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Are "hand Baggers" Taking Over This Scene?

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In response to Daz Watson's post yesterday i also feel "compelled" to write..Firstly, Mansfield Civic Centre soul night has NEVER been advertised or "masqueraded" anywhere as a Northern Soul night in all of the almost ten years it has been running with 300+ monthly attendance. Perhaps instead of slagging off a venue that was not to HIS  taste, he should actually READ the flyer or advertisements! which clearly state Its a Motown, Soul Chart Hits and Classic Soul night nowhere does it mention Northern Soul.

Secondly this is a very popular night in Mansfield for people who like this type of venue handbaggers or whatever, not everyone is "pissed up"  and there are no drinks on the dancefloor did he not see the excellent  security company employed  there? Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I SUGGEST HE GETS HIS FACTS RIGHT BEFORE MAKING CRASS COMMENTS.



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There are actually 2 issues here.  One is encouraging & tolerating new folk who are genuinely interested in the music, much like we were when we began our journey & Im all for that. 


The second is people who are coming along & have no idea really whats going on, they may be vaguely familar with a bit of soul & Motown, but in all honesty you could be playing pretty much any genre of music, so long as its singalong, good time, party music, its a Disco for geriatrics & older singles, who on the whole, want to get pissed n get thier leg over if possible, once tanked up anyone is fair game for a piss take n if there are regular soulies in the gaff theyre at the sharp end.


I dont think, that on the whole, proper soul music events suffer that much with the latter & if they do, its usually nipped in the bud.  However, there are promoters out there that dont give a hoot about the music or the punters, they are selling a product & NS is the en vogue thing, everyone thinks they know what NS is, if theye of a certain age & the promoters will pretty much give em what they want so long as theyre making a profit, its not about the music or the scene or any thing else, theyve seen a way of getting bums on seats & making money...end of.


Go to the events you enjoy & give the others a wide birth.




I think there is a third issue, that of too many venues chasing too few customers, therefore many promoters, and indeed their regular customers, will (or is that should) be happy for the additional trade in order to make the venture financially viable.  No promoter wants to operate at a loss, and no regular wants to see their local venue close due to lack of support.  Inevitably, it will be survival of the fittest, as it always has been, with the best venues keeping their regulars happy whilst welcoming newcomers.  With a lot of venues, compromises have to be made as they do not attract the travelling masses.  As has been said previously, go to the events that cater for your particular needs, even if it means going further afield.  If you're not prepared, or are unable to do that, then you'll just have to accept what you've got.

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In response to Daz Watson's post yesterday i also feel "compelled" to write..Firstly, Mansfield Civic Centre soul night has NEVER been advertised or "masqueraded" anywhere as a Northern Soul night in all of the almost ten years it has been running with 300+ monthly attendance. Perhaps instead of slagging off a venue that was not to HIS  taste, he should actually READ the flyer or advertisements! which clearly state Its a Motown, Soul Chart Hits and Classic Soul night nowhere does it mention Northern Soul.

Secondly this is a very popular night in Mansfield for people who like this type of venue handbaggers or whatever, not everyone is "pissed up"  and there are no drinks on the dancefloor did he not see the excellent  security company employed  there? Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I SUGGEST HE GETS HIS FACTS RIGHT BEFORE MAKING CRASS COMMENTS.


As I've stated earlier, I have no axe to grind at all, go to the venues that suit you n enjoy yourself, but I thought I should make you aware that your comment above is incorrect as per the events on SS.


'Popular the 3rd Friday in the month atb soul nite Motown,Northern,Philly,60ts Club Classics,Modern Soul'


If a person planning to attend a venue read that blurb, it clearly states Northern (Soul).


Best Russ


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In response to Daz Watson's post yesterday i also feel "compelled" to write..Firstly, Mansfield Civic Centre soul night has NEVER been advertised or "masqueraded" anywhere as a Northern Soul night in all of the almost ten years it has been running with 300+ monthly attendance. Perhaps instead of slagging off a venue that was not to HIS  taste, he should actually READ the flyer or advertisements! which clearly state Its a Motown, Soul Chart Hits and Classic Soul night nowhere does it mention Northern Soul.

