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fed up of people coming on here and posting accusations against existing members and when these are proven wrong, not having the decency to hold hands up and say "sorry got it wrong"

think fair to say that most if not all of our well known members have been subject to this, and while the original thinking of allowing such posts was it helps clear up misunderstandings, kills rumours and such, due to the misuse by some am now looking at this issue very closely

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Mike, how about just banning people who make unsubstantiated (no proof) accussations about so called illegal activities (i.e bootlegging) or bully boy tactics by other members?

To be honest I'm getting sick of them. blush.gif


I think that a registration process which involves people submitting their real names would reduce a lot of this. Their names need only be known to the moderaters but it would stop people hiding behind nicknames and made up names. Not sure how this could be verified though.

Just my tuppence worth Mike.




or bully boy tactics by other members?

To be honest I'm getting sick of them. thumbup.gif

Well said mate. Fully agree and the sooner the better. blush.gif



Well said mate. Fully agree and the sooner the better. blush.gif



Karen B


I think that a registration process which involves people submitting their real names would reduce a lot of this. Their names need only be known to the moderaters but it would stop people hiding behind nicknames and made up names. Not sure how this could be verified though.

Just my tuppence worth Mike.




well said paul

but i would nt want the world to know who wiganer1 was,,can we keep this a secret?


Well said mate. Fully agree and the sooner the better. blush.gif


This was sort of my thoughts on anon logins but i was perhaps a little unclear on the topic.

Usually these posts come in the form of rage rather than genuine interest.

Topic poster tends to fire out all sorts of accusations in temper instead of voicing constructive concerns he / she may have !

I think genuine grievance may well have a place but thought should be given more to the wider implications of such posts and there construction to the Soul as a whole.

I do think members true names should be known to the moderation but how this could be verified as allready stated i do not know??

As was made clear a pay your dues forum wouldnt work either as new members wishing to cause trouble would just clock up a count of silly posts to get in!

Its a hard one, making vague accusations and then dissapearing off the planet ??

whats that doing!! NO GOOD AT ALL.

And apart from having a go at celeb members was not some of the girls receiving unwanted PMs and mails a while a go? Mike may well know the user names who may have posted these and kicked off such members? But then they just re apply for membership again under a different user and are back on.

It does need some thought i agree!


This was sort of my thoughts on anon logins but i was perhaps a little unclear on the topic.

I do think members true names should be known to the moderation but how this could be verified as allready stated i do not know??

Can anyone give me a good reason why members should not simply use their own names ?

Guest Stuart T

Can anyone give me a good reason why members should not simply use their own names ?

I reckon that there are one or two on here who'd struggle to remember what their own name is. I reckon from here on in all new members at least should use their real names. At least that would stop the one accusative post types and mischevious pseudonyms (apart from Mrs Windsor) who contribute nothing.

Posted (edited)

speaking personally, it doesn't really bother me whether people use their real name or a pseudonym unless they're making allegations about someone else. it's hard to assess the strength or otherwise of any allegations if you don't know what vested interests the poster has, if any, and it's hard to establish those unless they identify themselves.

i personally am not too keen on people making allegations of criminality or threatening other people but beyond that i think censorship should be kept to a minimum. if you don't like what someone posts, either put your point across or move on and don't read it. we're all grown ups, after all; no-one has to read anything on here. there's no exam at the end of it blush.gif .

can't see any problem with the odd bit of verbal argy bargy, either...it spices life up. it's when it crosses over into really foul language and threats that it's gone too far IMO.

personally, i think a forum where people do nothing but post up 'my latest buy, what do you think' and everyone goes 'it's great' (there's room for these posts, of course) wouldn't be worth being a member of.

additionally, the Rare Soul Forum is a much straighter, quieter place to go if that's what you want. it's also significantly less busy than this one (though it's also a great forum).

Edited by Dan

Not sure it would be helpful to request real names. You could just make one up couldn't you?

The internet is plagued by this sort of thing. Some call it free speech, but when that defames someone else, then it's hard to defend.

It's an irritation but perhaps a small price to pay for most when weighed against the value of the net as a whole.



I think it would be unfair to 'make' new members use there own names, there is plenty of people on here with puesudims, you would have to make them all change there name too,

You have to think of it this way round (sorry steve im going to use you as a example) steve is 'Little stevie' now if you didnt know steve you would think well who is it, its only because we all know who he is either from being out and about or 'getting to know him' through these pages that you become 'aware' of who the name is, even if you do use a name, not every one knows who you are any way, there are all kinds of people into soul who use the forum, be it they might have gone in the early days and dont go out at all now and just like to have a chat/banter about soul.

