Henry Posted February 28, 2012 Posted February 28, 2012 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email - info@soul45collector.com or phone - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.00, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.00 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £2.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £3.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £5.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £8 extra to the above rates. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul "Butler, Jessie" Best part of a man /Free to be me 2 great sides Bound Sound 25 "Promises, The" Living in the footsteps of another girl /same ex-/w/demo/recomnded BRC 20 "Valentine Bros., The" Money's too tight to mention classic Bridge 12 "Mitchell, Barbara" I won't change nice Brown Bag 10 "Hatcher, Roger" We gonna make it Brown Dog 10 "Hatcher, Roger" We gonna make it w/demo Brown Dog 15 McArthur I'll never trust you again w/demo Brown Dog 10 "Bernard, Chuck" Contract on love/same w/demo/great Brunswick 15 "Chi-lites, The" Living in the footsteps of another man great version Brunswick 20 "Farra, Maryann & Satin Soul" Living in the footsteps of another girl great version Brunswick 25 "Farra, Maryann & Satin Soul" Never gonna leave you recommended Brunswick 12 "Hart, Randy" The other one (Inc orig sleeve) demo/wol/great md-tempo Brunswick 30 "Jackson, Walter" Let me come back ex-/superb Brunswick 75 "Jackson, Walter" Let me come back superb Brunswick 85 "Lost Generation, The" Wait a minute Brunswick 5 "Moore, Johnny" Just be for real vg++/w/demo/recommended Brunswick 50 "Moore, Johnny" Just be for real w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60 "Valery, Dana" I'm a woman now w/demo Brunswick 8 "Wilson, Jackie" This love is real recommended Brunswick 15 Bel-aires Seven days/same demo/recommended Brut 15 Aquarian Dream Phoenix/ look ahead great Buddah 12 Aquarian Dream Phoenix/Look ahead great/+pic. sleeve Buddah 15 "Black Satin + Parris, Fred" Everybody stand and clap our hands /same demo/recommended Buddah 15 "Black Satin + Parris, Fred" Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there recommended Buddah 20 "Connors, Norman" Once I've been there recommended Buddah 10 "Ebonys, The" Making love ain't no fun/part 2 recommended Buddah 15 "Ebonys, The" Making love ain't no fun /same demo/recommended Buddah 15 "Fifth Avenue feat. Townes, Carol" Wheeler dealer/same demo/great Buddah 8 Five Stairsteps & Cubie You make me so mad recommended Buddah 10 Fresh Flavor "Without you baby, I'm a loser /same" demo/superb Buddah 20 "Futures, The" You better be certain UK/sol/great Buddah 15 "Green, Marie" "Sorry, that number's been disconnected " recommended Buddah 15 "Henderson, Michael" Take me I'm yours superb Buddah 15 "Henderson, Michael" Take me I'm yours/same w/demo/superb Buddah 20 "Holmes Soulful Sounds, Cecil " Soulful love /same demo/recommended Buddah 10 "Mason, Barbara" Bed and board nice mid-tempo Buddah 6 "Mason, Barbara & Futures, The" Make it last (with pic. Sleeve) recommended Buddah 25 "Mason, Barbara & Futures, The" We got each other/same (with torn pic. Sleeve) demo/nice slowy Buddah 5 "McCoy, Van" Soul Improvisations/part 2 inst./recommended Buddah 10 "Modulations, The" I can't fight your love /Your love has me locked up 2 superb sides Buddah 25 Motherlode Hard life funk Buddah 6 Motherlode What does it take (to win your love) great version Buddah 25 "Norman, Jimmy" I wanna make love to you /same demo/awesome Buddah 15 "Owens, Tony" All that matters /same demo/recommended Buddah 15 "Paragons, The" Oh lovin' you /same demo/recommended Buddah 15 "Perkins, Al" "Yes, my