Secondly this is a very popular night in Mansfield for people who like this type of venue handbaggers or whatever, not everyone is "pissed up"  and there are no drinks on the dancefloor did he not see the excellent  security company employed  there? Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I SUGGEST HE GETS HIS FACTS RIGHT BEFORE MAKING CRASS COMMENTS.


Reet - I see you only joined soul source this afternoon. Somebody tip you off about this thread?  I'm not a site moderator. However, it's common courtesy and site rules to introduce yourself in the "members shout" section prior to posting :thumbsup: Get's you off on the right footing then. :yes:

Edited by Mick McGarry
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Guest Sean Haydon

It's unfortunate Daz Watson that you went to a venue that didn't live up to your expectations. I can assure you that there are plenty of venues around that you would thoroughly enjoy. Lots of local venues are built up to cater for the so called Handbag crowd, they are aimed at providing those people with entertainment. I'm quite sure that the regular attendees, go out, socialise with their friends, have a dance and generally have a good time. So we shouldn't really knock them. You pay your money you take your choice. Looking at the DJ lineup should give a good indication of what to expect musically.

If a promoter makes a bit of money, or even a lot of money, then fair play. He has probably put a lot of time and effort into making his night successful. Personally, my aim is to providing people with a good night out. Hopefully sending people home happy to come again and musically fulfilled.


With regards to 'New Blood'. I am 100% for it. The young people that I know personally, are very enthusiastic, musically openminded and as much in to the scene as I ever was. I respect them as they respect me. I say, encourage new blood, they are the future of the soul scene. Without them, it dies with us.

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We have a local do in town at one of the Pubs that's organised by a few lads who, to be honest have never been involved in the scene (Nearly put 'Our' scene) and that's where the problem (if it is one) lies . They're a bunch of lads ( Blokes actually 'cause they're in their 40's) who love all the stuff we had the pleasure of hearing all those years ago. The thing is I have been a couple of times and it's all off CD but they get 40-60 folk in there and it's only a small place.


I Spat my dummy out one night because the CD was left on a started playing again WTF!! My gripe was that some of the tunes on the CD I have on Vinyl and paid good money for but to honest they dont really give 2 flying fooks but there were a lot of people enjoying themselves , no handbags or beer on the dancefloor though.


At least new people are getting to hear stuff and gaining an interest in the music, which surely isn't a bad thing , or is it ?


It's not and shouldn't be a Secret Society :no:


Just my thoughts really


Swifty :thumbsup:


p.s. One of the lads that runs it asked me how I play 'them American record with no middle' :lol:


I like it being a 'secret society'.....and it is 'our' scene.


But everyone's welcome as far as I'm concerned :wink:


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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Good point and one that often gets overlooked is the honesty of the scene that firstimers don't understand, your bag,coat whatever is safe left unattended,I have personally only seen one thing go missing at a Northern night, a coat with the car keys in the pocket,a full scale search entailed with everyone getting wound up at such a thing happening.The coats were hung in a communal area, turned out my mate, not a regular at the venue had left early , had the same coat at home and thinking he had worn it on the night just put it on and walked home,all was resolved next morning to everyones satisfaction ,honest mistake albiet a stupid one.


It hasn't always been like that though, has it? you used to have to bolt things down way back when...

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It hasn't always been like that though, has it? you used to have to bolt things down way back when...


Damn right, I think in an 'ideal Northern Soul World' this may be the case......but I won't forget having me fags nicked at The Ritz in Manchester in the 90's, that incidently also had a nice Jo*nt hidden in there for the next morning - There has always been crooks everywhere, although the ones I refer to being somewhat 'relaxed' with a smile upon their faces :D 


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

Edited by LEN
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I don't think any of us have a problem with those venue's that set out to just be your A typical 'Motown & Classic Soul' type nights aimed at the Social Crowd. The problem is many of the longer running 'Northern' nights which were never exactly 'Rare', BUT would at least try and introduce their punters to something a little different, have now been forced to abandon this policy in favour of a VERY rigid Oldies playlist for fear that their 'Handbag' contingent will just disappear off to one of the countless other venues offering the 'Same Old'...


Like it or not the handbag/fancy dress scene is pretty much THE  scene at present!.

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I like it being a 'secret society'.....and it is 'our' scene.