Proberly the best way is to just put in writing some where when you join up, any new members that come on to post accusations (for the first say 25 posts) will be deleted.


Can anyone give me a good reason why members should not simply use their own names ?

i think just because some people don't want to use them dave, for reasons best known to themselves.

maybe they're shy (i'm being serious) or they don't weant their boss to log on and see their posts? maybe they want to be able to post wthout people buttonholing them at venues?

i dunno but there could be lots of innocent reasons i would say.

like you, i use my real name but i think enforcing that as a general rule might have a negative effect (fewer members, fewer posts)?

it is (just about) a free society still after all.


Can anyone give me a good reason why members should not simply use their own names ?


We've done this one loads of times, mate.

Having a character name on a forum is just a bit of fun and can be a bit of a statement about your interests or personality (although not in my case, obviously...). If someone is out of order they can be challenged / chucked off / have posts deleted whether they are called John Smith or Gamera the Invincible.

I always use Godzilla on this forum and on a couple of others I occasionally inhabit but I've always made it clear that if anyone wants to know who I am, just PM me. Not that it makes much difference yes.gif

All in my opinion of course.


ps - you're not Gamera the Invincible are you Dave? huh.gif


i think just because some people don't want to use them dave, for reasons best known to themselves.

maybe they're shy (i'm being serious) or they don't weant their boss to log on and see their posts? maybe they want to be able to post wthout people buttonholing them at venues?

i dunno but there could be lots of innocent reasons i would say.

like you, i use my real name but i think enforcing that as a general rule might have a negative effect (fewer members, fewer posts)?

it is (just about) a free society still after all.

Sort of thing i was saying too Dan, how ever Do people not familiar with you know your name is Dan? for all they know you could be Goodwin Pecker-wood, and just using Dan as pesuadenm, people could say well whos Baz i dont know him, might not even be his real name, it dont really mater IMO if you see where im coming from cus im confused now huh.gif


people could say well whos Baz i dont know him, might not even be his real name, it dont really mater IMO if you see where im coming from cus im confused now huh.gif

Maybe its YOU that's Gamera then :secret:

You can run but you can't hide...



I would vote for a more transparent system but wouldn't want the site to become too safe or anodyne. Take bootlegs for example they are a reality on the scene whether we like it or not so they have to be discussed whether its nostalgia (Soul Sounds) or discussing the

authenticity of a rarity (Heartaches and Pain, for example). I have been stitched up by a soul-sourcer and I ended up in papers but its mot going to stop me enjoying my hobby and passion for soul. People will have a range of views they just have to stick to comments that are within the law and avoid anything harmful. Keep it energetic.


Myself I like the idea of pseudonyms.......and looking at peoples avatars yes.gif , it makes me imagine what that person looks like :( ........and when you do meet up with them for the first time, there totally different to what you think :lol: ........But a lot of use do know who each other are without using your real names on this site..... huh.gif




Just delete posts, threads etc or take more drastic action i.e. ban if necessary. Should such courses of action be any different if a real name or pseudonym is used? Of course not. Its whats written, not who has written it that is the problem surely?

Guest johnm

People will have a range of views they just have to stick to comments that are within the law and avoid anything harmful. Keep it energetic.

huh.gif Well said as long as it is within the law then we all have opinions...........


Surely when someone become's a member they can still have fun user name and avatar etc, but underneath their real name can also be shown, Initial registration to be done from own home computer where Mike can see there unique IP number, stopping a person registering under several fictitious name's. The Rare Soul Forum Id's a person with full name, but you still have a fun user name and avatar. yes.gif

Personally don't see the point in hiding your real identity, if you have something to say you should have the ball's to put your real name to it, or what's the point in posting in the first place. huh.gif



Personally don't see the point in hiding your real identity, if you have something to say you should have the ball's to put your real name to it, or what's the point in posting in the first place. huh.gif


I don't believe you real name is "color #3333ff Karen"

All a bit THX innit? yes.gif



speaking personally, it doesn't really bother me whether people use their real name or a pseudonym unless they're making allegations about someone else. it's hard to assess the strength or otherwise of any allegations if you don't know what vested interests the poster has, if any, and it's hard to establish those unless they identify themselves.

