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Morning guys!x Just got back from a long meeting with friends and having a cuppa before bed. Some of them started talking about Car Boot Sale finds....from an antiques perspective! I shared my vinyl experience at boot sales with them. When driving home...I thought of all those folk i've met....barged me out of the way on occasion too!hehe! Quite often they are waiting with increasingly sweating brow dripping over your shoulder hoping u ain;t found that 'nuggett'! All in all...super people and i've enjoyed meeting them all! That experience has been UK wide....wherever I go....they are there! Fortunately I aint got a clue what i'm looking for....so give way happily!! In fact....a Soulie/DJ and dealer whom i;ve respected for 20 years said....as we happened to be shoulder to shoulder flipping thru some tunes a couple of years ago at a boot sale...."...that's a shame...it'd be worth £40 if it weren't broken!". I went...;yeah shame init...do you like it?!"....sez I...."naaaa....heap of shit."...he judges! He got up confidently and went his merry way. I jumped into his box he left and whizzed to the record! Lifted it up...cracked edge.....but din't have a clue what was on it!! So I bought it for £1! It ended up being 'The Sect'...Leader of the sect! A mid 60's moddy tune which jogs along nicely....then maniclly!!! The copy was just...and I mean juuuuust....playable! It was good enuff to make me collection anyway! 


A couple of months later...me Producer mate Pete...A.K.A ZombieBoy....pops round to hear me tunes! I thought he'd like the funny intro...so played it among me 'unusual' bits during our session! He when returning 3 nights later...asked to record it along with 30 others! 18 months later....or 6 months ago......he had sampled it into one of our tunes for the forthcoming album! That re worked tune....has just been bought by an ad agency......for 40,000 times what it cost me! It's in the grooove...init?


Here's that sampled intro worked into 2 Northern tunes.....and there is more....but not here and now...soz!!x The advertisers are happy with just this.....alreeeeeadyyy!!hehe!x




I haven't said the Soulies name....because whilst I have respected him and his music....he's never paid me that compliment...ever. He'd only see it as me 'givin it large' if I told him. There's folk who have the music in them and flaunt it....and those that flog it....X I buy!x


So Mike/Dave... I thought of contributing to the forum in some 'unique' way! I read threads and want to add bits everywhere....cos I have things to share!!! but not the time to do so! So as said in an early e-mail....i'll do summink 'structured'....and commit to it! Then I can read all over a coffee and get plugged back in to whats 'happening'!x This 'feature' BEST BOOT BUYS ...can be it...if it's ok?!


Many Soul mates will tell u it fits too!!hehe!x Shifty and Fudge used to cry with laffter at how 'brave' I was to play 'boots' on occasion at Soul Nights! To me....I was a DJ and there for the people! I never played a tune if someone had it in their box and sharing the stage....never....that would be dis-respectful..I felt. But...at my Soul Nights and at those I DJ'd at....if you came up and asked for a tune...and nobody had it except me.....then I played it! Why not?! It made folk happy.....pure innocence honest!x Anyway...those that slated me for it never give u praise where it counted either! Ady Croasdell gave me the first copy of Carla Thomas's 'I'll Never Stop Loving You'....a few weeks before the Anniversary doo when the tune was due to be given away freely as he did! I played it at every A.N and gig over the next few weeks...Blackburn...Nottingham....Manchester....Bristol and Grimsby I recall....and used it to promote the 100club for Ady....my choice...or my excuse to play it!!!hehe!x. So...I was the first....but those who know about me boots...din;t know that to go wiv it...did they?!  Good job I know me own truth init!x That last bit is for Tony and crew in Bromley...X He emailed me to catch up and say that some of the 'chat' his way from 'the youth' had been that I played boots!!!....hehe!x Me and Tony were chilled 15 years ago....we is still 'chilled'!x Nice to hear from u mate...X.......and you tell em.....never...at the 100Club....X I found Fats Domino- If You Don;t Know What Love Is...on a Friday afternoon in a Sally Army shop in Aldershot! Heard it on a tape from Norwich's finest Kev Fev Featherstone just a week earlier...X Went to 100Club next night....kicked off with it......LAUNCHED the place...everyone wanting to know wtf it was!!!.....din't need a boot...or boot sale that time!!!hehe...x


As I go to boot sales regular....then i'll share my favourite find that week! The most exciting Soul find I have had since actively collecting rare Soul for the past 20 years....was at a Car Boot in Doncaster 17 years ago....I remember it well!! Driving past one Sunday morning on me way home from somewhere...and I saw this big field full of em.....so I stopped! I walked to the first stall.....5 records all scruffy....loose....in a tray of matchbox cars and stuff. Pick em up...Ken Dodd...Tears......The Monkeys...I'm A Believer...Clive Dunn Grandad....Mud...Tiger Feet.......and this tune.......my copy with the label all worn......but plays LOUUUUUD...and whilst it was found at a boot.....it ain;t a boot.....honest!!!!!x



....do you think my Soul DJ/Dealer mate would have got past Ken Dodd?hehe!x





.........that's neat that's neat....i reallly lurrrve ure tiger feeet.....I remember dancing to that xmas party at me nans! Happy days! Time and place for every tune methinks! Yeah....good therapy for me this Forum....thank u guys!x...nite nite!x


That's The Downliners Sect right?  I found one of their albums at a boot sale, mono Columbia, still have it in fact, one side mint, the other side totally destroyed with a compass or something by some maniac, gutted to say the least...

Posted (edited)

...u got it Pete! Ain't looked at the record for ages...but yup....Downliners Sect on Columbia and the intro comes off the B side of Wreck of the Old '97....called Leader of the Sect! Manic stuff once kicking off! Ain't heard anything else of theirs but have just seen some other tracks on Utube so i'll check em out...thanx for the tip! Never seen their stuff at a boot sale that's for sure....except this one!x 





...Pete my producer mate was also inspired by this 1 track to make this too!!x I'm sure they is saying 'Here's Chalkyyyyy as the tune kicks off.....!!!hehe!x





...those crackles on the intro...are the real thing...we left em in to pay respects to this nearly dead piece of vinyl!! I;m glad I saved it from the so called sh*t heap!x

Edited by SOOTY

moved this back to aats


your posts are coming over imo not as good as they may do

so ask can you tone down your posts and drop the offtopic stuff like the not needed mentions of mods etc etc




Sorry to have caused you any grief Mike! Shifting the posts about and stuff i'm sure you can do without!x I have and had no intention of being a 'problem' and let's put it down to me getting used to 'how things are' in the 'house' ok!x

Now...I don't understand your reference to 'Mods' Mike?! Do you mean 'moderators'...or Mods as in scooter types???!


If it's the moderators....this post was a direct response to comment I made to either you....Chalky or Dave via E-mail when I joined a couple of weeks ago to come up with something 'structured'! That's why I addressed it to you all...out of courtesy!x

If it's 'Mods'....scooter type...........then.....I wasn't aware that I was!!! All me mod friends would be surprised!! They love me Northern...or did!! Can you tell me which it is you mean?! Then I can do as requested with pleasure...X




This tune was probably the most successful spin that both 'scenes' loved equally from me...Mods and Soulies...!x Me mam liked it too and she wos a hippy in the 60's!x



Went to a small Boot Sale this morning at a Junior school....and the music teacher had decided to flog some of his Dads tunes!!!! I got 4 and give him £5 for his charity pot! He wanted 20p each!!!! Picked out the 'Soulful' ones...or some Soul connection!

The first is this 'awesome' haunting tune sung by Cliff Bennett and The Rebel Rousers called 3 Rooms With Running Water! I have 1 other tune by the Rebel Rousers called 'As I look'...an uptempo stormer...but some debate as to whether it was Cliff Bennett featured...but the tune is super! So is this....played it twice...and it sticks in ure brain! I have read it was written by....Jimmy Radcliffe...and indeed his name is on the vinyl! It was sung by HB Barnum too so the blurb i;ve found sez?! Other than that I know nowt....except its mine now!!!x Value...me rare record collector 2012 sez £15....but I ain't ever seen one at a boot sale before or i;d have got it!x



The 2nd of the four is an easy one to find...on President....but...on this....at a boot sale???...naaa!!!. I have 'I Can't Hear You' which is brill...'I've gotta claim on you'...one of her early R&Bers and the double sider on President featuring 'It's In His Kiss' on the A side! This tune is 1 of the original tunes i learneded as Norvern back in 1974! My President copy has been moved sideways into the disco box for the Its In His Kiss classic side...and the below has replaced it in me Northern Box...es....and it's mint!!! Value??...£20 it sez.....but to me...priceless....and takes pride of place as theee find for today!!x



The other 2 tunes were....well......I think they are brill in their own right....and will go in me 'funny's box'!! Never heard this version....but it's a good old 'Northern' version......and the best i've ever heard...booked at £6...and worth a laugh....hehe...!!!



