

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Guest gordon russell

That was the point i was trying to get across Dean...going to oldies nights are just not for me, yeah sure, i'm young and people think i havent got a clue. And when people look at me they will probably think that i only like the top 50 or something...but that's not the case. Because i was influenced by NO ONE, literally no  one. I was finding out everything by myself. And the sounds that took to me were different to the usual you would hear at a nighter. A few examples of records i have collected so you get an idea of what i'm talking about:






They are just a few but you might get the idea...and the reason why i don't like the 'oldies' (don't get me wrong, there are some which i love) but it's the ones which are overplayed i can't stand. I can't see there's anything wrong with me not liking the classics, Sure i can appreciate them. But you've got to remember, that's what got YOU guys into the music, they were the big tunes back then. It doesn't mean that I have to get into the music from that approach aswell.



Get your point fella....however this tunes you,ve put up are just  whats known as "shit kickin music"....they're awful.....there are superb  upbeat r&b out there......but not that lot.............however you likey so thats all that matters....it is however not music for playing out...anywhere!!   :thumbsup:  :)

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Guest nathanstanley88

For the past 30 odd years since I last attended a Northern Soul event I have been into all types of dance music mainly soulfull House. I always listened to Northern over the years as a result I decided to give the scene a try again. My wife was sceptical she feels that she cant dance to Northern and that at 50 every man and his dog would stare at her. 


I showed her a few you tube clips and to be honest some frightened me to death never mind her with some outstanding dancing, however other videos showed bald fat old women who cant really dance so this gave her hope and a new wig was bought for her.


The reason for this post came after we visited the Kings Georges Hall in Blackburn on Saturday for the last 3 months whenever Leeds are away we book into a hotel room and try to visit a local Northern event. to cut it short we had a good night but a bit to my surprise were comments posted on the events page in regards to Handbag music, pissed students etc.


Which made me think of what is the future of Northern Soul ? In the new year a movie should be coming out and in this movie hopefully will be some classic tracks and there in lies the first question will those tracks suddenly become commercial and not be played on the northern soul scene again ? im hoping not im hoping that the pissed up students actually do buy into it I remember my first dos in late 70's and these were attended by drugged up students not just pissed ones ! Those individuals are now the old balding soulies of today are they not ?


I believe at more time than any other that Northern Soul is at its final cross roads, a documentary on the BBC, mentions in the press, backing tracks for commercials and a movie to boot.


Young uns are looking for a new fashion a new buzz or music to get into and Northern has a great opportunity in my opinion to get those numbers up. But also old soulies like myself late 40's early 50's just might want to give the scene one last chance and dance.


I don't believe this can happen if dancing once again becomes the overall reason for a Northern Soul scene, and importantly the old classics are not played im sorry but I have listened to a lot of cross over Modern Soul and apart form a handful of tracks ( I appreciate I need more time to get into this side of the scene) they do not have the vibe or buzz as the classics, those tracks got us into the scene and can inspire a new generation.


Your views and thought's appreciated and respected

it will make the underground scene better in my opinion.   Soulies who are in love soul and dancing more than been part of a scene will be at the Underground clubs where the djs arn't just playing the same predictable records all the time. Dont get me wrong i still like the classics because their the records which made me fall in love with it and start my journey of exploring soul music and i do go to these events and realy enjoy myself but theres no better feeling for me when ya buzzin over a record ya never hear out or a absolutly belter record you've never evan heard and ya cant keep still and then when its finished that suspence of giddyness for next record. Am sat here now wi butterflies thinking of that feeling a fuckin love it. Thats what its all about for me . Sorry for going of track ha anyway I dont know why who ever decides to publicise the scene feels the need to do so all it does is attract handbaggers and piss heads but i might be wrong and it attract whole lotta young uns to fall in love with it too and  i hope it does but i cant see it myself as these films are portraying the the scene from years ago so really they are modern history films/programmes. Which i have nothing against but we all know where it came from its been printed and filmed all before and lived by many. Theres nothing worse than telling some1 what ya into and em coming out wi bullshit like do ya bust all moves art on dance floor or do ya dress up wi baggy trousers on ....fuckin hate what publisity has done to it all its done is make stereotypes. Then again it also makes me smile cos they dont get it which seperates us from the crowd of every day people. Talk about ramblin on fuck me cant ya tell ive been up to no good n av no one elses ear to chew off 

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Guest LeedsPal

WOW, Firstly thanks to all who have contributed their opinions on this post, what is clear is that every one on this forum is passionate about the music and the future of the scene. 


