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Big European Plays


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You have just hit the nail on the head Europe has the no baggage advantage ... they just want a great night out with music that they can dance to..simple , now if it lasts as long as it has here that's another thread

I suppose it depends on what the standard music scene has to offer , I think current European trends are at an advantage because the current chart music scene is not really very good IMHO so the younger elements with an educated ear will favour 60's 70's soul , there will always be a mod culture for sure.

Edited by Anais nin
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Unless I'm dafter than I think I am, I reckon Barry was asking for titles of records that are big in parts of Europe that we don't realise have "gone big" over here.

Yes Ady, also the titles I've picked up from the odd European list that I didn't know, I've loved - now, they could have been played over here and I'm too far out the loop to have known but there - from what I've picked up/ read - seemed a lot less restriction on what and how things were played.

I was just hoping for the European lads and those in the know to fill me in on what is and has been big on the European scene to see if there were, if any, major differences....simply, as a scene, it seems to be handled a little more loosely than us anal buggers handle ours.

Edited by Barry
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Yes Ady, also the titles I've picked up from the odd European list that I didn't know, I've loved - now, they could have been played over here and I'm too far out the loop to have known but there - from what I've picked up/ read - seemed a lot less restriction on what and how things were played.

I was just hoping for the European lads and those in the know to fill me in on what is and has been big on the European scene to see if there were, if any, major differences....simply, as a scene, it seems to be handled a little more loosely than us anal buggers handle ours.

....sorry, I'm at work, so can't expand fully.

I was looking to get a general feel of the European scene musically.

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I looked at the pre stuff for Movin on I did in Dec 2009.

Ive pasted Jadds top ten at that time

To me it was wonderful- I even played Expansions by Scott Grooves and they Like it

They are very open to progressive sounds.

heres Jadd (From madrid)Top ten

J.A.D.D (Madrid)

José íÂngel Dí­az Durán has been a well known Madrid soul, jazz and funk Dj since the middle of the 80's, with residencies in some of the most important Madrid clubs: Siroco Soul Club (90-95) Kathmandu/Jazzin´Club/Salute! (95-08) y Marula Café since 2003, also managing at the same time different clubs such as Soul Cellar, Funky People, Soul Cargo or Blackout; he's also member of Jazzin´Club DJ Collective. Nowadays, he is resident DJ at Marula Café Madrid and Kathmandu, he's also responsible of the fantastic blog soul-cargo.blogspot.com, check it out!

Appart from his regular club duties, he's been involved in the Spanish Soul scene for many, many years, having deejayed lately at the last edition of S4R meets Soul Essence.

TOP 10

Clay Brown-Walk with a groove Florentine

Cecil Lyde-I´ll make it on my own Alwest

Brief Encounter- Get a good feeling Capitol

Giften Four-Fallen Star Hamito Semitica

Grey & Hanks- Gotta put something in Rca

David Nevin-You´re for me Pardner

Ray Crumley- I want to be a part of you Alarm

Sins of Satan-Dance and free your mind Buddah

Ray Munnings- It could happens to you Tammi

Cojo- Play it by ear Destiny

Perfections - can this be real Calgar

back in 2009

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I think he's got a fair piont, there ares an awful lot of currnet nighter DJ's in England that you NEVER see anywhere if there not DJing, then again there's also some dj's that are into the scene and being seen. The nighter scene at least, is small enough nowadays to realise that the same old faces only show up if they've been asked to spin. In fairness though the more booking you get the less you can go out I sposse.

The last sentence is the key. I probably DJ 40 weekends in a year, sometimes Friday and Saturday, however, when I'm not DJing, I go out for the night to a venue of my choice. Simple really. If one of my mates is DJing somewhere, or running a venue, that's where I'll go.

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The last sentence is the key. I probably DJ 40 weekends in a year, sometimes Friday and Saturday, however, when I'm not DJing, I go out for the night to a venue of my choice. Simple really. If one of my mates is DJing somewhere, or running a venue, that's where I'll go.

fair piont Dave, I thought about it myself and commitments I have, i realise its not always possible to keep it up over a long period of time.

