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Guest Phil Armstrong

After all a dj is only as good as his/her records and how they are put together in a set.

Plus competant use of the mic, otherwise may as well be playing cd's

Guest mickeyfish58
Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 00:54, ady croasdell said:

Get down the 100 Club we have a roster of five DJs who rotate (literally) and put two or three guests on at each nighter. They are picked solely because they are good. As I can hadly do any guest spots with a 4 year old to look after at the weekend I'm not looking for reciprocal spots, in fact I'm having to avoid them


not for me to say who you should book ady, but you could do far worse than pete eccles[ he is pete60 on here] hes a man that can and does mix it at many a venue and imo and others deserves a chance further a field Edited by mickeyfish58

  On 06/07/2012 at 12:37, paultp said:

I think we had a thread ages ago about the things people say to DJs, some things are funny (at the time or afterwards) but some people are downright abusive. Even when you have the floor rammed and people applauding there is often still someone who wants to say something horrible either whilst you're on the decks or after you've finished your set. Something for any wannabee DJ's to consider.

Paul, both times I guested at TOS nobody was abusive to me but folks were grabbing my beer. I'd rather had a a "f*ck you" than being thirsty. :wink:

  • Helpful 1
Guest mickeyfish58

  On 06/07/2012 at 09:09, KevH said:

I thought there were too many "dj's" on the scene.?

If so ,how can the same ones keep being booked.? New blood?...according to this site,most either 1) haven't got the records or 2) play shite or, 3) never went to Wigan/Stafford - delete as neccessary.

Last thing...who would dj for someone they didn't like?...

i thought you djd for the floor not a individual[ who you may on may not like]

  On 06/07/2012 at 13:39, mickeyfish58 said:

not for me to say who you should book ady, but you could do far worse than pete eccles hes a man that can and does mix it at many a venue and imo and others deserves a chance further a field

We have Pete Eccles as our special guest at The Stables soul club at the end of July because your right Mickey he knows how to mix it up and that's why I booked him. :thumbsup:

JB xxx KTF xxx

Guest mickeyfish58

  On 06/07/2012 at 13:47, JELLYBEAN said:

We have Pete Eccles as our special guest at The Stables soul club at the end of July because your right Mickey he knows how to mix it up and that's why I booked him. :thumbsup:

JB xxx KTF xxx

hey i will come with him then , the tight git can give me a lift lol
Guest rodw

We go to Allniters, Underplayed Soul Nites on a regular basis throughout the country, on many occasions just to see dj's who have been recommended or for our personal interest. I keep long lists of dj's who I've enjoyed their sets...also read playlists as a routine as well. Financially it's costly but it makes for a great social life & Ive enjoyed every minute of it....made loads of new friends too. Personally I would recommend any promoter to get out & about....& I'm sure many do.

I think the South is a whole different ball game, most are not really interested in the music policy side of things anyway.....it's mainly, you come to mine & I'll come to yours....dj's the same policy. Nice social way of doing things but not really music orientated...for me anyway.


  On 06/07/2012 at 13:25, Chris Anderton said:

At "Dab of Soul" we have a policy of booking the best DJs in the country and not booking locals just because they are local.

What happens? The locals don`t support because they know they a`int going to be getting a spot anytime soon!

Of course we book some local guys who can do the job.


Chris we have the same policy at Soul in the South....and surprise surprise the local djs stay away !!!

Guest dundeedavie

Thankfully I can say that at Basics we don't go into back scratching and never have, in fact its almost definite that if you ask us for a spot you won't get it never mind offering a return spot because for myself I don't do gigs for anyone else anyway so it'd be a waste of time.

I think we're almost unique in this respect in Scotland


  On 06/07/2012 at 12:59, tonyp said:

And, conversely, it would be nice for a few DJ's to go out when they're not "working".

I often have a wry smile on the the Events page at the comments of " Best Venue in the Country"-" What a knowledgable Crowd" etc etc, and when you have a little peek, surprise surprise the commentor is doing a spot, And you know full well if they weren't they'd be nowhere near it.


Some of course do Tony.But how many times you heard "He's only here cos he/she's after a spot"......get behind the decks and your life is not your own i tells thee.