The other.....has got to go in me 'funny' box.....nobody can dance to it....or keep up with this can they???!!!! Shirley not??!!hehe! Never heard it until today......manic Tina at her youthful height i'd imagine!!x Can't find a value for it in me book?!x Going in me Soul Box tbf!x



Big one on in the morning and I will see what's about and report back if I find another nugget!x




.......awww jeeez.....gotta go to Heathrow now on me own.....and all that's in me brain is....Plllleeeeaseee Mr Cuusterrrr......doh!x









I've had few bits over the years but two spring to mind;


ruben wright - I'm walking out on you- uk capitol.


that was the last record I picked out of a carrier bag amongst band aid and a few others 8o's pop in battered pic sleeves, the Rubin Wright didnt have a sleeve at all! but was still in Excellent condition! proving its always worth going through every unlikely bag or box.


the other would be,


Buddy Miles- Expressway to your skull,uk mercury, Sleeve a bit battered but I just love the record, some awsome hard funky gear on it.

Posted (edited)

WOOOHOOO!!!...Ruben Wright - I'm walking out on you...just heard it for the first time....never heard it!! Tune! Proper Soulful Northern...why ain't I heard it Geeselad?!x That note at the last second....super!x


Found the Buddy Miles on Utube...and I can see the interest....but too laid back for me mate...!x Some serious production going on and yup....the man can sing!x Reminds me of some of the 70's funkadelic albums I heard in me time!...Bootsy Collins type of thing??

I don't know nowt about LP's though....never collected them or look at them....so perhaps missed loooads in me time...I stick to 45s....then I don;t forget to change the speed switch during me doo's.....it can get complicated when im tryng to dance...cue the next tune and answer the donut at the side asking for some tune they'll dance to for 10 seconds before running off texting someone I find!!hehe!x



Thanx for the info Geeselad...X


I went to a regular boot sale this morning where very few collector/dealers go! It's usually swamped with Eastern block folk buying furniture putting a house together and stuff! They have the cash these days!! The traders know that and sell stuff accordingly  Since having me first dance to Northern at Netherhall School Youth Club Friday Disco 1974....educated at Cambridge yaa....dancing to Double Life Jerry Fuller and hanging in for Tommy's Going To A Happening...in all them years...i aint met a Soulie from Romania...Lithuania or Poland as yet! Those Eastern Block folk whom i;ve shared me music with like it.....but have their own 'thing'....and dance together in groups! So...they don;t go looking for records...and very few folk sell them up this boot sale! Supply and demand at work! There was only 4 stalls with any tunes...and i found these 2 US Bell 45s....in a plastic see through bag together!


The lady (Angela,,,X) said they were her fathers who liked Jazz! There were loads of his LPs and a few Jazz EPs...and these 2 oddments!! I gave her £2...she'd asked for 50p each! It helps my guilt complex when I find a nugget!!hehe! However...I feel as though i've found 2 for my collection! Know nowt about either....and well pleased with them both!x Angela's Dad died before xmas....and he was a music lover. She herself went to a few Northern discos in the 70's....and didn;t realise it was still around! She also doubted these were 'soul or northern soul as she didn;t think her dad knew of it!!

I said i would give the tunes a write up if they were good....and I also said I would cherish them as her Dad...Nigel...did...x She is popping in to the forum to read this......and yes poppet....they are good enuff for my collection and these folk in here methinks!x Your dad knew his stuff...respect...X.....and I believe he had Sooooullll!x


In memory of Nigel....R.I.P...X


Paul Dayton....About This Thing Called Love..........grrroooooovyy methinks!!x



Then this.....which is reaaaal bouncy and catchy...! Dean and Dina???? No idea....but luv it!x



Thanx for not slinging the records Angela....and they will get spun at my partys and stuff and I will give cred to Nigel for the inspiration I promise!x Now get ure ar*e to a dooo!!!x




Edited by SOOTY

Evening all!x Hope you've all had a good week and week-end!x I have for numerous reasons...yesterday...1 of the 3 local football clubs close to me heart...or the people are....ensured their league status...Histon FC...which was nice!x Then...during the week...I found lot's of happy memories and memorobilia from the Northern Scene...tucked up for possibly 10 years or so!!!! Today...as the weather killed the Boot Sale...I went through some of it...and other 'music' paraphernalia such as record player...sss...and things! Amongst it all...right out of the blue...I came across this...>>>>>




Now Soulies...i'm looking for some help...and an update...before I put it on Ebay for a tape collector to cherish!x


What I can tell you from memory is this...! It IS...an excellent tune! Made in 1996...by The Beachcombers...based Bristol way at the time! The luvly Lady on the cover is the singer...and i met her a couple of times....but it was her partner/husband whom I knew...Polly...the guy wh began/took over got involved with the Manifesto Magazine in the 90's!x We spent many happy nights and days together and supported the magazine monthly and things were good! Then...he called me and said...'my Mrs has made a record'! When we met...he gave me a 10" Promo metal record of the tune!! Dunno how many of them he had made...but I think....I believe...there were only a couple! As I was National at the time...he gave me one of these 'rareities'! I played it....job done! He gave me this tape of it too! I haven't played it ever I don;t recall as I had the record! But...it features the tune repetitively throughout in crystal studio form!


Check the 'tune' out...and my history with it here...!>>>>....erm....and wot happened to the 10"......doh........and there's some 'old' faces on t too...



...so it's 'brill'!x What I need to know is for the sale....what happened to the tune since 1996/7!!!! I know Polly had some 7" made of it too...I remember seeing one! But...that's it...I know nothing...!x Is Polly out and about still? If so it would be good to hear from him...and...I feel real bad but I forgot the.his Luvly Ladys name....and she can sing init!!x So apologies for that....and any help is appreciated!x




Now...this ain;t a 'plug'...just a fact....as you all play records....I collect record players! However...I have 1 surplus! I have put it on Ebay... xsootyx...and it is SUPERB! I;ve made a vid to go with it...and 'promote' Northern Soul in there too....it all helps!!x For those interested in all things 'vintage'...there is some Subbuteo in there as well...from 1979/80....and I 'tell all' of behind the scenes stuff of the football world to go with it....and...how I stole the FA CUP....swear to God...Allah...Jehovah and me Mam...HONEST...and can prove it!!!x



Bestest thing that's happened tho'...is hearing that tune again and the many happy memory's it brought back....thank you all...!!X


P.S...if a soulie through this forum buys the record player...i'll pay the postage...and be happy it's gone to a good home and it will be appreciated...like it has been at mine!x


..so.....waddya all know????!!!x








Posted (edited)

...Little Dancing Dennis!!!....they were inseparable at the beginning of the Manifesto launch....and super dancer Dennis was/is too....Polly had a grooove in him as well I recall!Thanx for the reminder 'Givemesoul'!x I know they did a few 7"...and I wish i'd have had one of those too....as I would have kept it!!!x I don;t do LP's or anything outside of 45's when DJing or collecting...all me boxes are 7" size that hold my stuff....and perhaps that's why I let the 10" acetate go....it was collecting cobwebs in me LP box which consists of....

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....Gene Pitney's Big Sixteen which me siss got me when i was 11...16 Big Movie Themes....a lovely album featuring 50 WW2 songs and original singers.....and a few 12"...Blueboy/Marlena Shaw...Shirley/Propellorheads and Candi's You Got the Love....and I think....that's it....and the 10" sat in front of the lot!!! So...I passed it on where it would get to the front for playing....not storing! I do regret it....I could have made a clock outta it or summink! A DJ got it I believe....it was one of the stipulations at the time of sale! Did me best for it!x


The Manifesto Mag went 'ballistic' in it's first years which began about the same time as us 'newcomers' all took off around the UK in the 90's!! This article appeared in it which reflected the times at the time....and reading some of you folks comments across the forum.....some things don;t change!!!x Founately for me...the music has remained constant....since 1974....and I focus on that these days still!!x

This article I wrote was in issue 3...February 1995! Forgive the quality...but it can be just read when zooming in in windows photo viewer and the like for those wanting to read it....