i personally am not too keen on people making allegations of criminality or threatening other people but beyond that i think censorship should be kept to a minimum. if you don't like what someone posts, either put your point across or move on and don't read it. we're all grown ups, after all; no-one has to read anything on here. there's no exam at the end of it huh.gif .

can't see any problem with the odd bit of verbal argy bargy, either...it spices life up. it's when it crosses over into really foul language and threats that it's gone too far IMO.

personally, i think a forum where people do nothing but post up 'my latest buy, what do you think' and everyone goes 'it's great' (there's room for these posts, of course) wouldn't be worth being a member of.

additionally, the Rare Soul Forum is a much straighter, quieter place to go if that's what you want. it's also significantly less busy than this one (though it's also a great forum).


Agree pretty much in total with this, it's what makes this forum as good as it is. Sanitise it to much and IMO it will lose some of it's character. Not a techie at all, but would guess there's very little that can be done to stop people joining up just to express a view.

Just a suggestion, don't know if it can be done, but how about making every new members first post open to moderation from any existing member, ie: any member can close it down if it looks like it's a sort of hate post or a rant. That way if Shane, Nick, Mike etc are busy one of these dodgy threads can be closed and Mike can investigate it. As said have no idea if it's viable or can be done, and is only a suggestion.



Sort of thing i was saying too Dan, how ever Do people not familiar with you know your name is Dan? for all they know you could be Goodwin Pecker-wood, and just using Dan as pesuadenm, people could say well whos Baz i dont know him, might not even be his real name, it dont really mater IMO if you see where im coming from cus im confused now huh.gif


Personally I prefer to see someones name at the bottom of a post, means you can refer to that individual specifically. It's also much politer. As said in other posts, people with fictitious names don't bother me once they've posted a few times, you tend to realise they're genuine, and on most occasions as Godz said, will give their real names if asked. Also agree with Karen's sentiments, if you're going to post something controversial, you should have the bollox to put your real name up and not hide behind a pseudonym, although this would usually only refer to first time posters.


Guest Rowly

Personally don't see the point in hiding your real identity, if you have something to say you should have the ball's to put your real name to it, or what's the point in posting in the first place. huh.gif


I totally agree. If you're gonna say something about someone.... for example "Andy BB stinks of wee " you should have the balls to put your name against it. yes.gif


How about having a box on members profile page for your real name?


When *aliases (*spelling Dan?) are created specifically to have a rant wouldn't you just put any old name in the box. In fact could get really confusing, cos if you're so minded you could really create trouble by putting in the name of an existing member?


Guest Stuart T

"Andy BB stinks of wee " yes.gif

I think the bigger concern is defamatory comments, and that only means things that aren't actually true.




When *aliases (*spelling Dan?) are created specifically to have a rant wouldn't you just put any old name in the box. In fact could get really confusing, cos if you're so minded you could really create trouble by putting in the name of an existing member?


I think we're getting all a bit huh.gif about this. If you had a 'your name' box on the profile page, it could be optional same as the others. If it were not filled in that would tell a story and if a false name was used and later came to light after a beef ... more rope to hang themselves with.


Maybe we should just ignore new members who come on here and there first posts are ranting on about other people, by not argueing with them there post will just get lost, they will not get the reaction they want and leave.

Then it isn't left for the mods to do it all the time.


I think we're getting all a bit huh.gif about this. If you had a 'your name' box on the profile page, it could be optional same as the others. If it were not filled in that would tell a story and if a false name was used and later came to light after a beef ... more rope to hang themselves with.


Agree in general with you Ian, the situation occurs rarely, but when it does I suppose Mike wants to protect the forums reputation and also avoid possible legal problems?


Maybe we should just ignore new members who come on here and there first posts are ranting on about other people, by not argueing with them there post will just get lost, they will not get the reaction they want and leave.

Then it isn't left for the mods to do it all the time.


It would still get read, and if the person wanted to keep it prominent, they could just bump it themselves?

Guest Netspeaky

Unless you pay to join the forum by Credit Card (And this doesn't mean it's actually you does it.) or have Mike come around to your house, check your passport, Social security number, you're all talking bollocks, it won't work, think about it just for one minute. I Can sign up using my real name it doesn't mean it's me without it being verified. :lol:huh.gifyes.gif

Guest Stuart T

you're all talking bollocks,

Nothing new there then.

