Sooty Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 Hi...X I will be brief.....Steve S gobsmacked.... job done....!....because others have more to say whom you will listen too.....i'm the saleseman init!x I will say this....I filmed it and gave it to Kev. I got a well done from him 10 years ago.....and have never heard any feedback from anyone.....for 10 years....until these reviews. It's been worth waiting for..........and yes....even me....was taken aback....overwhelmed be sincere.....and my words can't relay what your words made me feel.........except........WOW....!!!!X 10 years in the making......!x They will be available to order as from Monday...if you want one! But be quick. There is only 500 copy's for Xmas being made.....which I squeezed out of the manufacturer TODAY!!! This is no sales gimmick or owt...jjust simple facts....I see it as a Northern Soul documentary first and foremost. However....many of you will know there are some 'free' tunes added as a bonus from an album we have made in the past 18 months. 3 of those tunes on the album have been derived from Northern tunes. Those 3 new tunes were 'given' to 3 Football Clubs Fans Orgs to raise money for them with a focus on the kids end....about a year ago! They will get royalties on whatever happens to them! Cambridge Fans United have the Competition Liquidated....given the current league status it is apt! Cambridge City Fans Org have Fred's Rap which has been 'adopted' by some fans and was sung...with their their FA Cup match V MK Dons last season and was heard across Europe via ESPN over the during half time analysis.....LOUD.......cough!!!! HIST...the HFC fans end of the club have Hopez N Dreamz.......and are happy with their lot too!!x Point is....they all know this DVD is coming out and now is the first time they could get their hands on them! All 3 tunes have been played over their tannoys over the year.....but they've never had a copy or owt to have for themselves!! However.....whilst they knew about this video before focus is the film overall. Therefore....YOU all get first shout at the Xmas stock....i;ve decided!x 2000 arrive end of January and they will suffice the fans immediate needs......but.....I have many friends I would like to give a copy too locally....up to 100......but.....I give you all until the end of next week to order for Xmas before I let loose on those 'out there'....!x Not selling...just saying......enjoy.....X Souled Trafford on SS....sez.......... Firstly, my wife said that I must have enjoyed it, as I did not fall asleep half way through it! Although she is not into the music she did sing along to some of the backing tracks and when Sean Chapman was interviewed, she said; "Oh, he dj's at Blackpool. See, I do pay attention". (We go to the weekender at the Tower every year.) Anyway, what did I think of it? Going into it totally blind, I only got back into the music just after it was originally filmed, I had no idea what to expect, but I found it an interesting and enjoyable reflection of the scene, even although it was filmed in 2003. Some of the comments, however, could well have been filmed last week, as they still apply today. What could have made it even better would have been the views/stories/thoughts from a few of those who were at the nighter. Quality was excellent and it was well produced. Hope this helps and happy to expand on anything you want. Thanks for considering me to review the dvd and I wish you every success with it. You should make more. Best Regards, IAIN (a.k.a Souled Trafford on SS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tezza of SS very manly announces........ Hi Sooty, Loved it ! The rawness of it was refreshing. It was very Vox Pop and allowed the 'interviewee' to be free with their responses. Sooty's relaxed style put people at rest and it gave the impression of friends chatting, which it probably was. Only real negative was the quality of the picture but in a backhanded kind of way gave it that lived in feel and like you were in the moment. Nice to see Sean nearly smiling and Terry, Kenny and Chris ( and the rest ) giving an honest response without being guarded or trying to impress. How funny is it to see, or not to see as the case may be, none of the regular big voices of today out there on the floor. Loved the laid back nature of Sooty's technique and he looked as though he was thoroughly enjoying it. The punters coming in looked undeterred by the presence of the Camera and a strange guy asking questions. Gave an insight as to how far people still travel to come to these events. Back, when we wuz kids, the journeys were a little more arduous but non the less, travelling 2 1/2 Hrs or from the Isle of Wight shows the dedication that people still hold. The Younghearts - If I get it right can I get a free ticket to the next Kings Hall ? The Zoot tunes - Love those. Fred Hughes Ooh Wee .. and especially Youth Opportunities 'Tombstone'. Still has that fire in its stomach after all these years. If I had paid for this DVD I would not be rushing back demanding a refund. Hope that is OK. If you want me to be more in depth then please let me know. My reply is about the overall feel of the DVD and not individual 'performances' ( apart from Sooty's of course ) Cheers Terry, Tezza or Terence as my Mum would say if I was being a little troublesome !! XXXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...after that manly appraisal...a real Lady's view..... Alison H of SS.......... I loved the DVD, and that was partly because I recognised a lot of folk on it, punters who I know are hardened life long soul fans, and are still with it today, & some who sadly aren't, due to passing to the other side (no, I don't mean the Modern