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‘It Shouldn’T Happen To A D.j’


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Nah, I've always walked like that, even way before the spike. :thumbsup:

My left ball has always been kinda sensitive as long as I can remember, so ramming it into a metal spike @ 30mph was merely the pinnacle of a lifetime of nervousness about it's welfare. Effectively, both my left ball and I knew, that one day there would be a world of pain in that general area, so we were both prepared in our own ways.

So it was no surprise when it happened.

But a 30mph accelaration of your balls directly into a metal spike with 1000 people watching is still pretty extreme whichever way you look at it.

So yes Steve. I'm pretty sensitive about the status of my balls OK?

The John Wayne quips really aren't helping mate......

Ian D :D

So are we to call you "Spike" from now on rather than the nickname you've had for all these years (but never liked) :lol::thumbup:

Steve H

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He had you sussed immediately Andy. If he was already well-established on the scene (as he obviously was 'cos I knew the name Rob Thomas too), then I reckon back then he probably thought his best defence was attack if you see what I mean. It was the way of the scene back then - a simple defence mechanism to sort out the wood from the trees.

It was probably the most effective method now that I really think about it. There were so many dickheads who arrived on the scene and were desperate to impress, so it was an almost automatic response to humiliate any newcomers simply in order to see who had the balls to continue. Like an initiation process.

It worked pretty well though didn't it? I take it that eventually you and Rob Thomas would have gravitated towards a better standard of conversation?

Ian D :D

"ËœThe Pecking Order' is what you mean Ian..... :shhh: I actually thought Rob Thomas was Andy Rix's very own "ËœDecks Pest' for a while :ohmy: — Sorry Rob! :D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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Or how about the the person (there's always one) who comes up and says "Will you play......? everyone will dance to it", so you bow to their "better" judgment, play the record and no one, not even the person that asked for it dances. Priceless!

Yup, done that to, usually a mates request and the whole set goes off on some tangent where you didn't want it to go, just because of that damn request!!! You learn to be stronger when it comes to requests but it can still get ya sometimes! :yes:

Len :thumbsup:

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What a load of bo$$&cks this thread is, talk about "remember that time" some of these DJ's are so far wedged up their own backsides it makes me want to puke. Anyone with a half decent pile of tracks can DJ .

can you explain why reminissing means you have your head up your arse?..as for anyone can dj..if thats the case how come weve all heard people put records on at the wrong speed...not cue up records properly (weve all done this ocassionally but i can think of a few who do it often)...play a set that sounds like a cd on random play...play a set that is completely wrong for the crowd/club that no one enjoys.....you are entitled to your opinion ..or are you just trying to get a reaction...and although there are enuff djs why not give it a go


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can you explain why reminissing means you have your head up your arse?..as for anyone can dj..if thats the case how come weve all heard people put records on at the wrong speed...not cue up records properly (weve all done this ocassionally but i can think of a few who do it often)...play a set that sounds like a cd on random play...play a set that is completely wrong for the crowd/club that no one enjoys.....you are entitled to your opinion ..or are you just trying to get a reaction...and although there are enuff djs why not give it a go


Hi Dean,

It ain't really worth a reply mate, not sure why someone wants to taint the thread but hey ho.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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What a load of bo$$&cks this thread is, talk about "remember that time" some of these DJ's are so far wedged up their own backsides it makes me want to puke. Anyone with a half decent pile of tracks can DJ .

Its a load of b**llocks to Ian,best story i've read since the Lion in the Chip shop in Blackpool.Whole new meaning to twisting my melons. :lol: .

Got to ask,are you the Jack Dee of SS.?

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Nah, I've always walked like that, even way before the spike. :thumbsup:

My left ball has always been kinda sensitive as long as I can remember, so ramming it into a metal spike @ 30mph was merely the pinnacle of a lifetime of nervousness about it's welfare. Effectively, both my left ball and I knew, that one day there would be a world of pain in that general area, so we were both prepared in our own ways.

So it was no surprise when it happened.

But a 30mph accelaration of your balls directly into a metal spike with 1000 people watching is still pretty extreme whichever way you look at it.

So yes Steve. I'm pretty sensitive about the status of my balls OK?

The John Wayne quips really aren't helping mate......