There are too many posts to answer individually but I will try to put down what I have picked up from you all.


1) Don't worry about venues to visit in the Leeds/Yorkshire area plenty going on. Oldies visit Stoke All Nighters. Give the large more commercial venues hellbent on playing top 50 a miss. Find myself two or three independent smaller clubs


2) Music Taste- I get the impression that different parts of the country play different types of Northern Soul. I presume this is down to what each DJ plays at different type's of venue's. I remember in Black Echoes paper you used to get top tens from Northern and Jazz funk DJs all different depending on what part of country you lived in. 


3) Young Aaron great first post caused a lot of debate your musical taste is another side of the scene, sorry mate I couldn't dance or listen to that all night in a club. I did like 2 of the tracks you posted but for me not got the factor where I would fly out of my chair mid conversation with someone to go dance.


4) Don't worry about the dancing no one is looking at ya ! point taken easier said than done when you are returning to a scene such as Northern. In particularly for my wife. im not the greatest dancer but will get up at any record I like, unfortunately after many years away I may just dance a little too funky ok Disco like for some.


5) Dress, was touched on by a few my take on that ! for me a bit like someone who follows Leeds buys every new home shirt every season goes to all away games they think that makes them the best fan. I have noticed lots of baggy trousers not only the lads but girls as well. Those are the individuals who we feel seem to stare the most when we started to dance.


It could be as posted that they are enjoying the way we dance. Not too sure about that feels more of a who are you your a hand bagger look lol !  to be fair could also be who's that ? I presume that regulars attend each venue and a new face is recognisable. 


6) Is Northern at a final cross roads. Seems mixed opinion's on this one, the answer appears to be been there before and it will survive in some form. I suppose we will all have to wait and see what effect the movie has if any.


7) Been given lots of advice of where to go and this will take a good six months I reckon to check these nights out, that in itself is an exciting if expensive prospect, but ive got a buzz just thinking about it.


Did I really get all the answers to my original question, probably not it drifted off track a little. What is clear is that there are still lots of soul tracks to learn and listen to. My opinion is that the DJs on the scene have a tough job and real responsibility at the moment what they play could and may define the future.


Soul music in general is alive and well and takes many forms, I love Soulful House Music and there are some great tracks out there who knows maybe one day the kids will class this as Northern Soul. Try Tracy Hamlin Home (What a voice) No 1 in the House Music Chart see what you think. Makes me just want to dance im sure will cause some debate




Again thanks to all who have taken time to answer I have been invited to many venues and clearly one thing that stands out is that Northern is a friendly passionate scene and that I will quickly make friends who are like minded  KTF

Edited by LeedsPal
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That was the point i was trying to get across Dean...going to oldies nights are just not for me, yeah sure, i'm young and people think i havent got a clue. And when people look at me they will probably think that i only like the top 50 or something...but that's not the case. Because i was influenced by NO ONE, literally no one. I was finding out everything by myself. And the sounds that took to me were different to the usual you would hear at a nighter. A few examples of records i have collected so you get an idea of what i'm talking about:

They are just a few but you might get the idea...and the reason why i don't like the 'oldies' (don't get me wrong, there are some which i love) but it's the ones which are overplayed i can't stand. I can't see there's anything wrong with me not liking the classics, Sure i can appreciate them. But you've got to remember, that's what got YOU guys into the music, they were the big tunes back then. It doesn't mean that I have to get into the music from that approach aswell.


wtf is that Merv griffin noise , utter shite man
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WOW, Firstly thanks to all who have contributed their opinions on this post, what is clear is that every one on this forum is passionate about the music and the future of the scene. 


There are too many posts to answer individually but I will try to put down what I have picked up from you all.


1) Don't worry about venues to visit in the Leeds/Yorkshire area plenty going on. Oldies visit Stoke All Nighters. Give the large more commercial venues hellbent on playing top 50 a miss. Find myself two or three independent smaller clubs


2) Music Taste- I get the impression that different parts of the country play different types of Northern Soul. I presume this is down to what each DJ plays at different type's of venue's. I remember in Black Echoes paper you used to get top tens from Northern and Jazz funk DJs all different depending on what part of country you lived in. 