Room!) Talking of Modern Room, it is a shame that it wasn't captured more that evening, but at least there is a tiny snippet of it, dark as at it may be. The deejay interviews were fantastic (all of them), seeing them in a relaxed manner, happy to chat, very informative, at times very funny, with no bragging or bigging themselves up. Well, there was one who gave me a laugh out loud moment (in a rolling eyes kind of way) but as I don't know this guy personally he may have been doing it tongue in cheek or indeed some people may see him as the Messiah (or the Doctor ;o) ) Was disappointed KR wasn't interviewed as it would have been a nice touch having his input. The dance-floor shots pulled at my heartstrings, just a bunch of folk dancing their hearts out with only the music in mind and none of the tomfoolery you sometimes see today. The background music was right up my street (CD please Sooty :o) ) & it was nice to hear it subtly throughout the DVD. The deejay sets were brilliant too and would still have me dancing today. I could go on & on, but don't want to name drop (that's your job Sooty lol) I personally will be buying a few DVD's to give to my friends as christmas/birthday presents who appear on the flydoc as they will thrilled & maybe horrified to see how they were 10 years ago. I would stress to the buying pubic that a large portion of the money made is going to Charity and it is a flydoc and not some amazing technicolour production. It is what it is, a perfect peep into a part of the scene from 10 years ago, a DVD that I enjoyed thoroughly, and that you made funny with your little captions and quiz in the queue ha ha ha!! Good luck with this and the Zoots Collective Work. I wasn't sure I would like how the tracks had been sampled but they were actually quite good, not "traditional" dance-floor material, but if you're looking for a younger and more commercial audience then you could be on to something. Apologies if my review is all over the place, but I hope you find something of use. Take care & bye for now Ali xxx (Alison H on SS) P.S. I know the dancer you are looking for, & can easily be in touch with his wife, but I'll leave it for someone else to reveal unless you really want to know now. P.P.S There were so many other things I could have commented on (in a good & funny way) but didn't want to recite it all & spoil it for those who haven't had the pleasure of watching it yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....and an angry view.....hehe......who has mellowed somewhat..... Winnie of SS tells us all.... Sorry to start on a downer, but really, what have Zoots got to do with the main body of the DVD which is about the biggest nighter in the country? If you still have the opportunity Sooty, get rid of the 'Zoot collective promotion' and release it separately, that said, this is only my opinion, the Northern Soul Fraternity may love the 'extras', I'm afraid I didn't. (Sooty sez.....u want 5,000 football fans on yer case?????!!!....make my day!!!hehehe!!x) Back to the main body of the DVD the King's Hall all Nighter, the country's biggest and bestl attended. From start to finish I found it really engrossing, the opening sequence featuring Sooty chatting to camera, explaining the reasons behind the making of the film, was a nice, easy, fun like introduction, in which Sooty came across very at ease in front of the camera. Having been there that night myself, and multiple times before and since, the buzz which the King's Hall has, was undoubtedly captured, not least by seeing Derek Allan dancing away behind the decks in the first few moments. Later on there's an interview with him, and the never ending enthusiasm that personified Derek, and one of the things we all remember so well about him beamed out. There is also a nice little RIP tribute to him, which quite moved me. There are a number of interviews, Richard Searling, Ian Levine, Ginger, Sean Chapman, Chris King, Shifty (nice to see that) Kenny Burrell, Terry Davies to name but a few, all of which are worth a listen too. A quick chat with the bouncers who sing our praises as a trouble free crowd which I thought was rather pleasant. Overall the balance of the film for me (I'll emphasise from my point of view) was excellent, in fact the best I've seen of it's type. Interviews with the DJs, plenty of dance floor action, chats with the punters, and with a decent soundtrack over the top of it, what more could you ask for? Yes some of the lighting was a little iffy, but it was made in 2003, so can you expect anything else? It didn't to me, dwell on any one element for too long and looks like a labour of love made for the people. I'll say now that in my opinion, it's aimed squarely at the mainstream northern soul scene so I'd estimate at least 90% of people currently attending, who watch it, will enjoy it and of the other 10%, if you're open minded, there'll be something about it you'd like. In conclusion I was given this video to review, the question is would I have bought it, and the answer is a resounding YES, I'd really like to see a 2014 version, as Terry Davies says in the film, 'You have to be able to introduce new tunes', and from that I take it as a call to not 'rest on our laurels', it's our legacy people.... Winston Heath (A.K.A Winnie on SS) ----------------------------------- Thanx to Back Street Blue of SS for helping me get Winnie into the ambulance.....and he has some kind words too.... A refreshing, relaxed sequence of behind the decks interviews with some of the best known names on the Northern Soul scene made at the height of the “mainstream” revival, ten years ago. Unlike most of the “in the club” video footage that I’ve seen, here we have interviews with both the punters