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Have You Ever Been Refused To Flyer Event

Guest Leonardo

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Guest Leonardo

Heard that a friend of mine who out of courtesy asked a promoter if she could put out some flyers was told no she couldn't (even though flyers for other events had already been distributed).

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Is it a more commonplace occurance than I imagined?

Flyers were for a Charity Soul Night (not on same night as venue but in same locality 5 miles away)

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Guest gordon russell

it,s quite common place for people to go to a venue (that they never attend) just to put out flyers for their event and then go home.....which is out of order......it,s also out of order to send ya mate along to do the job for you.......if you can,t be bothered to attend then you shouldn,t be upset at being refused your flyers.........regardless of the reason for the flyers

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Guest Leonardo

it,s quite common place for people to go to a venue (that they never attend) just to put out flyers for their event and then go home.....which is out of order......it,s also out of order to send ya mate along to do the job for you.......if you can,t be bothered to attend then you shouldn,t be upset at being refused your flyers.........regardless of the reason for the flyers

Never said that the event / flyers was anything to do with me.

As it happens the woman who took the flyers regularly attends the venue and was doing a favour for a mate of mine who (also regularly attends the venue but) could not make it on the nite in question. That's how I heard about it.

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Guest gordon russell

Don`t think that there was an inference that it was you,I read it as a general comment.

Absolutely sir.....did not mean original poster.......just that it was a rather common practise out and about.....which should be discouraged. i,m generally viewed as being shall we say awkward :D ......which really means l don,t like liberty takers and the awkward tag comes when l point em out......usually by them or their friends :thumbsup::D ............have l spelt awkward right?...looks wrong to me :lol: :lol:

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Absolutely sir.....did not mean original poster.......just that it was a rather common practise out and about.....which should be discouraged. i,m generally viewed as being shall we say awkward :D ......which really means l don,t like liberty takers and the awkward tag comes when l point em out......usually by them or their friends :thumbsup::D ............have l spelt awkward right?...looks wrong to me :lol: :lol:

I know what you mean ref 'liberty takers'......I also know what you mean ref you being 'awkward', people don't wanna be told Terry - truth can hurt folk! :D

This may sound silly to some, but the word 'etiquette' yet again comes to mind. When I was a regular 'flyer putter outer' I always used to ask whoever was on the door at an event if it was ok if I put em out. One time the bouncer went to find the promoter to get his permision, which was fine. Later I learnt that they weren't letting people flyer the place if it was for an event within a certian distance radius - Which I thought a good idea, as it may have prevented too many events in close proximity to each other. This was years ago - That's out of the window now big time! (As is a lot of things)

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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I dont flier very much and always ask beforehand and in fairness have never been refused.

I dont mind people putting out fliers at our place but again prefer it if they ask first.

Can only remember once in the last eight years where someone came in, dropped some fliers at the desk and buggered off - must of annoyed me as I still remember it!


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Guest gordon russell

I know what you mean ref 'liberty takers'......I also know what you mean ref you being 'awkward', people don't wanna be told Terry - truth can hurt folk! :D

This may sound silly to some, but the word 'etiquette' yet again comes to mind. When I was a regular 'flyer putter outer' I always used to ask whoever was on the door at an event if it was ok if I put em out. One time the bouncer went to find the promoter to get his permision, which was fine. Later I learnt that they weren't letting people flyer the place if it was for an event within a certian distance radius - Which I thought a good idea, as it may have prevented too many events in close proximity to each other. This was years ago - That's out of the window now big time! (As is a lot of things)

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

Agreed LEN......but l have seen over the years promoters travelling quite some distance to a venue,putting out their flyers then uncerimoniuosly f**king off home.........what,s wrong with them enjoying the night at the venue they have just flyered......a well known kettering promoter used to flyer lifeline via his pal,but chose never to bother with the event.......what messag does this behaviour send out...........seem to remember a promoter up north not letting other promoters into his venue to flyer for this very reason....good on him say l. I also recall the fella didn,t want to even pay to get in,as he would "only be a while".Then posting on this site...his indignation lol......the cheek of some folk lol

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Guest sharmo 1

We alway's take flyers with us and have never been refused but i have heared a couple of times of people not allowing some flyers to be put out.I remember one night when some punters were collecting and screwing up some flyers for another event though regards S.

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Agreed LEN......but l have seen over the years promoters travelling quite some distance to a venue,putting out their flyers then uncerimoniuosly f**king off home.........what,s wrong with them enjoying the night at the venue they have just flyered.....