3) Young Aaron great first post caused a lot of debate your musical taste is another side of the scene, sorry mate I couldn't dance or listen to that all night in a club. I did like 2 of the tracks you posted but for me not got the factor where I would fly out of my chair mid conversation with someone to go dance.


4) Don't worry about the dancing no one is looking at ya ! point taken easier said than done when you are returning to a scene such as Northern. In particularly for my wife. im not the greatest dancer but will get up at any record I like, unfortunately after many years away I may just dance a little too funky ok Disco like for some.


5) Dress, was touched on by a few my take on that ! for me a bit like someone who follows Leeds buys every new home shirt every season goes to all away games they think that makes them the best fan. I have noticed lots of baggy trousers not only the lads but girls as well. Those are the individuals who we feel seem to stare the most when we started to dance.


It could be as posted that they are enjoying the way we dance. Not too sure about that feels more of a who are you your a hand bagger look lol !  to be fair could also be who's that ? I presume that regulars attend each venue and a new face is recognisable. 


6) Is Northern at a final cross roads. Seems mixed opinion's on this one, the answer appears to be been there before and it will survive in some form. I suppose we will all have to wait and see what effect the movie has if any.


7) Been given lots of advice of where to go and this will take a good six months I reckon to check these nights out, that in itself is an exciting if expensive prospect, but ive got a buzz just thinking about it.


Did I really get all the answers to my original question, probably not it drifted off track a little. What is clear is that there are still lots of soul tracks to learn and listen to. My opinion is that the DJs on the scene have a tough job and real responsibility at the moment what they play could and may define the future.


Soul music in general is alive and well and takes many forms, I love Soulful House Music and there are some great tracks out there who knows maybe one day the kids will class this as Northern Soul. Try Tracy Hamlin Home (What a voice) No 1 in the House Music Chart see what you think. Makes me just want to dance im sure will cause some debate




Again thanks to all who have taken time to answer I have been invited to many venues and clearly one thing that stands out is that Northern is a friendly passionate scene and that I will quickly make friends who are like minded  KTF

Great post, somebody should have warned you saying/writing KTF is generally regarded as a no-no, there are abbreviations avoided as well KOKO  :D  :thumbsup:


I like the track and would probably have a 'shoulder shrug' to it in a modern room, but turn my nose up in a northern setting. It's that drumming in the background that sets it apart for me, but she does have a lovely voice to my ears. 

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Well, you learn summat everyday. :wink:

You do indeed, had this down as a Dean Anderson / Pete Lawson discovery at Stafford.... Anyone else know this as a wheel record?

Future of Northern - firstly got a bit of work on its hands to reclaim the stolen title back from the Nostalgia Scene. Then I'd hope it will stay alive via small clubs accross Europe, clubs like Inner City Soul etc (who I guess presently wouldn't use the tern Northern?)

Edited by Byrney
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You do indeed, had this down as a Dean Anderson / Pete Lawson discovery at Stafford.... Anyone else know this as a wheel record?

Future of Northern - firstly got a bit of work on its hands to reclaim the stolen title back from the Nostalgia Scene. Then I'd hope it will stay alive via small clubs accross Europe, clubs like Inner City Soul etc (who I guess presently wouldn't use the tern Northern?)


I remember it popping it's head up mid 80's, never heard it prior.

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I remember it popping it's head up mid 80's, never heard it prior.

The more I think about it I don't think it was Dean / Pete but mid 80 s when it was big. Not saying it wasn't the wheel though as that was well before a spring chicken like my good selfs time :)

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The more I think about it I don't think it was Dean / Pete but mid 80 s when it was big. Not saying it wasn't the wheel though as that was well before a spring chicken like my good selfs time :)


It's not often we are allowed to say this Byrney....we're just too young son :wink:

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The more I think about it I don't think it was Dean / Pete but mid 80 s when it was big. Not saying it wasn't the wheel though as that was well before a spring chicken like my good selfs time :)


Jimmy Robbins was definitely a Casino play, but I'm too young for the Torch and the Wheel as well.