and the DJ’s and promoters on the night, nicely threaded together by DJ turned media man Sooty. The film extracts views on the scene, the venue, the roles of collectors and DJ’s, and the future of the scene from Richard Searling, Ian Levine, Ginger Taylor, Sean Chapman, Chris King, Shifty, Kenny Burrell, Terry Davis and the late Derek Allen. There’s footage outside the Kings Hall asking where folks had travelled from, what they make of the event and free tickets are on offer if they can name the labels on which a well-known oldie was released, which keeps an amusing, light hearted thread, running through the film. The actual dancing footage is used to segway between the interviews and is almost incidental to the gist of the film, which works for the initiated but is probably a little too vague and grainy for anyone buying the video to see that side of the niter. From the collector’s point of view, the film captures Kenny Burrell’s suppressed delight on acquiring a copy of the Mello Souls on the night. The underlying feel of the film that I got was that whilst the punters come over as the stereotyped nostalgic types, the DJ’s and all concerned accept that the event is what it is but make the point that it deserves its place in the calendar for different reasons but just as legitimately as the rare cutting edge events…..togetherness indeed! The film also, quite rightly, mentions the role, importance and quality of the modern room, but has to apologise for the lack of footage actually shot in there and of any interviews with the DJ’s. A nice feel-good film, not breaking any new ground or focussing on the sounds in great depth but then that is not the intention….it’s a fly on the wall look at the event. Would make a stocking filler to watch whilst the wife’s burning the Christmas pudding! The Zoots Collective There’s a “bonus” of four new tracks from a forthcoming project, three of which are dubbed over samples from Timmy Williams — Competition, Fred Hughes — ooh wee baby I love you and Y.O.P.S. — of hopes and dreams and tombstones. These will make a 54 year old dad scratch his head, so I asked Lacey my 24 year old step-daughter for her opinion….she loved “competition liquidated” (T. Williams sample) and “Fred’s Rap” (Fred Hughes sample) and thought they were ripe for airplay on BBC Radio One Extra as she felt that they have enough currency a la RizzleKicks/Dizzy Rascal to go down well with the kids!! The other two tracks, she said, needed stronger and more emphasised rap-lyrics to elevate them beyond “TV advert backing tracks”…..and who am I to argue? Ok, that’s my genuine unbiased view. Back Street Blue….reporting for Soul Source “All about the Sooty”….in wild and windy South Yorkshire….signing off….(and at least I didn’t have to watch “boring- boring Arsenal” on telly tonight!!). BSB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brav of SS offers sheer bravado........ Having watched the DVD twice I feel confident to review it with an open mind. I found the whole package to be professional, informative and very entertaining with numerous interview’s that were Humorous and light hearted but at the same time delivered with Passion and Fact.It was nice to see an Interviewer with great knowledge of the scene pose questions that are relevant and thought provoking, although the filming was done 10 years ago it’s still valid today. The film also captures very well the passion and excitement of the whole experience of a Nighter, from the queue outside to the action on the dance floor and of course The Music. There were a couple of minor negative points to the film for me, one being that the film footage of the Dance Floor action was shot out of focus for effect, would much prefer to see the dancers in full focus. The other point was the question you posed about the record labels became a bit monotonous. Now to the 4 bonus tracks at the end of the film, I’m not sure they have any relevance to the film but I found tracks 1 and 3 to be really good especially the video to track 3, tracks 2 and 4 I didn’t like very much but that’s not to say other people wouldn’t like them, purely personal taste. Would I pay £10 for it??? A big fat YES all day long. Best Regards and a Merry Christmas! Brav (SS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gogger of SS is not agog with his gogglebox on it all...... I would like to say i enjoyed the DVD , thought Sooty did a excellent job of presenting it , i have seen clips of it here and there but not seen it all the way through , i think a lot of people may have done though , so could have problems selling to those people , the picture quality was patchy in places , maybe one could be done for today , or maybe not , the people interviewed showed their passion for northern soul and there was a great soundtrack , it was made in 2003 so it is a nostalgia dvd , doesn't bother me , but some people give the impression it's a bad thing , the price i think mentioned was 10 pound bit pricey maybe but most is going to charity so who knows , not sure about the zoots collection , i always say leave the original alone , but today’s youngsters may enjoy them and create some interest , not saying they were bad though, a short review but i have tried to give a honest opinion , good luck sooty with it and I hope it goes well , I would definitely , advise people to watch it , thanks John. (A.K.A Gogger SS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The DVD will be available for ordering on Monday EXCLUSIVELY through info placed on Soul Source first! YOU reading...get first shout of the available left for Xmas....! Forgive the delay.....I been on the a wholesaler....!!!x........THANX!x LUV SOOTY X There is 1 more review to come which I will add as soon as it arrives!x 3
