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Cody Black On Gig - Auction To Pay Toward His Headstone

Cody Black On Gig - Auction To Pay Toward His Headstone magazine cover

Hello, this is Brad Hales from Detroit here.

I knew Cody personally, (and even played with him on bass before) and was very saddened to hear of his passing. I had a copy of 'It's Our Time To Fall In Love' and upon hearing via Pat Lewis that there was an issue raising funds for his funeral costs, I decided to let this one go in order to pay for a proper headstone for this great artist that we love.

The auction is ending tomorrow, and this is possibly the cleanest copy of this rare single that's ever been offered on eBay. Thank you for reading this & have a good night.




CODY BLACK Detroit northern soul 45 It's Our Time To Fall In Love ~ GIG NM



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Steve Ss


Hi Brad,

wonderful gesture.

Best regards




Well done Brad.

I hope you get the desired result.





lovely thought


well done Brad are you the proprietor of peoplesrecordsdetroit ?


as ive had a lot of things off you top seller



Well done Brad.......people like you & Honest John are truly keeping the SOUL of the MC alive


Whe we were over there in 2005 we had the pleasure of meeting yourself & I know you was playing playing bass with Cody at that time


Losing Cody is a sad loss to our music & your great city


Good luck brother


[you're forgiven for losing the blues & soul mags I sent you!!]

Andreas B


Extremely kind gesture Brad, hopefully the sale will cover a good chunk or all of the costs. 



Nice one Brad


best regards



Hitsville Chalky


Hi Brad well done mate ..top man  ... let us all know if we can help in anyway 

Sharon Cooper


It is heartening to hear that a friend has found it in his heart to sacrifice something of value to him in order to show his respect and offer some dignity to someone he obviously cared for - restores some sense of faith that there are people out there with some humanity and love within them: well done Brad - a brilliant gesture x

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