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evening soul folk,now im not talkin about dealers here (obviously) and im also not on about people hitting hard times leaving them with no choice,im also not bothered about rareity and values,im on about letting some things go when you really dont have to,i just recently sold a record on here,admittedly to pay a small bill,but i know i couldve found another way of paying that bill without selling a record and immediately i was sad about it ! i think im a bit of a hoarder when it comes to records, tonight i have bought another record to take away a bit of the sorrow lol, i know its all about the collector in me (ooo"er missus) but i was wondering what others think so decided to start this light hearted thread,so do you find it easy to sell some of your records when you dont have to ?


by the way im listening to chris andertons show whilst typing this and its making me wanna buy more records (superb show by the way !)

also theres some records i would never ever sell and these are the handfull ive been given as gifts from people on here (you know who you are you wonderful people),i would only sell those ones if the person who gave it me needed money,bloody hell ive never typed so much !

Posted (edited)

Hi mate,

I know EXACTLY what you mean...I have had records on my shelf that I probably haven't played in years but the "Ëœcomfort' was, that I knew they were there. The last few years of business has been awful and after re-mortgaging my house a couple of times, the damn kids still needed feeding so "Ëœsomat had to give'....So (tough decision as it was) I chose the kids and had to sell some records to surface....To this day, the records I think about most (God this sounds so, so very sad) are the ones that I sold and to add "Ëœinsult to injury', it seems every ble*ding time I walk into an event the said records are being played!...Maybe the kids weren't that good after all...."ÂYeh, but you can always buy them back"Â.......Sorry, not the same, those records were "Ëœconnected' to a chase and were as good as photos, reminding me of "Ëœa time''....

........My heart also bleeds.....

Nice thread.

All the best,

Len (A fellow "ËœSaddo') x

P.s — Chris Anderton — "ËœRespect'!

Edited by LEN
  • Helpful 1

Jason, I am the same as you, I struggle to sell records even if I dont like them or have more than one copy. The few times I have sold records I get the urge to buy them back. Thing is my collection could really do with a clear out, running out of space. I sometimes give them away but the wife tends to give me grief for it. It does piss me off when I give someone a record that they then later sell.

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

Doh! — I just "Ëœre-read' your opening post...."Âand I'm also not on about people hitting hard times leaving them with no choice"Â... Sorry, but it kind of contradicts what you're trying to say (I think)....Oh, well, I'll leave my post as I would imagine there's lots of folk that can relate to what I said :thumbsup:

All the best,


Edited by LEN
  • Helpful 1

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:01, LEN said:

Doh! — I just "Ëœre-read' your opening post...."Âand I'm also not on about people hitting hard times leaving them with no choice"Â... Sorry, but it kind of contradicts what you're trying to say (I think)....Oh, well, I'll leave my post as I would imagine there's lots of folk that can relate to what I said :thumbsup:

All the best,


i think your first reply was bloody great mate and spot on len :thumbsup:


Posted (edited)

  On 20/08/2012 at 20:58, Des Crombie said:

It does piss me off when I give someone a record that they then later sell.

...and so it would do, it's a blo*dy gift for god's sake! - No one should ever sell a gift as it should mean something to them (if they have anything about them that is!)

All the best,


Edited by LEN

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:05, arnie j said:

i think your first reply was bloody great mate and spot on len :thumbsup:


Tis' always a comfort when I hear 'I'm not alone in my strange thinkings' :yes: ...

Len :thumbsup:

  • Helpful 1

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:08, LEN said:

...and so it would do, it's a blo*dy gift for god's sake! - No one should ever sell a gift as it should mean something to them (if they have anything about them that is!)

All the best,


I had one person who recently asked me if I wanted to buy a copy of Tony Colton from him. The same record I had given him for free as a Birthday present. Although I forgive him because he was and still is on hard times.

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

  On 20/08/2012 at 20:20, arnie j said:

bloody hell ive never typed so much !

