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Guest frenchie

Oh dear!!!! each to their own I guess,  just don't show Trevski !!  :shhh:


Why people can not move on from the Wigan thing I will never know or understand. 


Not going to start another debate about middle aged  men/women dressing in ridiculous clothes and dancing to the same old same old etc!! But come on  :sleep3:

Guest Byrney

Oh dear!!!! each to their own I guess,  just don't show Trevski !!  :shhh:


Why people can not move on from the Wigan thing I will never know or understand. 


Not going to start another debate about middle aged  men/women dressing in ridiculous clothes and dancing to the same old same old etc!! But come on  :sleep3:

They all seem to be having a good time and a nice insight into the Nostalgia Scene. Hopefully some of the younger ones may expand their horizons beyond that 5 year period they seem locked into and join the Northern Soul scene one day :D

Guest dundeedavie

i see nothing really wrong with this, it's nothing worse than a 40+ Mod still wearing a 3-button suit or rockabilly dressing in 50's clothes and there is plenty of them going round

Guest dundeedavie


Why people can not move on from the Wigan thing I will never know or understand. 





this is an honest question not a dig, but why is it ok to be a fan of Stafford, Clifton Hall, shotts etc but not Wigan ? there are people out there who quote Shotts all the time but that seems acceptable? Shotts closed, 22 years ago? 


Love the video,all dress codes on the floor,everyone enjoying that's Kings Hall,love it. 


I'm not going to slag anyone off for wearing anything at any time.  I'm just surprised to see the return of this particular style, that's all.  Doesn't hurt anyone..


i see nothing really wrong with this, it's nothing worse than a 40+ Mod still wearing a 3-button suit or rockabilly dressing in 50's clothes and there is plenty of them going round


Most of the 40+ mods I've seen (and its been a while) looked fairly cool and normally put their own bit of individuality into it; tailored suit, exclusive shirt or whatever.


Fat men in vests have never looked cool  .. ever.




I see nothing wrong with it either, each to their own, I just think it all looks a bit odd.


While I'm on the subject, what's with the pocket flaps on skirts? never seen that before, is it a new-retro thing?

Guest Byrney
Posted (edited)

this is an honest question not a dig, but why is it ok to be a fan of Stafford, Clifton Hall, shotts etc but not Wigan ? there are people out there who quote Shotts all the time but that seems acceptable? Shotts closed, 22 years ago?

Simple. I loved Stafford, Shotts etc but don't lock myself in that era as many on the nostalgia scene do ie only wanting the same records from that period of Wigan. I like to look forward and now and again reflect back to the past and then crack on with now. Which sums up my view of what Northern Soul,is about. Edited by Byrney

this is an honest question not a dig, but why is it ok to be a fan of Stafford, Clifton Hall, shotts etc but not Wigan ? there are people out there who quote Shotts all the time but that seems acceptable? Shotts closed, 22 years ago?

I like to think I answered that in my write up about Shotts, as it is an important point for me to be understood on nostalgian and on how/why some people think some nostalgia is acceptable and others is not, and indeed should nostalgia be guarded against at all times. I openly said I would not go to another re-union after the Stafford one as good as the first half of that night was. However scruples sometimes get taken over by social need, so we are definitely all a bit guilty these days. Lets be honest, we are at an age when our memories are as cool as we are going to get so comfort needs to be seeked!

Therefore, I think the key first point is I do not think anyone has said there is anything wrong with being a fan of Wigan, I have openly stated my small time there was the best time of my life in some ways. I would challenge you to show where people are saying that. Definitely people, myself included, get fed up when some people hold Wigan as the only evidence of the scene, but that does not mean they are no longer a fan, surely.

I think the key point for this is the current nostalgia scene driver is not purely about being fans of Wigan, its about recreating the happenings exactly both in music and fashion, of a very small defined period, and it’s a music and fashion that was mostly gone before I even started going. I was on the scene nearly 20 years relatively regularly for many of those years and for at least half of them involved on a weekly basis. Most people around me still are, and therefore for far longer. My experience of the scene was that it was anything but a nostalgia scene, as bizarre as that sounds for a scene based on old music, but sure you understand the point, and I don't like my scene and my experience being defined by people who weren't there, and in effect attempting to re-write history. In reality as someone so far off the scene now, it shouldn't matter, but it does. Just like the scene did when on it.

