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I like a giggle as much as the next man, specially if the next man is Tommy Cooper :wink:

But, what got me first interested was The Music.

Music, that you couldn't hear on the radio, in the local meat market or at the end of your street.

When I glance at some of the lookbacks I have to wonder what I missed--I have to be honest, I like to see what was played

-not where the best chip shop is, who's selling bargain handbags or who sh*gged a stranger.

Perhaps that's why I choose not to attend.



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Seems this debate is gonna run and run....but seems we're talking about 2 different scenes now. It's well known that many oldies only nites and niters are happy for any format as the punters do not care what is played as long as they can dance to classics from their youth. Perhaps this has a place as it is filling a need for some, but goes against the grain for me.

On the other side, there are a hard core who remember what it was like to hear a new tune and the excitment that went with it. Who want to go to venues where they know that dj's are gonna dig deep and play something different. In these venues ovo is taken for granted. It's the only policy as far as I can see.

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Guest manusf3a


Back int theighties, we used to thumb it to venues if train fare wasn't available....none of this having a car luxury and cushty hotel malarky....just before we cracked thice ont pond wi' our Grans falsies.

...and as for air fare haha

All part of the fun,its amazing how far a pound would stretch in the seventies as long as you had the right sort of fuel in the system,A quid could take you to the other end of the country to an all nighter and back and still have it in your pocket.Trains were there to be rode for free with the occasional stop along the way to do some after hours shopping in some remote pharmacy that did capture the eye.Thumbing lifts would be a whole chapter in itself where once my mate Mick Gavin r.i.p, and myself both blocked up in that place between the real and surreal, talked a bloke who gave us a lift into driving us all the way home which put him an exceedinly long way out of his way from what started as a "I can give you a lift five miles down the road lads",many miles earlier.There was a certain pychological drive ",to go! to an all nighter then a drive apart from but still a part of the gear buzz that no matter how much money you had or didnt have you were going to get there.That feeling that you didnt want to miss what was going on all running alonside and also mixing in with wanting to hear records you werent going to hear anywhere else.As a recent returner"Hotels",I take it these are for going to to have a sleep? after an all nighter?before setting off home,times they really have changed
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I never go out to niters or soul nights any more, as I've realised what I want out of this Northern Soul thingamajig is to hear music I like from the original format. Its the "music I like" bit that has stopped me going out. I don't want a night of oldies most of which I think are crap because I wasn't on the scene in the 70's so have no nostalgia angle. I went to Wigan once and thought it was sh*t and not worth the hassle to get there. I wish I'd gone to Stafford as most of the music played seems right up my street. I also don't want to hear a succession of mediocre records played because they are expensive.I don't want to hear this new funky nonsense either, there was a whole thread of this stuff a few months back and it was uniformly dull. I used to play modern soul CD's as background music in my pub as that is what it is mostly, so I don't want to hear that either.

The last time I DJ'd I felt like some sort of prostitute as I had to refill my box with motown and cheesy oldies and do two sets going on after sets of boots were played. That was my revelation moment - never again.

So now I buy records for myself, I buy and sell a bit to get hold of records I want - Northern Soul, R&B, popcorn, even a bit of 70's, and I don't care about what is going on "on the scene". My top budget is £200 and I rarely spend that so some of my records are a tad scratchy. I accept that I am never going to own fantastic records like Lester Tipton because they are out of my budget (if I had £6k to waste I would buy a camper van or a new dinghy) unless the hoped for avalanche of records and ensuing plummet in prices occurs.

So thanks to all the constant threads like this one I've had another "revelation" moment and realised that I don't care about who is spending what on records, I don't care if people are wearing baggy trousers in their 60's, I don't care if people are bootlegging records, I don't care if DJ's (and I use the term loosely) are playing bootlegs and I don't care if people are dancing to bootlegs.

All this hand wringing about "the scene is dying" "he's playing bootlegs - burn him!" "Who cares about OVO" is really irrelevant to me because, like Andy J in a way, for me it is all about the music, its not about the scene whatever that is anymore. I have thought about starting up a night playing the music I like but dismissed it as I haven't got the time, I don't think I have the commitment any more, I can't find a suitable venue, I need a couple of other like minded souls to join in and I question whether there is a market anymore. So if I want to subject other people to music I like it is mixcloud for me.

