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Sad News Nige Shaw RIP was: Well Known Soul Sourcer Not To Well

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Guest andrew bin

get well soon mate going to miss you at the manor this week :thumbsup: , they've had to replace the floor i think you may have broken it when you fell over last time :thumbsup::yes:


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i have opened the thread again,

as before ,,,this was started with every good intension of wishing a a good friend well while he is ill_ PERIOD!

cheers Nige B

Best wishes to Nige from everyone who was expecting to see him at Bisley this Sat. Everyone wishing you well - big Keith Barnes from the South Coast standing in for you, Derek hoping you'll be happy to play later in the year.

Regards, Alan

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:thumbsup: Hi Nige , thinkin of you mate. Get yourself on the rock n roll scene ...it'll do your heart a world of good.Take it easy mate and hope to see you fit & well soon.

Daz.xx :wicked:

Hi There

I found out today my very best friend Nige Shaw(Heavenly Blocked) is in Hospital!

He's be ing monitored for severe chess pains and has fluid on his lungs

Hes is ok at the moment and doing as hes told!

A lot of you know Nige personaly or through Soul Source hes known on the Scene all over!

If you would like to express your good wishes to him through this post i will make sure he knows you are thinking of him

I hope like me you wish him the quickest of recoveries and hope to see him back on the scene ASAP

Thanks for taking time to read this

Nige Brown

Hey browny...thought i was ya bessie mate ya bugger you. ha ha ha
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:yes: Hi Nige , thinkin of you mate. Get yourself on the rock n roll scene ...it'll do your heart a world of good.Take it easy mate and hope to see you fit & well soon.

Daz.xx :thumbsup:

Hey browny...thought i was ya bessie mate ya bugger you. ha ha ha

Yo Daz youl ALWAYS be my "BESSY GIMP"" at Piddlers Point! :wicked:


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Yo Daz youl ALWAYS be my "BESSY GIMP"" at Piddlers Point! :)


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I think you are due another lecture Mr. Shaw ! :ohmy: ......

at Prestatyn I told him that I've given up lecturing him :ohmy:

- now I wish I'd ripped into the boy!

Sorry this is late mate, but I don't get to this part of the site much and am still away visiting mum. Glad to see this thread, as I didn't think you wanted to be hassled and we only heard at the Yarmouth Weekender (just before I moved north then took 3 flights here).

Best wishes from Arthur & myself. Please take some proper time out and rest. Not only is it better for your health, but it is sometimes good for the soul to leave something you love for a bit, then you can appreciate it even more when you get back to it :unsure:

( aka : Don't be a sh*t and play superman. Behave for once! )

all the best,



ps. I know there's a certain other bloke that wants you to get better too - he was very upset to hear that his bricklayer was poorly :D

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Maria, I had words with him on the phone the other day .... how many chances does he think he's going to have (obviously thinks he's a bloody cat!!), this is the third warning he's had .. hopefully he'll take this one seriously :yes:

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Went to see Mr Shaw yesterday. He's bearing up well under the circumstances and is totally touched at the messages of support, the phone calls and the cards he's had. To summarise his own words, it's made him realise just how many good friends he has out there and how lucky he is to be given another chance. He'll be having a heart bypass op next week sometime and they'll be transferring him from Weston up to Bristol Royal Infirmary. Until then, the hospital have given him permission for occasional day leave, so when I go and see him next weekend, I'm going to get the bugger out in the fresh air and, no, I won't let him anywhere near a fag (the smoking variety that is)!!!Anybody wants to call him, the patientline number is 07006464400 Ext40408. Thanks to all who've supported this very dear friend.

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at Prestatyn I told him that I've given up lecturing him :rolleyes:

- now I wish I'd ripped into the boy!

Sorry this is late mate, but I don't get to this part of the site much and am still away visiting mum. Glad to see this thread, as I didn't think you wanted to be hassled and we only heard at the Yarmouth Weekender (just before I moved north then took 3 flights here).