I get your point re people still wearing mod gear etc, there is definitely an argument with that, and particularly the slavish detail to uniform, that’s why I have always thought the real mods were guys wearing current stuff, maybe retro styled, but with future thoughts, designers etc. But I would think the same point about both scenes and the nostalgia scenes and their differentatiors is the mindset. If you think people on nostalgia scene have same mindset as I did on scene or would have on scene, you are missing the point. And that’s the rub nowadays, I resent the nostalgia scene for turning my beloved Northern scene into the British Legion replacement my Mum and Dad would have populated at that age, and even until recently, far more than what people wear. I don’t like the uniform idea as it matches the mindset for me, and I don't like the idea it makes us a laughing stock to outside world, regardless of how other scenes also are. That’s irrelevant, I got into Northern as it was different, and the cliché of it being an escape was so true, of many things, but mostly of being normal and it was cool, Yes I know any middle aged scene is hardly going to be cool, but the music always will be, and the true all nighter scene will always hold some thrill. One of the saddest things I find now is I only ever read about how many good dancers were at Nostalgia scenes, and how much fun it is to dance together, rarely about the music. That’s not my scene. It shouldn't matter but it does.

In all honesty, until recently I stopped thinking about nostalgia world and its idiosyncracies as it has f**k all to do with my world, but then lately there is almost a reversal on here with nostalgia scene trying to dictate how the scene should think, DJs should be robots, effectively rewrite history on what happened and when, how snobby rare soul people are, deciding a records quality depending on which scene its played on, then contradicting that with we are all one scene nonsense, are we f**K, chinstrokers etc etc, and in all honesty it does tickle sometimes, most of these people don't have a F****ng clue what it would be like to be on the scene I loved, so why comment? It’s not just a one way thing now when you look at it the dissing. And the fact people dancing 8-12 in a hall somewhere in East Midlands to the same records they danced to in 74-75 think they understand the Northern scene in its totality makes me sad! It shouldn't matter, but it does.

Although the other bit of me agrees, leave them to it, it would be great if we could have a partitioned soul source! It shouldn’t matter I know, but it does.

You did ask.

Guest dundeedavie

You did ask.



I did, and I regretted it almost immediately and i'm as guilty as anyone... for the last 8 years I spent my time trying to create a club that had a 57-63 vibe and at the last Basics I dressed almost like a 1930's miner lol and you are right the divisions should be bigger and seen as 2 separate things. 

Guest frenchie

Very eloquently said Mr O'Connor.


Like I said before I am not getting into a debate. I loved Wigan and my young teenage years revolved around it, and I have some fantastic memories. I have been to many soul nights/nighters dayers over the years and heard some fantastic music.  I was just saying that time has moved on and there is a more open greater scene out there other than just the "Wigan" era people seem to get trapped in.


I go for the music, and for all the many gems that were played at Wigan and beyond there are certain places that just play the same old sounds all the time, and those places attract middle age people that seem to be trapped in this time bubble and dress like ??? Sorry people no offence meant but like I said before come on  :)


I do just hope that the younger crowd that are experiencing nighters now do not get trapped in the same bubble that that others have and have a more open mind.


And for the record WHAT DRESS CODE????


this is an honest question not a dig, but why is it ok to be a fan of Stafford, Clifton Hall, shotts etc but not Wigan ? there are people out there who quote Shotts all the time but that seems acceptable? Shotts closed, 22 years ago?

It's ok to be a fan of any of these legend venues Davie

BUT, to prance about in clothes from that era (especially Wigan) is IMO (and many others) fuckin sad

Im sure most of us got into it for the music, not the fashion

These nostalgia twats know fuck all about the music and its progression and if it was up to them, we wouldn't have a rare soul scene, or a SS, or a 100 club, or a Stafford, or a shotts etc.

Sad, sad sad fuckers the lot of them!

And to quote jocko - it shouldn't matter but it does

We care and that's why we strive to make things better


It's ok to be a fan of any of these legend venues Davie

BUT, to prance about in clothes from that era (especially Wigan) is IMO (and many others) fuckin sad

Im sure most of us got into it for the music, not the fashion

These nostalgia twats know f*ck all about the music and its progression and if it was up to them, we wouldn't have a rare soul scene, or a SS, or a 100 club, or a Stafford, or a shotts etc.

Sad, sad sad fuckers the lot of them!