Ian D :D

Not DJ related, but I have a very similar tale from 20 years ago involving a Torsion Teste, which I'm sure a few on here will remember from the time it happened. They howled with laughter at me then Ian, so you have my sympathy :lol: I even had the collection of student nurses studying my testicles as well !

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Not DJ related, but I have a very similar tale from 20 years ago involving a Torsion Teste, which I'm sure a few on here will remember from the time it happened. They howled with laughter at me then Ian, so you have my sympathy :lol: I even had the collection of student nurses studying my testicles as well !

I bet Mr.Weston was jealous."Leave the swelling Doctor".. :lol:

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Not DJ related, but I have a very similar tale from 20 years ago involving a Torsion Teste, which I'm sure a few on here will remember from the time it happened. They howled with laughter at me then Ian, so you have my sympathy :lol: I even had the collection of student nurses studying my testicles as well !

Good, so not only me that's had ball problems then Dave. We should keep this kind of thing quiet otherwise it'll be all over the forums....... :shhh:

Ian D :D

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Yup, done that to, usually a mates request and the whole set goes off on some tangent where you didn't want it to go, just because of that damn request!!! You learn to be stronger when it comes to requests but it can still get ya sometimes! :yes:

Len :thumbsup:

Yes and something else that happens a lot is that one person will ask for a request, and you might say, "I'll try to play it if I can find it", and then they send one or more of their mates to ask for the same record, trying to make it look like there's few want to hear it.

I tend to cotton on quickly nowadays and say "The more people you get to ask for it, the less chance you have of me playing it"

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Yes and something else that happens a lot is that one person will ask for a request, and you might say, "I'll try to play it if I can find it", and then they send one or more of their mates to ask for the same record, trying to make it look like there's few want to hear it.

I tend to cotton on quickly nowadays and say "The more people you get to ask for it, the less chance you have of me playing it"

I have to admit, I've been guilty of doing just that in the distant past - Damn, so that's why he didn't play it, I didn't realise the D.J had us sussed! lol


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I'll tell you what "should never happen to a DJ".......... getting records knicked out of your box. I've had some pretty valuable pieces go missing on occasions and on one of them I'm pretty damn sure who it was but what can I do without evidence. When you spend your hard earned on a 45 the last thing any DJ should have to suffer is it going walkabout. ranting_1.gif

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worst one i reckon is when they ask for something you havnt got..normally always oldies such as frank wilson or the snake etc....and their next question is 'what HAVE you got then?'...er 200 singles,want me to name em all?!

him: Blaaah blaah blurgle urgle blurgle uuuhu?

me: Sorry mate? Come away from the speaker...what did you say?

him: Do you have 'Do I Love You Indeed I Do' by Frank Wilson?

Me: Sorry mate! don't have it.

him: "YOU'VE GOT NOTHING!!" :ohmy::lol:

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bit late to this but ....

worst - years ago, playing an early set about 9.30 or 10.00-ish ........ a half full pint lands on the deck with the record playing. me looking around, no obvious culprit (i was looking for a bloke shouting at me, calling me a w***ker or something obvious like that). next record was cued up so i started it. barmaid comes up to the front of stage and points out a girl saying it was her. i jump over the barrier (we play on a stage with a band type barrier), trot over to her to remonstrate but just as i get to her i slip on the pool of beer around her and knock her over ....... as i'm scrambling up something possessed me to start dragging her across the floor and end up going out of the door into the corridor where there's loads of people coming in and putting their coats in etc (must have been a welcoming sight!) ....... and dragging her out of the front door with the security looking at me like i'm some kind of idiot! needless to say, it was suggested later that i let them do that sort of thing if necessary.

Best - playing to our IOW festival crowd late on when there are about a thousand in and they'll sing along when they can (mostly obvious stuff though, tainted love, aint no mountain high enough etc ....... but nevertheless sounds great with everyone singing. also, warm up slot for paul weller on the IOW, 8000 crowd with them singing along just before he came on.

Bizarre - warm up for girls aloud and the saturdays the same weekend as weller. loads of kids in the crowd wondering what on earth was going on ....... although a few mums seeming to enjoy it.