Sooty Posted November 29, 2013 Author Posted November 29, 2013 .....naaa. They'll probably be bootlegged for a fiver Dave....earner for someone....!!!X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Ian Dewhirst Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 Plus world record for the longest post ever Sooty! I knew you could do it mate! Ian D 1
Sooty Posted November 29, 2013 Author Posted November 29, 2013 On 29/11/2013 at 20:18, Ian Dewhirst said: Plus world record for the longest post ever Sooty! I knew you could do it mate! Ian D ...don;t they go oooon....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Steve S 60 Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 Sooty, little tip, get a gold DVD pressed, put it in your garage for 30 years, then sell it in a blind auction. 3
Sooty Posted November 29, 2013 Author Posted November 29, 2013 .........PENSIONED!!!!! I was worrying about that!!! Sorted!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....The Togeverness 40th Anniversary release...........doing the cover now!!!x 1
Alison H Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 I feel a bit odd posting on this thread (felt more relaxed in Freebasing ) but I really need 3 copies of the DVD before Christmas so please post up pronto how I can order
Pete S Posted November 30, 2013 Posted November 30, 2013 On 29/11/2013 at 20:11, SOOTY said: .....naaa. They'll probably be bootlegged for a fiver Dave....earner for someone....!!!X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Not me! I do mine for £2. But anyone bootlegging a charity DVD is on the same level as someone stealing Poppy Day money from a collection box. Sooty, don't overestimate the market mate, I haven't bought a DVD of any description for years due to being able to watch online or download, not saying yours is gonna be available as a download but I don't think people feel the need to have a touchable product so much nowadays. Apart from vinyl of course. 1
Pauldonnelly Posted November 30, 2013 Posted November 30, 2013 I thought it was shyte "THE SCUMBO'S RAN AWAY" Catch ya later mate
Sooty Posted November 30, 2013 Author Posted November 30, 2013 On 30/11/2013 at 10:54, Pete S said: Not me! I do mine for £2. But anyone bootlegging a charity DVD is on the same level as someone stealing Poppy Day money from a collection box. Sooty, don't overestimate the market mate, I haven't bought a DVD of any description for years due to being able to watch online or download, not saying yours is gonna be available as a download but I don't think people feel the need to have a touchable product so much nowadays. Apart from vinyl of course. As I said to myself when leaving me house 10 years ago Pete.....doing it for the craic....and it ain;t changed today!x Those who want one....will get one....those who don't....won't!x As it is...received orders for 27 since the review post went up!x On 30/11/2013 at 11:01, PaulDonnelly said: I thought it was shyte "THE SCUMBO'S RAN AWAY" Catch ya later mate Seasons in the Sun...Terry Jacks....sang from ure rafters as if yesterday circa '75/6......"WEEEE HAD JOOOOY WE HAD FUNNNN WE HAD BORO ON THE RUNNN BUT THE FUN DIDN'T LAST 'COS THE BU**ERS RUN TOOO FAAAAAST.....happy days mate!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Me and Paul don't go that far back as mates....we missed each other through the Soul scene in the 70's as he went and I was n kids homes or swinging from his clubs rafters at weekends and getting slung in black mariahs when the occasion arose. Indeed we were 'discussing non soulful issues in London Road regularly. In the 90's....the Soul scene brought us together....which nowt else perhaps could have done....and it's worked well for both ends of Cambridgeshire and our clubs in ways and means.....we'd say!x Just a foot note......which pays hommage to the power of what we...YOU...all an environment and scene. Brilliant stuff really....see u soon Paul...X Ask Edwin to tone it down....had to listen to ure end several times this season.......pah.....X @@ ~
Sooty Posted December 3, 2013 Author Posted December 3, 2013 .......okdokey.....huuuummmm....X I have done a web page/article...ordering page for the DVD. It sits on my website at present but can't go nowhere with it! As soon as I do...copy it in here or anywhere goes pear shape and ruins the 'look'/presentation I have spent HOURS doing to look nice!!x Mike is aware and coming back to me as to what to do. However...I am aware folk want to order and gurantee Xmas delivery. is the link to the prepared page....which isn't 'interactive' yet....but it gives all the background info and where to send/make payment etc which can be done....but it ain't as 'smart' as i want it...yet! The Xmas stock is down to 247 copy's available of which 100 of those will be held back for Kings Hall orders this Saturday! That leaves 147 copy's left for THE WORLD...before xmas....and Alison H wants 3 or 4 of 'em!!!!x Enjoy the read and background as to where the dosh raised is going...and hope to have it all up and running soon as 'proper'....forgive the 'amateur' malarkey....but then again....a labour of labour of love and u get wot u get.....hopefully before Xmas....sigh!