As for the record itself....I used to play Brainstorm...Loving is Really My Game at about 7.52am @ Blackburn....and The Exciters Reaching For The Best....at such times too.....and this was definately an 'extension' to those and i thought well done...and believed in it and it certainly produced results on the floor wherever I played it!x

Happy Days...and a 'rare' tune indeed!!X



I'll be happy for the tape to just go to someone who will appreciate it....and tbf....the point of the Ebay 'sale' iwill be to promote the music and scene anyway!!x We have been editing the forthcoming 'Togetherness' DVD....and I have watched and listened to every word said by Soulies and DJs throughout. Terry Davies says this to me on it....'the scene will die with us'....that was 10 years ago! His enthusiasm shown...passion and dedication....as listened to again this week...inspired me to do my bit where possible today...to 'pass it on' and am happy trying!x


As for the DVD itself...there are 3 potential Distributors whom we want to give 'sole' rights too wanting to review the whole product....and...I found some other bits to put on there....so....we is doing a final edit Monday/Tuesday and then we go see these folk and get it all sorted! After watching it in its entirety...the original film....I am surprised at how timeless the comments made by all are! Also...the 'passion' of all pours through the film. It ain;t about blowing my trumpet as such....the film does capture THE scene...from a ground floor perspective...and it is for me perhaps the bestest 'natuaral' documentary i've made with my Production Company...and we've done over 100 films for me to gauge in the past 13 years! I'd give you all a copy for free....cos it was done for 'fun'..for me....but....business is business out there....and i'll do my best to get it all delivered to you as cheap and cheerful as possible!! On it...X

Sorry for the small delay as I had said it would be available in April....but it will be worth waiting for an extra week or two....timeless means...timeless!x

We have just negotiated the rights with the purchaser of the 1st album to allow us the right to put the 'original' versions of the Zoots Northern sampled tracks...on vinyl!!! They will not be the commercial releases which feature new singers...but the ones you've heard already in here...by 'normal' folk...which I think will be rarer and fitting for the northern scene methinks! We reckon they'll be double A siders...and perhaps....perhaps if the interest is there....then we'll produce new songs for release in that series purely for Soul fans...and their kids"!!! As said....doing me bit to appeal to new genertions and tie the scene in with it and benefit too...and will keep you posted!x All the proceeds I make from this 'venture' re the DVD is going to 3 Fans trusts.....keeping it real...and 'for the people'...X


The records potential is all to be discussed this week too in conjunction with the DVD release...! So a lot to be excited about methinks....and as we are in a 'modern' groove...it's time to play an all time classic 'Sooty Spin'....and I used to kick off with it regular around the UK....but i'll end with it here....night night!!x







EDIT....just remembered.....I have this 12" in me LP box too....a happy memory from The Barn at Braintree 1976/7 funky nights....went twice....brilliant!x...it also means the beddy byes is delayed for 5 more minutes......rave on.....hehe...!X...I have the 7"...and it gets played at me party's.....no worries!x



Edited by SOOTY


...so it's 'brill'!x What I need to know is for the sale....what happened to the tune since 1996/7!!!! I know Polly had some 7" made of it too...I remember seeing one! But...that's it...I know nothing...!x Is Polly out and about still? If so it would be good to hear from him...and...I feel real bad but I forgot the.his Luvly Ladys name....and she can sing init!!x So apologies for that....and any help is appreciated!x

Polly gave me a 7" copy of this at the time...IIRC her name was Caroline...and Dennis Lee is still around at local do's here in Glos, still the same as ever, just with less hair :-)


my mate tubbs on here.was a regular @ a boot 15 miles north of aberdeen.a little village called inverurie(farmers,sheep etc,lol).


once he got a pile of united artists uk demos think 75p each & there was a ray pollard / its a sad thing.


next time he went,he was just about to leave & heard someone say how much for the little record player.turned round & it was a sound burger.got it for £3.


last year he got an lp on a rare rock label,cant remember the name.couple of quid & sold to a record collector/dealer in aberdeen for £1000.he found out that there were more from the label in the other pile on the table,but 1 of the other 2 vultures that do what he does got in first.


also the same vulture found elvis's rarest uk lp but wasnt sure if was a reissue.when he described to my mate,he knew it was the real deal.didnt say anything hoping to go get it,but guy said he bought it just incase as wasnt 100% sure,lol.


Super stuff folks!x Say Hi to Dennis for me Jerry!x He;s probably left his hair behind after all the racing around he did...hehe!x Caroline...and yes...a super singer she is/was! I don;t know if she did anything else after this? There was talk of it but I don;t recall any further tunes they made up to say 1998/9. Thanx for the info....and have you got a spare 7"...or perhaps Dennis might have 1!!x


Sepia...in all my time of going to auctions/boot sales and general back second hand shops....the 'record dealer' has got to be one of the most 'tight' people to 'trade' with!! I will say no more....but where their 'soul' goes during such trading is beyond me!!hehe!x




I suppose it's the same buzz they get when running off taking ure tunes cheaply or selling you them dear....as when I used to walk out of a business deal with £20k for a £500 valued deal! Same buzz...different level. Seedy tho'...mines business...records are 'personal' shirley? Never 'stole' from the people. The State and system/Large corporations/Banks/Govts and local Authorities yep..fair game! Lord Leverson and other inquiries are exposing how they have taken the P out of 'us' all over the years. The fact I started in the 80's and retired taking the P out of them in 2000 before they were all exposed means I was sharper and they were slow! I still don't have a bank account or credit card after 30 years....stuff em all I manage me own affairs!x Unlike the record dealers...at least i wore a suit and tie for my 'daylight robberys'...hehe!x



Since 2000...when I put a suit on....folk just laff.....!x I like that better...X


More stills from the forthcoming DVD...including the moment Kenny bought The Nomads...that very night!x






Super stuff folks!x Say Hi to Dennis for me Jerry!x He;s probably left his hair behind after all the racing around he did...hehe!x Caroline...and yes...a super singer she is/was! I don;t know if she did anything else after this? There was talk of it but I don;t recall any further tunes they made up to say 1998/9. Thanx for the info....and have you got a spare 7"...

Only got the one copy sorry!...her name was Caroline Scott BTW, she did a nice jazz/funky thing with a local guy a year or two back

Posted (edited)

Nice 1 Jerry!x I've met many singers in me time...and Caroline can sing....X As we're talking of recent 'rare' tunes....here's anuver!

I got a new tune arrive today via the mail as opposed to a car boot! I was in Majorca on business and me mate listens to all kinda lingo channels...i like hearing the difference in dialect....but ain;t a clue as they talk too fast!!hehe!x Anyway....I was flippin through channels....and this tune was trucking along......so I listened...and was bowled over by the 'Motown' sound....!!! Neever heard of it....or them....and the DJ went on one and so we din;t have a clue who it was! That was 7 months ago....and last week....I heard it again....on a Spanish girls MP3 player!!!!

I stopped her....and asked her in broken English.....who it was! She told me....and here it is....fresh outta the bag! They've done loads of tracks....but this seems to be less known by them! But is my fav....X



Thanx for the info Jerry...and if you see them all...give em a hug from me...happy days we had...X


I'll be going to sleep singing this one....luvly!x






Edit....in fact....after clicking it again and listening for the 4th time....it;s Northern Soul...I reckon...X

Edited by SOOTY
Posted (edited)

.I heard it again....on a Spanish girls MP3 player!!!!

I stopped her....and asked her in broken English.....who it was! She told me....and here it is....fresh outta the bag! They've done loads of tracks....but this seems to be less known by them! But is my fav....X



Edit....in fact....after clicking it again and listening for the 4th time....it;s Northern Soul...I reckon...X


Cracker, will look them up thanks for posting  :thumbsup:

Edited by back street blue
Guest miff

Nice 1 Jerry!x I've met many singers in me time...and Caroline can sing....X As we're talking of recent 'rare' tunes....here's anuver!

I got a new tune arrive today via the mail as opposed to a car boot! I was in Majorca on business and me mate listens to all kinda lingo channels...i like hearing the difference in dialect....but ain;t a clue as they talk too fast!!hehe!x Anyway....I was flippin through channels....and this tune was trucking along......so I listened...and was bowled over by the 'Motown' sound....!!! Neever heard of it....or them....and the DJ went on one and so we din;t have a clue who it was! That was 7 months ago....and last week....I heard it again....on a Spanish girls MP3 player!!!!