Guess it still requires the moderators to delete unsubstantiated claims, at least Shane has his job security back. Shame that its necessary and I'm sorry that I said that Kev Roberts is a transvestite, I didn't mean it and its not true.


Nothing new there then.

Guess it still requires the moderators to delete unsubstantiated claims, at least Shane has his job security back. Shame that its necessary and I'm sorry that I said that Kev Roberts is a transvestite, I didn't mean it and its not true.


Course if we all had membership cards, and followed N/S etiquette................ huh.gifyes.gif


Nothing new there then.

Guess it still requires the moderators to delete unsubstantiated claims, at least Shane has his job security back. Shame that its necessary and I'm sorry that I said that Kev Roberts is a transvestite, I didn't mean it and its not true.


You say you're Stuart, but your avatar says something completely different. You do know you only had to keep that piccie for a couple of weeks?

Guest Stuart T


You say you're Stuart, but your avatar says something completely different. You do know you only had to keep that piccie for a couple of weeks?

If only I knew how to rid myself of that turbulent infant! Janine has made me promise to keep it for ever. I have no choice....


Personally i post less on here than i once did mainly due to the pontifcating, personal digs etc. that seem to go on almost on a daily basis, the bad vibes simply wind and stir people up and some of us can't be bothered to bite anymore, this should of course be about debate which can sometimes become a little heated which is fine but the direct digs and personal agenda some people have on here is far to sinister and frankly makes me nervous.We all try to contribute constructive threads and topics here to often be shot down by someone who thinks they know better when simply they do it to gain attention,

make a name for them selves off the back of someone else often at the exspense of someones good name or reputation, create bad feeling etc. instead of being constructive, someone asked the other day is Kev Roberts killing the scene? my answer was NO it's bollocks like this or rather what goes on here sometimes is which is killing it, well for me at least.

I hope Mike can find a solution with this problem.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.


Personally i post less on here than i once did mainly due to the pontifcating, personal digs etc. that seem to go on almost on a daily basis, the bad vibes simply wind and stir people up and some of us can't be bothered to bite anymore, this should of course be about debate which can sometimes become a little heated which is fine but the direct digs and personal agenda some people have on here is far to sinister and frankly makes me nervous.We all try to contribute constructive threads and topics here to often be shot down by someone who thinks they know better when simply they do it to gain attention,

make a name for them selves off the back of someone else often at the exspense of someones good name or reputation, create bad feeling etc. instead of being constructive, someone asked the other day is Kev Roberts killing the scene? my answer was NO it's bollocks like this or rather what goes on here sometimes is which is killing it, well for me at least.

I hope Mike can find a solution with this problem.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Hi Mark

I am with you on this one, I also dont post very much on here for the very same reasons as you have mentioned. In fact I said to a guy just the other week at a do, that he posts stuff on here I would never dream of posting as someone would have a pop at it!




How about;

Add a new part to the guidelines that says all accusations or potentionally harmful posts must be signed with full name or they will be closed/deleted.

If not followed the post gets locked for 24 hours awaiting identification of poster. If no ID is given within that time then the post is deleted.


Hi Mark

I am with you on this one, I also dont post very much on here for the very same reasons as you have mentioned. In fact I said to a guy just the other week at a do, that he posts stuff on here I would never dream of posting as someone would have a pop at it!




But isn't that what the forums about Paddy. Someone posting something then it being debated etc. Brings out a lot of interesting points, people get to know each other through the forum, breaks the ice etc etc.

Yeah people have digs and sometimes they're not pleasant, but generally people are friendly and polite and that's an indictment of Mike's site. If you and Mark don't post as much because of some of the arguments/debates etc, that's your prerogative, perhaps you're both more sensitive than most?




But isn't that what the forums about Paddy. Someone posting something then it being debated etc. Brings out a lot of interesting points, people get to know each other through the forum, breaks the ice etc etc.

Yeah people have digs and sometimes they're not pleasant, but generally people are friendly and polite and that's an indictment of Mike's site. If you and Mark don't post as much because of some of the arguments/debates etc, that's your prerogative, perhaps you're both more sensitive than most?