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Winnie :-) Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 On 03/12/2013 at 23:52, SOOTY said: .......okdokey.....huuuummmm....X I have done a web page/article...ordering page for the DVD. It sits on my website at present but can't go nowhere with it! As soon as I do...copy it in here or anywhere goes pear shape and ruins the 'look'/presentation I have spent HOURS doing to look nice!!x Mike is aware and coming back to me as to what to do. However...I am aware folk want to order and gurantee Xmas delivery. is the link to the prepared page....which isn't 'interactive' yet....but it gives all the background info and where to send/make payment etc which can be done....but it ain't as 'smart' as i want it...yet! The Xmas stock is down to 247 copy's available of which 100 of those will be held back for Kings Hall orders this Saturday! That leaves 147 copy's left for THE WORLD...before xmas....and Alison H wants 3 or 4 of 'em!!!!x Enjoy the read and background as to where the dosh raised is going...and hope to have it all up and running soon as 'proper'....forgive the 'amateur' malarkey....but then again....a labour of labour of love and u get wot u get.....hopefully before Xmas....sigh!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Clicked the link, and found it interesting. I think if you sell a few at Stoke, word of mouth could boost sales, good luck buddy 3
Sooty Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 Thanx Winnie!x Your bang on with your assessment. Whilst it may be a retro/nostalgic reflection for some....for others it will be an informative piece of work from DJ's heartfelt 'natural' comments which as many reviewers have still valid today!x I have watched as many of you have over the years this or that 'prepared'...rehearsed' proggys on the telly or bits hanging around from back in the day! Paul Masons Culture show t'other week was one of the better ones....but even that didn't represent us folk fairly really! This didn't have any agenda or planning. I got the footage back home....edited it as it want see any comments cut from anyone....because they were that good and....infectious...yep....infectious to watch and listen to each word! I hadn't seen it myself until about 8 months ago for about 8/9 years....and was impressed again! Timeless.....and tremendous is all I can say from a Soulies perspective...X Nowhere have I seen such a....well someone used the word...'raw' a presentation as we captured here! Anyone who has flirted....been and gone....or considering coming back....or just interested as an outsider as to 'wot it's all about this Norvern scene'....then it is THEEEE DVD to have! I would say that before you all reviewed it being the 'salesman'....but 9 of us can't be you all said the same thing independently!!!x It's a true 'Soulies' product....and I am about to put me goggles on and running a lasered copy off onto a disc used by the Hubble telescope for Steve S as we type........!!!x Aliens coming across it....would suss the soul Scene.....I reckon....he'll be alright!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....erm.........I have this 'follow up'...30th Wigan Anni VHS film....which will NEVER be re-released by me! However...there is some good stuff on it.....which I will pull off and Utube at some point. But that weren't a 'labour of love' some degree it was business....I was ill on the night.....and....and....yeah if I was after ure money......i'd flog it too. But I ain't...i'm after your happiness....the best!!x
Sooty Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....hang on...swigs coffee......erm...just had an email arrive from Paypal welcoming me as a 'new' account holder to their service after setting up the new account yesterday to deal with the proceeds of the DVD. After the 'thank you's...the email went on to say.....b'cos i'm new.....I may have to wait up to 60 least 21....before any funds in the account are released....................! Incidentally they have their 'cut' on ordered stuff already.....! I have just got off the phone too a luvly Geordie Lass called Gemma...Senior Management and pointed her to this website and the prepared article. After 3 calls yesterday to set it all up successfully....nobody told me about the delay in withdrawing funds anywhere! To allow the account to be set up....I dumped a 13 year established one due to conflict etc! I therefore have lost ALL me Paypal facilities of use to me...based on THEIR advice!!! I ain't a happy bunny! She is escalating it to Heaven I assure you as she definitely wants a Newcastle V Peterboro FA Cup film I made same time as thie above one really...for her Hard Core NUFC Dad for xmas....................the one with Bobby Robson interview which has received 'legendary' status up her way!!! The Nation waited via Sky to hear his after match comments...for 9 minutes! We were having a cosy chat similar to DJ chats on this DVD in a....erm....corridor....he loved did is on it!x Whilst we have this resolved I have pulled the page promoting the DVD! Some folks have already deposited money in there to secure their will get one! But...I can't have this way forward as I want to give folk money....soon as...and certainly before flippin' February!! What are they like? Well...currently they is analysing that precise point.....or they will make the papers tomorrow...'negative press' she called it.....she liked that bit!!! Good luck Gemma on a speedy resolve.....(She's reading this!!x)...a Kick up the backside as yer Dad would do if not....!!!x @@ ~ LUV URE PAL SOOTY X 1
Guest gordon russell Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 At least ya real motives have surfaced....good luck to you, all those NORTHERN fans will hoover em up....wonder if the king of stoke will let you sell em there though
Goldsoul Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 14:17, gordon russell said: At least ya real motives have surfaced....good luck to you, all those NORTHERN fans will hoover em up....wonder if the king of stoke will let you sell em there though We know absolutely nothing about it. If Sooty could get in touch and let us know what it's all about(2013 wise) it would be useful.