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Unless I'm dafter than I think I am, I reckon Barry was asking for titles of records that are big in parts of Europe that we don't realise have "gone big" over here.

Here's another couple of good dancers "The Soul City---Who do you think you are" --" Howard Youngblood Bomar--I'm gonna love you"
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Over here it just don,t happen (odd exceptions..err very odd).......if they ain,t djing they ain,t going it,s a way of life........how you doing me old gloucestershire dumpling lol

I am really trying very hard biting my lip ..... but yet again a sweeping statement that appears to speak for everyone , how can you possibly know where every dj is in the country on a particular night ?

I know of many Dj's that go to venues where they don't DJ please don't give people a false image of the facts.

You know its statements like you have just made that stop people wanting to go to an upfront night ... you really are not helping in making people welcome in these silly statements you quite often make.

The flirting is over.........

Get a room!

Edited by johnmcc
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Myself, Helena and Jonte are currently running a new night called Soulin' at a new venue, but we don't have a website (just a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/soulinmalmo ) and haven't really been good at posting playlists as of late. Will have to do better with that. :)

If it's of any interest...

I just made a new podcast/mix with some stuff that I've been spinning a lot over the past couple of months at the Soulin' night.

Check it out if you feel like it in this thread:

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Here´s the tracklist of a mix tape I´ve done recently....my sets are pretty much like this... I am only DJí­ng only a few times a year here in Germany,cause R&B doesn´t seem to be too much in demand right now....sadly!




























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For me the European scene is so healthy, the love of black American music is whole, i for instance will play at the Hamburg weekender a playlist of mainly funk edge 1970's records, this is the music i love and i know through experience of the event that the locals and travelling community also enjoy this diverse element within American soul music, Hamburg is such a great event (it's so much more than a simple soul weekender) they have the best dj's, Butch the undisputed king is headline, and i for one love his sets...Europe is different from the UK scene and better for it in my opinion, plus the Euro guys and girls understand the ' Original Vinyl Ethic Only ' So well....


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Guest DeeJay

Kegsy, I think you'll find that most of the European guys are well clued up about all aspects and genres of our scene. They may not carry the baggage and politics of who played what, where and first or oldies versus progressive, Wigan, Torch, wheel blah, blah etc, but what they have is a real open mindedness when it comes to DJing and dancing. They will mix up styles and they will dance to tunes they aren't familiar with, so the dancefloors are busy. They also own some of the most in demand and desireable tunes in the world.


It's more or less the same here in the U.S. No politics, open minded to new choons/genres The influence of the music is as mentioned comes from all styles some i like some i don't . It is refreshing. This attitude exists because there's no historical baggage, however to a certain degree this engenders less respect, less knowledge, for the music It's "northern" roots.Now i know this is a can of worms

Perhaps its a clash of musical cultures. I am a lot older than most of the dancers, i have the history, the memories and to a certain degree more knowledge. I like mixing, talking ,and djing in this atmosphere, however it does bug when someone comes up and asks for "Lady In green" ;( (Brilliant choon)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gordon russell

not necserally into the music that says a lot to me !

Hey toad.....sounds a bit like over here. they go but they no really listen....well 95% don,t thats why a lot of nights are all over the place

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Guest gordon russell

For me the European scene is so healthy, the love of black American music is whole, i for instance will play at the Hamburg weekender a playlist of mainly funk edge 1970's records, this is the music i love and i know through experience of the event that the locals and travelling community also enjoy this diverse element within American soul music, Hamburg is such a great event (it's so much more than a simple soul weekender) they have the best dj's, Butch the undisputed king is headline, and i for one love his sets...Europe is different from the UK scene and better for it in my opinion, plus the Euro guys and girls understand the ' Original Vinyl Ethic Only ' So well....


not sure l agree with that....sounds a bit like the across the board, something for everyone policy that does not really work......even sets these days should flow one to another,but they don,t they jar against one another one minute 60's, next modern, next 70's crossover...then r&b = no real flow...those that like that ...to me are there for a social with a bit of something they vaguely know in the background.....soul over 4 decades just don,t work....you have to be specific

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hi thanks to dave that have mentioned my city salerno (italy) here my mixcloud https://www.mixcloud....fredomaddaloni/ of our local party is more black music oriented...is hard to had a proper soul nite in the south italy but with a lot of guys inside of that chat we've try to do....big hug to Marc Forrest and Dave Thorley especially

i'll mentioned also the not to young weekender in luzern builded up by my great brother Henning and my sweet sista Emel...you can find lot of their podcast on the web and they are all amazing!!!