So thank you soul-source for clearing everything up for me. It is all about the music but it is my choice regarding what I listen to, where and on what format. My current choices are; what I like, at home, original vinyl and I'm content. I don't care what anyone else's choices are and they are free to do what they want.



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I have thought about starting up a night playing the music I like but dismissed it as I haven't got the time, I don't think I have the commitment any more, I can't find a suitable venue, I need a couple of other like minded souls to join in and I question whether there is a market anymore. So if I want to subject other people to music I like it is mixcloud for me.

But even if you did this - set up a venue playing the music that YOU like, having guests with similar musical taste, playing great records, everyone having a good time - someone would be on here complaining that one of the records someone played was off a reissue and it affected his enjoyment of the night and it should be banned.

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I never go out to niters or soul nights any more, as I've realised what I want out of this Northern Soul thingamajig is to hear music I like from the original format. Its the "music I like" bit that has stopped me going out. I don't want a night of oldies most of which I think are crap because I wasn't on the scene in the 70's so have no nostalgia angle. I went to Wigan once and thought it was sh*t and not worth the hassle to get there. I wish I'd gone to Stafford as most of the music played seems right up my street. I also don't want to hear a succession of mediocre records played because they are expensive.I don't want to hear this new funky nonsense either, there was a whole thread of this stuff a few months back and it was uniformly dull. I used to play modern soul CD's as background music in my pub as that is what it is mostly, so I don't want to hear that either.

The last time I DJ'd I felt like some sort of prostitute as I had to refill my box with motown and cheesy oldies and do two sets going on after sets of boots were played. That was my revelation moment - never again.

So now I buy records for myself, I buy and sell a bit to get hold of records I want - Northern Soul, R&B, popcorn, even a bit of 70's, and I don't care about what is going on "on the scene". My top budget is £200 and I rarely spend that so some of my records are a tad scratchy. I accept that I am never going to own fantastic records like Lester Tipton because they are out of my budget (if I had £6k to waste I would buy a camper van or a new dinghy) unless the hoped for avalanche of records and ensuing plummet in prices occurs.

So thanks to all the constant threads like this one I've had another "revelation" moment and realised that I don't care about who is spending what on records, I don't care if people are wearing baggy trousers in their 60's, I don't care if people are bootlegging records, I don't care if DJ's (and I use the term loosely) are playing bootlegs and I don't care if people are dancing to bootlegs.

All this hand wringing about "the scene is dying" "he's playing bootlegs - burn him!" "Who cares about OVO" is really irrelevant to me because, like Andy J in a way, for me it is all about the music, its not about the scene whatever that is anymore. I have thought about starting up a night playing the music I like but dismissed it as I haven't got the time, I don't think I have the commitment any more, I can't find a suitable venue, I need a couple of other like minded souls to join in and I question whether there is a market anymore. So if I want to subject other people to music I like it is mixcloud for me.

So thank you soul-source for clearing everything up for me. It is all about the music but it is my choice regarding what I listen to, where and on what format. My current choices are; what I like, at home, original vinyl and I'm content. I don't care what anyone else's choices are and they are free to do what they want.



It's all quite sad really, people that do care, not wanting to go out anymore.

I've a couple of mates that are bginning to feel the same way.

I still believe that all the nostalgia freaks living in the past, never a had a past.



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I remember in about 78 and 79 there were actual Teddy boy families with mam,dad and the kids.I always thought that it was odd....i was a kid in dealer boots and an adidas top.The dads always had an exagerrated look from the fifties early teds with grey in their hair, tons of tattoos,loads of rings and Mud style drapes.I'm looking forward to seeng northern soul families on the bus.

The dad always seemed to have a large adam's apple as well, it must be a genetic thing to do with the look !

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Rather off topic, as a punk I got attacked by a gang of Teds and skins going to Petticoal Lane market on a Sunday morning in 1977. It still qualifies as my earliest time of day for a scrap.

Reminds me of the great story about George Melly, jazz singer and self professed surrealist, who , when , approached by a gang of thugs down an alleyway after a gig started to recite this surrealist poem.

He reckons that the poem saved his life as they fled thinking 'What the f.....k'

Apologies for being off topic but, hey what the f....k.

Edited by nickp
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And most of the tunes people crave are RARE and probably why most boots are boots of rare tunes and most of the top oldies djs play the rarest of the rare. Rarity has nothing to do with it IMHO it's what's in the groove but for me it has to be the original groove.