Sooty Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 16:12, The Golden 101 said: We know absolutely nothing about it. If Sooty could get in touch and let us know what it's all about(2013 wise) it would be useful. Nice speaking with you Kev and look forward to seeing you Saturday!x Thanx for your support in allowing us to come and do as i;ve suggested...much appreciated and have a super night...X As I have said...Pete and I will be at Kings Hall Saturday to take orders from those wanting a DVD for xmas delivery...for OUR product. I have said throughout since I joined Soul Source that the product was 'independent' from the very outset and that Kev gave me permission to film at the time and that was his only involvement/input into the whole thing.....just to clear any folks misunderstandings up! It is MY product....filmed at his venue....and we have never done any other business or even talked to each other really for 9 years since I did the Wigan 30th....which wasn't as good and so I don;t speak about it!!!x Therefore I take full responsibility for the Togetherness DVD and its content and certainly do not wish to give credit/qdos or indeed burden any 3rd party with its contents in anyway shape or form! Everybody sorted now?!x You need to be.....I reckon. LUV SOOTY X 1
Sooty Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 15:47, Orotava said: Link comes up as Not Found?? Here is the link again Orotava...I took the original down until the Paypal pi**take is resolved..BUT....DO NOT ORDER or owt THROUGH PAYPAL until further notice...(doh...just took the Paypal addy out....simples!)...hopefully tomorrow! I have an alternative which will kick in if necessary but want it to go as I have first and foremost. Tomorrow is the day of reckoning...I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X ...a few changes/additions including only 133 left + 100 for the Kings Hall folk Saturday....first come first served....there from 9pm!x Look forward to seeing you and saying hi to all from Soul Source!!x @@ ~ 1
Alison H Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 22:20, SOOTY said: Here is the link again Orotava...I took the original down until the Paypal pi**take is resolved..BUT....DO NOT ORDER or owt THROUGH PAYPAL until further notice...(doh...just took the Paypal addy out....simples!)...hopefully tomorrow! I have an alternative which will kick in if necessary but want it to go as I have first and foremost. Tomorrow is the day of reckoning...I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X ...a few changes/additions including only 133 left + 100 for the Kings Hall folk Saturday....first come first served....there from 9pm!x Look forward to seeing you and saying hi to all from Soul Source!!x @@ ~ Good for you Sooty! Such a great thing for you to do, with a healthy portion of the proceeds going to worthy causes!! Make sure you don't sell the copies I've reserved though!! :o) Enormous luck on Saturday mate x
Sooty Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) ...I appreciate your sentiments Ali....but it ain't a 'great' thing to do as such...for me!x Perhaps my approach to life is different to most...and yep...that shows in ways and means.....but.....I said at the outset;t need your moneys! Never did when a Promoter and nobody can say different! Cheapest A/N in the Country....and still I believe the only Promoter to provide oranges for all half way through the night! A simple...obvious thing to do for me...being an 'entertainer' as such! But that simple act featured as the main point in an article in the then Black Echoes after reporters had come to suss our nights out!! They led with it...and referred to it throughout the article!!! They were gobsmacked at the gesture...or 'great thing' I think they called it!!!!!! I was scratching me head wondering how £20 outta the door money could have had such an impact on everybody!! I could have paid £150 for an ad and still not got that return for it!!! Still not done by anyone else to this 'standard'...I don;t think!x From that perspective....i'm different...yeah....but it is naturally done...without thought.....just obvious to me! The film was sitting in me filing cabinet for 10 years...........nowt great about that......i;'m a dipstick for not getting it to you years ago....please accept my apologies for being slllllow wiv it!!!!x Been busy!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...ure copys are reserved along with all the PMers and stuff Poppet....and sorry for not answering all of you yet......but you are all down on the list for probs!x LUCK my book stands for...Labouring...Under...Correct...Knowledge! I have read all your reviews...and am confident now to face all....thank you!!!x @@ ~ Edited December 4, 2013 by SOOTY
Guest Polyvelts Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 23:57, autumnstoned said: Pure David Brent - Thanks With shades of Chris Finch