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That last line of yours has made my day...."Welcome to my world"Â is all I can say!....I'm actually 'socially disabled', I really do find "Ëœsocialising' f*cking exhausting — sometimes it's like playing "ËœSquash against a Sponge'...or "ËœTable Tennis on my own'... the "ËœWritten Word' is soooo much more "Ëœexhilarating'...Bring back the days when no one spoke to each and just got "ËœBlocked' and danced to the music is what I say! Lol...We really shouldn't get to know each other outside of that dance hall... :D

All the best,


Edited by LEN
  • Helpful 2
Guest kev such

Yes. But generally however it depends what Im after and once they're sold Im a tad down, but once I get the replacement I've sold some I didnt really want to, to get it. Once its in my hand Im a happy teddy bear.

Kev ( dont do modern) Such

Guest Bearsy

When going through my divorce and uprooting 120 miles from what used to be home I had to sell a lot of tunes and at times nearly sold them all as it hurt so much to lose so many I thought just get off the merry vinyl go round and all will be ok, no chance the buying bug has eaten its way to deep, like Len it seems everytime I walk in a venue or even read playlists I see so many of them little gems I once owned :-( but to be honest I could of bought a good few back since but ain't as my taste has moved on and my wants list has defo changed, the only three I bought back have been August Moon, Little Tommy & Quotations, nowadays I don't look back with too much sadness just fond memories of the time in them records life they was once my pride and joy just like all them little beauties I own right now, best way to get over a vinyl loss is like you did go buy something else to ease the pain lol. Hope you and your daughter are all fine and dandy Arnie ;-)

Posted (edited)

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:46, mrs soul said:

most people buy them back at a later date if possible :)....but its very hard to see them go, there not records there our babies !

Lou, you're sooo soppy...alas, I am too as I also can relate to that....Do any of you remember as a kid, taking your Christmas presents to bed? I slept with a football one year because I really was that "Ëœmade up'...Has anyone done that with a record before?....I haven't....really I haven't, honestly......Mind you, who knows, 'us boys' would try anything at the age of 14!..(Don't worry lady's, it's a 'bloke thing').... :D

All the best,


Edited by LEN

  On 20/08/2012 at 22:02, LEN said:

Lou, you're sooo soppy...alas, I can sooo relate to that!....Do any of you remember as a kid, taking your Christmas presents to bed? I slept with a football one year because I really was that "Ëœmade up'...Has anyone done that with a record before?....I haven't....really I haven't, honestly......

All the best,


No I've never slept with a record, though cuming to think about it that large US 45 centre hole could possibly be appealling to some. LOL

  • Helpful 2
Posted (edited)

  On 20/08/2012 at 22:06, Des Crombie said:

No I've never slept with a record, though cuming to think about it that large US 45 centre hole could possibly be appealling to some. LOL

....Never crossed my mind...Where's that milk bottle gone?...Oh yeh, it broke.... :ohmy:


Edited by LEN
  • Helpful 1

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:58, Bearsy said:

When going through my divorce and uprooting 120 miles from what used to be home I had to sell a lot of tunes and at times nearly sold them all as it hurt so much to lose so many I thought just get off the merry vinyl go round and all will be ok, no chance the buying bug has eaten its way to deep, like Len it seems everytime I walk in a venue or even read playlists I see so many of them little gems I once owned :-( but to be honest I could of bought a good few back since but ain't as my taste has moved on and my wants list has defo changed, the only three I bought back have been August Moon, Little Tommy & Quotations, nowadays I don't look back with too much sadness just fond memories of the time in them records life they was once my pride and joy just like all them little beauties I own right now, best way to get over a vinyl loss is like you did go buy something else to ease the pain lol. Hope you and your daughter are all fine and dandy Arnie ;-)

great reply bud and me and callie are fine thanks mate :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



  On 20/08/2012 at 22:06, Des Crombie said:

No I've never slept with a record, though cuming to think about it that large US 45 centre hole could possibly be appealling to some. LOL

and the small british centre hole appealling to others lol


Posted (edited)