Imagine you misses saying to you when your feeling a tad horny one night, here you go love I made a latex mould of my minge so when you fancy a bit and I'm not interested you can carry on without me cos after all its what's in that groove that counts ......

Btw I think if you like/love soul music your a soulie ;-)

that a brilliant but bizarre metaphor :D .

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Guest Krissii

With reference the 'locked' post reference Blackpool Weekender I would like to make the following point(s)

I got into the scene in the mid to late seventies as a schoolboy, listeing to sounds like Bok to Bach, The Snake, Pye Disco Demand re issues etc and learned to dance at the local youth club disco's. I attended Wigan late 1978 into 1979 as 16/17 year old still at school, this opened my eyes to the amount of sounds I had never heard but still love to this day. By the time I was 19 I was married and had a family to support so buying OVO was way out of my league so used to buy the Casino Classic/Grapevine/Disco Demand re-issues or pressings etc as they were affordable. In later years I have increased my music collection by buying CD compilations.

Does the above make me an anti soul fan? I don't think so I love the music, love to dance and as I have just got back into the scene with a vist 1st to Scarborough then Blackpool I must say that my wife and me loved both events that we can't wait for the next one!

However I must say that the 'Open letter to Kev Roberts' post dismayed me as it feels as if the scene is beset by infighting over OVO vrs music and oldies vrs new/modern, come on we all love the music surely that's what it's all about, isn'it?

No i don't think it makes you an "anti soul fan" . In some ways i think it makes you more of a soul fan .

I think its important to remember that the people who collect OVO only make up a very small part of the scene . They are "in the trade " so to speak , so have a vested interest in promoting it as " the only way " . In the same way as an antiques dealer might for example .

I dont think the scene is split in two , i think its a mixture of lots of different types of venues and a lot of people attend all types . There are plenty of different venues about some only play OVO ( sometimes the music is just out of this world and fantastic imo at these venues ) , there are venues that play a mixture and also play underplayed and , there are the classics venues (who also play the odd underplayed ) .

Not split in two in my opinion but all kinds of venues out there with all kinds of differing music policies , all of them have their merits in one way or another

Edited by Krissii
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With reference the 'locked' post reference Blackpool Weekender I would like to make the following point(s)

I got into the scene in the mid to late seventies as a schoolboy, listeing to sounds like Bok to Bach, The Snake, Pye Disco Demand re issues etc and learned to dance at the local youth club disco's. I attended Wigan late 1978 into 1979 as 16/17 year old still at school, this opened my eyes to the amount of sounds I had never heard but still love to this day. By the time I was 19 I was married and had a family to support so buying OVO was way out of my league so used to buy the Casino Classic/Grapevine/Disco Demand re-issues or pressings etc as they were affordable. In later years I have increased my music collection by buying CD compilations.

Does the above make me an anti soul fan? I don't think so I love the music, love to dance and as I have just got back into the scene with a vist 1st to Scarborough then Blackpool I must say that my wife and me loved both events that we can't wait for the next one!

However I must say that the 'Open letter to Kev Roberts' post dismayed me as it feels as if the scene is beset by infighting over OVO vrs music and oldies vrs new/modern, come on we all love the music surely that's what it's all about, isn'it?

Youve got the right idea just enjoy it i cant believe how alike your soul trip has been to mine 19 got kids dropped out then got back on the bus lately, if there is two camps then the ovo people have also got the right idea they also enjoy what they do, one thing ive found is on the night no one will discriminate against you no matter whos do or type of event it is they will all take your money and let you in now there has to be something in that EH
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On a monday morning take a look in the gallery for the weekend that has just gone, and then tell yourself that 90% of this is the underground cool scene that you got into all those years ago. No wonder we started calling it rare soul, Northern Soul is just an embarresment i would rather not admit to or even begin to discuss . Why have all these fancy dress lovers come back on the scene, not for the music i can tell you that, or they would never have left in the first place. My first allnighter was in 1975 and ive never had a break since that day. No excuse about kids, mortgages, divorces etc, i travelled wherever and whenever i could for a music fix. Wigan shut, great lets find somewhere else. No the reason they have all come back is for the social side and a good piss up, and thats the reason the majority got into it in the first place, it was never about the music for the majority. I have no problem with enjoying themselves and having a great social scene, but please dont begin to link it to the scene i have loved and supported over the years.

