Sooty Posted March 30, 2013 Posted March 30, 2013 Hi folks! I put this post in here as well as the members shout area as it may appeal to the masses as opposed to the few who are interested in new members etc!x Sooty 'ere from Cambridge! It was me nickname back in the day but I changed it by deed poll a few years back and its on me passport and stretched limo so your welcome!x I was promoter of St Ives/The Maltings and City Stop around Cambridge in the 90's! I DJ'd Nationally from 100 Club too Blackburn....taking in Micks 'Temple of Doom' in on the way back wiv a 17 seater minibus usually!x I was the only one allowed to call it that....hehe!x Shifty...Lenny Dobson....and many other 'names' came thru with me...we was 'the new wave' of that decade really! I quit promoting DJing in 2000...but went back to the scene via Kings Hall in 2003 to make an independent documentary at Kings Hall! Kev and Richard liked it so much they asked me to follow it up with the Wigan Anniversary vid a year later! That was 10 years ago! I've had a good read and see many familiar names still 'active'! I also read with sadness many good folk have in Soul heaven all...X I still have me records...about 1400 and collect the odd tune I hear which makes them tingles happen just as they did back in my mate Wayne Astrans bedroom aged 14 when he spun me some Northern for the first time as we bunked school!! Now...I have recently spoken with Kev Roberts...Ady Croasdell...Sean Chapman and a few others to 'sound; them out! So....there may have been some 'chat' that i may be popping up somewhere soon....well...i'm here!!hehe!x This is why.... A good friend and record producer came round mine and heard some of my rare tunes from across the board! He was 'inspired'! That was 18 months ago. I went to see him about 6 months ago....and he'd made 16 'new' tracks from them all......PURE tingles said as i listened to them! 4 of the tracks came straight out of me Northern stuff.....and.....and....I have to say.....I feel they have added or paid respects to the 'originals'! There is no financial gain personally for me in saying that! The Northern tracks have already been donated to 3 local football clubs Fans Trusts.....or my royalties on them! when i was 'active' on the interest is....the music...still! The 'Togetherness' video from 10 years ago....was never released 'officially' on DVD! It was video only and 1,000 copies were sold!! Bootlegs went off at gigs for a £10er....but never done 'proper'! it is an 'anniversary'....then i thought we'd re-release it....AND...put the 4 Northern based tracks on there with basic a gesture to pay respects to the 'underground' scene that i came from....before they go commercial.....GLOBALLY!!! 2 of the tracks they've been bought up already by major record Companys as part of the album deal! 1 Northern trck is ear marked for an advert too! They have allowed me to do this pre release be respectful to 'the scene' and its supporters!x There will be a limited number of vinyls done as double A sides for those really keen!x The full album including 13 tracks is due for release in May! The 'Togetherness' DVD will be available by end of April! I said in the title of the thread that i'm still keeping it....and I believe....with this album and tracks....I've done me bit to generate further interest from new generations! Thanx for reading!x Instead of my usual handshake/hug....i'll leave you with this.....1 of the other tracks....which epitomises mine and Petes philosophy/approach to music and feelings about it!x It's a bluesy instrumental backing from Johnny & The Hurricanes from 1959 and will be on the DVD as a bonus track! Simon Cowell loved it.....and I hope you like them all at least.........!!x Thanx for reading....and i look forward to making a gig soon!x TUNE REMOVED BY SOOTY...or he'll get battered by record Company! U Shudda downloaded it already init!x LUV SOOTY X 07521042699 .....and i can't leave without 1 more tune....just like I did as the lights came up at 8.03 am at Blackburn A/N! I used to get the old dear a bunch of flowers each time who cleared up....and I was the only 1 allowed to play 1 after 8!!! Happy days indeed....! Here's a trip down memory lane from the 90's...! It's a compilation of memorabilia gathered....and faces you'll recognise! The tune......erm.....being re sung by a new singer.....but I cant say who....contractually! It's not plan a..........! 1 of the tunes which will be on the DVD and album and as a single...It's called Competition Liquidated..............................and they have been.....!x DITTO...GONE!x
John A Posted March 30, 2013 Posted March 30, 2013 Hiya Sooty - it's Wendy Maxwell (as was) on John's account - how are you doing? Be nice to catch up with you soon :-) x
Sooty Posted March 31, 2013 Author Posted March 31, 2013 chalky Posted YDay, 09:39 PM How do Sooty, long time no see. How you doing and welcome to SS. Like Chalky My Website, The Stafford Story, Lifeline & Podcasts SOOTY Second Issue Boot 1 posts Posted A minute ago ........still kicking as are you I read!x Nice 1 Chalky!x I have popped into the forum on occasion for births/deaths/divorces...hehe! read over the years....but.....after a 10 year whirlwind tour of the UK....often DJing 3 times in a night....and driving a 17 seater around with Fudge as shotgun.....then where do u start to 'share'????!!!!x I'm still figuring it all out 10 years later!!x I read yours and others comments about Bub too...and indeed....he was always a refreshing and welcoming sight whenever we arrived at an unearthly hour to share the decks. Always friendly and certainly direct....a proper Norvernor...and one of the few DJ's....and I mean DJ's...that was on the 'circuit' whilst I was in the 90's. A peoples DJ and am glad to have had my happy thoughts about him rekindled.....nice 1 folks...X I will copy this post into the main forum and post i've duplicated to keep it all together!x A 'Lady' awaits my attention....and as a Gentleman....I cannot keep her waiting any longer!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...say hi to all the crew your end....happy days and times we had....and they are all special memorys for me which I thank you all for mate...X Now........I said 10 years ago u get about......and here u are!!!hehe!x I hope you and yours are well Wendy...X The interview/chat we had on the above vid is still as relevant....and it was 10 years ago.....timeless in fact!x I used your pic on the cover as a 'have u seen this Lady' kinda wanted with it!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....well travelled.......respects poppet...X @@ ~ fact....out of respect for you Wendy....I will dedicate this tune to it was a mutual friend who introduced it to me back in '93...Andy Orvis! I played it amongst me set for the next 7 years!x Here it is made ready for an 'advert'...on the telly!!! Your the first to hear it...or have it dedicated to you! I put a few simple pics to it for watching purposes on the above DVD and uploaded it yesterday...!x Enjoy!!!...x TOO SLOW...TUNE REMOVED IN CASE HAND BAG CROWD GET IT!....was for hard core only!x