goodness yes/same" w/demo/recommended Buddah 30 Sins Of Satan Dance and free your mind /Part II demo/recommended Buddah 20 Vitamin E Sharing awesome Buddah 10 Vitamin E Sharing/same w/demo/awesome Buddah 12 "Wilson, Bobby" Deeper and deeper/ Hey girl (tell me) recommended Buddah 15 "Wilson, Bobby" Deeper and deeper/same demo/recommended Buddah 12 "Young Gents, The" Think about the children/Big things come in small.. demo/nice/funk flip Buddah 15 Final Decisions Keep on walking w/demo Bumpshop 8 "Impalas, The" What should he do /I still love you great mid-tempo/sweet Bunky 20 Family Of Swede Everybody must pay/same demo Butter Fields 8 Family Of Swede I got to move on /same w/demo/recommended Butter Fields 20 Swede I got to move on 1st issue with intro/#275/rare Butter Fields 20 Samson I need your lovin' great Buttermilk 15 "Dells, The" Closer ex-/class! Cadet 6 "Dells, The" Closer class! Cadet 8 Fugi I'd rather be a blind man vg/great mid-tempo Cadet 5 Masterpiece High on music funky Calfdisc 5 "Hill, Bobby" I wanna be with you Calla 6 "Love, Rudy & Love Family, The" Ain't nuthin' spooky recommended Calla 15 "Naturals, The" Young generation funk Calla 10 "Jackson, Maurice" Lucky fellow /same-inst. superb Candle Lite 50 "Jones, Albert" You and your love (MINT-) Canadian/recommended Candy Apple 50 "Acklin, Barbara" Raindrops wol/recommended Capitol 12 "Acklin, Barbara" Raindrops recommended Capitol 15 Ad Libs Love me / Know all about you demo/great/funk flip Capitol 25 "Beaumont, Jimmy & Skyliners The" I could have loved you so well great mid-tempo Capitol 20 "Black, Cody" Stop trying to do what you see your neighbor do great Capitol 25 "Frazier, Billy" Let's face reality demo/recommended Capitol 60 "Frazier, Joe" "Truly,truly lovin' me" demo Capitol 10 "Garner, Reggie" Traces/Teddy bear vg/nice mid-tempo Capitol 10 "Hightower, Willie" Nobody but you ex-/demo/great Capitol 15 Joy Of Cooking Only time will tell me Canadian/nice Capitol 8 "Love, Marian" "Can't forget about you, baby " demo/recommended Capitol 60 "Maze + Beverly, Frankie" While I'm alone best version Capitol 15 "Maze + Beverly, Frankie" While I'm alone demo/best version Capitol 20 "Mcgriff, Jimmy" "Fat cakes/Sugar, sugar" 2 funk inst's Capitol 12 "Swann, Bettye" (My heart is) closed for the season/Don't touch me ex-/great Capitol 10 "Swann, Bettye" (My heart is) closed for the season/I'm lonely... great Capitol 10 "Taste Of Honey, A" I'll try something new nice vers/pic.slv. Capitol 10 "Tee, Willie" Reach out for me ex-/demo/superb Capitol 25 "Williams, JJ" Make a believer (out of me again) Capitol 10 "Wilson, Nancy" Here it comes great Capitol 15 "Wilson, Nancy" Ocean of love recommended Capitol 15 Sea Level Shake a leg Capricorn 6 "Johnson, Hawkins, Tatum & Durr" Your love keeps drawing me closer great x-over Capsoul 15 "Smith, OC" Just couldn't help myself great Caribou 10 "Jackson, Deon" You gotta love /You'll wake up wiser 2 great sides Carla 20 "Jackson, Deon" You gotta love/You'll wake up wiser sl wap-nap/2 great sides Carla 15 Sugar Dynamite w/demo/great Carousel 30 "Reynolds, Jeannie" Hit and run recommended Casablanca 10 "Reynolds, Jeannie" Hit and run demo/recommended Casablanca 10 "Reynolds, Jeannie" Lay some lovin' on me/Love don't come easy.... Casablanca 6 "Reynolds, Jeannie" Unwanted Company great Casablanca 10 "Santos, Larry" Can't get you off my mind superb Casablanca 15 "Scott, Gloria" Just as long as we're together /There will never.. ex-/demo/UK/inst. Flip Casablanca 12 "Scott, Gloria" Just as long as we're together/There will never.. demo/UK/inst. Flip Casablanca 15 "Scott, Gloria" What am I gonna do /same demo/superb Casablanca 40 "Scott, Gloria" What am I gonna do/What