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On a monday morning take a look in the gallery for the weekend that has just gone, and then tell yourself that 90% of this is the underground cool scene that you got into all those years ago. No wonder we started calling it rare soul, Northern Soul is just an embarresment i would rather not admit to or even begin to discuss . Why have all these fancy dress lovers come back on the scene, not for the music i can tell you that, or they would never have left in the first place. My first allnighter was in 1975 and ive never had a break since that day. No excuse about kids, mortgages, divorces etc, i travelled wherever and whenever i could for a music fix. Wigan shut, great lets find somewhere else. No the reason they have all come back is for the social side and a good piss up, and thats the reason the majority got into it in the first place, it was never about the music for the majority. I have no problem with enjoying themselves and having a great social scene, but please dont begin to link it to the scene i have loved and supported over the years.

Have you got kids Harry?

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Your wrong here Krissii. So everybody that is into buying, collecting and DJing original vinyl is actually a record dealer with an ulterior motive? In the same way that anyone who buys or collects antiques is an antique dealer. Mmmmm.......Does it not occur to you that some people want the real authentic article not an imitation?


If we re examine Krissiis' statement-the implication is that OVO supporters are out to make money on ther OVO.

Well-unless they have multiple copies of big ticket tunes ( hardly likely),

surely the booters with 1000s of copies at a tenner are gonna please the bank manager more.


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Guest chrislokeh

So you're saying that only you and the people who swear undyingly to original vinyl are the Northern Soul scene, and all the other thousands of people attending the do's I mentioned week in and week out are not on the scene and not fit to be on the scene? That must mean there's only 400 'proper' people left on the Northern Soul scene in the UK.

Me and Ann over say the last ten to fifteen years have tried most of the scenes Weekenders,Holidays abroad ,nighters and soul nights,too many to mention individually and how i see it, is small local do,s with local lads & lasses should be able to play any format as long as the crowd enjoys their selves and its a cheap night.But when you are talking big events (like Blackpool) you expect top class dj,s playing original records not reissues.i noticed what was played last year for the last two sets at Blackpool and found it a joke.
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.....Not always Plastic Geordie, I'd have thought you would know that, but if your Dad's playing C.D's, you haven't had much of a role model really now have you? - So, I suppose I can forgive you.....But you won't be welcome in 'Len's Den' I'm afraid.... :rofl:

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

P.s - Your's was a great post by the way, something told me you really didn't want to spend your time or energy on it though......I think it may have been the -


Not this again

Surely people know what events have what policy by now!!!!?????????" Bit! :D :D :D

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On a monday morning take a look in the gallery for the weekend that has just gone, and then tell yourself that 90% of this is the underground cool scene that you got into all those years ago. No wonder we started calling it rare soul, Northern Soul is just an embarresment i would rather not admit to or even begin to discuss . Why have all these fancy dress lovers come back on the scene, not for the music i can tell you that, or they would never have left in the first place. My first allnighter was in 1975 and ive never had a break since that day. No excuse about kids, mortgages, divorces etc, i travelled wherever and whenever i could for a music fix. Wigan shut, great lets find somewhere else. No the reason they have all come back is for the social side and a good piss up, and thats the reason the majority got into it in the first place, it was never about the music for the majority. I have no problem with enjoying themselves and having a great social scene, but please dont begin to link it to the scene i have loved and supported over the years.

I admire your dedication to the 'scene' Harry you obviously love it. However please don't presume that just because people have left and returned many years later that they don't love the music. As I stated in my original post Scarborough and Blackpool were my first venues for 30 years and loved the oldies played in the main rooms but also spent time in the modern room in Scarborough and enjoyed both the walkway and circus in Blackpool and liked a lot of what I heard. Yes the weekenders are a social scene and I can't see what's wrong with that.