  • Helpful 1

  On 06/07/2012 at 13:43, mickeyfish58 said:

i thought you djd for the floor not a individual[ who you may on may not like]

Meant dj for the promoter clever clogs. :lol: And if you get booked and becomes friends with the promoter (heaven forbid),just dont let anyone know he wants to book you again.In fact say NO,to save face.Fall out with him and start ww3.

Guest mickeyfish58

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:04, KevH said:

Meant dj for the promoter clever clogs. :lol: And if you get booked and becomes friends with the promoter (heaven forbid),just dont let anyone know he wants to book you again.In fact say NO,to save face.Fall out with him and start ww3.

was just jesting kev and i totally agree with you
Guest soul elite

I can think of one gig in particular where they feel incest is best!! :yes:

Guest mickeyfish58

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:10, soul elite said:

I can think of one gig in particular where they feel incest is best!! :yes:

i think they should rename the venue :ohmy: to = incest on the best :shhh:
Guest Bearsy
Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:10, soul elite said:

I can think of one gig in particular where they feel incest is best!! :yes:

only one Kat :lol:

Edited by Bearsy


  On 06/07/2012 at 13:57, SallieJane said:

Chris we have the same policy at Soul in the South....and surprise surprise the local djs stay away !!!

  On 06/07/2012 at 13:57, SallieJane said:

Chris we have the same policy at Soul in the South....and surprise surprise the local djs stay away !!!

Do you think its the policy or do you think it is the constant sniping and backstabbing that goes on in the south regarding events and DJ's, lets be honest here


Just like to say that as regards The Stables soul club & Fist full of soul @ Broad lane working men's club,what I'm about to say goes for both of em,although Broad lane will be no more after tomorrow night cuz sadly it's our last night there. :(

Anyway here goes I hate it when I get asked by someone to do a spot,I don't go round asking and I never will maybe thats why I don't get any :lol: as regards the booking of guest dj's,we only book those that we know will deliver a quality set for our punters,we

know because me & Mart travel all over the country to various venues almost every w/end and hear em play.So it's not a case of

you scratch my back & I'll scratch yours sinario,at the end of the day its the punters you wanna be thinkin about cuz after all their

the one's that pay their money and take their choice as to where they wanna be @ the w/end. :thumbsup:

Jelly (gizza-spot) Bean xxx :P xxx

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 13:38, Phil Armstrong said:

After all a dj is only as good as his/her records and how they are put together in a set.

Plus competant use of the mic, otherwise may as well be playing cd's

What's playing CD's got to do with being competent on the mic? The two are completely unrelated.

Edited by daved

  On 06/07/2012 at 12:59, tonyp said:

And, conversely, it would be nice for a few DJ's to go out when they're not "working".

I often have a wry smile on the the Events page at the comments of " Best Venue in the Country"-" What a knowledgable Crowd" etc etc, and when you have a little peek, surprise surprise the commentor is doing a spot, And you know full well if they weren't they'd be nowhere near it.


spot on, some Dj's wouldnt be seen dead out at a soul do unless they were playing

  • Helpful 1

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:47, daved said:

What's playing CD's got to do with being competent on the mic? The two are completely unrelated.

Think you kinda missed the point there.

Listening to a DJ who can't put a spot together OR use the mic, then you may as well listen to a comp. CD-Was how I read it.




Oh by the way we have a BRILLIANT guest dj for the last Fist full of soul @ Broad lane W.M.C tomorrow night,it's COL KIDSON he's got some awesome tunage and I'm gonna get my request in straight away for Chuck Cockeram - Have I the right.Just hope he ain't sold it lol

JB xxx KTF xxx

Guest rodw

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:42, mikecook said:

Do you think its the policy or do you think it is the constant sniping and backstabbing that goes on in the south regarding events and DJ's, lets be honest here

Agree with that to a degree...our music policy is totally different to any other venue on the South Coast but that should be a good thing in my book....something different that the top 500, that's not a snipe...just a simple fact !!! Most promoters on the South Coast very rarely come on to general interest SS threads ie: this one...it's usually just to promote their dos & not all of them use SS anyway. Local dos mainly mean local dos as well, as not that many travel far these days but there are a still a few that do. Read our playlist on lookbacks/allniters...to judge for yourself on our music policy Mike ?? A nice mix of Wheel, Torch, Wigan, Stafford tunes in general I would say...

