Happy 80th Tommy Hunt
His name is revered by many US singers

Today the grand old man of Black Music celebrates being an octogenarian. Apart from giving us records of the calibre of 'Human', 'Didn't I Tell You', 'I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself', 'Words Can Never Tell It', 'I'll Make You Happy', 'New Neighborhood', 'Your Man', 'The Pretty Part Of You' and 'Loving On The Losing Side', he was a singer with the Flamingos and apparently was one of the best live acts ever to perform at the Appollo in the early 60s. His name is revered by many US singers and many acts want to hook up with him when they hear he is living over here.
Please share your memories of him and if anyone can post up the video of him dancing like a dervish with the Flamingos that would be a great reminder of how he was the real thing.
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