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.....Not always Plastic Geordie, I'd have thought you would know that, but if your Dad's playing C.D's, you haven't had much of a role model really now have you? - So, I suppose I can forgive you.....But you won't be welcome in 'Len's Den' I'm afraid.... :rofl:

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

P.s - Your's was a great post by the way, something told me you really didn't want to spend your time or energy on it though......I think it may have been the -


Not this again

Surely people know what events have what policy by now!!!!?????????" Bit! :D :D :D


Not sure about the... not always plastic... comment bit please expand old chap, but hey what my auld dad collected was OVO he bought them as new releases and of course he (according to me) didnt need them anymore so i took ownership of some :lol: my sister most of them :( he was a great roll model on collecting and the pain of collecting and missing the elusive gems etc...the tears ive shed..sob sob.....he cant get about so i make the cds up so he can still enjoy the sounds at 86 sat by his fire in his pringle shirt LOL .... all my collecting fraternity know my policy on collecting and venues that i frequent so i dont have to defend ovo i am ovo, i just think i have my place and my likes are collecting the real mckoy and others have theirs enjoying the sound in whatever format. lifes to short to argue the rights and wrongs as weve all been wrong to a degree.

As im more concerened that this wonderful scene has payed doodly squat in real terms back to the artists who have given us the enjoyment from their music that has made this scene what it is.

Com on Len lets me and you start another argy bargy on here :ohmy: ...should venues put a % aside from the doortake that is paid to a big pot, all venues to supply playlists... and at the end of the year the pot distributed out to the artists based on plays of tunes etc.......a sort of performing rights % but actually getting the funds to the artist. I know PRS pay feck all.. it all goes on admin (ive researched this at length)

Get the tin helmets out incoming flack..................... :lol:

BTW im not replying to this thread anymore havent we done this to death FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by geordiejohnson
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we must never lose touch of what the people that come through the door want ,the subject of OVO has gone viral on this site as it is ,i do agree that any audience at a soul night will be split in those who only want to hear rare and not so rare on originals and those who "what the hell just let me dance " ,the above deck cameras ,the people with filofaxes noting label colours etc ,dont do it for me ,in my case i play 99% originals with a few reissues thrown in ,but might now throw a boot in and see the reaction !!! ,luckiliy i am a minnow on the scene (an old minnow at 57 ) so i can see the pressure the big boys must be under at the large venues ,but hey at the end of the day ,its nice to see converts going away and saying what a great night ill come again and its in the soul that counts

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Not sure about the... not always plastic... comment bit please expand old chap,

Com on Len lets me and you start another argy bargy on here :ohmy: ...should venues put a % aside from the doortake that is paid to a big pot, all venues to supply playlists... and at the end of the year the pot distributed out to the artists based on plays of tunes etc.......a sort of performing rights % but actually getting the funds to the artist. I know PRS pay feck all.. it all goes on admin (ive researched this at length)

Get the tin helmets out incoming flack..................... :lol:

BTW im not replying to this thread anymore havent we done this to death FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The ‘not always plastic’ was me using a bit of ‘poetic licence’ (With reference to Styrene, Metal acetates etc) for entertainment value - I’m sure you understand :D

I recon the ‘pot for the artists’ bit is a grand idea by the way :yes:

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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we must never lose touch of what the people that come through the door want ,the subject of OVO has gone viral on this site as it is ,i do agree that any audience at a soul night will be split in those who only want to hear rare and not so rare on originals and those who "what the hell just let me dance " ,the above deck cameras ,the people with filofaxes noting label colours etc ,dont do it for me ,in my case i play 99% originals with a few reissues thrown in ,but might now throw a boot in and see the reaction !!! ,luckiliy i am a minnow on the scene (an old minnow at 57 ) so i can see the pressure the big boys must be under at the large venues ,but hey at the end of the day ,its nice to see converts going away and saying what a great night ill come again and its in the soul that counts

You know what mate? With ref to all this 'tripe' talk about 'O.V.O', If Ady asked me to do The 100 Club again, it makes me want to put a kent L.P on the decks, jump off the stage and start dancing! :yes:

Over 'n' out!

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

P.s - And Ady probably wouldn't give a sh*t! :):thumbsup:

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The ‘not always plastic’ was me using a bit of ‘poetic licence’ (With reference to Styrene, Metal acetates etc) for entertainment value - I’m sure you understand :D

AGHHH Len youve made me reply.... im going to use the term polymers in the future just to cover myself, I should have thought this through especially when ive spent the best part of my working life in Degradable polymer science and manufacturing :ohmy:


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:lol: :lol: :lol: I knew you would reply! - Now I have as well, after stating 'Over and Out' - Damn and Blast!