But everyone's welcome as far as I'm concerned :wink:


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

Len , so do I and if I'd of put 'our' scene I'd of got slaughtered I reckon because it doesn't belong to anyone , although I know what you mean :yes:



Swifty :wink:

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I don't think any of us have a problem with those venue's that set out to just be your A typical 'Motown & Classic Soul' type nights aimed at the Social Crowd. The problem is many of the longer running 'Northern' nights which were never exactly 'Rare', BUT would at least try and introduce their punters to something a little different, have now been forced to abandon this policy in favour of a VERY rigid Oldies playlist for fear that their 'Handbag' contingent will just disappear off to one of the countless other venues offering the 'Same Old'...


Like it or not the handbag/fancy dress scene is pretty much THE  scene at present!.


Agreed, I think it beneficial to embrace this change rather than fight against it, because it is a fact.


Excuse this 'blatant' plug, but we have done exactly that at 'Soul in the Bowl' here in Northants, advertising in local newspapers etc - The upshot being that we attract over 250 people, yes some we see as 'Bubble Wrap', but they come, they ad to the great atmosphere, and have a great time - Some of these newcomers seem intrigued with 'Len's Den' (which is the second room) and feel comfortable staying in there albeit 'sight seeing'. All this has got to better than a room with not enough people playing great music, with no atmosphere.


It works well for us anyway.


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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It's mine ! :wicked:


To be serious for  moment, we do actually feel this way, and it shows in the way folk are so protective of it - I like that. But as I said, there's no point fighting against something we ain't gonna win, so 'flip it on it's head', and make it advantageous to us.


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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Quite funny really.

10 years ago folks were moaning about the scene dying & being on it's arse.

5 years ago they were moaning about there being too many venue's & now they're moaning about new people actually attending these new venue's.

Wonder what folks will be moaning about in 5 years time :)

No room for zimmer frames on the dance floor! :ohmy:

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As I've stated earlier, I have no axe to grind at all, go to the venues that suit you n enjoy yourself, but I thought I should make you aware that your comment above is incorrect as per the events on SS.


'Popular the 3rd Friday in the month atb soul nite Motown,Northern,Philly,60ts Club Classics,Modern Soul'


If a person planning to attend a venue read that blurb, it clearly states Northern (Soul).


Best Russ

Anyone reading that blurb would know it was not a full on Northern night

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I like them both so to me its not one or the other they are the same but different and at the end of the day were all humans but on the odd occasion I've seen a few aliens in the early hours of the morning in a dark corner of a venue....

So I get the best of both worlds. How lucky am I :-)

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I like them both so to me its not one or the other they are the same but different and at the end of the day were all humans but on the odd occasion I've seen a few aliens in the early hours of the morning in a dark corner of a venue....

So I get the best of both worlds. How lucky am I :-)


I am sure you are not alone Paul!


Also v different in the south - there have only ever been just enough people to go round!

Edited by Steve G
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Two very different "northern" style scenes why is everyone still going on about this?  :sleep3: Everyone should know by now, we've been talking about it for years and still people 'whine' on and talk about either "handbaggers" or "a little togetherness" and it'll all be alright on the night. Whilst the progressive end of the scene are quite happy to hear most "Oldies" cos that's where they started their musical journey, most of the Oldies crowd only want to hear what they already know and love. Put another way everyone likes the oldies, but not everyone likes the newer stuff.


But that said there's nothing wrong about a load of 50 somethings going out and having a potter about to "Band of gold", some Motown and a few sherries on a Saturday night - good luck to them if that's what they want to do.....It's not "killing the scene" and all the other daft stuff I read on here.


Russ V. and others, you are on the "rare soul" scene. "Northern Soul" as a term was corrupted many many years ago and has come to mean something different to what you like and believe in. Russfest and his 7,000 "soulies" at Butlins, the endless 'It's a way of life' "tat" on Ebay, Radio 2 frothing at the mouth (how mainstream is that!), £2.99 CDs in Tescos.....In fact all the baggage that travels around with the two words "northern soul", make it a million miles from what originally attracted you to the scene.


So please get over it and move on! Once you do it'll be a like a weight lifted from your shoulders...... "Right on brothers and sisters"! :ohmy: Yeah right on for the darkness!.....