Hi Winnie

You know you are right!! That is what these forums are for!! The debates are great and that is what I like most about this forum most of all, but ok and it is only sometimes, that what started as a good honest debate or discussion can move on to name calling! I will just have to get tougher in my old age!! :thumbsup:





Find the using of own names diluted by the fact our Emails are sometimes not available in our own names,and we use Pseudonyms and stick with it ,as is my reason,

Most people know my name or know me as that Fat Bast=****d who spoils yer fun at Cleethorpes

But in some like minds agree that the moderator should have your real name and IP no

if required only willing to give

Douglas Hall

55 +




Find the using of own names diluted by the fact our Emails are sometimes not available in our own names,and we use Pseudonyms and stick with it ,as is my reason,

Most people know my name or know me as that Fat Bast=****d who spoils yer fun at Cleethorpes

But in some like minds agree that the moderator should have your real name and IP no

if required only willing to give

Douglas Hall

55 +


Eeee ya don't look a day older than 31 poppet :D

Dawn Roberts



Thing is on these forums they're usually pretty self moderating cos most of us are known by someone or other. It's interesting that Soul Searcher called herself Sharon James and then nobody said I know Sharon. She said she'd been a soulie for 30 years was a regular at Alfreton and other Midland events, yet nobody came forward and verified her identity. I'm not saying it isn't someone called Sharon, but if you've been on the scene that long presumably you know a few people.

I would guess through the PM system you could normally find out if someone is under an alias, if you were bothered, lots of people on here from Midlands, Mike could, if he wanted, ask one of them?

But as said by a few others, happens so rarely, is it just a case of taking the rough with the smooth?


Guest Netspeaky

One way to deal with this is that if it someone who has less than XX posts then the mod has to read their posts prior to it being posted, I know it's censorship and won't solve the problem completely but it might put off the invisible poster flying in with one off posts. :thumbsup:


One way to deal with this is that if it someone who has less than XX posts then the mod has to read their posts prior to it being posted, I know it's censorship and won't solve the problem completely but it might put off the invisible poster flying in with one off posts. :thumbsup:

Yes Mark.......easier said than done, the Mod's can't be there 24/7....so if things do get out of hand then delete the whole thing if possible :shades:

Posted (edited)

Personally i post less on here than i once did mainly due to the pontifcating, personal digs etc. that seem to go on almost on a daily basis, the bad vibes simply wind and stir people up and some of us can't be bothered to bite anymore, this should of course be about debate which can sometimes become a little heated which is fine but the direct digs and personal agenda some people have on here is far to sinister and frankly makes me nervous.We all try to contribute constructive threads and topics here to often be shot down by someone who thinks they know better when simply they do it to gain attention,

make a name for them selves off the back of someone else often at the exspense of someones good name or reputation, create bad feeling etc. instead of being constructive, someone asked the other day is Kev Roberts killing the scene? my answer was NO it's bollocks like this or rather what goes on here sometimes is which is killing it, well for me at least.

I hope Mike can find a solution with this problem.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

don't take the below the wrong way, mark, it's not a dig. just pointing out that it's all about your/each person's perspective :thumbsup:

i think it all comes down to how sensitive and thin-skinned a person is (and you seem to be being sensitive on behalf of the entire world, here, which is taking it a bit far; i don't think you've suffered too many personal attacks, have you? when was the last time you were 'shot down'? i must admit, i don't read every post so it could have been yesterday for all i know but i can't remember it ever happening :shhh: ).

the above post, for starters, could be seen to be pontificating and a personal dig by you...you're trying to dictate to other people, on a free forum, what they should and shouldn't say and having a dig at those people who post in ways of which you don't approve.

it just doesn't work like that, and it shouldn't, either.

the other night, on the kev roberts thing, you posted a slightly superior one liner about how it was all so boring...and then carried on watching the thread for the next two hours (as i pointed out, tongue-in-cheek). you can't have it both ways, you know :D .

if you don't want to post, that's up to you but i don't think you should really expect everyone else to fit in with your way of thinking in the hope that you'll post more often.

the bottom line, for me, is that this is a really big forum, with lots of sections.

if people don't like certain bits of it, they DON'T HAVE TO READ THEM.

it really is that simple.

if all you're interested in is, say, gig reviews, plugging your radio show and buying, selling and sharing sounds (all honourable things to use the site for) just use the relevant areas.

if you want to join in with a load of people wittering about a darts team ( :shades: ), do that.

if you like a good row about conspiracies, get involved...there's plenty of bile to go round :D

Edited by Dan

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