Len :thumbsup:

P.s - Your job sounds fascinating.... :yes::D .....and unknowingly made my comment "I'd have thought you would know that" very 'apt' :D

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….Further more…… :D

……The point I’m trying to make folks, is that the more we go on about ‘O.V.O’, the more silly we all sound because it makes such an issue of it.

Here’s an example that kind of explains what I mean - If someone who I looked up to for years and thought pretty cool, all of a sudden turned round and told me they were cool - I would immediately hate their guts and lose all respect I ever had for them.

In other words, we need to stop going on about it because it actually has the opposite effect to what people who do ‘shout it from the roof tops’ are trying to achieve.

I think that makes sense anyway.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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Guest gordon russell

45 miles-lightweight :) my paper round was 45 miles long(or so it felt) what about getting back from Whitchurch? getting there was hard enough (nearly abroad if you think of Wales) The Torch always packed but a nightmare to get to! Wigan arse

of the world :yes:

but then enterprising young desperate to get there people(me) decided to hire a coach which cost 27pounds(with an income of 3.95) what mark up!! 52 seats at one pound minus mates, plus most of the older generation (Smokey.Robbo,etc) who because of their "charisma" never seemed to pay(but always looked after that young bloke with the coach :D )at least guaranteed to get back to Gloucester.

Off topic?not really because we did this to get to hear the records in the only real enviroment.......first hand!!

don´t go out as often as i could/should nowadays, but when i do i enjoy myself most times to ovo ,but must admit when i blast records out at home i don´t give a toss what format they are on just hearing them is enough, so in a way i can understand some peoples reasons for going to places like Blackpool.

same old arguments don´t really alter(or help) anyway just enjoy what you want to yourself, there are no rules written in stone :g: although there seem to be a lot? of people who think there are :rofl:


Hey steve is that why you made me pay £2?....because of ROBBO and co :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest manusf3a


Back int theighties, we used to thumb it to venues if train fare wasn't available....none of this having a car luxury and cushty hotel malarky....just before we cracked thice ont pond wi' our Grans falsies.

...and as for air fare haha

Last weekend was a bit of a trip down memory lane,my first all nighter back and I went to nottingham Irish centre with my mate on a bit of a spur of the moment thing.To get there we went in my mates mini bus,hes been having a bit of trouble with the exhaust,he also got hit with some carbon monoxde fumes the other week feeling bad after a long drive,so to play it safe we travelled with no heating and the windows rolled half down each side in the front,brr it got a bit chill billy going there ,we had one stop at a garage outside grantham after leaving peterborough and I nearly fainted with the beautiful warmth inside the garage,then back to brrr,brrrr.Anyway we made it ok to nottingham parked up and went to the nighter.When the place closed in the morning we made our way back to the mini bus,theres thick ice on the windows,ice on the road and as we got out of town and on our way a white frost covering everywhere as on we drove,no heating,windows half open luckily I was wrapped up in my sheepskin a hat a couple of jumpers and a scarf it was still cold as hell.You know what though it wasnt a bad journey back especialy seeing the sun coming up over the frosted countryside(something I hadnt seen like this for ages),

One concession,instead of coming straight back to Peterborough my mate suggested stopping at spalding and borrowing his mams car to drive the rest of the way to mine,which we did after consuming warming cups of tea and bacon sandwiches then listening to sounds eventualy getting back to mine in Peterbough with the luxury of closed windows and heating in the car.I was buzzing for the rest of the day,I had really enjoyed my first nighter back and in a way the journey had added that little extra something.My mate is working on the exhaust before we set out again hopefully we will have heating there and back.

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Last weekend was a bit of a trip down memory lane,my first all nighter back and I went to nottingham Irish centre with my mate on a bit of a spur of the moment thing.To get there we went in my mates mini bus,hes been having a bit of trouble with the exhaust,he also got hit withb some carbon monoxde fumes the other week,so to play it safe we travelled with no heating and the windows rolled half down each side in the front,brr it got a bit chill billy going there ,we had one stop at a garage outside grantham after leaving peterborough and I nearly fainted with the beautiful warmth inside the garage,then back to brrr,brrrr.Anyway we made it ok to nottingham parked up and went to the nighter.When the place closed in the morning we made our way back to the mini bus,theres thick ice on the windows,ice on the road and as we got out of town and on our way a white frost covering everywhere as on we drove,no heating,windows half open luckily I was wrapped up in my sheepskin a hat a couple of jumpers and a scarf it was still cold as hell.You know what though it wasnt a bad journey back especialy seeing the sun coming up over the frosted countryside(something I hadnt seen like this for ages,