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Sixteen days hence, a boy child will be born in a maisonette in Bethnal Green, there being no room at the Holiday Inn, it being Christmas and all that.  He will be born to Mary and Joseph Searle, and they shall name him Norman.  Three wise dealers from East Anglia will come bearing gifts of Gold vinyl (The Professionals), Frank Wilson and Myrrh (whatever that is).  Norman will grow up to be the saviour of the scene, and along with his twelve disc jockies, will spread the word throughout the land.  He shall make the deaf R & B fans hear, and the lame Crossover fans dance. He shall turn Wade in the Water into wine.  Yes my brethren, This is the future of Norman Searle.


Bobby Jones - I Am Somebody is on Myrrh :wink:

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Guest sharmo 1

I think the future of the northern soul scene is pretty secure , the future of the collecting scene may not be. there's always talk of new blood ect , but these younger folk are a different kettle of fish ,I think a few who genuinely like the music and the social and other elements of the scene are maybe feeling a little intimidated about buying say re issue/ bootlegs and all the banter that orbits that school of thought. no point in anyone wanting new blood on one hand and giving this same new blood an inferiority complex with the other.Do you know chaps I was talking to a young chap the other day and him and his chums are totally into rock and roll /rockabilly it made me think , I asked him if either he or is jiving chums collected records and he said some did.and not just that some even collected 78's and I know for a fact that there are a lot of young Dutch chap's collecting jazz 78's . I have to say that tonight in Ibstock there is a northern / reggae night my lad's setting this up at half six for a eight o'clock start and ALL the tickets are sold hands up who's going  . Yeh I thought so non of us lot. they are jammed out with under thirty year olds and most of the dj's will be playing boots/ re issues . The soul train event last week at hugglescote again sold out hands up who went . so if we're talking about a continuation of our older northern scene perhaps if we don't become a bit more liberal with our attitude towards the youngsters then yes the arthritis has set in and time to reach for you myopic strength reading glasses . the other " parallel northern soul/ mod /reggae type" affair I think is not only stable but expanding at what would appear on the surface to be at an almost geometrical rate.Regards Albert Tatlock.

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Guest sharmo 1

That was the point i was trying to get across Dean...going to oldies nights are just not for me, yeah sure, i'm young and people think i havent got a clue. And when people look at me they will probably think that i only like the top 50 or something...but that's not the case. Because i was influenced by NO ONE, literally no  one. I was finding out everything by myself. And the sounds that took to me were different to the usual you would hear at a nighter. A few examples of records i have collected so you get an idea of what i'm talking about:






They are just a few but you might get the idea...and the reason why i don't like the 'oldies' (don't get me wrong, there are some which i love) but it's the ones which are overplayed i can't stand. I can't see there's anything wrong with me not liking the classics, Sure i can appreciate them. But you've got to remember, that's what got YOU guys into the music, they were the big tunes back then. It doesn't mean that I have to get into the music from that approach aswell.



Some nice traks there young man if your at Stoke tonight come and have a chat i'm in the small room , selling a few and playing a few best regards young Sir , Simon. :hatsoff2:

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Len, Sorry can't agree with the great attitude bit, attitude, yes, I spoke to him outside & was more or less dismissed, Gail also spoke to him & got the same reaction. This from a child who wants to be a retro Mod & wear clothes from the 60's to be individual, like all the rest & who look at us old farts as if they invented the scene. I've listened to the music on here & what a sack of sh*t it is, it's swing or something from the 40's or 50's & wasn't Sylvia Sims in the bloody carry on films :lol: . The reason it's underplayed or not played out is because it's crap, irrelevant & doesn't fit into or ever will be part of the Soul scene.We might be old but we by no means deaf & Bazza I thought you had better taste than that. Please keep going to Oldies venues & R&B venues so I can carry on enjoying the real scene unhindered, goodnight & nail my coffin lid down when you leave. :hatsoff2: 

Spot. :shades: 

Hi Pete as Len says " I'm f*ckin clueless " but I do quite like the stuff, not suitable for playing out tho ,My tastes are many and varied and I will not have folk telling me what I should or shouldn't like or listen too ,I don't go along with folk just to fit in with the popular opinion :ohmy: ,Hope you and Gail are doing ok me old mate 


Bazza   :hatsoff2:

Edited by Bazza
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Kath Holt things okay but the rest of em are a bit Vaudeville. Not in any way Soul to me. Merv Griffin sounds like The Monster Mash. Like the fact the lad is digging the sounds he is but I can see why this has caused some debate. Keep at it fella, it'll come.