And to quote jocko - it shouldn't matter but it does

We care and that's why we strive to make things better


Just as well we don't all wear Shott's attire - the scene would be awash with fez's, ducks and the like :lol:


If you read all these posts without knowing what the thread was then in a million years you wouldnt guess that someone had simply put up a video of last weeks Stoke. FFS sake thats all it was. Same shite every time- no matter how the topic starts off. Move on ( or off ).

Posted (edited)

I'm not going to get into the argument of how much fashion influenced the rare soul scene and vice versa but I will say that my experience is that in general - naturally there are exceptions - the regular soul attendee has worn the fashion of the day but made subtle, although in some cases less that subtle, changes, to make it unique.


We all seem to associate bags and tank tops etc with Wigan, but I remember Deep Purple Black Sabbath and Status Quo fans wearing almost identical garb back in the early seventies. I see the wearing of bags as being very much a 70's thing, but not necessarily and uniquely a rare soul thing.


I have great memories of the very early eighties and beyond and my regular nighter going years covered Stafford, Leicester Oddfellows, Morecambe Pier, Rotherham clifton hall and the 100 Club, I don't remember seeing too many people wearing bags during that time. Equally I don't tend to see people today wearing the fashion that was popular at venues in the eighties, can you imaging venues full of fifty somethings with perms scouse tashes, pegged trousers, slicked back hair styles, single black gloves and clothing from Demob.


So if a group of people with particularly fond memories of Wigan choose to wear bags and vests at today's event then why is it that people with equally fond memories of Stafford Leicester etc choose not to wear the fashion that was popular at those venues during the eighties ?


I'm all for people wearing exactly what they want, but my opinion just happens to be that people who wear bags look ridiculous. Naturally, I would defend their right to look ridiculous, after all, we still live in a democracy.


Mark Twain said "Clothes make the man"  I believe that it was Charlie Cairoli who said "Bags make the Clown". 

Edited by Shaun W

Why are all the records in this video & most of a similar ilk from the 1972 Torch/Mecca era & the Wigan 73/75 era ? Do other records discovered after those periods not get played ? The people who actually went to those venues back then craved to here new discoveries - not the same thing played over & over again.


bit off topic, but out of interest, what years were bags & circle skirts in vogue back in the day? I seem to remember my sister who went to nighters had some 'oxford bags' in the mid 70's


bit off topic, but out of interest, what years were bags & circle skirts in vogue back in the day? I seem to remember my sister who went to nighters had some 'oxford bags' in the mid 70's


Well I can tell you I wore them ( bags not a circle skirt I should add) from being 13 in 1974 when I started at the youth club and the last time I wore them was in late 79.

Posted (edited)

Well I can tell you I wore them ( bags not a circle skirt I should add) from being 13 in 1974 when I started at the youth club and the last time I wore them was in late 79.


Same here, you will get people saying that everyone stopped wearing them in 78 but I finally got rid in about October 79 when I went to see the Undertones and knew I'd look out of place in baggies.  I remember wearing some straight Levis cords in 78 and people I knew on the soul scene p*ssing themselves laughing at me  :lol:

originally, when I started senior school in 1971, it was "oxford bags' which were baggy but about half as baggy as things like Karman Ghia which came in 1974, oh and in 72-73 we had "Skinners", again a kind of parralel type jean but still not outrageously baggy

Edited by Pete S


If I was being asked that question and if I had the choice, which one would I go to on the evidence we have seen in this topic - I'd go to Stoke


Off course you would, anyone who has been off the scene for 25 years would.

Jeez, thats going to include me in 12 years, where is that cliff.........

Guest Byrney

Genuine question.....are these clips representative of the alternative niters that anti-nostalgia folk (who have commented above) prefer ?






100 Club......



Wouldn't count myself as Anti Nostalgia scene - just that IMO it clashes with what the Northern Soul scene is about and is a completly separate secene.

But to answer your question... Dunno, can hardly see anything on these :D. To be honest I'd say no - both clips are playing oldies which does happen in the odd spot (more 100 club than Lifeline) but if these were taken as the sole source of intelligence to get a representative picture then I'd say you'd reach the wrong conclusion.

It's difficult anyway to capture Lifeline in a clip, being a forward looking venue you could at times film an empty dance floor as new things are tried and tested ( and long may it continue) or you could film when Butch is in full flow to a packed dance floor.