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Ha ha ha Some great stories here ...... I have heard 'Can you turn it down please?' Ahhh Ian : Your ladder story had me (and sounds like yourself) in stitches. One DJ request sticks in my mind. A group of us playing at a bar/club. Anyhow started off with a few classics and me and my mate noticed a guy at the bar nodding his head and taking real interest from afar in our selections ,Great stuff , we like that ! So we proceeded to drop a few lesser known tracks and this guy is really bopping away and seems to know all the twists and turns of the track , this guy must really be into this music deep we think , me mate steps up and drops a a rarer 45 & the guy's lovin' it , even to the extent of whipping out an air saxophone for the brass section. So anyway eventually he shimmies up to us & as he approaches we notice he's pretty pissed. We whisper, both thinking, God he'll probably put us to shame with some obscure request, he walks up to the decks & tells us how he's loving the music etc .. and can he ask for a request .... tension mounts as he tries to remember the name of the track, what could it be ? A rare classic , an obscure US 45 or something totally unknown? Eyes dart from one and other as we wait. He racks his brain and then asks (straighfaced) do we have the Ghostbusters theme tune ????? I could not keep the smile off my face, it was a really laugh out loud moment and I couldn't resist having a a fake look in the record box and exclaiming Damn! I forgot that one ..... Brilliant !

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Turning up at the Southport weekender and Alex Lowes telling you your doing a radio spot. This was the first time I had gone to a weekender without either a sales box or a 50 box of tunes. Had to beg borrow and buy to get enough to do a spot.

Hats off to Max Rees who basically said take what you need from my stall to do your spot. Bought most of his recommendations after spinning them.

That was bad but the Best......was out of that I bought Richard Caiton " I can see the love girl in your eyes "off Arthur Fenn who had just got back from the USA with some copies for £30 and buying a copy of Wee Gee LP not realising the 45 "remember the love" was different from the LP version and got major slaps on back for spinning the LP version off Norman Jay. When the Richard Caiton track was aired there was some top collectors came a visiting as it was a newie in them days. Respect to Arthur Fenn for that as the man has my soul tastes.

Defo worsed for a DJ .."....Losing records while Doing a spot.

Yep...........too my knowledge have mislaid 2 slabs of soul while doing a spot. Funny enough both at Cleethorpes (I must be more careful or less trusting). Bobby Taylor LP and to date cant find it. Ty Karim on Romark......yep I know how the f&£k I hear you ask.

Well hopefully this outpouring may help it reappear. The Bobby Taylor I suffered for 4 years before I purchased another copy in the hope mine would resurface????????? Nope. The Ty Karim......well there is no way I am gonna buy a second copy.. Still in denial methinks.

Well thought I had all her tracks bar one (Senator label) now it appears I have 2 missing. Lifes a bitch ain't it. But Soul music makes it more that bearable!

No gloating please!!!!!!

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right then..still find this really embarressing....many moons ago I was djing at a nite down here in South Wales...bearing in mind at the time I was full on offit on the weekends...and was playing before the guest artist was to come on stage..(Edwin Starr)...

Now somewhere in my own little world,before I'd packed my box to D.J. I'd got mixed up with Edwin Starr and Eddie Holman.....so just before Edwin came on stage I played a combo of his big northern tracks.(I thought)..I surrender....Eddies my name..night to remember etc....announcing before/after each tune that the man himself was live on stage tonight.

Could see Edwin's face giving me puzzled looks from the side of the stage... :hypo:

Then the man Himself hits the stage...and I realise what a total dick I've made of myself :dash2:

still makes me cringe

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right then..still find this really embarressing....many moons ago I was djing at a nite down here in South Wales...bearing in mind at the time I was full on offit on the weekends...and was playing before the guest artist was to come on stage..(Edwin Starr)...

Now somewhere in my own little world,before I'd packed my box to D.J. I'd got mixed up with Edwin Starr and Eddie Holman.....so just before Edwin came on stage I played a combo of his big northern tracks.(I thought)..I surrender....Eddies my name..night to remember etc....announcing before/after each tune that the man himself was live on stage tonight.