Best wishes from Arthur & myself. Please take some proper time out and rest. Not only is it better for your health, but it is sometimes good for the soul to leave something you love for a bit, then you can appreciate it even more when you get back to it :D

( aka : Don't be a sh*t and play superman. Behave for once! )

all the best,



ps. I know there's a certain other bloke that wants you to get better too - he was very upset to hear that his bricklayer was poorly :D

Thanx M tell mark assoon an i am able i will be back at work in July he is first on the list i know this is pos the last warning so maybe it,s time i listened to my body telling me it,s time i slowed down :yes: I know you lot are rite so i will do as im told for a while anyway :D no thanx mate i will consider myself told off by all see you when i,m better

HB ph34r.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a brief update, Niges operation was cancelled last week due to an emergency admittance. It seems that its all systems go for this week, off to Bristol tomorrow and op taking place on Tuesday.

I'm sure, like me, your thoughts will be with him.

Will post an update as soon as I can

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Pass on my best and hope every thing goes hunky dorey, see you at a nighter soon Nige, make sure you well enough first though dont go over doing it and ending back in there, im sure the weekends being stuck in for a couple of months is better than being six-foot under, sounds morbid but take it easy and good luck :hypo:

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Just a brief update, Niges operation was cancelled last week due to an emergency admittance. It seems that its all systems go for this week, off to Bristol tomorrow and op taking place on Tuesday.

I'm sure, like me, your thoughts will be with him.

Will post an update as soon as I can

Thanks for letting everyone know....we had been wondering....

We are thinking about him loads.....

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Hi All

Latest Update on the man with the LOUD SHIRTS whistling.gif

Spoke to Nige Shaw this afternoon!! Monday 15 May

By now he will have been Tranfered tp BRISTOL

He has his Triple By Pass tomorrow!! :wicked:

So im sure all you guys that know him wish him ALL the very best of luck with the Operation and a speedy revovery

I cant say how much has appreciated all your contact and good will and friendship over the last few weeks

Spare a thought for Lindsay & Nige's Family too :lol:

cheers all

Nige B

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Guest SteveC

Concentrate on yourself and set a target m8 - Cleggers - apparently u and I are in the same bed !!!!!!

C u soon Pal.

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Nige should have arrived safely in Bristol....afterall he wasnt driving (sorry Nige had to be said :lol: ) So looking forward to visiting him, might just get a word in for a change :huh:

Seriously, I'm sure he will take great pleasure in reading all your good wishes when he's able to get back on pc.

Hopefully will be able to update tomorrow on how it all went

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Guest WeeLass Vonny

It's drawing near Nige! Be it tomorrow or Thursday sure it will be a relief for you & your closest! Best of luck for a speedy recovery...... You'll be spinning again before you know it 'On the decks that is, not on your head' :lol: .... Maybe both!!!


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Hi All

Just had calls from Nige's Sister & Lindsay to say......

Mr Shaw has had his operation and is now in recovery :yes::)

It appears all went well with the operation there may be a slight problem with his kidneys but they are sorting that out right now!

Like you all, i wish my Bro the QUICKEST of revoreries and hope to see him soon :D


Nige B

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Thanks Nige B for keeping us up to date :) He'll be alright once he's back up in Sunny Stafford for recouperation ... plenty of us here to keep him company, and hey, if he's not allowed out ... he could babysit for me :yes::D

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Thanks Nige B for keeping us up to date :) He'll be alright once he's back up in Sunny Stafford for recouperation ... plenty of us here to keep him company, and hey, if he's not allowed out ... he could babysit for me :yes::D

Carful you dont put him back in hospital Mandy :D

Glad to here, every thing went OK

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Hi All

Just had calls from Nige's Sister & Lindsay to say......

Mr Shaw has had his operation and is now in recovery ranting_1.gif:thumbsup:

It appears all went well with the operation there may be a slight problem with his kidneys but they are sorting that out right now!

Like you all, i wish my Bro the QUICKEST of revoreries and hope to see him soon :unsure:


Nige B

Cheers Nige, for keeping us all posted on the old mans condition, like everyone on here we wish Nige a speedy and full recovery. better start ironing my loud shirts for when he plays out next so he dont feel left out :wave:


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Hi All

Just had calls from Nige's Sister & Lindsay to say......

Mr Shaw has had his operation and is now in recovery whistling.gif:(

It appears all went well with the operation there may be a slight problem with his kidneys but they are sorting that out right now!

Like you all, i wish my Bro the QUICKEST of revoreries and hope to see him soon :wave:


Nige B

:thumbsup:smile.gif:(:unsure: :good:

Molly & Tracy x

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Guest SteveC

Good news - hope all goes well in recovery and over the nexxt crucial few weeks.