I stopped her....and asked her in broken English.....who it was! She told me....and here it is....fresh outta the bag! They've done loads of tracks....but this seems to be less known by them! But is my fav....X



Thanx for the info Jerry...and if you see them all...give em a hug from me...happy days we had...X


I'll be going to sleep singing this one....luvly!x









Edit....in fact....after clicking it again and listening for the 4th time....it;s Northern Soul...I reckon...X

Just got one of Amazon £14 odd thanks for posting



...your welcome folks!x In fact....this is marvelous!!  I used to have to drive 10 hours....invest a week-end...to get possibly a couple of Soulies come up and say the same thing in person!!!x In essence....when I look at the above shared tunes in this thread...it's 'virtual' DJing...init?!!x The only thing missing is seeing the folk dance to them.....which for me....was 'it'!x


£14 was good...I got one from a friend in Madrid for £20 all in!x They are from Catalonia and have been influenced by Northern...or Popcorn as the Europeans refer to it...Motown and Soul...and it tells!x

Here is their website i've found...






..and as we're on the European 'circuit'...here''s a tune i found a year ago....exactly a year ago whilst in Amsterdam celebrating Queens Day!!

It is this very week-end again! I went into this little souvenir shop...and there was a box of about 30 vinyls...I bought 2...this one by The Outsiders...a Dutch band from the 60's i've since figured...and the other was one for my Shack roof!!hehe! All me nearly was's or none events end up there if they are colourful enuff!x This tune...is awesome I find...and is stll played on the Mod/Popcorn scene across Europe...and indeed...i will spin it for 'the masses' in Amsterdam high street this Bank Holiday to over 30,000 folk.....LOOOOUDDDD!!!!x

I paid £2 Euros for it.....!....and u lnow what....not 1 of those 30,000 will come up and say 'nice tune'....good job I know they are init!!...and it also let's you know i really appreciate you making the effort to say so...X




...right...off to pump me tyres up and get ready to celebrate the last Queens Day...from next year it will be Kings Day.....for the first time! Recommend this week-end to all. I'm surprised not many Brits know of it when i mention it on me travels! A million folk pile into Amsterdam for a 3 day non stop party.....!

Music is played out in the streets...on boats....a complete 'carnival' with all normal restrictions lifted! I wouldn't go to Amsterdam any other time to 'party' to be honest! Thoroughly recommend it for a 'chill out' week-end....but u must wear 'orange; to be a part....!x Looking a silly pr^t is optional...and i'm happy wiv it......now where's me bike clips!!x











...right...off to pump me tyres up and get ready to celebrate the last Queens Day...from next year it will be Kings Day.....for the first time! Recommend this week-end to all. I'm surprised not many Brits know of it when i mention it on me travels! A million folk pile into Amsterdam for a 3 day non stop party.....!

Music is played out in the streets...on boats....a complete 'carnival' with all normal restrictions lifted! I wouldn't go to Amsterdam any other time to 'party' to be honest! Thoroughly recommend it for a 'chill out' week-end....but u must wear 'orange; to be a part....!x Looking a silly pr^t is optional...and i'm happy wiv it......now where's me bike clips!!x






Went to Amsterdam for New Year this year.........mad as f*ck.........didn't want to come home.


Have a nice tangerine time mate  :thumbsup:

Guest john s

Pleased to pick this up this morning for 30p - from the middle of a bag of dreadful 80s pop singles. Not in the best condition, but sounds pretty good!




Totally mint Stateside Red & White Demo of The Temptations "Girl Why Do You Want To Make Me Blue"......................20p. 


That was in the mid 90's so it was quite a bargain.




Pleased to pick this up this morning for 30p - from the middle of a bag of dreadful 80s pop singles. Not in the best condition, but sounds pretty good!





nice one john!...dedication working in a record shop all day...doing gogo children that night getting home about 3 and then up at 630 on a sunday!....i still hadnt gone to bed!




Dave K....get ure Boots n and come say 'elo......and i'll have a Doddy wig waiting!!x

A post made to anuver Hammer a few weeks ago elsewhere....u can have 'my' autograph too.....hehe!x




P.S....I notice your a Hammers fan Focus On!x Here's one for yer.....I go several times a season to take fans/VIPs via Limo's etc. I park in the front car park where Execs do and stuff. I nick Chris Akubussi's spot when I have a long 'motor...and we fight everytime....with a chuckle obviously!x Luvly bloke and just like you see him on the telly. Point is....I stay with the car usually for the match and listen to Five Live......and spend the 1 1/2 hours signing autographs in the car park.....folk thinking i'm Chris wiv me hat on.....!!!That's what we fight about.....hehe!!x
I went in this the last time...he didn't mind that as he could squeeze next to me no probs!!hehe!x If you see it there....come say elo...i'm kipping in the back usually!X


WHAT A FIND John!!!x That woulda made my year mate!x I had a copy in the 90' s and played it at many venues and it went down well....always!x I forgot to say the other week when you mentioned that record you got off me....the one with the A.C Fleming stamped on it! Well...I shoulda plugged 'the man'...Alfie Fleming! I came across his son selling his Dads record collection about 12 years ago based in Detroit. He was into hip-hop...crack and in essence a waster. He told me his dad had been a DJ throughout the late 50's/60's and quit in '70! He had died in '98 and eventually his entire DJ collection ended up with his son. I bought the whole lot......on a 'feeling'. The list the lad had prepared of around 100...of the 450 tunes....was AWESOME! When they arrived....they all had his Dads 'stamp'...A.C.FLEMING proudly placed on every tune! There wasn't 1 Motown tune.....every record tho' was an 'obscure' 60's....SOUL tune....every flippin' 1!!! Ended up with over 40 tunes featured in the top 500 Northern! After spinning them all I kept about 150....and sold the rest on Ebay or swapped them and indeed gave some away.......yours being a 'nugget' I recall!!!x But....what's the point in keeping em if they ain't gonna get spun....sez I! I have currently about 600 out and out Northern. I still take me plastic tool box for DJing which holds 100 tunes and a Sooty puppet in the front!.....and mic.....! I used to DJ 3 gigs in a night on occasion and never played the same tune twice and still 'had it away'....so where does one 'stop'?!


Alfie brought me to my senses in 2002! His collection put together when it was 'happening'....said all to me....and i;ve focused on getting a top 500....that would make my

'tool box' if I was blindfolded! I admire every record...the label...info on it...the feel and look....but....if it ain't gonna get played...by me....then it goes! Thanks to Alfie...I am focused on what is in the groove....and want it playing....or...the record is pointless!x Thanx Alfie....your legacy and passion lives on.....even tho' ure lad is a dipstick...RIP...X
Now...on that point....since I parachuted in here a few weeks back...I've been going through me tunes when stirred by comment and stuff.....and....I have found about 30 tunes 'surplus' or duplcated in some way! On top of that...I have had a friend pop round with his daughter who is getting married....in Barbados! His problem...he needs money to pay for it!!!hehe! Him and his Mrs split up 20+ years ago. She ended up with his LP collection! He just got them all back...untouched for 20 years...unplayed since 1972!!!!!  Pink Floyds Gilmour knicked his girlfriend too he told me...Cambridge based and all that!!!hehe!x (My mate is reading this...he was proud to tell me that story...so i thought i'd share that!!x)
I was going to put a post up yesterday in here about my finds this week...but got side tracked sorting them out for him and selling some of them through my Ebay! he was a Mod in '63-8....Geno...Sam & Dave....original 'Old School' pioneer! He collected some Soul albums in the mid to late 60's...and then progressed into being an acid freak....as many did! So his collection went that way! 
Yesterday we sold Jimi Hendrix 'Are You Experienced'...MINT...and several other 'classics' of that genre....and raised £650 for his cause...! Originally he came to me and asked for £100...for the lot!!!! I said nope...we'll do it together. After the instant sale success with his hippy gear....he said I can have all the Soul LP.s.....as a 'thank you'!!! However....as i've said I don't collect...or play LP's.....so they....along with me doubles/surplus 7"....are going!!!
I have looked at the Record Collector 2012...and Ebay....and the majority of the LPs are around £10-30....but....I want them to go to folk who appreciate them....not want to sell them! The money raised will go to Olivia's wedding. I've done her school prom....seen her grow up and stuff and wellll.....u know!x
If it's valued/worth say £20....then i'm happy to take £10 including delivery...on condition you are gonna keep it and play it! I want it a no dealer sale! Alfie would be proud of me....music is for sharing!x
Question is.....how can i do it?! Stick them on the Sales bit with a first post to say yes get's it kind of approach...and if ure a dealer then i'll out u no problem!!!....or wot?! I have prepared all the pics for an Ebay kinda thing....but...I can't 'control' the sale as much on there to ensure they go to 'the people' first! My mate ain't looked for profit on them...I ain't...why should someone else Alfie? So......suggestions please...anyone?!x
Priced at £350 in the RC 2012.....got £200 for a mint copy with 2 dealers offering £225 after the sale had been done!! The guy who got it had been waiting 30 years for this!! Like me...and my mate...we lovf'd the experience....thank you Jimi!x
...will be back later to put them up on here or Ebay. Off to go blackmail a celeb now into paying a serious amount into a lovely Ladys bank account who doesn't want to go through the public horror some 'victims' have to endure. I would love to put him through it. Music is pleasure.....personally i won't have it any other way..and i got my perspectives right....I reckon...X Have a happy day all...I will...X