I agree Steve, I much prefer the term Rare Soul & always have, only thing that frustrates me, as along with everything else, the phrase 'Rare Soul' has been turned into a kind of insult by those that endeavour to ridicule & dis credit that part of the scene. 



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It hasn't always been like that though, has it? you used to have to bolt things down way back when...

Ok three of you have put me right though I was referring to my experience over the last eight years or so,perhaps I've been wearing rose tinted specs but I'm always open to being proved wrong which it seems I was.

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Nobody's taking over anything, and just like everything else, this has happened before. Back in the 70s with all the publicity, TV shows etc, a load of people went to check out this northern soul stuff at whatever 'disco' was playing it - a lot of them were dunken knobheads and handbaggers who didnt have a clue and fancied this taking drugs and staying out all night thing..... most of them disappeared without a trace, some of them stayed, and are still going out today... in 10 years time (if there's any of us left), we'll be talking about 'those times when the scene was full of handbaggers' all over again...

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Ok three of you have put me right though I was referring to my experience over the last eight years or so,perhaps I've been wearing rose tinted specs but I'm always open to being proved wrong which it seems I was.


Not wishing to put you right mate, it was just an observation on how things have changed on that front, evidenty for the better.

Many of the tea-leaves that once frequented venues probably wouldn't consider a 21st allnighter worth the trouble. It was a great environment for the opportunist -  had my beloved leather trenchcoat stolen - and of course records once or twice. Carelessness on my part, but irking all the same.  

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Guest nsoulxx

At Parr Hall on Saturday, Lindylou 18 and I, and a poor bloke dancing beautifully to some great tunes, were all bowled out of the way by this fat arsed girl in glittery leggings shaking her stuff across the entire dance floor, oblivious to knocking everyone out of the way cos she was drunk and had no shoes on, and her pissed up fella was loving seeing her huge trumper shimmying everyone out of the way! he is damn lucky that we're all so pleasant on the scene and that we only air our moans and groans on here.

All great, new people, young people getting onto the scene, and I don't care if they like, oldies, rare, progressive whatever, just think they should have a little respect for the places, the dancers, the etiquette of no drinks on the dancefloor, no barging into people with your disco dancing, no taking the piss openly. It's just manners.

No wonder people moan and groan on here about things, it's pent up violence coming out in words :boxing:

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At Parr Hall on Saturday, Lindylou 18 and I, and a poor bloke dancing beautifully to some great tunes, were all bowled out of the way by this fat arsed girl in glittery leggings shaking her stuff across the entire dance floor, oblivious to knocking everyone out of the way cos she was drunk and had no shoes on, and her pissed up fella was loving seeing her huge trumper shimmying everyone out of the way! he is damn lucky that we're all so pleasant on the scene and that we only air our moans and groans on here.


I don't think I'd have been as pleasant as you nor waited till I got home to say summat ;)

If I'd have been the promoter they would have been warned then ejected if they carried on.

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Ok three of you have put me right though I was referring to my experience over the last eight years or so,perhaps I've been wearing rose tinted specs but I'm always open to being proved wrong which it seems I was.


I knew what you meant - There is defo a 'trust' bond between most, and as always, there's bound to be an exception to the (unwritten) rule.


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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Guest nsoulxx

I don't think I'd have been as pleasant as you nor waited till I got home to say summat ;)

If I'd have been the promoter they would have been warned then ejected if they carried on.

Next time, the lump of lard gets it!! :wicked:

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I don't think I'd have been as pleasant as you nor waited till I got home to say summat ;)

If I'd have been the promoter they would have been warned then ejected if they carried on.


....and I would have been 'right behind you' Chalky :D 


Len :thumbsup: 

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Nobody's taking over anything, and just like everything else, this has happened before. Back in the 70s with all the publicity, TV shows etc, a load of people went to check out this northern soul stuff at whatever 'disco' was playing it - a lot of them were dunken knobheads and handbaggers who didnt have a clue and fancied this taking drugs and staying out all night thing..... most of them disappeared without a trace, some of them stayed, and are still going out today... in 10 years time (if there's any of us left), we'll be talking about 'those times when the scene was full of handbaggers' all over again...


