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Detroit Is Bankrupt

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Guest Garry Huxley

Detroit has been declared bankrupt just breaking over here on ITV news, In debt for 18 Billion dollars, 78,000 Buildings to be demolished, Pictures of the city are so sad i cant write any more,I'ts horrible all set to a backdrop of Motown music.

Garry Huxley

Edited by Garry Huxley
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This topic was started last night in the Freebasing Current Affairs forum: 


It makes sense to merge these threads into one.



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This topic was started last night in the Freebasing Current Affairs forum: 


It makes sense to merge these threads into one.




Hi Paul

I deliberately kept both separate, as the freebasing political forum is "members only" plus a different beast to this one (AATS) and so merging wouldn't really work well

plus felt that two may also work better as there could be two dimensions to the subject on here, music or/and politics

see how it goes



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detroit has been plagued with inept and corrupt local politics. i am from cincinnati, which was confronted with many of the same problems, but is doing much much better (as is cleveland, indy, st louis, etc). chicago is next. very sad.


very sad. 

Edited by ljblanken
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detroit has been plagued with inept and corrupt local politics. i am from cincinnati, which was confronted with many of the same problems, but is doing much much better (as is cleveland, indy, st louis, etc). chicago is next. very sad.


very sad. 



I agree Chicago is also have real problems, bit at least it has a strong tax base and with this happening, maybe a wake up call to.

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I agree Chicago is also have real problems, bit at least it has a strong tax base and with this happening, maybe a wake up call to.

that's right, but a strong tax base is not an accident. detroit's leadership just never "grew up" when the plants started closing. in cincinnati, most of the Procter and Gamble manufacturing went elsewhere (though HQ stayed) and one of the biggest GM car plants (Fischer body plant in Norwood) closed, as did Cincinnati Milacron, LeBlond, etc etc (factories). they are all now replaced by mixed use developments (food, shopping, condos, etc).


detroit was just run by hacks.  

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Hi Lorraine

Sad to hear these words , there was a even another write up in the Sunday Express in Britain today about Detroit and its downward spiral , one about arson gone up 60% for insurance claims so residents can move out , so sad to hear that this once great city that gave us so much soul music has come to this.

Truly hope things get better.


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Born, raised and still residing in Detroit, I have seen it all.  Some things are cyclical and there is a purpose behind it.  You had my parents and their parents generation who wanted their children to have all the civil liberties owed and afforded to them.  Then my generation who had to live up to what our grandparents and parents marched and died for was not in vain. Then our children's generation who some thought you had to be and/or live like a millionaire by age 25.  I blame 10% on cable TV and 80% on the credit card.  The card made you spend what you did not have and it took years to pay back, me included.


All that to say, some of us worked hard for what we have and some folks think it is magic to acquire and have material things.   We voted friends and family into positions thinking they would protect us, and most of them took from us.  They did not maintain the quality of life that our parents provided, they took from it and made it worse.  They did not maintain the pension plans for city, county and state workers, they stole from them, with no way to pay it back.  Billions were stolen from every coffer of the city with folks going to jail...and it is not over.


Detroit's downward spiral did not happen overnight, it took decades and the thievery got more outrageous as time went on.  You cannot pinpoint it to just one thing.  In the 80's you had to be more "productive," code word for work twice as hard so I can downsize.  In the 90's, the CEO's and CFO's making millions with bonus packages for the rest of their lives, while the lowest earner had to contribute to their health care and give more to their pension fund because the company no longer contributes.


Parents said it was alright to by $200 Michael Jordan shoes for ten or twelve year olds but did not have the time to attend a Parent Teacher Conference; public schools versus charter schools and the city versus the suburbs.  Folks started living paycheck to behind a paycheck but we needed more material things.  White flight to the suburbs, taking the city's tax base with them.  Racism was/is still alive and well, but international terrorism pushed it to the back burner.


Drugs, my God, how to destroy a family, community and a city.  With all of that happening, who was watching the purse strings or wallet of a city?  We thought of "me," when it use to be "us."  There was no overseeing of right or wrong, just how can I make my life strong.


Detroit is a city that has been shown in such a negative light over the years it is ridiculous.  There could be a murder in Indiana or Ohio (other states) and the national and international press would show these states and how close they are to Detroit, Michigan, not to the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit!  What the hell???  There were red herrings everywhere.  To have us focus on the city lights (or lack of them), whose watching the bank?  Who can see the bank? 