Well I can tell you I wore them ( bags not a circle skirt I should add) from being 13 in 1974 when I started at the youth club and the last time I wore them was in late 79.


I wore them once late 1979, I think, not only did I turn up to Clouds to find the 3 "mates" that had told me where to buy them and what type to buy had turned up in their new pegs saying bags were for Divs, I got chased along Rose Street in Edinburgh next morning by the Punks, (Bruces records anyone) I was on my own as off to play football for the school. I then got sent home from school football game as was still wearing them (noone had told me to take normal trousers too) and teacher obviously knew all about the all nighters as got a 4 week ban from footie and a lecture about the bad boys and their bad habits at all nighters. I listened to his advice, left school 2 weeks later, got a job and a new pair of trousers and kept going to all nighters.

I then wore them once more, late 80's to Allanton as fancy dress, they were still my old waist 26's I wore, my waist was now 32. I looked like I was garroted by end of night. I hired my fancy dress after that.


Usual garb for Wigan was long leather, dungarees, T shirt and a pair of Frank Wrights.


I had the same problem with punks, they changed the Warrington-Wigan bus route and where it used to drop you off at the bottom of the incline to Station Road near Wigan Little Theatre, it then dropped you off on the other side of the bridge near the bus station - right next to TRUX Nightclub (Saturday night was Punk night) and meaning you had to walk through the whole town centre.


After a couple of leggings through town I worked out to put me leather in me bag, drop me dungaree top and tie it round me waist and wear me BLOCKHEADS T shirt....it worked.




Off course you would, anyone who has been off the scene for 25 years would.

Jeez, thats going to include me in 12 years, where is that cliff.........


Yeah but I've been to Stoke many times, last time was 3 years ago, didn't enjoy it at all, but as I said, if I had to choose...and I probably didn't enjoy it as I drove myself there so couldn't have a drink or anything else come to that so probably wasn't entering into the spirit - I know I left at 1.30




If you read all these posts without knowing what the thread was then in a million years you wouldnt guess that someone had simply put up a video of last weeks Stoke. FFS sake thats all it was. Same shite every time- no matter how the topic starts off. Move on ( or off ).

Actually I haven't even looked at the video, have no interest in doing so. I was answering a direct question which I think I could fairly assume was aimed at me as I had just recently contributed to an article where I led on the very subject of nostalgia. And I clearly articulated my logic.

As I say, I have very little interest in what you do, say or how you act anymore, as no matter how you try and convince yourself its absolutely nothing in common with the scene as I knew it. But you prove my point, with your unintentional (in the sense I mean I assume) ironic, move on/off comment. Who should and why. People who dare to have an opinion based on their experience that you don't like because it doesn't meet your needs. Really? Tolerance is a two way thing.

Feel free to show me the error of my ways in my experience and my opinions, I am happy to be corrected in anything I have said if you can, by facts. But I won't "move on" with my opinions just because you don't like them.

Whether you like it or not, there are huge swathes of people who don't share your vision of any Northern scene, mostly now moving on, sadly as I suspect the nostalgia scene will have a shelf life as limited as the original attendance for most, but not all obviously. And evidence seems to already bear this out. Maybe from the embers some embryo of a scene will be born. Sadly I don't care about that either, I just don't want my history rewritten, or worse written out.


Hurrah! At last there is some recognition that there are two completely different scenes.


For most youngsters now it'll be a passing fad, same as it was for most youngsters in the 1970's. You'd be amazed at how many people I meet down here who "went to wigan casino" when they were young, bought a few pressings, then drifted away and who'se musical stimulation today comes from watching The X Factor or listening to Lady GaGa.


I don't get upset about these nostalgia types bouncing around in their baggies, they're no different the Teddy Boys, the 40s housewives and anyone else who dresses up to badge themselves. Only comment I'd make is that although I'm not on their "scene", I obviously still like some of the music that they like.


But by contrast they probably don't like any of the music that I like.....


Same here, you will get people saying that everyone stopped wearing them in 78 but I finally got rid in about October 79 when I went to see the Undertones and knew I'd look out of place in baggies.  I remember wearing some straight Levis cords in 78 and people I knew on the soul scene p*ssing themselves laughing at me  :lol:

originally, when I started senior school in 1971, it was "oxford bags' which were baggy but about half as baggy as things like Karman Ghia which came in 1974, oh and in 72-73 we had "Skinners", again a kind of parralel type jean but still not outrageously baggy


Pete it was such a huge shock wearing a pair of straight trousers out for the first few times after 5 years of wearing bags - it took some getting used to!