  On 06/07/2012 at 15:04, Tezza said:

We run a little club in Chesterfield and try to get some big names whenever we can as well as the 'well known local guys' . We have a 'Warm Up' spot for an hour 8:30 - 9:30 and let unknown, local DJ's ( or anyone who asks ) play and often get excellent feedback about them. Tend to get something a little left field when you do so, and they are greatful of the chance to air their vinyl.

I'm not exactly MickH or Ted M myself but seldom get invited to play elsewhere - maybe they are trying to tell me something !! We don't book DJ's ourselves to get a reciprical spot, naughty.

It is rather frustrating to see the same old faces week after week. There are a few 'Local' events that seem to have the same DJs, more than once a year in some cases, which is a real shame as they are quality venues and have great potential, but hey, who am I to tell them how to run their club ??

As a promoter do you look to the Cash Tin and feet through the door or play away from the Top 500 and establish a reputation - If you Build it, they will come !! Tricky. Easy from the outside looking in ?!?!?!

And then theres the situation of certain `big names` not wanting to be on the same bill as another DJ a Tez? or the `Big names` followers not attending as they don`t like another DJ on the same bill which would unduly effect attendances. This politics game(or shall we call it ostracising certain DJs) isnt easy from the outside or the inside is it? This leads to the incest becoming more and more disturbing as the pool of `acceptable` DJs could get potentially smaller and smaller.


  • Helpful 2
Guest Phil Armstrong
Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 14:52, tonyp said:

Think you kinda missed the point there.

Listening to a DJ who can't put a spot together OR use the mic, then you may as well listen to a comp. CD-Was how I read it.



Well put Tony that's exactly what I was trying to say.

Edited by Phil Armstrong

  On 06/07/2012 at 15:26, Phil Armstrong said:

Well put Tony that's exactly what I was trying to say.

Ok. Some CD comps are better than DJ sets :lol:

Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 15:09, rodw said:

Agree with that to a degree...our music policy is totally different to any other venue on the South Coast but that should be a good thing in my book....something different that the top 500, that's not a snipe...just a simple fact !!! Most promoters on the South Coast very rarely come on to general interest SS threads ie: this one...it's usually just to promote their dos & not all of them use SS anyway. Local dos mainly mean local dos as well, as not that many travel far these days but there are a still a few that do. Read our playlist on lookbacks/allniters...to judge for yourself on our music policy Mike ?? A nice mix of Wheel, Torch, Wigan, Stafford tunes in general I would say...

I have seen some of the line ups and you have had some gooduns on and i wouldn't dispute there are some good playlists. I would disagree that the same top 500 get played at the local gigs, if that is in fact what you are implying ... have you checked out the Balevedare (a prime venue that attracts a lot of the sh*te comments) it regularly has DJ's booked that play off orig and not the top 500? I'm sure Jonah and Dave would also agree that its not the top 500 at their events ... in fact, i cant think of any I've been to in poole/bournemouth that only play top 500.

Also, i would say that its not just the local DJ's not attending the souths nighter, I would guess it would be most of the locals as well. Hardly surprising as this had been discussed for at least a couple of years and the consensus was that a nighter would fall flat on its face if it did not attract travellers as most locals would not attend a nighter

Edited by mikecook

  On 06/07/2012 at 16:03, spacehopper said:

this saturday at go go children we have greg belson guesting....we didnt do it to get a spot in L.A...honest ;-)...

but seriuosly as a dj id like more guest spots and im out as far as my wallet can take me every weekend...not to get gigs but to enjoy myself dancin...if i get a spot its a bonus if i dont get asked after years of going to a club it doesnt wind me up

but as a promoter it can be tuff because id like to give loads mor djs a spot at go go children but despite playing every month we dont get time!....yes there are a few djs who come back every year but thats not because they are our mates its because they are good and our crowd have asked for them back!...and thats the important bit a djs gotta fit with your club..we are all booked up this year and i already have the next 6 months after that mapped out in my head!!


Great philosophy you have there mate, pity not more like you



  • Helpful 1

Guest dundeedavie

while I'm here , I've always wondered ..... was there always guest dj's in club culture?