I have completed all the pics and stuff of the LP's and will be putting them on Ebay after 4pm today! Many 'buy it nows' at a real cheap price! I'm after your happiness not your money!!x Those who want a 'bargain' you have been forewarned be it an LP or one of the 30 odd 45's i've sifted from my collection as they are 'doubles' ie I have a demo/issue of it or 2 different labels of the same tune! Each tune has a 'story and was played somewhere around the land in the 90's!! For those interested my account is xsootyx on Ebay...100% in 12 years!x FREE P&P too!x




P.S...the proceeds from these records will go to the following....the LP dosh to my mate who is paying for his daughters wedding...in Barbados...and the singles cash will go towards my next purchase done to consolidate and enhance my 500 tunes!x The next purchase is Sweeter Than the Day Before on Chess...to replace the one I swopped in 98! £200 it will cost for a minter....I got £125 in swops for a copy 14 years ago....?!...i'm happy!x Gonna get it anyway....but recycling is the way to go...I reckon!x Happy Bidding!x



...the Ebay sales has brought up many happy memories as i trawled through me stuff! From '74 until 1994...my Northern consisted of 103 tunes....from my mate Wayne's collection...that i put on 4 cassettes around '77. That is all I played/knew for the next 16 years....and was the only music in my car until I was given the Robin Hood tape by Clannad....which was luvly in laybys around the Nation when the sun shone...!x



Wayne...he made friends first day arriving at me new 26th school when arriving in Cambridge 1974. We went to his house at dinner time and he got his wooden fizzy pop crate out and he began playing his collection of Northern. I'd never heard of it!x He still DJ's on occasasion in Cambridge at partys....and still has those 103 tunes!! Forever grateful. He's been my Soul mate too ever since! Hadn't seen each other for several years...and I popped round a few weeks ago to give him the new Zoots tunes....and give credit t him for mine and Pete's inspiration. I's as if we were 14 again....in fact....I don;t think we've ever got past that day! Why should we?x



So when I went to my first Soul Night in '93...proper one...EVERYTHING was 'new'!! I lapped it alll up eagerly....and still do!x Now...that generated some problems! I was putting together functions of our own and I needed records.....and there was tooo many to fall in love with from a DJ perspective....and not all that I discovered....got played!! I became 'guilty' of not playing tunes I should have!! Not to play easy stuff...but because I had so many that fit the 'play list'...from my 'innocent' perspective!!!! I was drawing on tunes from the past say 25 years to play....not like the then Lenny's or Bob Hindsleys...Roger banks...Chris kings and Irish Gregs at the time who were out and about and knew what was 'in...out...forgotten...or played to death!'...I didn't! But the point is....in my 'innocence'...some tunes got left behind....by me! Here's one>>>>>




I got it in a box of records given to a Charity shop in Basingstoke around '94/5....all from Radio Solents 'archive'....and every 1 a demo!!! About 140 tunes....from the early 60's to perhaps 74/5?. Either the bag...or the record had 'Radio Solent' stamped boldly on it! It was a close thing too! They had a crisp box with a few 70's disco and a couple of LP's near their counter. I looked through them and asked the luvly old dears if they had anymore records! They seemed surprised and said in unison...'oh...that box is supposed to be going back with the others!'....I followed them into the back storage room....and there was this Arc of the Vinylment;....and had never actually been put out! Around the Nation at that time...Charity shops were deciding 'vinyl' wasn't cost effective to take up storage space...and so began withdrawing them from displays! What on earth happened to all those 1,0000000s of tunes...?! Daren't think about it since...! I have noticed Charity shops stocking vinyl again over the past few years...so perhaps they've changed the policy again?!x


My personal favourite tune out of that box....was the above....Ernie Andrews Fine Young Girl. I'd never heard it...yet...it would make my personal top 50...! I took it everywhere with me....but....but...Irene and The Scotts...Dee's That's my Girl...Baby u Got It Maurice Mac....alll were 'in there' taking it's place....every time! I never spun it once....in public! I regret it. My question is...has it had an 'airing' or impact since??? I never heard it once in 7 years...and it weren't on my mates 4 tapes which covered Wigan...The Torch...possibly some Stafford stuff...so just asking?!x


Reason being is because It has been the quickest tune bought up on me Ebay stuff so far!!!! It took me 20 minutes to make the flippin post and it was just up for 6 minutes....!!! I put it up for £20 and it was 'mint'! I just hope it gets played! I have a US copy....and it's real shiny and loud....so I let this one go and hope someone does it better justice than I did...! Sorry to have let meself and any of you down out there by not playing it as it deserved....!x I make small amends now....





...erm....The Darrell Banks MINTLondon Demo....went to Naaaarwhich.....I drove alll the way on a Friday from Basingstoke full pelt and swapped it for£300 worth wiv my mentor back then Kev Fev....and those tunes put me in ever major venue around the UK within 3 months!x The Lady's in the shop asked for £5...tentatively...for the whole box. I had £37 cash on me at the time. I gave them it and a kiss on each of their rosey cheeks....and we all parted happily!x




Me and Kev Fev...celebrating!!!x 

Charity begins at home...we saved them records we did!!x I hope whoever get's my copy appreciates that!x










I came across this record in about 1994. A good friend called Pat Loasby from Kings Lynn...who has since passed away...(RIP x)...introduced me to the tune! It was his 'favourite' at the time and that...coming from Pat who had about £100k in his box of rare records...was something! I listened ..and fell in love with it to this day. In fact...It stays in the front of my Disco box where 'enders' sit...'Out Of Time' Chris Farlowe....etc. It stays there because after everyone has gone....lights on....putting gear away often alone...I put this on as i dis-assemble the decs....feeling sorry for meself after everyones had an exciting night...! I played it once at Blackburn and at the 100Club...but that was it...back in 1995. The copy I have sourced on Utube is the same copy I have in my collection...a Reprise Demo....but the issue....featuring Bang Bang on t'other side...i find perhaps 1...maybe 2 copys at boot sales each year! So they are out there in junk shops and the like! I dunno how much they go for....in the RC 2102 book it says £18!! Whatever it costs...50p or £18+...it is in the groove for definite!x 


Played in memory of Pat...and for those reading the thread about forgotten soldiers in cemetary's and the like....it is spun for those innocent folk too.....£1.....take it away Sammy....






Worth getting out of bed for methinks this morning!x Gonna swop it with a mate whose been waiting for it for about a year.....gonna get me a copy of this picture disc which is a rareity these days as a swop!!! LUV it too...!x



...and yes....it's a beautiful day!!!x






this has been a favourite of mine for years, got mine at a car boot for 10p, never heard it played out, ever, love Sammy davis.



.....I broke me own rules tday! I never pay more than a £5 for a record at a boot sale.....the joy is finding a tune.....for a £1 and under! That's me pleasure! But....the below was sitting in a 'dealers' box.....with £8 on it!!!....he took £7...! I have had the record since 1993 in me disco/wedding box stuff....all time classic init! I see the issue every week....for 10p.....! But a 'demo'....? Never seen one! 