Sooty Posted December 5, 2013 Author Posted December 5, 2013 ..Morning.......whistles away....sips coffee......calmly....... From: []Sent: 05 December 2013 08:34To: zoots@matso.tvSubject: PayPal's Office of Executive Escalations (KMM53048383V74761L0KM) :ppEU Dear Sooty Edwards, My name is Aoife and I work for PayPal’s Office of Executive Escalations. We recently received an inquiry in relation to your account and I will be reviewing the issue. A review of your account shows that it is newly opened and has been flagged for account level holds. Please note that PayPal may in its sole discretion (acting reasonably) place a hold on any payment. If PayPal places a hold on funds in your Account, we will notify you about it (including, without limitation, how long the hold may last) - the funds will be held in your Reserve Account and those funds will be shown as “pending” in your PayPal Balance. Your escalation cites that you are selling DVD’s with a portion of the funds received going to charity. You have explained that you have these DVD’s to hand and are expecting a further delivery in January. Mr. Edwards as a goodwill gesture I would be willing to remove these holds from your account however please note that I will review this account on a regular basis and should you receive any buyer complaint or reversals we may limit your account or close it. I would just like to notify you that you will need to verify this account especially if you are anticipating receiving a large amount of funds. I would suggest that you complete the process sooner rather than later to avoid any limitations on your account. Yours sincerely, Aoife Byrne Executive Escalations PayPal Copyright © 1999-2013 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions. Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg, RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 apology in there but.........WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x Mr Brent would say....and forgive me but I dunno who Chris Finch is....but I never flinched once.....!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I am updating the web page featured for ordering and Mike is currently preparing an article which will offer the same...which i thank him for sincerely...X As you here in Soul Source have 'suffered' my waffling about it.....then out of respect....I will not be offering the remaining available 127 copy's anywhere else such as Ebay/Facebook etc until Monday 8th December....where the remaining Xmas stock will go.....I reckon!!x THANK YOU ALL for...erm....putting up with me....!x Gemma from Paypal has a Posh film on it's way.......and your welcome Poppet.....!x @@ ~ Above all.....ENJOY THE will be worth waiting for......7 out of 7 reviewers can't be wrong.................................!!!!x
Winnie :-) Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 On 05/12/2013 at 10:06, SOOTY said: Mr Brent would say....and forgive me but I dunno who Chris Finch is....but I never flinched once.....!!!x @@ Good news about paypal Chris Finch is a character from the office, the wide boy womaniser salesman that David Brent (Ricky Gervais) admires
Steve S 60 Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 On 05/12/2013 at 10:52, Winnie :-) said: Good news about paypal Chris Finch is a character from the office, the wide boy womaniser salesman that David Brent (Ricky Gervais) admires I think we all know a Finchy......
maslar Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 On 04/12/2013 at 23:44, SOOTY said: ...I appreciate your sentiments Ali....but it ain't a 'great' thing to do as such...for me!x Perhaps my approach to life is different to most...and yep...that shows in ways and means.....but.....I said at the outset;t need your moneys! Never did when a Promoter and nobody can say different! Cheapest A/N in the Country....and still I believe the only Promoter to provide oranges for all half way through the night! A simple...obvious thing to do for me...being an 'entertainer' as such! But that simple act featured as the main point in an article in the then Black Echoes after reporters had come to suss our nights out!! They led with it...and referred to it throughout the article!!! They were gobsmacked at the gesture...or 'great thing' I think they called it!!!!!! I was scratching me head wondering how £20 outta the door money could have had such an impact on everybody!! I could have paid £150 for an ad and still not got that return for it!!! Still not done by anyone else to this 'standard'...I don;t think!x From that perspective....i'm different...yeah....but it is naturally done...without thought.....just obvious to me! The film was sitting in me filing cabinet for 10 years...........nowt great about that......i;'m a dipstick for not getting it to you years ago....please accept my apologies for being slllllow wiv it!!!!x Been busy!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...ure copys are reserved along with all the PMers and stuff Poppet....and sorry for not answering all of you yet......but you are all down on the list for probs!x LUCK my book stands for...Labouring...Under...Correct...Knowledge! I have read all your reviews...and am confident now to face all....thank you!!!x @@ ~ Sooty. Have you still got my free copy? Not flogged it yet?.... Good!X. I'd like to claim it... only not for me.... I'd like it to go to a worthy recipient. I got the idea picturing you at Kings Hall in your Santa outfit (even though Christmas is three weeks away) so I thought, well you might as well give away at least one thing free. Good idea or what? . So I'd like give my copy away as an anonymous pressie. All that I ask is that the receiver is female and roughly half my age - and looks reasonably classy. OK? I'll leave that with you Santa. PS make sure they know its from ME and not you. OK?