One concession,instead of coming straight back to Peterborough my mate suggested stopping at spalding and borrowing his mams car,which we did after warming cups of tea and bacon sandwiches listening to sounds eventualy getting back to mine in Peterbough with the luxury of closed windows and heating in the car.I was buzzing for the rest of the day,I had really enjoyed my first nighter back and in way the journey had added that little extra something.My mate working on the exhaust before we set out again where there will be heating there and back.


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name='SallieJane' timestamp='1352938102' post='1823023']

Seems this debate is gonna run and run....but seems we're talking about 2 different scenes now. It's well known that many oldies only nites and niters are happy for any format as the punters do not care what is played as long as they can dance to classics from their youth. Perhaps this has a place as it is filling a need for some, but goes against the grain for me.

On the other side, there are a hard core who remember what it was like to hear a new tune and the excitment that went with it. Who want to go to venues where they know that dj's are gonna dig deep and play something different. In these venues ovo is taken for granted. It's the only policy as far as I can see.

The above seems to sum up the matter nicely. There are some who want a good night out and that includes music which jogs their memory banks and they do not care whether the music is OVO, bootlegs or from a CD.. There are another group striving to listen to the next big sound. In the words of Faith Hope and Charity "To Each His Own" is what I say, as there are more important things to worry about. As in, have the punters had a good time?
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Last weekend was a bit of a trip down memory lane,my first all nighter back and I went to nottingham Irish centre with my mate on a bit of a spur of the moment thing.To get there we went in my mates mini bus,hes been having a bit of trouble with the exhaust,he also got hit with some carbon monoxde fumes the other week feeling bad after a long drive,so to play it safe we travelled with no heating and the windows rolled half down each side in the front,brr it got a bit chill billy going there ,we had one stop at a garage outside grantham after leaving peterborough and I nearly fainted with the beautiful warmth inside the garage,then back to brrr,brrrr.Anyway we made it ok to nottingham parked up and went to the nighter.When the place closed in the morning we made our way back to the mini bus,theres thick ice on the windows,ice on the road and as we got out of town and on our way a white frost covering everywhere as on we drove,no heating,windows half open luckily I was wrapped up in my sheepskin a hat a couple of jumpers and a scarf it was still cold as hell.You know what though it wasnt a bad journey back especialy seeing the sun coming up over the frosted countryside(something I hadnt seen like this for ages),

One concession,instead of coming straight back to Peterborough my mate suggested stopping at spalding and borrowing his mams car to drive the rest of the way to mine,which we did after consuming warming cups of tea and bacon sandwiches then listening to sounds eventualy getting back to mine in Peterbough with the luxury of closed windows and heating in the car.I was buzzing for the rest of the day,I had really enjoyed my first nighter back and in a way the journey had added that little extra something.My mate is working on the exhaust before we set out again hopefully we will have heating there and back.

Yeh, makes sense - It bought back memories of the effort that you used to have to put in to attend events, and that ‘effort’ is what added the little extra something.

The same can be said for record collecting - Records can have that ‘little extra something’ if there has been a lot of effort put into getting it. Whether it be going to The States, finding out titles of records on tapes, sending wants lists out, or worst of all — Waiting years!

That’s the down side of life now being so much easier - the ‘Magic’ gets lost - But hey, we’d all still choose the easier life wouldn’t we?! :yes:

I remember (after resisting as long as we were able to) me and a mate having to eat some chips someone had thrown on the floor, because we had used up all our paper round money on travel and entrance fees, eating hadn’t even crossed our minds! Looking back it made that particular weekend extra special…..

......I can’t believe I just typed that out loud…. :huh::D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

Edited by LEN
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We'd go to places like Newcastle Tiffanies all dayers knowing we had absolutely no way of getting home on a sunday night - 45 miles from home, walking it, sometimes getting a lift!

you should have tried it the other way pete after the cats those wolverhampton police would do everything to stop you getting a lift like pull in near where you were hitching so nobody would stop, you would give up and walk further down the road find another place and they would appear again, how they must have laughed.........

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