Now...my copy has a sticker mark on it....which i moaned about and he took a quid off....! But I fooled him....and had me a bargaaaain!!! It wos the B side I wanted anyway....which is mint!!!! When I got the record home for me classic 60's stuff in '93....I played the B....as you do. LUV'D it since! I actually played it at an All Dayer in Kettering mid 90's....and at a Gloucester All Dayer around 97....but that's it!x Any Soulie that pops round gets to hear it among me stuff i play them 'obscure'....and no one to date had heard of it until i spun it to them! Here it is....Kiss n Run.....and I wanted to kiss the dealer......but I thought he'd add anuver £1 on....so i run.......and got away wiv it........!x






  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

...managed to get to a Boot Sale for a quick buzz around on Saturday....and was so glad I did!x It is usually held on a Sunday...but they are trying to launch a new Saturday one to partner it.....and attract 'new' folk. They did...from a Boot sellers perspective! Many new faces and stalls.....so had to look at EVERY one...no 'oh yeah it' s him or them'.....all new! Super!x


It is said and I believe it that we...'become a product of our environment'.....and after reading threads in here during the week...it did influence my approach to looking...I found!!!! Dunno whether to thank you all or wot???!!! You decide!!!....hehe!x



Within the first 10 stalls I found this....a version of a 60's hit by Goldie & The Gingerbreads! Never heard of 'em....but knew the tune! I obviously had taken the 'covers' by 60;s bands a step further.....!! I have liked the Hermans Hermits version....but this....is betterer methinks!!

Priced in me Record Collector 2012 book @ £15.....I paid 50p for a mint copy on UK Decca...! The interesting thing is....they 'toured'...with the Beatles...Rolling Stones...The Kinks and many more 'hip young bands' of the day.......an all Girl group.....wot 'stories' eh???!!hehe!x

Would i have bought it.....without this sites influence....i'd like to think so...but...?!x




The 2nd tune I found...well 2 at the same stall...came from a Lady whose husband had dabbled as a DJ in the 70's....but had passed away 4 years ago and she had just sorted the loft out! She had brought about 20 tunes that a friend had said were 'worthless' to start. They were obvious 'classics' when I sifted through...'Reet Petite' on Coral....'Hey Baby' on Mercury....real obvious stuff....but then....2 nuggets together...the first...by The Impalas on UK MGM...'Sorry'....which is brilliant late Doo Wop! Knew the tune but never seen it!!!

The band are interesting too....and their story touches the 'covers' thread in a different way! Whilst all the UK bands were 'white' in the main doing black singers songs.....the Impalas are credited for being the first...or certainly second...(Some dispute as to which!)...'mixed' race band to get aired in the USA!!!

The vid is absolutely fantastic....that 'walk to nowhere' Dance is spot on!!!!x But the tune is marching on forever methinks.....and no apologies for saying so....except here is a 'sorry'.....




P.S....the 'oh ooooh' at the beginning was an apparent mistake he made when not ready for the first take.....the producer apparently decided to leave the 'mistake' in....and rightly so!x


The tune that partnered this....I had to 'save'! It was Jimmy Ruffin's 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' on UK TMG. As said...all real obvious.....buuuut....this is the 'first' issue copy! (Or I was told it was in the early 90's!!') This issue has a tremendous 'B'....which Len may recall I played at does throughout the 90's......and would do still today! Priced in RC 2012 at £18.....and I don;t see this issue often...say once or twice a year in me travels.....and worth every penny! I didn't pay for this or the Impalas. Mandy had £1 each on the tunes for sale...I gave her Grand Daughter who was helping a £5......and as we all got on then I am going round Mandy's tomorrow night to help her price the rest and buy what i want for my collection......about 100 she says!!! So...'what becomes of the Broken Hearted'....???...they weep....because Baby....i've got em.......hehe!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.............!!!!!!!!!!x




Mandy may well be reading this as i told her I would mention her late husband....Sam....who certainly had an ear for music from what i saw he had put together....and can't wait to see how 'tuned in' he was in the 70's!x R.I.P Sam...and as Mandy said....sh'e's just glad someone appreciated them and will play them as he did....and I do....and will...X

(Change of deal mandy for this tune!!x) I have said i will buy what i want for my collection and help her get the proper money for the rest. I 'saved' this tune....it was hot...sunny.....and in the open. I;ve seen vinyl 'die' in that environment within seconds.....! I have it on a mint Demo and issue already. So Mandy....whoever messgaes me first....can have it....for FREE!!!x Sharing the joy of good music!x It has a label tear on the A side...but the B plays fine and looks good.....and anyway....it's in 'the groove'...which don't crackle!x First PM gets it....post and delivery free!!!x


The 4th tune I got before leaving the Boot Sale....is those in the freebasings forums fault......!!!! I have been influenced BIG TIME....but....am happy wiv it...!x I read every comment....then said....wtf am i reading this thread for....?!!!!! I don't even do 'em....for yeeeears...! I didn't contribute to the thread.....but...it has left an impression on me...subliminal.....and has lead to me getting an ABSOLUTE MINT DEMO copy of the below on MUMS records......for £1....sitting on it's own leaning next to a lamp shade!!!! I 'saved' it........and I can't get the flippin' thing outta me head.....and has shunted itself into me 'hippy' section in me collection.....!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




....thanx to all you 'spotters'....u got me steaming ahead ...but on the wrong track.....Billy Butler would be wincing.............I reckon!!x





...the first PM by time will get the tune and i'll announce it here who has it!!!x Sharing the joy.......X

Edited by SOOTY



.....I broke me own rules tday! I never pay more than a £5 for a record at a boot sale.....the joy is finding a tune.....for a £1 and under! That's me pleasure! But....the below was sitting in a 'dealers' box.....with £8 on it!!!....he took £7...! I have had the record since 1993 in me disco/wedding box stuff....all time classic init! I see the issue every week....for 10p.....! But a 'demo'....? Never seen one! 







Now...my copy has a sticker mark on it....which i moaned about and he took a quid off....! But I fooled him....and had me a bargaaaain!!! It wos the B side I wanted anyway....which is mint!!!! When I got the record home for me classic 60's stuff in '93....I played the B....as you do. LUV'D it since! I actually played it at an All Dayer in Kettering mid 90's....and at a Gloucester All Dayer around 97....but that's it!x Any Soulie that pops round gets to hear it among me stuff i play them 'obscure'....and no one to date had heard of it until i spun it to them! Here it is....Kiss n Run.....and I wanted to kiss the dealer......but I thought he'd add anuver £1 on....so i run.......and got away wiv it........!x










Sooty that Helen Shapiro record is very rare, I've only had it once in any of my UK collections - plus it's one of the best early 60's pop records of all - if you ever want to flog it do let me know

Posted (edited)

Think one of my best buys at a booty was the 'Gamble allstars' album in excellent condition for a fiver.
Thing is the guy seemed to know what he was selling, but obviously can't have been too familiar with this album.
Also lots of other bits found here and there, Susan Maughan - That other place 30p, Spellbinders - Help me 20p, and Reperata - Panic £2, all on UK labels and in decent condition for not more than £2 a piece.

Edited by Northern Soul UK
Guest stevie frear

Bargain Of The Century

Started by stevie frear, Mar 24 2013 08:54 PM
Hey sooty, some great storys here of finds..car boots,second hand shops, etc. :yes: 

...on it Stevie!x I have an old old mate from Halifax...Phil Webster,,,,about our age possibly a couple of years older?! He was a local lad and lived in Halifax in the 70's...ain't seen each other since....but i've asked at any opportunity......know him???!x He ain't a 'soulie'...as such....more of a wayward youth back in the day......but then again....perhaps he might have been....hehe!x




....PEEEETE....u jest shirley???!!!!hehe!!x The pleasure is in finding them mate...as i;m sure you appreciate...X No money replaces them as such. I did make a decision to collect demo's of the 'classics'...through Boot sales and the like......and have amassed about 70-80 in the past 10-15 years.....probably paid about £100....150 in total for them all.....!x However.....IF it means it gets 'swapped; for a record that is higher up on me play list....and could shuffle sideways into me Northern stuff....then......perhaps!!! BUT...it would have to be 'good'....the Kiss N Run...to me...is Norvern!!!!x Like you say....i've never seen one....and probably won't again! I met Helen too....at the Abbey Road studios....by accident about 10 years...nope...15 years ago!! I was taking some 'tourists' to get the classic pic on the zebra crossing....and she was there doing some publicity stuff outside....! Luvly Lady and one of Britain's greatest assets from that era methinks!x  I better shut up.....i'm talking meself back into keeping it......it has 'memory's attached'....and I could get it signed.....!!!! Would that 'kill it'....if I did??...in your book Pete??!! Or would it mean that Shrine tune is winging its way to me without fuss.....?!!!hehe!x How much is it worth would you say????.....out of interest.............! But ure not having it.....I don;t think..........i'm outta 'ere.....you'll have em all off me....like they did in the 90's........hehe!!x