Could see Edwin's face giving me puzzled looks from the side of the stage... :hypo:

Then the man Himself hits the stage...and I realise what a total dick I've made of myself :dash2:

still makes me cringe

Stop ya worrying, I bet no one else noticed......until now you've said! :rofl::lol: - All part of the 'fun' of D.Jing...I'm always getting the titles / artists wrong of the tunes I'm actually playing and no one notices, it makes me smile every time I do it - a bit like the 'Murray Walker' of the Soul Scene :D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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Turning up at the Southport weekender and Alex Lowes telling you your doing a radio spot. This was the first time I had gone to a weekender without either a sales box or a 50 box of tunes. Had to beg borrow and buy to get enough to do a spot.

Hats off to Max Rees who basically said take what you need from my stall to do your spot. Bought most of his recommendations after spinning them.

That was bad but the Best......was out of that I bought Richard Caiton " I can see the love girl in your eyes "off Arthur Fenn who had just got back from the USA with some copies for £30 and buying a copy of Wee Gee LP not realising the 45 "remember the love" was different from the LP version and got major slaps on back for spinning the LP version off Norman Jay. When the Richard Caiton track was aired there was some top collectors came a visiting as it was a newie in them days. Respect to Arthur Fenn for that as the man has my soul tastes.

Defo worsed for a DJ .."....Losing records while Doing a spot.

Yep...........too my knowledge have mislaid 2 slabs of soul while doing a spot. Funny enough both at Cleethorpes (I must be more careful or less trusting). Bobby Taylor LP and to date cant find it. Ty Karim on Romark......yep I know how the f&£k I hear you ask.

Well hopefully this outpouring may help it reappear. The Bobby Taylor I suffered for 4 years before I purchased another copy in the hope mine would resurface????????? Nope. The Ty Karim......well there is no way I am gonna buy a second copy.. Still in denial methinks.

Well thought I had all her tracks bar one (Senator label) now it appears I have 2 missing. Lifes a bitch ain't it. But Soul music makes it more that bearable!

No gloating please!!!!!!

Yes, having records stolen is every D.J's nightmare. I didn't think it had actually happened until reading this thread as I kinda believed in the 'honour' thing still being alive - I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have happened years ago. Many times I have had various people round my house and even if one or two people may have come round with someone I knew, the trust thing has never been an issue. I often laugh at the state of the record room - records from everyones boxes all over the place, but 'as if by magic' they all end up back in the correct boxes at the end of the session :thumbsup:

All the best,


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In general it's fair to say that soul nights are safe places to go (providing Kev Thomas isn't there lol) In my local area of Nottinghamshire I DJ'd at three different venues in a six month period and a fight broke out at all three during my set. The worst was between the promotor and his wife on stage near my record box. My mates blamed my record choice.

Whilst double decking with Mick Bolderson at Prestatyn in the Redemption room a photographer approached us and asked if he could take a photo. Naturally we said yes, put our arms around each other and gave a big smile. The photographer pointed his camera down at the decks and photographed the record being played and then walked away. We were stood there like a pair of twats.

Not forgetting a set I did at the Nottingham Brit when I was approached by the guest DJ (who is now off the scene thank God) and told to take my record off half way through as he was under the impression that he had the only copy. I refused, he complained to the promotor (who's a very close friend of mine) the promotor insisted I took it off as his guest DJ was most upset.

Good times Mick

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Defo worsed for a DJ .."....Losing records while Doing a spot.

Yep...........too my knowledge have mislaid 2 slabs of soul while doing a spot. Funny enough both at Cleethorpes (I must be more careful or less trusting). Bobby Taylor LP and to date cant find it. Ty Karim on Romark......yep I know how the f&£k I hear you ask.

Well hopefully this outpouring may help it reappear. The Bobby Taylor I suffered for 4 years before I purchased another copy in the hope mine would resurface????????? Nope. The Ty Karim......well there is no way I am gonna buy a second copy.. Still in denial methinks.

Well thought I had all her tracks bar one (Senator label) now it appears I have 2 missing. Lifes a bitch ain't it. But Soul music makes it more that bearable!

No gloating please!!!!!!

Happened to me as well. Lost a copy of Call me. Wasn't that bothered about it till i thought i'll replace that.. fck me how much nowdays!

I've got the weejee lp i didn't know it was different from the 7" I've got the same track on another lp too by a different group but i can't remember who it is.