Sooty Posted April 2, 2013 Author Posted April 2, 2013 (edited) Happy Easter all............if it ain;t to late!x Gonna have a chucky egg now i;ve finished the last vid for the DVD! Just dedicated it to the Manchester crew in the Members Shout put it in here for your pleasure too!x LUV SOOTY X VID REMOVED...NEXT APPEARING ON THE DVD!X Edited April 8, 2013 by SOOTY
Dave Moore Posted April 2, 2013 Posted April 2, 2013 Topic moved to general sales as seems more appropriate forum. Regards, Dave
Pete S Posted April 2, 2013 Posted April 2, 2013 Sooty I have to say, I really like what you've done with the music, usually when people fiddle about with Northern it ends up sounding crap but that Competition and Tombstones tunes are spot on, as is the Freddie Highes thing. very nice, well done.
Sooty Posted April 3, 2013 Author Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) Pete....THANK YOU...X For someone in your position and 'cred' means much...X Pete my Producer mate is like flows through him...and he can work a machine to help get it out of his head!! Before he came around mine...'The Snake' and Out on The Floor was his only 'northern' he knew of or had heard! Natural stuff he came up with....which most Northern is.....'soul' stirring....simples!x We are so pleased with our result that we ain't even figured out how much to sell the DVD for!!! Honest! Given your experience on such matters....what do you think? £15-20? They cost about £3 to produce. We want the folk who put the hours in selling/sharing the music to be rewarded too. All the money raised on these DVDs are going to 'soulful' causes. Me and Pete will make our dosh with the Commercial Music industry....they can afford it. So...what's a 'fair' price'...for Soulies....'the people'?! How much do 'traders' work on these days? 30%? We have an intiial 500 run in mind...although 1,000 is probably nearer the demand....when we get 'on it'! Williing to be guided mate....X Thanx again for your sincere comment...X LUV SOOTY X's another off the album....based on a Searchers unsuccesful 60's commercial tune I have on a demo! It is done at their original pace too.....and we will be in every resort around Europe for this Summer for folk to party too!x We have to believe that....the record Company behind it now....are insisting!x the 3 remaining Searchers and their fan base....are excited and will appear in the vid I am told!x I'm glad we're in this little corner out of the way......the company will batter me if they knew I was 'outing' it!!!hehe!x It's Pete's 'come back' announcement....he had the lyric in his head for the past 10 years.....and found what to do with it after our first night together! Inspired he was.....and he's back!!x....and the Police siren at the was his Mrs car....she popped home for a cuppa whilst on duty....and pushed the button for us!!!hehe!!!x @@ ~ THEY WILL BURN ME AT THE STAKE FOR PUTTING THAT TUNE UP!!! had to go....soz!! Phone a friend or get the album!!!x Edited April 8, 2013 by SOOTY
Guest Brett F Posted April 3, 2013 Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) This is April fools.. Right .. Edited April 4, 2013 by Brett F
Sooty Posted April 4, 2013 Author Posted April 4, 2013 Hi Brett!x I fool around for've contributed to the largest accessed thread this year in this particular forum!x On that basis's happenin'...for real!x Before I go...I will thank once more the folks supporting/providing this website....being 'on line' with databases/websites since 1985 means I know what it takes and you are appreciated my end...X A genuine thanx to you Soulies for a welcoming return as such....and to Pete above who gave me some great advice and opinion which is useful...X Sean Chapman I contacted some weeks ago...and has been as good a friend as when we left off our gatherings 10 years ago....thanx mate...X You can add Ady Croasdell and Kev Roberts to that genuine welcome I received 10 years after our last 'chats' too ....thank you both for your opinions and experience helping us get to this point...X A final thanx to John Manship for taking my call to this developing opportunity recent as today!x Like me Brett...he's no fool u know any fat centre halves???...we is both looking out for one!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I only know 1 other Brett in the Soul scene as such....Bert Berns/Rusells son! Brett pushes out his Dads catalogue via Sloopy music! He married a good old English girl from Windsor...and comes over regular...been friends for 15 years now! I introduced him to folk over here about 12/13 years ago and he has done brilliant in the UK with his Dad's stuff ever since. His Dads catalogue has just been taken on by Paul Mcartneys firm MPL in the Brett's the most prestigous independent publishing Company in the world! He ain't fooling....he likes our stuff too...u wanna hear what unfinished bits he's got in vaults waiting for 'genius'...since the 60's!!!!!x Do u fink I need sectshining Brett???!..Just for u......half done.....for the next album....and u wanna hear who this John is gonna meet........she's coming to the studio to sing to him next week.....WOOOOOHOOOOO............!!!x
Pumpkinseed Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING SOME SORT OF " MIND BENDING DRUGS " SOOTY ? ........IF SO , CAN I HAVE SOME PLEASE .