...on it Stevie!x I have an old old mate from Halifax...Phil Webster,,,,about our age possibly a couple of years older?! He was a local lad and lived in Halifax in the 70's...ain't seen each other since....but i've asked at any opportunity......know him???!x He ain't a 'soulie'...as such....more of a wayward youth back in the day......but then again....perhaps he might have been....hehe!x








....PEEEETE....u jest shirley???!!!!hehe!!x The pleasure is in finding them mate...as i;m sure you appreciate...X No money replaces them as such. I did make a decision to collect demo's of the 'classics'...through Boot sales and the like......and have amassed about 70-80 in the past 10-15 years.....probably paid about £100....150 in total for them all.....!x However.....IF it means it gets 'swapped; for a record that is higher up on me play list....and could shuffle sideways into me Northern stuff....then......perhaps!!! BUT...it would have to be 'good'....the Kiss N Run...to me...is Norvern!!!!x Like you say....i've never seen one....and probably won't again! I met Helen too....at the Abbey Road studios....by accident about 10 years...nope...15 years ago!! I was taking some 'tourists' to get the classic pic on the zebra crossing....and she was there doing some publicity stuff outside....! Luvly Lady and one of Britain's greatest assets from that era methinks!x  I better shut up.....i'm talking meself back into keeping it......it has 'memory's attached'....and I could get it signed.....!!!! Would that 'kill it'....if I did??...in your book Pete??!! Or would it mean that Shrine tune is winging its way to me without fuss.....?!!!hehe!x How much is it worth would you say????.....out of interest.............! But ure not having it.....I don;t think..........i'm outta 'ere.....you'll have em all off me....like they did in the 90's........hehe!!x




All the Helen 45's are rare on demo mate.  Also most of her 45's after 1963 are hard to find and she did some great ones including Look Over Your Shoulder, He Knows How To Love Me and so on.  Truly excellent British pop (not soul before anyone chips in) singer.

Don't think signatures are either here nor there really...unless it was like John lennon or Elvis.

Posted (edited)

....well bu**er me.....there's Elvis written on the B side.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehe!!!x



I found a copy of the French EP which everyone was going on about in the 90's....forget the track that's on it! I was in France and found it! Got £200 worth of swops at the time! I'd have kept it....but finding that run in groove at 7am in the morning seemed toooo much hard work for me at the time...hehe!x That's why I don;t do LP's....i'd forget to switch the revs.....and do a pinky and perky job!!! Mind u......I think i'd have filled the floor with such at Tony's in Blackburn......I got away wiv anythng!!!Happy days!x


Edited by SOOTY
  • 2 weeks later...

Co-incidences.....amazing!! Forgive me whilst I talk to meself!!x I've just got in....and having a cuppa and put the telly on.....and a Beach Boys proggy is on.....and Brian Wilson was being featured!! The co-incidence? This morning I popped into a wind swept drizzly Boot Sale en route to a days business......and looked along the sad looking 14 stalls......and i found 1 tune.....and thought I had never heard it......until half way through playing it!!! I never twigged it was 'it'..the music was 'funky'....and I just didn't twig!! I bought it for a £1...mint demo....and it was on 'Big Tree'....which I have come across in me time and had some good tunes on the label....some i;m sure being Northern?! So perhaps I was thinking 'soul' when i looked at the label....saw 'Brian Wilson' written....bound to be a relative of Frank or summink init??!! Then put it in me bag to come home too! That was 7.30am this morning!! Anyway.....played it about 20 minutes ago as I walked in....whilst putting kettle on.....and turning telly on.....and there he is...Brian Wilson singing 'Forever'...! Then the proggy sez it was him who was behind the 'You are So Beautiful' tune recorded by Billy Preston!!......so yeah.......it's no co-incidence I picked the tune up......the man had soul.....and this ain;t a bad take on the mans work either.....i'd say! .............and just thought i;d share me findiings today....which has learned me loads....!x





What does it all mean????....God or Muhammed and beelzeebub only knows mefinks!x nite nite...X



.....and a 'appy birfday Mrswoodrules.....ure a cheery chappy and so thought i'd say so to keep it so....and soulful.....or Mike will gimme grief...hehe!x



  • 2 weeks later...

WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! Found me a nuggett.....a BIG one!!!x I don't do LP's as i've explained in this thread....but....on occasion....there is only the LP! This is one of those occasions. It is so momentous....it will go into my LP collection gathered over 40 years since being given Gene Pitneys Big Sixteen in 1970 for me 11th birthday.....and now total 9 LPs.......so......it is 'mega' to join such a 'rare' collection!!!


I went looking for it about 5 years ago....and it has eluded me since....unless I wanted to pay £100+ for the original....which I didn't...! A 45...yeah....cos i'll play it....but an LP...would sit with Gene for the next 35 years really!! But I have found it.....for £10 yesterday at a boot sale!!!!!!


It pi**es over anything heard at Glastonbury done by 'the originals' i'm sure! It also exposes how very little was done to it by those who have more 'verve'...!


Here it is...!




Done in 1966 by the then Manager of the Stones...Andrew Loog Oldham just before they went to the USA and went under Bert Berns/Russells 'influence'!!


Although all are listenable too on a chill out Sunday afternoon...my 3 best tracks are Satisfaction...Play With Fire....with 'The Last Time'....being the ultimate...which none of you can say can be bettered......shirley????!!!







You can see why Richard became a 'dick'....and got nowt for his troubles....init!x Sometimes...the 'original' can't be bettered I feel....and when thinking about it.....for them to come up with Bitter Sweet after 30 years of 'thinking' about it.....then it's pretty 'lazy' really.....whilst being 'momentous' and uplifting all the same....like the original....I reckon!x




Off to find some more 'nuggetts'...have a happy day.....!x




I got this in a collection early 1993....and had never heard the 'vocal'....and played it at my Soul Nights....but was told by 'old school' there was no such record???...But I had it in me hands....!! SUPER addition...as was The Verves vocal....but this effort blows the Verves addition away...




as does this....for 'comparison'....




.......and blew me away when hearing the end vocal result.....which Bittersweet still can't 'hit' me like these 'additions'!


Wot do you all think?!x



  • 3 weeks later...

Morning!x Whilst being away for a while...my partner decided to get me a pressy from the Boot Sale for my return! Now...I collect my own records as I don't know wot i'm gonna get next!! But...through general chats my partner Abs knows a few key records i'm still seeking on me travels! One of them being Ernie Tennessee Fords 16 Tons original....on a 45rpm....! I have it on a 78....and on an 'old gold' re-issue which i've used for nearly 20 years when DJing on the occasion it needed playing! That's testiment to my liking for the tune...but also for the 'rareity' of it on an original 45rpm....when seeking it via a Boot Sale! So...it's been on me top 10 'wants'....for 20 years! That is what Abs knows. She found it last week-end....! I returned on Wednesday and couldn't wait for this 'surprise' which I would be excited about.....so It was said! I got the tune in me hands.....and couldn't believe the copy....clean label....middle still intact....in fact as good as one could expect for a near on 60 year old piece of vinyl!...But..hang on.....it sez 1965......whereas the tune was done in 1955.......errrr.......!




So...on the deck it goes for its first ever spin....and this was what I heard....for the first time ever......




.......it's the 'Go-Go' version apparently!! I've since read about it....but....nobody who is selling it sez 'it ain't 'it'....!!!!

I have been here before as i'm sure some of you have! Two Northern/soulful tracks I have been pursuing caught me out so to speak!


The first time this has happened was with a luvly tune I came across whilst visiting a friend who collects Jazz! He played me Brook Bentons 'Kiddio'....powerful....catchy.....marvellous accompaniment.....just had to have one! I've had 3 copy's to date....not 1 of them sounds as good as my mates 'original' 'promo copy'!!! indeed...all 3 copy's on different releases sound different and he sings it different....none of them being as good as the promo!!! POOOOOO!!!!


The nearest I have got to my preferred version is this copy....




The second great Soul swindle was Garnet Mimms....As Long As I Have You.....! I had it on the Warm n Soulful album for a while.....and went after the single...got it....but it weren't! It was a 'live' version of it! £30 AND me warm n soulful album down the swanny about 18 years ago....and a box of Kleenex to go wiv it....sigh...!