Yea then turned up 20 years later to f*ck it up again :lol:  ***Many a true word said in jest....lol 



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I agree Steve, I much prefer the term Rare Soul & always have, only thing that frustrates me, as along with everything else, the phrase 'Rare Soul' has been turned into a kind of insult by those that endeavour to ridicule & dis credit that part of the scene. 



Its rare for a reason !!! Cos its shit !!! Sorry can't talk got to go and dance to the Del Larks, Salvador's, magnetics, Eddie Parker, Tomangoes, Frank Wilson etc etc etc ......

Now where me friggin hand bag gone I'm sure I put it down there ???

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Its rare for a reason !!! Cos its shit !!! Sorry can't talk got to go and dance to the Del Larks, Salvador's, magnetics, Eddie Parker, Tomangoes, Frank Wilson etc etc etc ......

Now where me friggin hand bag gone I'm sure I put it down there ???

Bearsy ,you're wrong ,but you're a young man :yes:  :lol: ,when folks were listening to the Beatles and Stones, some of us old school types were listening to these great and yes rare tunes, bombed off our heads and dancing our flippin head off to some of them tunes ,fantastic days ,me an me buddies late night shopping at the Chemist. went every where in nicked motors ,got locked up for a few years ,but I don't regret it ,it was what we did back then  :ohmy: and I loved it ,well most of it :rofl: 


Bazza   :hatsoff2:  

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Bearsy ,you're wrong ,but you're a young man :yes:  :lol: ,when folks were listening to the Beatles and Stones, some of us old school types were listening to these great and yes rare tunes, bombed off our heads and dancing our flippin head off to some of them tunes ,fantastic days ,me an me buddies late night shopping at the Chemist. went every where in nicked motors ,got locked up for a few years ,but I don't regret it ,it was what we did back then  :ohmy: and I loved it ,well most of it :rofl: 


Bazza   :hatsoff2:

Bazza that's a normal weekend for me now lol. Hope your well matey :-)

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I don't think I'd have been as pleasant as you nor waited till I got home to say summat ;)

If I'd have been the promoter they would have been warned then ejected if they carried on.

Exactly. I've seen only one incident like this at Lifeline, some drunken Knobber bothering people on the floor. Mick H volleyed him out of the building and send him to bed with no supper quick sharp.

Promoters should be on this, that is unless they value the revenue brought in by these kind of punters.

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I went to the venue Nsoulxx mentioned a few months ago and I don't think the door staff or promoters are watching what's going on at all. One guy repeatedly pestered her following her around all over the place. When I suggested we tell the security staff I was told not to by the people we were sitting with as he "didn't mean any harm...he does it all the time...don't want to upset him". I didn't feel comfortable at all,felt more like a dodgy nightclub. Pisspots all over the dancefloor too...and not just me before anybody(Steve) says! Went to Barry's night at the bar over the road later and it was a 100 times better!

Edited by Reg
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Guest nsoulxx

Just to put the record straight on Parr Hall. It's bloody brilliant!!!!  one drunken man one time, and one silly woman another is nothing. Was just saying cos of her stupid dancing. I love Parr Hall, the venue is fantastic. The soulies are great, the music was great, The DJ's are great, and do you know, the staff were really really friendly. the girl behind the snack bar complimenting me on the Fred Perry. The staff on the door dancing to the music. Honestly it is a brilliant place. everywhere has a drunk or two and plenty of places have letches. After all, That is life.


Long live Parr Hall :thumbsup::):yes::D:thumbup:

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I don't think any of us have a problem with those venue's that set out to just be your A typical 'Motown & Classic Soul' type nights aimed at the Social Crowd. The problem is many of the longer running 'Northern' nights which were never exactly 'Rare', BUT would at least try and introduce their punters to something a little different, have now been forced to abandon this policy in favour of a VERY rigid Oldies playlist for fear that their 'Handbag' contingent will just disappear off to one of the countless other venues offering the 'Same Old'...


Like it or not the handbag/fancy dress scene is pretty much THE  scene at present!.

spot on!

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Must have been totally different to when we went the other time then. They actually played Interplay! And the idiot screens telling you what record's playing....like I don't know who sings Right Track...Whatever turns you on ,horses for courses etc. Actually spoilt the nice memories of the niters there. For me anyway.

Edited by Reg
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