Scandinavian scene also is amazing...have listen Helena last april for the not too young weekender in luzern and she is really amazing....but tommy from the oslo soul and Sebastian too are really tasted guys their selection are everytime fresh and amazing

Spanish German and English fella are the big part of the story of that scene so no word :)))

p.s. for who want come from the 2 of november to the 4th i must spin a few in dresden for the upon my soul weekender hope to see some of ya there :)

actually my last top spin

charles simmons save the world

onyx break it loose

chain reaction search for tomorrow

roy roberts stop

mel williams you groove my mind

gil bernal the dogs

jt parker if you wanna hold on

lil gray are you fooling

carlton basco don't chain my soul

el corols chick chick

zulu suenho de amor

Edited by Alfie79
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Guest gordon russell

I don't agree with you there Terry. Sure, if you play a 60's followed by a 70's followed by an 80's followed by another 60's etc randomly, then I would agree, but someone who knows what they are doing will play a few of the right tunes of each genre and blend into the next genre by skillfully choosing the right record that effortlessly makes the bridge from one genre to the next, and there always are those records that have a similar rhythm or vibe that do cross successfully from one era to another. You don't have to chop and change every record but blending eras certainly works if the DJ is good and knows his or her tunes.


we,ll agree to differ.....this is just the thing S SAM does and to my mind it does not work

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i think actually soul sam didn't work for his age....heard him live in rome a couple of years ago and i find him really open minded and fresh.....and his flow to pass by the genre of music was simply amazing....

i'm agree with jordi it depends by the skillz of the dj and on his taste.....i think in a regular nite with regular people inside that can enjoy soul is useful to play out lot of spectrum to be more fresh and easy....is different if you must spin in a proper northern nite...be innovative could be a disaster....

actually i prefer more open minded things (or across the board)

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I love Soul Sams enthusiasm , my goodness he has taken some knocks in his very long totally committed career on the soul scene .

The fact he can still get a spark from a different sub direction of soul at his age and deliver it with such passion and excitement I think is commendable. He also sticks to his guns and plays only what he thinks is good quality , he won't be shunted by opinion , that's brave in my book. I know for a fact he loves doing Europe the most because he has complete freedom of play.

I guess as in all things its a matter of taste.... which tempo would you prefer :-

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Guest gordon russell

J only said someone who knows what they are doing not particularly Sam.

and l was just using sam as an example. I also admire his drive and enthusiasm which was not the point. Playing music across 4 decades to me does not work at all. I might also add that not all genres work in a nighter enviroment especially the crossover/modern stuff....and therein lies the problem.I am not saying the music is bad,just bad in that context

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https://www.clubfunction.com/#home full of playlists full of interesting soul music

theres a few of Soul Sam's current / recent spins hidden in there played earlier than he and the UK soul scene did. Mainly funkier stuff or more left field soul sounds like Clofer on Rosemont or Authntiks Unlimted on Cosmos, good Loving on Kingston, off the top of my head. I dare say there's lots of bits you guys may not of picked up on yet.

whether any of them will constitute 'big' tunes for you i dont know but fresh tunes for sure.

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I think Sam epitomises the European sound/ethic - he totally smashed it last year at the European Soul Weekender - I think there is a video on youtube somewhere, but it is him double decking with Malayka and between them the music played was out of this world...but mainly because of the interchangeable styles - I personally think it keeps it fresh, if done with some consideration.

The open-minded and open-music policy is reflected in those who attend too I guess; they were playing to Spanish break dancers at one point. Magic moment and thats what does it for me; variety!