Does someone want to own Detroit other than Detroiters?  That day might be here but Detroit will prevail.  I can show you wondrous communities, excellent public schools and students who want to excell.  I live here and will probably die here and it is fine with me.  While people state to me, "I thought you would be living downtown or in a more affluent community, not here in the 'hood."  I have to remind them "I own this little shack and I love my community and no, I will not lend you five hundred dollars."


Detroit is going though right now, but so are other cities, even countries, but once again, Detroit is highlighted in the worst way.  While we rebound, others cities might succumb.  You all across the pond are not doing that great either, but all we can do is try and do better and hold those in leadership positions truly accountable.  We know we need better city services; we need stronger, truthful, intelligent and reliable leadership.  Companies must be more transparent and accountable to its employees when it comes to the disparity of paychecks and benefits.  That day is coming.


As much time as I have taken here to state some of the negatives, I could take more space towards the positives and say why I would not live anywhere else other than Detroit.  Detroit will come out of this better and stronger.  Lessons had to be taught and learned for the next generation.  I love it here.  I'm a city girl.  A Motown, Northern Soul city girl and proud of it!



 and so you should be Lorraine, for all the negatives, there are so many positives to the city. I love it there and get there when ever I can, have many great friends who all choose to live in the city.



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Hi Lorraine

Sad to hear these words , there was a even another write up in the Sunday Express in Britain today about Detroit and its downward spiral , one about arson gone up 60% for insurance claims so residents can move out , so sad to hear that this once great city that gave us so much soul music has come to this.

Truly hope things get better.



Hi Martyn,


Do not feel sorry for us.  We citizens let some of this happen and we are going to turn this around.  I hope other cities, countries can learn from this.  Detroit has so many good things about to explode in a positive way, we can see daylight. 


We, Metropolitan Detroit, are the proud owners of 'Aerotropolus'.  A few years ago, this project was looking for locations that had a minimum of 100 square miles that encompassed land, water and air transportation.   Guess who had all of that?  Metro Detroit.  Aerotropolus is a few miles west of Metropolitan Detroit Airport, a mere 30 minutes away from the City.  This Aerotropolus represents the United States of America.   We just appointed the CEO, last week.  There are only two other countries, China for one that have those requirements.  For us that means jobs.


Again, some bad things had to be cleaned up in order for the good to shine through.  Detroit will lead the way in many things (the first in how to come out of a city bankrupcy).  Who knows, we might even have a new recording studio! :yes:



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 and so you should be Lorraine, for all the negatives, there are so many positives to the city. I love it there and get there when ever I can, have many great friends who all choose to live in the city.




Dave, I'm still waiting on your visit.



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if any of you are on Instagram, there is a chap on there called Tony Detroit, who's basically documenting images from the city in decline, I think its the south side that's the worst, I maybe wrong before some bright spark corrects me...


Anyhow his images are very good, certainly worth following..



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Thanks Lorraine,


After talking with people, reading books and watching many documentairies (some of which are politically or racially biased) it's good to read your honest views which put things in perspective and remind us that such a disaster could happen here - especially in areas which have not even begun to recover from previous recessions and the huge loss of manufacturing industries.


As Krissii said in the "Detroit Bankruptcy" thread in the Freebasing Current Affairs forum, "A lot of these comments could apply to post industrial towns and cities here". The scale is different and not as condensed but many of the problems - causes and consequences - are the same: high unemployment, poor housing, homelessness, child poverty, crime and social disorder with increased drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, poor literacy rates etc.


Problems in some areas are far worse than others and many attempts at regeneration have failed - even demolition schemes suddenly stopped when they ran out of money - resulting in many empty and half-demolished buildings in my neighbourhood for the last seven years (but obviously nothing compared with Detroit).


It's also sad to read the comments of many Americans who don't want their tax dollars to be spent helping Detroit. What would they say if the situation was reversed?


Most of all, your optimism inspires me and reminds me that things WILL improve because of good people with positive attitudes.


Best wishes,



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another bummer (not really related) is that i just flew through Detroit airport on saturday and was excited to go to the Motown shop in the airport - and they told me it just closed like three weeks ago! 


the kid at the airport starbucks was torturing me "yeah, everything was like 80% off - i got a bunch of stuff really cheap!"


damn it!  