Posted (edited)



Actually I haven't even looked at the video, have no interest in doing so. I was answering a direct question which I think I could fairly assume was aimed at me as I had just recently contributed to an article where I led on the very subject of nostalgia. And I clearly articulated my logic.

As I say, I have very little interest in what you do, say or how you act anymore, as no matter how you try and convince yourself its absolutely nothing in common with the scene as I knew it. But you prove my point, with your unintentional (in the sense I mean I assume) ironic, move on/off comment. Who should and why. People who dare to have an opinion based on their experience that you don't like because it doesn't meet your needs. Really? Tolerance is a two way thing.

Feel free to show me the error of my ways in my experience and my opinions, I am happy to be corrected in anything I have said if you can, by facts. But I won't "move on" with my opinions just because you don't like them.

Whether you like it or not, there are huge swathes of people who don't share your vision of any Northern scene, mostly now moving on, sadly as I suspect the nostalgia scene will have a shelf life as limited as the original attendance for most, but not all obviously. And evidence seems to already bear this out. Maybe from the embers some embryo of a scene will be born. Sadly I don't care about that either, I just don't want my history rewritten, or worse written out.


Dont have a vision of a northern soul scene mate. Cant see where i said that so please dont make assumptions based on nothing.Dont dress up either for your info. Do take exception to people who take every thread and hijack it just to air their opinions on what other people wear. And thats whats happened here. Again.




Edited by geoffp

Pete it was such a huge shock wearing a pair of straight trousers out for the first few times after 5 years of wearing bags - it took some getting used to!


I know what you mean, very restrictive!


Reading back through the topic though, I hadn't really thought about this 'nostalgia' scene thing before, but it does seem as if people are specifically dressing up in the old 'uniform' to attend some events.  This would be akin to going to a 50's night and dressing up as a Teddy Boy rather than wearing normal clothes.  So do people do it just so they can dress up and relive their youth, do they have any interest in seeing the scene continue via new discoveries?

I think we know the answer, sadly.

Guest martyn

I'd stopped wearing bags by mid 79 as had most. The people who I have personally encountered at soul nights wearing them seem to have a distorted view of the mid to late 70s scene full stop, which goes far beyond clothes...Which has made me wonder if they are trying to recreate an idealised version of the scene that never actually existed except in Russ Winstanley's book....I really don't understand whether they are deluded or weren't actually there at the time , or whether I was so blocked at the time its me that's got it all arse about face ! :g: . 

Guest Byrney

Reading back through the topic though, I hadn't really thought about this 'nostalgia' scene thing before, but it does seem as if people are specifically dressing up in the old 'uniform' to attend some events.  This would be akin to going to a 50's night and dressing up as a Teddy Boy rather than wearing normal clothes.  So do people do it just so they can dress up and relive their youth, do they have any interest in seeing the scene continue via new discoveries?

I think we know the answer, sadly.

Exactly - which makes it a completely different 'thing' to the Northern Soul scene. I have no problem with these events and people seem to enjoy them, but in my view it's not Northern hence the tern nostalgia scene works to differentiate between the two.

Posted (edited)

bit off topic, but out of interest, what years were bags & circle skirts in vogue back in the day? I seem to remember my sister who went to nighters had some 'oxford bags' in the mid 70's



1925 according to PUNCH



    post-7510-0-24292400-1375181091_thumb.jp                                  1) post-7510-0-05300900-1375181203_thumb.jp






2) post-7510-0-82310400-1375181256_thumb.jp                                  3) post-7510-0-37144400-1375181329_thumb.jp



What goes around comes around.


:hatsoff2: - Kev.


Edit: Couldn't enlarge the pics, so the captions are:


1) "Good Heavens, there's a fellow in Oxford bags!"

2) "Great Scott, there's a fellow not in Oxford bags!"

3) "Powers above, there's a fellow still in Oxford bags!"  