shall I do(Inst) superb Casablanca 40 "Winters, Robert & Fall" Do it any way you want /Lock me up 2 great sides Casablanca 15 "Ragland, Lou" In the hours of darkness Casino 8 "Topics, The" Women's liberation great Castle 15 Lettle Beaver Little girl blue /Ain't no time 2 great sides Cat 12 "McCrae, George & Gwen" "Winners together or losers apart /Homesick, lovesick " superb/great flip too Cat 15 Crack Of Dawn I can't move no mountains (ex- vinyl) Dutch/colour pic sleeve CBS 25 "Dyson, Ronnie" The more you do it UK/BLUE VINYL/great CBS 6 Ghetto Children I just gotta find someone to love me / Rat-a-tat-tat vg++/UK/great CBS 12 "Moore, Jackie" Do ya got what it takes /How's your.....(sm stmol) UK/w/demo/2 great sides CBS 15 "Moore, Jackie" This time baby UK/classic CBS 8 "Tymes, The feat. Williams, George" Someone to watch over me UK/recommended CBS 20 "Lucas, Matt" You gotta love demo/recommended Celebration 10 Jade Brown and beautiful great Century City 15 "Wilson, Bobby" All I need I got great Chain 10 "Wilson, Bobby" Here is where the love is wol/fantastic x-over Chain 8 "Wilson, Bobby" Here is where the love is fantastic x-over Chain 10 "Cuffari, Brenda" My music says it all pic sleeve/great Charisma 20 "Campbell, Little Milton" Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind recommended Checker 12 "Sheen, Bobby" Love stealing /same w/demo/STUNNING!!!!!! Chelsea 15 "Nesbary, Sherm (Reb)" Don't make me sorry (for loving you) superb x-over Cherri 30 "Acoustics, The" Living in hard times Cherry Blossom 15 American Gypsy "10,000 miles " superb Chess 10 "Burke, Solomon" "I'm leaving on that late,late train " Chess 8 Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can recommended Chess 15 Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can w/demo/recommended Chess 20 Shadow People don't know what love is/same w/demo Chess 15 T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me /Falling in love superb/great flip too Chess 30 "Barons Ltd, The" Symphony of gratitude/Making it better vg++/w/demo/nice x-over/funk flip Chimneyville 12 "Hudson, Michael" The angels listened in great Chimneyville 10 "Adams, Arthur" Can't wait to see you superb Chisa 20 "Adams, Arthur" Can't wait to see you/same w/demo/superb Chisa 25 "Chandler, Gene" Let me make love to you ex-/superb Chi-Sound 12 "Chandler, Gene" Make the living worthwhile /Time is a thief 2 great sides Chi-Sound 8 "Davis, Carl & Chi-Sound Orch." Windy city theme / Show me the way to love great Chi-Sound 25 "Jackson, Walter" If I had my way/same demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10 "Keyes, Troy" See no evil /same(mono) demo/superb Chumley 40 "Esquires, The" What good is music Cigar Man 6 "Baker, Johnny" "Operator,operator " great Cisco 15 "Gee, Frankie" Date with the rain w/demo/great version Claridge 15 "Johnson, Rozetta" To love somebody/same w/demo Clintone 10 Krystal Generations You were never mine superb Crossover CMC 25 Festivals Take your time superb Colossus 15 "Henry, Virgil" I can't believe you're really leaving me /same demo/MINT-/recommended Colossus 20 I.A.P. Co. Check yourself superb version Colossus 25 "Mob, The" I'd like to see more of you ex-/wol & sol-flip Colossus 8 "Mob, The" I'd like to see more of you great Colossus 10 "Comer, Mary Love" Come out of the sandbox highly recommended CoLove 20 8th Avenue Band The whole thing /same demo/great Columbia 20 Anacostia All I need recommended Columbia 15 Anacostia All I need/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15 "Anderson, Deborah" Don't know what's coming tomorrow nice mid-tempo Columbia 10 "Barrow, Keith" Free to be me 2-step Columbia 8 "Blood, Sweat & Tears" Tell me that I'm wrong wol/superb