Sooty Posted April 5, 2013 Author Posted April 5, 2013's called endorphine Pumkinseed!x I had an overactive thyroid removed in 2004. I take 2 pills a day as a replacement....but.....if i don;t take them...after 2 days....i'm launched! In essence...I stop taking a drug to get a natural high!!!! Bottle that bu**er and we'd be Billionaires Rodders!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...i've caught Bass in the Florida glades in me time....but never knew about the Pumpkinseed.....nice 1!x Here's a ditty we've done for an advert due to be broadcast in May/June...but can't say which...or what.....contractual bo**ox.... ....for when u get ure rod and line out.....Captain....hehe!x
Sooty Posted April 5, 2013 Author Posted April 5, 2013 (edited) ...double post....I better take me pills....!x @@ ~ X Edited April 5, 2013 by SOOTY
Pumpkinseed Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 FAIR PLAY TO YOU..............KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !
Sooty Posted April 8, 2013 Author Posted April 8, 2013 No apologies folks...the tunes have had to come down as i'm sure you can understand from a Commercial aspect! I understand said....wanted to pay me respects to the 'hard core' before the masses got it all!!x I've whacked together a 'trailer' to give you an idea of sorts as to what's on the DVD! All done on Movie maker as i'm not at me production office for a few days to do it 'proper'! However....this ain't about glamour and gloss or image for's personal. it's about trying to carry the music on and appealing to new audiences who take music serious enough to want to know the background.....and end up at a a newbie. Simple as. ZombieBoy(Pete) and I also know that any of these tunes playing in a car will entertain Mam...Dad...son...daughter....and possibly get Grandchildren dancing and tapping....all at the same time. My first words to Pete when i heard the tunes he'd done was....'they unite generations'. Job done. Indeed the 2nd album is being done! As for the Togetherness vid...I've watched it for the first time in about 5 years....and it's timeless! The comment said by everyday names of DJ's and still valid today...and always will be....I reckon!x My production Company has made over 100 films in 13 years. Mainly in the entertainment/sport industry. It is tho' in essence just a front for us to use covertly to expose...pursue....capture....and imprison peedo's and protectorets of peedo's within Local Authorities/Social Services Nationwide. No different to the recent BBC/Savile story. Difference is....we would have nailed the modern Execs who continued the cover up! We've been 'at it' for 10 years.....or I have....since partnering a Solicitors practice here in Cambridge. In that 10 years....since making this vid....we've ensured over £4 million compensation has been awarded to over 400 3 seperate Cambridgeshire alone. Since the BBC outing.......the phones have gone maaaaad. You can read more about it all at Click Keith Laverack icon. Like with music....I have an independent approach and it has been effective. Point is.....whatever event i've been involved in.....none of the productions came anywhere near as enjoyable as making this 'off the cuff' one as we did this night in 2003! It was a night off!!!!x I asked questions that I never got the chance to ask throughout my 7 years of activeness around the UK. I got answers....and feelings expressed....that you won't hear anywhere else! Chris King and I arrived on the scene 'together' in the early 90's. Him as a kind of come back after his Commercial successes....and me as a 'newbie'. For 7 years....he never spoke to me on the occasions we shared decks/venues. I even DJ'd at Bretby which he and others kicked off again....and loved every moment of it! 2 HUGE personalities.....I did he...and we never crossed words or attitude. This interview was the first time we'd ever spoken....and it was natural...and we've been friends ever since. It's good to talk!x I will pop back before the final DVD is available to update you all. There is some discussions to be had and friends to talk too before it's all finalised....but whatever we end up with for'll be worth it...I reckon!x Thanx for reading....and for keeping 'The Faith'....X LUV SOOTY X I looked thru me tunes......and the ender for the credits on this trailer....epitomises my experience in here with YOU all....THANK YOU...X I will be in touch Dave/Chalky....thanx again......XX....ooops...and if u see Fudge...or anyone does.....tell him u've never heard of me....and he's a tw********t.......hehe! where's me pills.......... @@
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