Edited by KevinKent

Yeah but I've been to Stoke many times, last time was 3 years ago, didn't enjoy it at all, but as I said, if I had to choose...and I probably didn't enjoy it as I drove myself there so couldn't have a drink or anything else come to that so probably wasn't entering into the spirit - I know I left at 1.30

its just getting going at that time pete :yes:


if u ever wanna go again - i can come and pick u up... :thumbsup:



Dont have a vision of a northern soul scene mate. Cant see where i said that so please dont make assumptions based on nothing.Dont dress up either for your info. Do take exception to people who take every thread and hijack it just to air their opinions on what other people wear. And thats whats happened here. Again.



I didn't hijack any thread, I answered a direct question with a full and frank response, and again I won't not give my opinion, just because you don't like it. I take exception to that being suggested. And how people dress was only part of it, and I explained why in the context of the response it was relevant. I didn't use the term dress up at all, for you or anyone, so don't put words in my mouth. The comment on dress was a very small part of my response, interesting you ignore the rest.

Again, just because you don't like the response doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to express opinions. Its a forum, where people are going to debate. I repeat why don't you tell me where my opinions are flawed rather than just trying to suppress my giving my opinion.

If you don't like things being repeated then internet forums are definitely not for you, every forum effectively has cycles of topics. Some more so than others, maybe because they are important to people and I think I have articulated clearly why they might be important in this case.

As I say, its a two way thing if people want to give opinions.


1925 according to PUNCH



    attachicon.gifBaggies 001.jpg                                  1) attachicon.gifBaggies 004.jpg






2) attachicon.gifBaggies 003.jpg                                  3) attachicon.gifBaggies 002.jpg



What goes around comes around.


:hatsoff2: - Kev.


Edit: Couldn't enlarge the pics, so the captions are:


1) "Good Heavens, there's a fellow in Oxford bags!"

2) "Great Scott, there's a fellow not in Oxford bags!"

3) "Powers above, there's a fellow still in Oxford bags!"  


That's funny....Reminds me of standing at Tonbridge station in the 70s with those absurd 48-inchers that Spencers used to make......Some passing civilian was overheard to say "I thought that bloke was wearing a skirt"......


Reading back through the topic though, I hadn't really thought about this 'nostalgia' scene thing before, but it does seem as if people are specifically dressing up in the old 'uniform' to attend some events.  This would be akin to going to a 50's night and dressing up as a Teddy Boy rather than wearing normal clothes.  So do people do it just so they can dress up and relive their youth, do they have any interest in seeing the scene continue via new discoveries?

I think we know the answer, sadly.

yes you know the answere Pete

theye are not interested in new discoveries and are are just trying to relive

we all try to capture various memories from years gone past, and nothing wrong with that

however, we try to do it without looking like a twat

do these "nostalgia" folk realise how daft they look

i think not!


Hurrah! At last there is some recognition that there are two completely different scenes.


For most youngsters now it'll be a passing fad, same as it was for most youngsters in the 1970's. You'd be amazed at how many people I meet down here who "went to wigan casino" when they were young, bought a few pressings, then drifted away and who'se musical stimulation today comes from watching The X Factor or listening to Lady GaGa.


I don't get upset about these nostalgia types bouncing around in their baggies, they're no different the Teddy Boys, the 40s housewives and anyone else who dresses up to badge themselves. Only comment I'd make is that although I'm not on their "scene", I obviously still like some of the music that they like.


But by contrast they probably don't like any of the music that I like.....

You've hit the nail on the head there Steve. I never went to Wigan but knew loads of lads (& a few lasses) who did! How many of them stayed on the soul scene post 75/76 :g:

The number of people I've met, as soon as you mention NS they'll assure you they went to Wigan Casino :)

Mainly for that reason, if I'm asked what my interests are, I no longer reply "Nothern Soul" I just say "Soul Music". If I'm asked to expand I'll say rare soul, Motown, Philadelphia sound & Modern soul.

To any "normal" person over the age of 40 Northern Soul just seems to conjure up images of baggy trousers, vests, beer towels and talcum powder :(


Joking aside the vid was ok just people enjoying themselves nothing wrong with that .


What does bother me though is the impresion that people get of the scene , its a case of he who shouts loudest gets heard . Go on youtube type in Northern soul and see what you get :ohmy:

Duffy videos , John Newman , Paul O, Grady , Sharon Finch a bunch of people dancing outside a theatre its not good and not representative of what I consider to be the NS scene to be .


The baggie wearing fame whores and publicity seekers have done the scene they claim to respect and love irrepairable damage as far as I,m concerned .


Right on brother , Keep the faith  yeah right

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