Edited by TailorMade Gaz B
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Guest gordon russell

Think the problem in europe is the phrase "big event".....to me the bigger the event the more anonymous they become rather like seeing the kings of lyon at wembley something is lost......over here the small club like venues are the ones that seem to rock...much more intimate along with the right music.That to me is were the difference lies,not baggage,we're returning to our roots club wise, europe is heading towards their sept 23rd 1973.............remember small is beautiful

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not sure l agree with that....sounds a bit like the across the board, something for everyone policy that does not really work......even sets these days should flow one to another,but they don,t they jar against one another one minute 60's, next modern, next 70's crossover...then r&b = no real flow...those that like that ...to me are there for a social with a bit of something they vaguely know in the background.....soul over 4 decades just don,t work....you have to be specific

Which european events did you attend over the last 4/5 years?

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Guest gordon russell

Which european events did you attend over the last 4/5 years?

What difference does that make........l ain,t done 15 rounds with mike tyson,but l know what the result would be.I,ve also been to enough venues were they play a very eclectic mix and to my mind it don,t work over here......thats why places are struggling and thats why modern rooms seem to be fading at big events (weekenders ect) if ya want oldies fine if ya want modern fine r&b fine altogether = something for everyone nothing for anyone

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Guest gordon russell

But isn't this topic about over the other side of the water in Europe? Across the board sets work mighty fine over there.

yep chalky it is and that was my original reply l think lol......

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What difference does that make........l ain,t done 15 rounds with mike tyson,but l know what the result would be.I,ve also been to enough venues were they play a very eclectic mix and to my mind it don,t work over here......thats why places are struggling and thats why modern rooms seem to be fading at big events (weekenders ect) if ya want oldies fine if ya want modern fine r&b fine altogether = something for everyone nothing for anyone

We'll take that as none then.

How you can make a judgement about what works at a venue without actually attending it is beyond me , despite the piss poor Tyson analogy.

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Guest gordon russell

We'll take that as none then.

How you can make a judgement about what works at a venue without actually attending it is beyond me , despite the piss poor Tyson analogy.

because i,ve been about long enough and seen enough venues fall by the wayside because of this type of music policy....if it works in europe then fine....that was my original point......across the board = no need to try

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because i,ve been about long enough and seen enough venues fall by the wayside because of this type of music policy....if it works in europe then fine....that was my original point......across the board = no need to try

But if they dont fall by the wayside in Europe how can that be anything but the right policy for that particular venue/night?

No need to try? What a crock of shit.

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The flirting is over.........

Get a room!

I don't know who you are johnmcc/ You obviously don't know me very well .

I do try and be constructive in my comments and I would like to be taken seriously , even though why I bother even trying to make sense of someone that is just a pure antagonist really does bug me.

I would like to see you ask the other guys that have sort of said the same as me to "get a room" .. but you wouldn't would you because I am an easy target for a big guy like you.

Pathetic ...

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Thanks for the sound file Andrea's I really enjoyed your selection.

What I will say is that we too have many unsung heroes who like to dabble into something different , which is making Sunday sessions very popular . In particular The Piano & Pitcher in York is well worth a visit if you are over here.

In Manchester I think we are very lucky to have a few social clubs along with town pubs that really do stretch boundaries. I still need to get to Doncasters Horse & Groom:)

I must say I am a bit picky about the funky stuff that seems to be a bit in vogue at the moment. I love Sag War fares Don't be so Jive along with James Knights There goes my baby , and Alcon Shades All is forgive along with a whole eclectic mix of stuff that ranges from Teddy P I don't love you anymore through to Delihla Moore It takes love . I also love those oldies you don't hear much as mentioned before Gwen Owens I lost a good thing and recently turned on by Toni Lamar - If I didn't love you which is a nice b-side. Plus as you know love anything by the Impressions and Esquires.

I have just returned to some funky stuff from Ady Poutain which I am enjoying , I think there is a Robert Moore? track 15 which I love (lost the track list) I cant help myself I think its called. Reminds me of everything's gonna be alright

Sometimes the journey takes longer don't you find ? Trouble with me is I am Spanky Wilson and Marva Whitney type funk person :) I am more into the deep stuff.

In my mind its best to always view music with an open mind and accept that we are all different, and that some take longer to make the journey.

I do hope I get the chance to sample Europe next year.

Edited by Anais nin
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