Pass him our best please Nige.

Steve & Carole

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Guest vespastu

Hi All

Just had calls from Nige's Sister & Lindsay to say......

Mr Shaw has had his operation and is now in recovery whistling.gif:wave:

It appears all went well with the operation there may be a slight problem with his kidneys but they are sorting that out right now!

Like you all, i wish my Bro the QUICKEST of revoreries and hope to see him soon :unsure:


Nige B

Not known you that long Nige but look forward to getting to know you better when you get back on your feet :thumbsup: Get well soon mate. all the best. STU

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Went to see Nige yesterday, the operation did go well, slight hiccup when his lungs collapsed yesterday morning, but this now sorted. With regard his kidneys I was a bit thrown by news of his lungs so forgot to ask about how things were with them. He wasn't feeling at all well and was struggling to breath let alone talk.

Phoned hospital today to see what sort of night he had and was delighted when his nurse passed the phone to him. Latest news being that he is feeling better than yesterday, obviously not up to cartwheels round the ICU yet, but any improvement is good.

Off to see him tomorrow so will update after that

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Thanks Lindsay, hope your OK and pass my best on to the loud shirt wearing fool :D

Glad to hear every thing is getting better :D

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Just got home....so latest update...Nige lots better today...being transferred from ICU to ward tomorrow fingers crossed...passed on all your lovely messages which he was pleased to get...even got a smile (hmm perhaps it was wind rolleyes.gif ) Grouchy now cos hes feeling better he wants to go home. Nice to hear that he'd had some visitors, Mark, Jase, Trace & Molly he was really pleased to see you all :(

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Just got home....so latest update...Nige lots better today...being transferred from ICU to ward tomorrow fingers crossed...passed on all your lovely messages which he was pleased to get...even got a smile (hmm perhaps it was wind :lol: ) Grouchy now cos hes feeling better he wants to go home. Nice to hear that he'd had some visitors, Mark, Jase, Trace & Molly he was really pleased to see you all :D
Hi Lins give him a big hug an wish him well for me please .Dollly x
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Hi Lins give him a big hug an wish him well for me please .Dollly x

Aww Dolly you know I will, but will have to make do with a gentle pat on the back for now..I know hes looking forward to seeing you all asap, so I'm sure won't be too long before you can give him that hug in person xxxx.

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Guest partytimegirl

It was great to see Nig yesterday afternoon and he is really doing well and should be home at his sisters in Stafford on Tuesday if all goes well.

What i must say is this, it was not nice to see such a nice man suffering the way he is at the moment and it will be a uphill recovery before he is fit and well. I just wished i could have waved a magic wand and made him better with no pain any more.

When i came out of the intensive care unit i just broke down in tears and i just wished that i could do more for him. What i will say is though, whenever in the future we are all out at a do i will make sure he never smokes in front of me and please also all of you dont ever say to him go on one wont hurt you, make sure if he ever did light one up you take it off him, as i would never want to see him suffer like this again.

Nig, hope to see you next Sunday take care darling

lots of love Tracy.

Edited by partytimegirl
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:D Had call from Mr Shaw earlier...things are on the up...heart now beating regularly and out of ICU...now has to walk up a flight of stairs....then home time :D

Hi Lindsay

just spoke to the old git too .... SUCH GREAT news his little problem sorted its self out !

I do hope he comes home to Stafford at the weekend il pop round and see him at Lindas to see if we wants to go to an All Niter over the Bank Holiday blush.gif:lol::P

only jokin!! :thumbsup:

Nige B

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Guest partytimegirl

Hi Lindsay

just spoke to the old git too .... SUCH GREAT news his little problem sorted its self out !

I do hope he comes home to Stafford at the weekend il pop round and see him at Lindas to see if we wants to go to an All Niter over the Bank Holiday blush.gif:lol::P

only jokin!! :thumbsup:

Nige B

lets us know to Nig


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Hi Lindsay

just spoke to the old git too .... SUCH GREAT news his little problem sorted its self out !

I do hope he comes home to Stafford at the weekend il pop round and see him at Lindas to see if we wants to go to an All Niter over the Bank Holiday :D:D:D

only jokin!! :thumbsup:

Nige B

Sorted could do cheltenham onmay way back to Stafford then blush.gif not realy hope to see you all soon and thanx for all the support and help ive been given :P

:lol: HB

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