Guest rodw

  On 06/07/2012 at 16:11, mikecook said:

I have seen some of the line ups and you have had some gooduns on and i wouldn't dispute there are some good playlists. I would disagree that the same top 500 get played at the local gigs, if that is in fact what you are implying ... have you checked out the Balevedare (a prime venue that attracts a lot of the sh*te comments) it regularly has DJ's booked that play off orig and not the top 500? I'm sure Jonah and Dave would also agree that its not the top 500 at their events ... in fact, i cant think of any I've been to in poole/bournemouth that only play top 500.

Also, i would say that its not just the local DJ's not attending the souths nighter, I would guess it would be most of the locals as well. Hardly surprising as this had been discussed for at least a couple of years and the consensus was that a nighter would fall flat on its face if it did not attract travellers as most locals would not attend a nighter

You have not been to any of our events nor has Moldie. I have been to all the venues in the area many times that's the difference between you 2 & me. First hand experience is what counts... If you have never been to our Allniter, you won't have a balanced opinion about it, that's also a fact !!!

  On 06/07/2012 at 15:23, Sharon Cooper said:

Sharon, you are so right.

Hi, my names Terry and I am a hypocryt !!

Now my head in shame.

Need to right a few wrongs. Speak to you soon - and Chris of course !!

And then theres the situation of certain `big names` not wanting to be on the same bill as another DJ a Tez? or the `Big names` followers not attending as they don`t like another DJ on the same bill which would unduly effect attendances. This politics game(or shall we call it ostracising certain DJs) isnt easy from the outside or the inside is it? This leads to the incest becoming more and more disturbing as the pool of `acceptable` DJs could get potentially smaller and smaller.



  On 06/07/2012 at 17:00, rodw said:

You have not been to any of our events nor has Moldie. I have been to all the venues in the area many times that's the difference between you 2 & me. First hand experience is what counts... If you have never been to our Allniter, you won't have a balanced opinion about it, that's also a fact !!!

why have you used my name rod?....i decide where i go no one else


  On 06/07/2012 at 17:00, rodw said:

You have not been to any of our events nor has Moldie. I have been to all the venues in the area many times that's the difference between you 2 & me. First hand experience is what counts... If you have never been to our Allniter, you won't have a balanced opinion about it, that's also a fact !!!

no where in our conversation did i say i had been to your nighter ... what Moldie has to do with it is beyond me!!!! What the hell are you going on about Moldie for???

it sounds to me you read my post a completely different way than what it is worded for you to give that response.

I have an informed opinion of the events in the south as i have been to them all of them and they do not play the top 500 (maybe the peir does but thats another story). I have not been to yours as i do not venture out much these days because of the nastiness on the scene ... especially the bitching that goes on along the south coast.

the only thing that i can think of thats upset you is that i am stating the obvious, if a nighter in the south does not get travellers it will fall flat on its face ... that was the feedback long before you got your off the ground.

take a chill pill and read what i wrote again ... not having a go at your do so dont know why the heated response


  On 06/07/2012 at 15:23, Sharon Cooper said:

And then theres the situation of certain `big names` not wanting to be on the same bill as another DJ a Tez? or the `Big names` followers not attending as they don`t like another DJ on the same bill which would unduly effect attendances. This politics game(or shall we call it ostracising certain DJs) isnt easy from the outside or the inside is it? This leads to the incest becoming more and more disturbing as the pool of `acceptable` DJs could get potentially smaller and smaller.


what has a djs size got to do with anything...butch is hardly a six foot monster

Guest rodw

Any other comments, like the above...please direct them onto lookbacks/allniter section & all the locals can have a debate on it. Seems the more civilised way to carry on to me ??


  On 06/07/2012 at 17:12, rodw said:

Any other comments, like the above...please direct them onto lookbacks/allniter section & all the locals can have a debate on it. Seems the more civilised way to carry on to me ??

you havent answered my question rod...plz tell me why you have mentioned my name?

Guest kev such
Posted (edited)
:thumbup: Edited by kev such
Guest kev such

At Cream Cracker we book DJ's that I have been to see at other venues and invite them according to our music policy. I try to have as varied a line up as possible and bring people in from far and wide. Its not a back scratching philosophy as I aint got any mates. Its whats best for the venue and the Jacobs to give them the best possible for their money. We have (hopefully) a good mix of knowns and unknowns, I can assure you it aint no easy task to invite 6 or 7 different dj's each time to try and keep each Cream Cracker fresh. My pet hate is the same line up month in month out.