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Just let it all be i say, if the music continues to attract the crowds as it does now, it will survive. Everything that has a beginning as an end, and one day it will disapear, but i do believe, there is a lot of years in the music left.  Long live Northern Soul.....cue the music.

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it will make the underground scene better in my opinion.   Soulies who are in love soul and dancing more than been part of a scene will be at the Underground clubs where the djs arn't just playing the same predictable records all the time. Dont get me wrong i still like the classics because their the records which made me fall in love with it and start my journey of exploring soul music and i do go to these events and realy enjoy myself but theres no better feeling for me when ya buzzin over a record ya never hear out or a absolutly belter record you've never evan heard and ya cant keep still and then when its finished that suspence of giddyness for next record. Am sat here now wi butterflies thinking of that feeling a fuckin love it. Thats what its all about for me . Sorry for going of track ha anyway I dont know why who ever decides to publicise the scene feels the need to do so all it does is attract handbaggers and piss heads but i might be wrong and it attract whole lotta young uns to fall in love with it too and  i hope it does but i cant see it myself as these films are portraying the the scene from years ago so really they are modern history films/programmes. Which i have nothing against but we all know where it came from its been printed and filmed all before and lived by many. Theres nothing worse than telling some1 what ya into and em coming out wi bullshit like do ya bust all moves art on dance floor or do ya dress up wi baggy trousers on ....fuckin hate what publisity has done to it all its done is make stereotypes. Then again it also makes me smile cos they dont get it which seperates us from the crowd of every day people. Talk about ramblin on f*ck me cant ya tell ive been up to no good n av no one elses ear to chew off 


Great post….But ref the ‘Hand Baggers’ - We do a lot of local advertising for our ‘event’ which attracts some of these so called ‘Hand Baggers’, because we recognised that without doing so it probably wouldn’t be viable. Gone are the days of attracting loads of travellers (every town has its own event), so embracing this change has been advantageous - over 300 people enjoying themselves and making that exciting atmosphere c/w a successful second room….It’s a pleasure seeing people enjoying it all for the first time (all ages)


I do understand your point, and I was very protective of it all like you (and still am) but there are positives in embracing the change, rather than trying to stop it - Dave Vanner is now getting away with playing loads of unknown stuff in the main room, which we didn’t think was going to be possible when we first started. Our customers aren’t a load of idiots, some have no influences / pretence, and that’s great in my book.


Maybe the Scene simply 'sheds it's skin' every ten years, and will carry on doing so forever :wink: 


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 


Edited by LEN
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Great post….But ref the ‘Hand Baggers’ - We do a lot of local advertising for our ‘event’ which attracts some of these so called ‘Hand Baggers’, because we recognised that without doing so it probably wouldn’t be viable. Gone are the days of attracting loads of travellers (every town has its own event), so embracing this change has been advantageous - over 300 people enjoying themselves and making that exciting atmosphere c/w a successful second room….It’s a pleasure seeing people enjoying it all for the first time (all ages)


I do understand your point, and I was very protective of it all like you (and still am) but there are positives in embracing the change, rather than trying to stop it - Dave Vanner is now getting away with playing loads of unknown stuff in the main room, which we didn’t think was going to be possible when we first started. Our customers aren’t a load of idiots, some have no influences / pretence, and that’s great in my book.


Maybe the Scene simply 'sheds it's skin' every ten years, and will carry on doing so forever :wink: 


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 


You said that before Len,and I think your right ,been around for erm a few year myself seen changes ,some I don't like and some I do ,It goes round and round ,Handbaggers I don't like that word ,I welcome youngsters ,as long as they don't spill beer on me Blue suede shoes  :lol:


Bazza   :hatsoff2:

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The answer to the original question is staring you in the face......


A 2013 Northern Soul smash from Pharrell Williams (and record of the year for me) with a video of a 17 year old lass from Bristol who loves Northern Soul and can seriously dance.




If I was 17 now, I know what would be rocking my boat. Northern Soul looks pretty healthy to me.


Ian D  :D

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Its doomed :P  went out last night the DJ played Eloise by Barry Ryan and the fookers danced to it :ohmy: dont know wether he thought he was being a bit leftfield or just had balls of steel .

Was it a wedding do' that or the blokes a bloody idiot  :ohmy:  :yes:


Bazza   :hatsoff2:

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