......because they're only interested in themselves / their event.....(As you know)

‘For the record’ if anyone ‘out there’ has any doubts about me - ‘Not guilty your honour’ - From next year I’m giving up promoting, because I’m fed up with having to ‘compete’ with all these events. Shame really, because I’m pretty good at it - I'll put any 'efforts' I have left in me into supporting and 'spreading the word' about events that I believe in.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

P.s - After my 'Northern Soul Gap Year'.......

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always take flyers with me and never been refused...always ask first at new venues i may not go to regular...i always also let other people leave flyers at our nights...although not if they clash as i wouldnt others

its etiquette and respect!

its the same with facebook...i dont mind people advertising there events on our group page but i had to message one big promoter about doing it for his gigs that were on the same nights as us!..not on really


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Ive had some funny moments flyering............an organiser of another event at another event picked one up once and shouted you can't have an oldies event in london...and then proceeded to say we would have let you do an event if you asked....???/ I will spare his blushes.At a small cellar bar I had someone run around after me picking them up and screwing them up(he wasn't even the organiser of the event!)...I had hundreds so he was on to a loser.I don't care who flyers my events as the events I run are musically different to most southern run events.I have had flyers mailed to me and put them out on the door.Some of the promoter antics remind me of this film


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14months ago I started a sunday soul event! this was so all the DJs in the area could meet up with fellow soulies & soul DJs who ran events in yorkshire, all I ask is 30 min's on the decks they can pulg their venue over the mic and put out flyer's I have had top backing for this day (check events past for video of the day bessemer SOS club) and best of all the soulies get a great mix of soul music from about 10 DJs on this sunday!

this is a none profit making day! I talked to my best mate about putting this day on! he said "go for it! "he died soon after,

I spent two years finding the right venue! I would like to thank all the DJs who give up their time! & the soulies who come to talk soul, listen to soul and dance to soul.

not so long ago venue's where far and few! now lots of soul nights and days the good one's will always shine throu!

let them flyer

Nigel & Elaine


in memory of Captain Bob Fox R.E. a lost soulie

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Agreed LEN......but l have seen over the years promoters travelling quite some distance to a venue,putting out their flyers then uncerimoniuosly f**king off home.........what,s wrong with them enjoying the night at the venue they have just flyered......a well known kettering promoter used to flyer lifeline via his pal,but chose never to bother with the event.......what messag does this behaviour send out...........seem to remember a promoter up north not letting other promoters into his venue to flyer for this very reason....good on him say l. I also recall the fella didn,t want to even pay to get in,as he would "only be a while".Then posting on this site...his indignation lol......the cheek of some folk lol

Yep, if it's not good enough for you to attend, why is it good enough to flyer.

I've also heard of people " Only doing a Flyer Drop " ???

i.e. cruising several venues to flyer then home for a Bovril.

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Yep, if it's not good enough for you to attend, why is it good enough to flyer.

I've also heard of people " Only doing a Flyer Drop " ???

i.e. cruising several venues to flyer then home for a Bovril.

this tends to be guys who are putting on events to make money, I've had a couple do it on me, but I'm not arsed, cant see what the problem.

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Ask the promoter before flyering.

If your venue clashes,dont flyer that venue.

If you and the promoter,have "history",don't send anyone else to do it for you.

If you dont know the promoter,go as a punter and have a look if the people there would enjoy your night.Take time to see what records they are reacting to.If its a no,back out of the door gracefully,doffing your cap.Do not diss said venue.Do not pass Go,do not collect £200.

Flyer like minded venues.

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Ask the promoter before flyering.

If your venue clashes,dont flyer that venue.

If you and the promoter,have "history",don't send anyone else to do it for you.

If you dont know the promoter,go as a punter and have a look if the people there would enjoy your night.Take time to see what records they are reacting to.If its a no,back out of the door gracefully,doffing your cap.Do not diss said venue.Do not pass Go,do not collect £200.

Flyer like minded venues.

Cant believe people are so bleeding fussy about this, personally I say it again, anyone who wont let you put a few poxy flyers out on a reportable underground scene, or at least one that has its roots in the underground, is a tosser! clear and simple. cant see anyone maning up to defend the practice of not allowing it, on here. but there plenty at it.

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Cant believe people are so bleeding fussy about this, personally I say it again, anyone who wont let you put a few poxy flyers out on a reportable underground scene, or at least one that has its roots in the underground, is a tosser! clear and simple. cant see anyone maning up to defend the practice of not allowing it, on here. but there plenty at it.