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Guest steve64

Dom Bassett, now there's a 'blast from the past' - One of my hero's he was! :thumbsup:


What happened to Dom, it must be more than 20 years since I last saw him
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'Have you got Wade in The Water ?'

'No, Sorry'

'Why not ??'

'Because I don't like it myself'

'What the hell's that got to do with it, you're a DJ. You're supposed to play what we want not what you want !!'

Anybody got a copy of 'Wade in The Water' for sale ??

constantly get asked for this at a monthly soul nite I dj at...ususally played once or twice before i go on and asked for by punters who have been in the handbaggers room next door most of the night (probably also having heard it in there) - so their response when i tell them its been played twice is usually 'well i was in the other room' quickly followed by my retort along the lines of 'tough s***' :) ....and then there's peggy march lol.

Also had Toni Basil on the decks once and a so called dj asked me if i could play some stuff they use to play at wigan!!

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Alison, the last I heard of Dom was around 1989, when he was DJing on pirate station Swinging Radio England, under the pseudonym of Dirty Dom Perignon. Would be good to hear from him again - if you're out there Dom, post something up and let us know how you're getting on!

Dom Bassett....he was driving haulage trucks for a while and i believe he is into architectural salvage now...admitted to me he played Will Power off a carver.Always liked bit of violence.! and refuses to deejay anywhere.

Still haunted with great delight at Doms cock-a-knee intros to records.

EEE wee goww, Maxamilliiawwwn, Sixty noine, lol

Top Lad!

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Guest ScooterNik

A couple from the scooter scene with a slight common theme.

I'd not been DJing for long when I got asked to do a gig up in Cumbria - Soberphobiacs SC IIRC - as a guest DJ. Cool, that's a first.

Turn up and get a few beers into me (for courage, obviously) and find out what time I'm on. "About ten if that's OK?". No problem, bugger thats an hour and a half off, time for another beer. Halfway through my sixth or so pint there is silence from the decks. I check my watch, not my time yet but someone comes over and taps me on the shoulder - "Nik, do you know anything about decks?"

The decks I normally used had a habit of kicking the drive belt off so I thought I'd look inside and see if that was it, not thinking to ask what the symtoms were. Head over to the decks, pop the turntables and covers off and reach inside. There's a bang andI shoot across the room and the next thing I remember was one of the organisers asking if I was OK. The sods hadn't told me that the decks had gone completely dead and it was an electrical problem... I'd touched the input, bridged it across to the decks and there had been a brief moment of life as I completed the circuit with my hand! Power off, quick bodge, and the decks worked for the rest of the night but I didn't stop shaking for the rest of the night!

Apparently the club didn't bother fixing the decks and the next time they were used they caught fire. Oops.

The other one wasn't quite as funny. A few of us used to work on the major scooter rallies for the organisers, NRC/NSRA.

At one of the East coast rallies (Skegness?) we got forced to camp on the local stock car circuit or something similar. We had a small clubhouse to work in that wasn't really big enough for the event. The decks were facing the wall and the speaker stacks were behind and to the sides with a fence between them.

I was on late afternoon, and before me was a lad called Martin from Morecambe who was playing early house and obscure mod stuff and was dying on his arse. It didn't help that a club was in the clubhouse that knew Martin and didn't like him (80s scooter club politics - not fun) and were being abusive and were chucking empty cans at him. I could see that he was in danger of getting lynched and so took an executive decision to hoof Martin off the decks and take over. I went up, told him what I thought, he agreed and started to pack up. I grabbed the mic and announced that I was taking over with a bit more of a commercial set, and jokingly asked that if people were going to throw cans, could they at least make sure there was some beer in them as I was a bit thirsty.

The next thing i know a bottle comes flying over my shoulder as I set the first track off and it hits the wall in front of me, shattering and covering me and the decks in lime juice (god knows why they had a bottle of that with them!). The decks short out and go live, I get another bloody electric shock up my arm and the decks go dead.

I'm fecking annoyed, to say the least, and leap over the fencing to take the club on singlehandedly. Next thing I know I've a lad from an Edinburgh club who weighed about 25 stone sat on my chest telling me that if i went any further he'd rip my head off first.

I later found out that security had stuck their heads inside, made a snap judgement and locked the doors from the outside....