Sooty Posted December 5, 2013 Author Posted December 5, 2013 On 05/12/2013 at 11:13, maslar said: Sooty. Have you still got my free copy? Not flogged it yet?.... Good!X. I'd like to claim it... only not for me.... I'd like it to go to a worthy recipient. I got the idea picturing you at Kings Hall in your Santa outfit (even though Christmas is three weeks away) so I thought, well you might as well give away at least one thing free. Good idea or what? . So I'd like give my copy away as an anonymous pressie. All that I ask is that the receiver is female and roughly half my age - and looks reasonably classy. OK? I'll leave that with you Santa. PS make sure they know its from ME and not you. OK? .....your welcome Maslar!!x I am a man of my word...and your copy will arrive with the rest via a mutual friend of ours which means your anonymity remains and I respect such....X 216 left.....X LUV SOOTY X FINCHYYYY....jeeez.....I worked with a 'guy who was his double in every way...boss of a firm with over 100 folk near Blackpool late 90's!x He brought me in to take his place as he wanted to jet off to some foreign piece of land to live! Treated me as a Bruv really!!! Since seeing Finchy in the Office.....I swear he was modelled on Rossy!!!!x Super characters really.....and sorry for being a dipstick with memory loss!!x @@ ~
maslar Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 On 05/12/2013 at 12:13, SOOTY said: .....your welcome Maslar!!x I am a man of my word...and your copy will arrive with the rest via a mutual friend of ours which means your anonymity remains and I respect such....X 216 left.....X LUV SOOTY X FINCHYYYY....jeeez.....I worked with a 'guy who was his double in every way...boss of a firm with over 100 folk near Blackpool late 90's!x He brought me in to take his place as he wanted to jet off to some foreign piece of land to live! Treated me as a Bruv really!!! Since seeing Finchy in the Office.....I swear he was modelled on Rossy!!!!x Super characters really.....and sorry for being a dipstick with memory loss!!x @@ ~ No Sooty. you ain't got it. I think I want YOU to give it away at Kings Hall on my behalf. For likely recipient see criteria above.
Sooty Posted December 5, 2013 Author Posted December 5, 2013 (edited) ....ahhh...Okdokey!!x I will find someone suitable and get a pic for u to satisfy your requirements!x No probs!x LUV SOOTY X 8 screens up at present and popping in and out.....was happy to send you one...along with all the other PMers who I'm replying too!x U get into a groove init!!x Edited December 5, 2013 by SOOTY
Sooty Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 Thanx for all your luvly Emails/PMs and has been unexpected to the degree it's come my way...!x I have to go out and away from the net possibly until late evening. At present 1.30pm...there is the 100 reserved for Kings 96 copy's left of the available Xmas delivery stock! Based on your feed back....those whom you inform tonight at various functions need to be told be 'on it' before I go to Kings Hall tomorrow evening! Whatever stock is left for you today....may well be used for additional requirements there! Currently 31 copy's are reserved out of those i;m 'short' already!!!x Not selling...just telling....and don't want anyone to be dis-appointed if I can help it!x Thanx again for your support of...well...yourselves really! I'm just a messenger.....and present it to you on a DVD!!x Have a good day all...X LUV SOOTY X ...for those new reading this...see the excellent new 'Articles' front page of Soul Source to get more details....X (Thanx Mike....X)
Sooty Posted December 7, 2013 Author Posted December 7, 2013 ....Pete's just got here and we is off in 10 mins to Stoke. What i'd forgot about and so had he was the 'samples' we made for reviewers/promo purposes!x He just brought them and we have 10 copy's of those left....with new covers as the above will be! Only the 'reviewers' got the Special Sample Copy covers.....12 of them in the WOOOOORLD we made!!!So...if you want a full product DVD tonight....first 10 get em @ £10 each and the £60 petrol to deliver 'em we'll waiver as a chrimbo bonus!!!!x SEE YAAAA THERE!!!!x Those who ain;t going...have a good time wherever u are....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Peter99 Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 Hi Sooty I would like one please. Thanks Petre
Mike Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 On 07/12/2013 at 19:11, Peter99 said: Hi Sooty I would like one please. Thanks Petre ask take all sales queries etc etc to pms please thanks mike
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