I've had people 'pop' to venues I've run just to give out flyers many times in the past, and it didn't really bother me. They paid the entrance fee, and if they went home early then it was their loss. I did notice though, but just thought it a bit odd / cheeky, none were going to affect my event, so I had no reason to stop them doing it.

To 'defend the practise' though, I would fully understand someone refusing flyers that were of a 'rivals' night - When I say 'rivals' I mean someone unnecessarily putting on another night that has a direct effect on the event / future events in question. There's a lot of it about and a bit of standing up for one’s venue is understandable.

If it’s simply money orientated, I'm not impressed - If it's a genuine 'soul' sticking up for their event, then power to em.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

Edited by LEN
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I've had people 'pop' to venues I've run just to give out flyers many times in the past, and it didn't really bother me. They paid the entrance fee, and if they went home early then it was their loss. I did notice though, but just thought it a bit odd / cheeky, none were going to affect my event, so I had no reason to stop them doing it.

To 'defend the practise' though, I would fully understand someone refusing flyers that were of a 'rivals' night - When I say 'rivals' I mean someone unnecessarily putting on another night that has a direct effect on the event / future events in question. There's a lot of it about and a bit of standing up for one’s venue is understandable.

If it’s simply money orientated, I'm not impressed - If it's a genuine 'soul' sticking up for their event, then power to em.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

That they paid to get in is the point-its the ones that wanna flyer every table in the place WITHOUT paying that crawl up my goat

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Cant believe people are so bleeding fussy about this, personally I say it again, anyone who wont let you put a few poxy flyers out on a reportable underground scene, or at least one that has its roots in the underground, is a tosser! clear and simple. cant see anyone maning up to defend the practice of not allowing it, on here. but there plenty at it.

Sorry if this comes across fussy Geese.My post was aimed at finding a solution to flyering other events,and possibly avoiding any friction.If you don't see flyering events that clash as a problem,then i'm wasting my time.Plenty of folks go to flyer successful venues,hoping to nick a few punters,without an intention of returning.

As for underground,that bus has left the depot.Unless you're advocating the non-use of the internet.And going back to word of mouth.

And flyers.

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My post was aimed at finding a solution to flyering other events,and possibly avoiding any friction.

The only way any friction will ever be avoided, is the day people realise that if a certain kind of event is already catered for, there's absolutely no point in putting another one on in the vicinity - be it the same night or not.

Please let me know when that happens, and I will put my umbrella up to avoid the Pig droppings :D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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Sorry if this comes across fussy Geese.My post was aimed at finding a solution to flyering other events,and possibly avoiding any friction.If you don't see flyering events that clash as a problem,then i'm wasting my time.Plenty of folks go to flyer successful venues,hoping to nick a few punters,without an intention of returning.

As for underground,that bus has left the depot.Unless you're advocating the non-use of the internet.And going back to word of mouth.

And flyers.

it wasn't direct pop at your views Kev, I know your soul's in the right place on this. I just get pissed at the commercial lot getting all eaten up about it about anyone flyering thier do's, if their in direct competition or not, at the end of the day the punters are free to make there own choice about where they go and stopping someone putting a few flyers out doesnt alter the fact. I also realise there are plenty of petty, purrile, tossers out there who do intentionally clash nights to cause friction and scupper others events. sad really. So I take your point that there does need to be some etiquette and common manners shown to avoid friction. But to be honest If someone comes to 'change' to put out flyers for a rival warm up for the kings hall, I gladly help them to put em out. honestly!

I'd also attend their night, pull my 40 inch bags down and deficate on the dancefloor, in full veiw, and I do make that a promise! atb, geese.

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Here's a plan ! as I go round a lot of soul event's there are more people setting a table aside for flyers, so that means you dont end up with a pint (or a glass of wine ) with a ton of flyer's on the bottom of your glass every time you have a sip or two!

its a plan thats all! I aways ask before I put any flyers out! and only if I am doing a DJ spot?


Nigel & Elaine

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Matt Male

I've been to events where I've decided not to put out any of our flyers... :lol:



I know exactly what you mean Sian. :lol:

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The only way any friction will ever be avoided, is the day people realise that if a certain kind of event is already catered for, there's absolutely no point in putting another one on in the vicinity - be it the same night or not.

Please let me know when that happens, and I will put my umbrella up to avoid the Pig droppings :D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:


Sadly Len, not enough people care to do that...................

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