All good fun.

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Still haunted with great delight at Doms cock-a-knee intros to records.

EEE wee goww, Maxamilliiawwwn, Sixty noine, lol

Top Lad!

:lol: Yes - Now you've said, I can see it now.....As if it was yesterday, he had a great 'way' about him didn't he?

Ref another thread - It must be cool 'not to be on Soul-source' because Dom isn't on here.....Oh dear, I now feel really low.... :huh::(:D

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

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Dom had a go at some dick at one of the Girvan Mod Rallies.

The guy was giving it the biggun.....I used to be a Mod but I grew up, I could take all you Pea Pods on etc etc.

Dom just turned round to the guy in front of around 40-50 Mods and said...

" if youahhh not a mod naoww, then you nevahh wos a mod"

the guy wanted to argue but with Doms screwed up face in his direction and Doms cocksure attitude, the guy trotted on, probably to bed lol

Great memories!

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  • 3 years later...

Was wondering if anyone out there has the gear, knowledge, etc. to splice together 'There's A Ghost In My House' and 'The Snake'? Yep, genuine request at a pub a few weeks ago, to a mate of mine, 'Do you have 'There's a snake in my house'?'. 



If it helps, I've got a rare mix of R. Dean Taylor, Al Wilson and Lonette called "There's A Snake In My Blue Jeans". :rofl:

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If it helps, I've got a rare mix of R. Dean Taylor, Al Wilson and Lonette called "There's A Snake In My Blue Jeans". :rofl:


Looking like it'll need to be an LP then :-)



Was wondering if anyone out there has the gear, knowledge, etc. to splice together 'There's A Ghost In My House' and 'The Snake'? Yep, genuine request at a pub a few weeks ago, to a mate of mine, 'Do you have 'There's a snake in my house'?'. 



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When the person asking is not really sure who the artist or title is, and when you throw alcohol into the mix - "Comedy Gold" is going to happen at some stage - been asked for

"Teardrops & Tombstones"

"The Coffee Song"

Want to take a guess at what the latter is??

Had a hilarious "standoff" with someone I know quite well, when he asked for some tune with a bizarre title I'd never heard of :-

"Don't know it"

"Yes you do, you f***ing played it last time "

"I've never heard of it"

"Yes you do"

"I don't know it and have never had a record with that title in my hands"

"Yes you do, you f***ing played it last time "

The best one was somebody coming up with a list of rare Motown TMG no's (No Artists/Titles), asking me to ask the crowd if anybody had these records - I asked if he wanted them to which he said "No I've got them, I'm just seeing if anyone else has them"

And you can't beat people singing the tune or humming the intro for you either

To be fair I've probably done similar myself and most people asking, see the funny side too!!




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When the person asking is not really sure who the artist or title is, and when you throw alcohol into the mix - "Comedy Gold" is going to happen at some stage - been asked for

"Teardrops & Tombstones"

"The Coffee Song"

Want to take a guess at what the latter is??

Had a hilarious "standoff" with someone I know quite well, when he asked for some tune with a bizarre title I'd never heard of :-

"Don't know it"

"Yes you do, you f***ing played it last time "

"I've never heard of it"

"Yes you do"

"I don't know it and have never had a record with that title in my hands"

"Yes you do, you f***ing played it last time "

The best one was somebody coming up with a list of rare Motown TMG no's (No Artists/Titles), asking me to ask the crowd if anybody had these records - I asked if he wanted them to which he said "No I've got them, I'm just seeing if anyone else has them"

And you can't beat people singing the tune or humming the intro for you either

To be fair I've probably done similar myself and most people asking, see the funny side too!!




Re The Coffee Song - is it the one referred to in this thread ?


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After playing Eddie Holman I Surrender a guy come up and said "Could I play it again because his mate hadn't heard it before and quite liked it".   He was being deadly serious so I had to point out that it might not go down so well with everyone else......   he wandered off shaking his head !

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the ultimate has to be the guy at Winsford and the legendary incident involving Butch and was is the then Del larks cover up.

Might have the details wrong here, please correct me, I was going to winsford at the time but cant recall the incident personally.

Nearly right, it was Winsford, but it was Walter & The Admerations.

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