Kev ( dont do modern) Such


  On 05/07/2012 at 22:46, rodw said:

On the South Coast there are some fantastic dj's too...Bearsy, Dave Abbott, Steve C, Tim Smithers, Kev Higham, John Browne, Jonah, Martin Adams, Gavin Knight etc etc etc.......

  On 05/07/2012 at 23:07, rodw said:

None of these get spots on the South Coast apart from @ Ghetto Soul or a few @ Soul in the South Allniter...as far I know, never see them as guests anywhere else...wonder why ???

Not sure why you wonder Rod? But as I am mentioned...and I can only give it from my view point none of the other DJs mentioned... I spend the majority of my time soul-ing, as punter and DJ up North. I don't class my self as a 'South Coast' DJ because I am not - I DJ and go out here occasionally. In the past 13 months I have been to 4 events on the south coast (3 DJing;1 not) and if it weren't for the Bournemouth allniters that would be 1 event.

I have been asked to DJ at some other south coast events and have declined. I don't go out much down here - I am a DJ that happens to live on the south coast and I don't expect to be asked to DJ down here.

  • Helpful 1
Posted (edited)

  On 06/07/2012 at 17:12, rodw said:

Any other comments, like the above...please direct them onto lookbacks/allniter section & all the locals can have a debate on it. Seems the more civilised way to carry on to me ??

all was civilized until you went on a rant at me and Moldie for no apparent reason .... and I'm still clueless why you went on a rant.... and even more clueless why you mentioned Moldie?????????

p.s. can you tell me all the events on the south coast that only play the top 500 ... I think it would make an interesting read for the other promoters in the area

Edited by mikecook
Guest rodw

  On 06/07/2012 at 17:09, mikecook said:

no where in our conversation did i say i had been to your nighter ... what Moldie has to do with it is beyond me!!!! What the hell are you going on about Moldie for???

it sounds to me you read my post a completely different way than what it is worded for you to give that response.

I have an informed opinion of the events in the south as i have been to them all of them and they do not play the top 500 (maybe the peir does but thats another story). I have not been to yours as i do not venture out much these days because of the nastiness on the scene ... especially the bitching that goes on along the south coast.

the only thing that i can think of thats upset you is that i am stating the obvious, if a nighter in the south does not get travellers it will fall flat on its face ... that was the feedback long before you got your off the ground.

take a chill pill and read what i wrote again ... not having a go at your do so dont know why the heated response

Sorry Mike....but if you read the comments at the bottom part of the Soul in the South lookbacks/allniters you well see a different story, before we started the Allniters those who scorned it before it got off the ground where totally unaware of the dj line up we were going to bring down, many judged on assumption too. As you know or may not know 90% approx on most occasions have been travellers who are regular Allniter attendees. But we do have a local following mainly those who attend Ghetto Soul in Southampton. Since we started, the local Allniter following in general has become larger too...people travel to different Soul nites around the South more frequently & in bigger numbers as well.

I've heard rumours too of some slagging throughout our 2 years but I only tend to associate with people who don't (as far as I know ?) In my opinion the music that's been on offer at Soul in the South events has probably been the best I've ever heard in the South Coast's history & I've been coming down here since 76, but with some of the dj's we've had, that's hardly surprising.

Make of it what you will, you are from around the Bournemouth/Poole area....personally I've always thought that it has been mainly the same ol tried & tested but I think it's slowly but surely on the change...which is encouraging. From some, it does feel like a snub at times but it has been the 1st Allnighter in the South Coast region for many many years probably the few they had at Swanage in the late 70's would have been the last in the Bournemouth area itself & possibly the Colony Club in my home town of Newbury after that....would have been the closest. In general though & national terms the South Central/South Coast has a very low regular Allniter following these days overall, we've tried to amend that, that's all...but in the process we've also tried to introduce to those who are interested...some new tunes to their ears. So whatever you here, always try to ask whether they've actually been to one of our Allniters 1st cause I do know there will be critics...until it's finished then they will probably be praising it to the hilt & saying they were regulars lol !!!

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