As far as Ernie Fords 'Go-Go' version.....yup....it's 'nice'......but not BRILLIANT....me feels!x My partner was dis-appointed it weren't 'it'.....but delighted she'd only paid £1 for it......! It's going in me collection for musical chairs and stuff....and have added to me knowledge base as a consequence which is all good......aaaand found this whilst doing me research on the tune....which was a joy.....and dedicated to my partner and all you well meaning Ladies who look after us fellas.....or try too!!!!!hehe!x







  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Morning!x Went to my regular Saturday Boot Sale....spoke with 50+ folk as I do.....which included around 7 'collector/dealers' whom buzz around for those profitable tunes! As usual...not phased by 'competition'....cos I ain't got any! I'm after being surprised.....not looking for anything....just what takes my fancy based on the label info or past experience of the artist! It means I take gambles.....if u consider splashing out 20p/50p.£1 a gamble!! Because I know many stall holders...then the newbies stick out! I always make a point of 'welcoming' them to the event in my own way and make pleasantries! Whilst doing that at 1 stall....the luvly elderly couple were pleased that I was interested in their tin of needles for a 78rpm player! I go through about 20 needles in an afternoon session so am constantly looking to replace them!


I asked the couple if they had any records still at home....with that....the old fella jumped off his seat and said 'oh yes...I forgot i;d put them back in the car an hour ago because of the sun....and I haven't put them back out!"  Good news to my ears on 2 fronts.....a 45rpm will 'die' at a boot sale within 15 minutes if direct sunlight is on it I have witnessed...and the previous hour or so I had been nodding at the dealers as they buzz'd around....and had all gone by now.....so 'fresh' pickings left behind.....wonderful!! They say 'the early bird gets the worm'....well.....I collect records.....not worms hehe"x It's good to talk....to stall holders.....I consider my ability to do so an asset!!! A Walkers crisp box arrived with about 20 78's....a couple of magazines.....and 7 45's from the 50's/60's tucked to the back!  I didn't know 1 of them....but knew a few of the artistes...and 4 were instrumentals according to the old boy...and so when prompted to take the 'little ones' for a hesitant £3...I went for it and gave the Lady a £5 and suggested she buy herself an ice cream with the bonus as her husband wouldn't due to their on going 'banter' as to her diet effort...or lack of!!! He cursed me...she smiled.....u can't please all....all the time!!hehe!x


I got home and spun them/checked the RC 2012 book for prices....and this was the playing order i'd go for if DJing with this 'collection' at a chilled party.........as Kev Fev would say......'like this'....


..kicking off to get folk off their seats....one of my favourite singers across genres.....since aged 11....Gene Pitney.....but here he is singing in Italian...!...never 'erd it...STOMPER......!




My copy is on Italian United Artists....and flies along dunit?.....bellla!x


....next...to keep those 'launched' by the first tune 'busy' then i'd follow up with this burster of a B side by The Flee Rekkers on Pye called Shiftless Sam from 1960....booking @ £20....! Never heard of them or it...altho summink rings familiar in the background somehow....?! I have about 100 instrumentals in my collection....so it's possible it's a cover or remix of summink from the Glen Miller era?? Found this excellent clip to go with it from the vinyl era.......




So let's have a 'quality' breather tune to get ure breath back...! Back to vocal....and tune/s i've never heard....! BUT...this singer was the 2nd artist introduced to me as singing a 'Norvern Soul' song in 1975....by my mate Wayne who went thru his then 100 tunes as we bunked school 1 afternoon! Don Fardon...and Indian Reservation was played....luv'd it then as a tune...and still do 38 years later! This tho'.....never seen or heard! BOTH sides are decent...in their own way! I utubed it.....and......this came up.......!!!!!!!!!!!!




American Youngblood on British books @ £40 in the 2012 RC...! However....it get's better....as BOTH sides are EXCELLENT.....double bubble.....2nd track coming lata!


Now ...let's put a 'floater' on! I like me instrumentals and The Shadows were it as a kid! They taught me how to play the air guitar in me bedroom! I have perhaps 20 shadows tunes many which aren't 'obvious'! This one isn't! I'd never heard it in 40+ years of liking them!

It's called Maroc 7...and was a film I understand! However....whilst the tune is superb booking @ £10....and joins my Man From Uncle...The Saint....Mission Impossible section.....the most interesting thing I noticed was the label! It's got BIG letters! Never seen that on a British Columbia! Indian...Australian.....yep...big letters....but I ain't got 1 Brit Columbia like it?! Anyone know the craic on that?!x

I put this clip up to play as it features a cinema ad run in...! I have a few of these including Shirley Bassey's Diamonds are Forever on a demo with Brit Emporial voice doing the cinema intro....great stuff....






The B side is Bombay Duck which is also 'neat'....and is available to watch 'live' by The Shadows on Utube!x


...ok...u 've had ure fag and caught up on whose banging who....time to dance again.....!...................!x


Take it away Don....walk....don't run or Mr Fontana may kick ure butt......hehe!!x B side....Keep On Loving Me...!




......and for all u travellers who have come to the gig......the next ones for you......it packs a beat....and is....The Packabeats with Gypsy Beat....YEEEEHAAAA.....TUNE.....booking @ £20....get ure shuffling shoes out.......!!!!!




The B side 'Big Man' is worth listening too as well for those keen on instrumentals! The bonus...? Both tunes made in 1961....the year I was born....which I always find as 'nice'!x


Ok you shufflers...stompers....and floaters.....kick ure shoes off...hug together and join me with the final tune...!x As always.....it's the last tune on the deck that leaves the impression.....I saved it to play last myself....and wasn't dis-appointed...Sammy Turner on London...booking @ £20 inthe RC 2012 edition....and worth every penny too methinks....never heard it......enjoy....Always........




I can only find US Big Top clips of it!! Super tune......and worth getting out of bed for on its own!x


Drink up folks...drive safely....and look forward to the next......what?....that's only 5 outta 7?! Ok...u got me....shoes on.....let's groooove...those not dancing then sing along with the guy behind Shirley.......!!!!!!! London copy books @ £6....but who cares.....PAAAARTYYYY.....!!!!






...the 7th wonder??...erm....i'm still wondering!...The Playmates.....What iIs Love on Columbia....under a £5er I suppose as not featured in the RC book! I like their Beep Beep tune which I have....but.....look at the write up on this utube clip....'Suzy Parker'??? Is this the Suzy Parker Dance of Love Suzy? Willing to learn....!x





What is love if it is not shared??....thanx for reading....off to get some worms....for fishing! What else would u be up at this time of the morning for..........hehe...........enjoy your day...!x


Edited by SOOTY
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Morning!!x I found this tune albeit a bit crackly a while back at a boot sale....but found another mint copy to replace it yesterday on British London...and it sounds as brill as it did to me the first time I heard it years ago!!x A double sider with 'Our Day Will Come'...on the B....which is nice. I think the Moonlight side has 'class' tho'!x SUPER piece of vinyl and worth me first trip to a Boot for a few weeks after consistent wash out week ends!!x £15 in the 2012 RC book.....and purchased on both occasions for £1!

Dedicated to those due to leave the 100club and any A/N venue soon....and 'perfick' to be climbing the stairs to civilisation or heaven methinks!!x Have a good day all...off to see if I can find some more 'jewels'....which is a romantic thought and will leave you with a Ruby who definitely is a treasure in my lug holes!!x





...have a happy day all!!x

Edited by SOOTY
  • 4 months later...

Blimey....! Just looked at me last bit I added in this thread...and it was nearly 6 months ago....!!! This is the first tiome I have logged on...or looked at the site since I last spoke in January too.....so sorry all for not replying to the messages stacked in me box and stuff...I have been busy...and am continuing to be for another 3 or 4 days and will pop back after then to share some joy here and there ok!x 

I've popped in early because I found this about 6 weeks ago in a junk shop in a friends barn in a village called Birch Cross near Stafford...! Took it home....and was so impressed I shared the tune with a few media friends ho were visiting same day! Just sat in me office after returning from Glasgow and bu**er me the tune comes up on 5 Live as a backing track to a horse racing article they is doing.....which me mates assist with! Sounded awesome....and fitting to the article! It inspired me to share my delight....and I also thought it a fitting tune......considering our last 'meet' in here....!x Love......whatever happens....the music can't leave yer.......some monkey......sigh...X



I will answer the messages etc when me business priorities are finished next week!x Have I missed it in here? Yes. Do I need it? Nope. But...we'll start again and less....is more.....i've proved it since being away.....and will share all when i pop back!!x



Posted (edited)

Ive never heard that before. What a great tune. Grabbed me in the first 10 secs or so. Thats the kind of music I like.

Edited by Koolkat

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