  On 20/08/2012 at 22:16, arnie j said:

and the small british centre hole appealling to others lol


....Now ya talking.....Right, enough already! I've started another thread that's more 'P.G' than 'Chubby Brown' for gawds sake! lol -

If anyone else posts here, please refere to the original post which is actually something many of us can relate to....Sorry it went somewhat 'off topic'...Oh well, it livened up a Monday evening didn't it? lol

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

Edited by LEN
Posted (edited)

Intresting topic...couple of weeks ago a friend wanted to buy my early pressing of Billy Prophet off me..not worth much in money and although like most money is tight at mo..just couldnt let it go, simply because the memories attatched to it.. ie. when and where i bought it 35 years ago, in fact still got a box load of similar stuff bought circa 1977....gonna be buried with me....cos thats where it all started..not buried in the ground lol ..when i first started buying norman records

Len i got drunk and bought a snake when i was sixteen with my first wage packet, cos i had always wanted one ..unfortunately whilst looking at it i fell asleep on it and it was crushed to death...unbelievable. :huh:

Hope your looking after our record Lou?? :shhh:

Edited by GOGOPRO
  • Helpful 1

  On 21/08/2012 at 00:05, GOGOPRO said:

Intresting topic...couple of weeks ago a friend wanted to buy my early pressing of Billy Prophet off me..not worth much in money and although like most money is tight at mo..just couldnt let it go, simply because the memories attatched to it.. ie. when and where i bought it 35 years ago, in fact still got a box load of similar stuff bought circa 1977....gonna be buried with me....cos thats where it all started..not buried in the ground lol ..when i first started buying norman records

Len i got drunk and bought a snake when i was sixteen with my first wage packet, cos i had always wanted one ..unfortunately whilst looking at it i fell asleep on it and it was crushed to death...unbelievable. :huh:

Hope your looking after our record Lou?? :shhh:

woody,s after it..tut tut..he,s got no chance, dont worry it,s in safe hands, all locked away :wicked:


  On 20/08/2012 at 22:02, LEN said:

Lou, you're sooo soppy...alas, I am too as I also can relate to that....Do any of you remember as a kid, taking your Christmas presents to bed? I slept with a football one year because I really was that "Ëœmade up'...Has anyone done that with a record before?....I haven't....really I haven't, honestly......Mind you, who knows, 'us boys' would try anything at the age of 14!..(Don't worry lady's, it's a 'bloke thing').... :D

All the best,


I got to be honest, and most collectors ect, hopefully are as mad as we are, but we have been known to ..kiss , yes sad gits that we are, kiss our vinyl , and cherish it, its takes a lot of hard work, funds, going with out stuff, to buy these days , I did sell some good stuff a couple of years ago, to buy a car, and I,m still pining now for one particular record :huh: but me and woody over the years have sold 2 collections , one to keep a roof over our heads, one when the kids was small and he was out of work, he still even now, regrets selling George Blackwell , amongst other,s ,and that was 25 years ago, but thems the cards we was dealt, but thinking back, can honestly say, I wished we had kept them at the time , but at the same time, if this makes sense, some we can live with out, it was a desperate situation , which I am sure a lot of people can Identify with, it,s easy if money is no object ect, to get what you want , buy what you want, but some of the sacrifices we have made and still make, to purchase records, it,s hard. So you have to work harder at it, dig deeper , don't follow record,s like sheep , to buy the top ten in demand current spins, for eg; Give Woody a sales list let,s say with 500 listed , he will go through it, in alphabetical order , how ever long it take,s. now that take,s dedication, and its that dedication and hard work, that, make,s letting go of something even harder, :sweatingbullets: for an example, I made him tidy up his records, as there was about , well a few shall we say, just in box,s. The idea is to sell some , that he can let go, to help fund new stuff, he,s the hardest person in the world, to get to bring a sales box, in fact he,s taken loads back out of a 300 box, and put them back :dash2:

However , as for The Hy-tones, whether you like it or hate it, that goes with him, when he goes, and that,s a fact , it,s been discussed, and I for one, if I out live him, would adhere to this request, but you never know, he might change his mind now he, s a granddad , so all in all , yes, we find it extremely difficult :facepalm:

  • Helpful 2

  On 21/08/2012 at 01:05, mrs soul said:

I got to be honest, and most collectors ect, hopefully are as mad as we are, but we have been known to ..kiss , yes sad gits that we are, kiss our vinyl , and cherish it, its takes a lot of hard work, funds, going with out stuff, to buy these days , I did sell some good stuff a couple of years ago, to buy a car, and I,m still pining now for one particular record :huh: but me and woody over the years have sold 2 collections , one to keep a roof over our heads, one when the kids was small and he was out of work, he still even now, regrets selling George Blackwell , amongst other,s ,and that was 25 years ago, but thems the cards we was dealt, but thinking back, can honestly say, I wished we had kept them at the time , but at the same time, if this makes sense, some we can live with out, it was a desperate situation , which I am sure a lot of people can Identify with, it,s easy if money is no object ect, to get what you want , buy what you want, but some of the sacrifices we have made and still make, to purchase records, it,s hard. So you have to work harder at it, dig deeper , don't follow record,s like sheep , to buy the top ten in demand current spins, for eg; Give Woody a sales list let,s say with 500 listed , he will go through it, in alphabetical order , how ever long it take,s. now that take,s dedication, and its that dedication and hard work, that, make,s letting go of something even harder, :sweatingbullets: for an example, I made him tidy up his records, as there was about , well a few shall we say, just in box,s. The idea is to sell some , that he can let go, to help fund new stuff, he,s the hardest person in the world, to get to bring a sales box, in fact he,s taken loads back out of a 300 box, and put them back :dash2:

However , as for The Hy-tones, whether you like it or hate it, that goes with him, when he goes, and that,s a fact , it,s been discussed, and I for one, if I out live him, would adhere to this request, but you never know, he might change his mind now he, s a granddad , so all in all , yes, we find it extremely difficult :facepalm:

fantastic post lou :yes: ,hope u both well mate



as Lou says,i have took a box of records out,and when i got back home took most of them out ,and back on shelf,just can't bring myself to do it,not much of a salesman :rofl: its just the way it is :rolleyes:


  On 21/08/2012 at 01:05, mrs soul said:

However , as for The Hy-tones, whether you like it or hate it, that goes with him, when he goes, and that,s a fact , it,s been discussed, and I for one, if I out live him, would adhere to this request, but you never know, he might change his mind now he, s a granddad , so all in all , yes, we find it extremely difficult :facepalm:

Swap it for a carver Lou he'll never know :shhh::wink:

  • Helpful 1

  On 20/08/2012 at 21:20, Des Crombie said:

I had one person who recently asked me if I wanted to buy a copy of Tony Colton from him. The same record I had given him for free as a Birthday present. Although I forgive him because he was and still is on hard times.

Even so, thats well out of order


  On 21/08/2012 at 00:05, GOGOPRO said:

Intresting topic...couple of weeks ago a friend wanted to buy my early pressing of Billy Prophet off me..not worth much in money and although like most money is tight at mo..just couldnt let it go, simply because the memories attatched to it.. ie. when and where i bought it 35 years ago, in fact still got a box load of similar stuff bought circa 1977....gonna be buried with me....cos thats where it all started..not buried in the ground lol ..when i first started buying norman records

I know exactly where you're coming from with this, I've always had people round looking at records I've had for sale, they go from a couple of quid to 4 grand the most I ever sold one for, but the bread and butter is originals, however when they say have you got your own collection I point at the top shelf where there's about 250 records, these are those that I've always loved from day one, from the youth club, through Wigan and beyond, they are on any old label: soul galore, pye disco demand, grapevine, carvers, I don't care as long as I can play that one particular record whenever I feel like it, I don't care what label it's on and I don't care if people scoff about my "collection", but I'll never sell them.

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