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Born, raised and still residing in Detroit, I have seen it all.  Some things are cyclical and there is a purpose behind it.  You had my parents and their parents generation who wanted their children to have all the civil liberties owed and afforded to them.  Then my generation who had to live up to what our grandparents and parents marched and died for was not in vain. Then our children's generation who some thought you had to be and/or live like a millionaire by age 25.  I blame 10% on cable TV and 80% on the credit card.  The card made you spend what you did not have and it took years to pay back, me included.


All that to say, some of us worked hard for what we have and some folks think it is magic to acquire and have material things.   We voted friends and family into positions thinking they would protect us, and most of them took from us.  They did not maintain the quality of life that our parents provided, they took from it and made it worse.  They did not maintain the pension plans for city, county and state workers, they stole from them, with no way to pay it back.  Billions were stolen from every coffer of the city with folks going to jail...and it is not over.


Detroit's downward spiral did not happen overnight, it took decades and the thievery got more outrageous as time went on.  You cannot pinpoint it to just one thing.  In the 80's you had to be more "productive," code word for work twice as hard so I can downsize.  In the 90's, the CEO's and CFO's making millions with bonus packages for the rest of their lives, while the lowest earner had to contribute to their health care and give more to their pension fund because the company no longer contributes.


Parents said it was alright to by $200 Michael Jordan shoes for ten or twelve year olds but did not have the time to attend a Parent Teacher Conference; public schools versus charter schools and the city versus the suburbs.  Folks started living paycheck to behind a paycheck but we needed more material things.  White flight to the suburbs, taking the city's tax base with them.  Racism was/is still alive and well, but international terrorism pushed it to the back burner.


Drugs, my God, how to destroy a family, community and a city.  With all of that happening, who was watching the purse strings or wallet of a city?  We thought of "me," when it use to be "us."  There was no overseeing of right or wrong, just how can I make my life strong.


Detroit is a city that has been shown in such a negative light over the years it is ridiculous.  There could be a murder in Indiana or Ohio (other states) and the national and international press would show these states and how close they are to Detroit, Michigan, not to the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit!  What the hell???  There were red herrings everywhere.  To have us focus on the city lights (or lack of them), whose watching the bank?  Who can see the bank? 


Does someone want to own Detroit other than Detroiters?  That day might be here but Detroit will prevail.  I can show you wondrous communities, excellent public schools and students who want to excell.  I live here and will probably die here and it is fine with me.  While people state to me, "I thought you would be living downtown or in a more affluent community, not here in the 'hood."  I have to remind them "I own this little shack and I love my community and no, I will not lend you five hundred dollars."


Detroit is going though right now, but so are other cities, even countries, but once again, Detroit is highlighted in the worst way.  While we rebound, others cities might succumb.  You all across the pond are not doing that great either, but all we can do is try and do better and hold those in leadership positions truly accountable.  We know we need better city services; we need stronger, truthful, intelligent and reliable leadership.  Companies must be more transparent and accountable to its employees when it comes to the disparity of paychecks and benefits.  That day is coming.


As much time as I have taken here to state some of the negatives, I could take more space towards the positives and say why I would not live anywhere else other than Detroit.  Detroit will come out of this better and stronger.  Lessons had to be taught and learned for the next generation.  I love it here.  I'm a city girl.  A Motown, Northern Soul city girl and proud of it!



quintessential journalism by any other name lorraine, insightful and dispossessing of any notion that your once iconic city cannot snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

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quintessential journalism by any other name lorraine, insightful and dispossessing of any notion that your once iconic city cannot snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


Thank you.  This fight is not over and the clean-up is just starting, but more heads will roll.  Hopefully we might find that pot of gold at the end of our rainbow (that someone stole and forgot to bury).    As Curtis Mayfield and The Impressions said, "People get ready...!"



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Thank you.  This fight is not over and the clean-up is just starting, but more heads will roll.  Hopefully we might find that pot of gold at the end of our rainbow (that someone stole and forgot to bury).    As Curtis Mayfield and The Impressions said, "People get ready...!"



miss L. it's just a question of "where is that rainbow" as dee dee warwick might say. :thumbsup: just spread the message to everyone to keep their heads up.

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