Columbia 15 "Davis, Mac" I'm just in love ex-/superb Columbia 55 "Davis, Mac" I'm just in love (sm wol) superb/highly recommended Columbia 60 "Davis, Mac" I'm just in love (date stamps ol-flip) superb/highly recommended Columbia 60 "Dyson, Ronnie" Lady in red superb Columbia 25 "Dyson, Ronnie" Lady in red w/demo/superb Columbia 30 "Dyson, Ronnie" You and me /The more you do it ex-/2 great sides Columbia 12 Ghetto Children I just gotta find someone to love me /same w/demo/great Columbia 30 "Grant, Eleanor" You oughta be here with me nice Columbia 15 "Intrepids, The" After you've had your fling /same w/demo/wol/recommended Columbia 15 "Lance, Major" "Come on, have yourself a good time" sl warp-nap/wol Columbia 8 "McCrae, Gwen" Leave the driving to us/same w/demo Columbia 5 "Mercury, Eric" Take Me Girl Im Ready /same w/demo/superb version Columbia 30 "Miles, Buddy" I'm just a kiss away ink stamp on flip/superb Columbia 85 "Moore, Jackie" This time baby w/demo/recommended Columbia 12 "Moore, Jackie" This time baby recommended Columbia 10 "Nobles, The" Nobody but you/ same w/demo/great Columbia 20 Pockets Happy for love /same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 10 "Silver, Stirling" Damned if I do /Sunshine (when I got you) 2 great sides Columbia 40 "Silver, Stirling" Sunshine ( when I got you)/same w/demo/recommended Columbia 15 "Taylor, Johnnie" You're the best in the world recommended Columbia 10 "Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do (lite wol) vg++/w/demo/superb Columbia 100 "Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do ex-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 "Thompson, Rick" What do I have to do w/demo/superb Columbia 150 Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun /same w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15 Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same w/demo/stmol & wol-flip Columbia 12 "Tymes, The feat. Williams, George" Someone to watch over me w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15 "Wilson, Donald" I've gotta get myself together w/demo/recommended Columbia 50 "Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart recommended Columbia 15 "Womack, Bobby" Trust your heart/same w/demo/recomnded Columbia 15 Enternal Family We've got to give more of ourselves superb/rare Communication 75 Sound Of Experience "Easy come, easy go" funky Community 15 "Cole Jr, Nat & Carter, Teri" You superb Comptons Staff 40 "Lance, Major" Don't you know I love you/ Inst. MINT-/UK/superb Contempo 25 "Montclairs, The" Hung up on your love /I need you more than ever UK/classic/great flip too Contempo 25 "Dyson, Ronnie" Don't need you now great Cotillion 12 "Edwards, Dee" Put our love on the line demo Cotillion 6 "Green, Garland" 80-90-100 m.p.h. w/demo Cotillion 10 "Hatcher, Willie" Have a heart girl ex-/w/demo/sm wol/great Cotillion 25 "Matlock, Ronn" Let me dance/same demo Cotillion 6 Park Avenue Slow motion/same ex-/w/demo/great Cotillion 8 "Patti & Lovelites, The" We've got the real thing recommended Cotillion 25 Tony and Tandy Two can make it together /Bitter with the sweet 2 great sides Cotillion 20 Tony and Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet w/demo/great Cotillion 30 "Washington, Baby" I don't know/I can't afford to lose him Cotillion 8 "Burton, Jeanne" (Nobody loves me) like you do do Cotton 6 "Strong, Barrett" You make me feel the way I do /Love is you v sl warp-nap Coup 8 "Strong, Barrett" Love is you/You make me feel the way I do recommended Coup 10 "Westly, John" Call on me /Keep loving you (unknown?) 2 great sides Craftmaster 30 "Gadson, James" Good vibrations orig. sleeve Cream 10 "Kennedy, Ray" She's a lady Cream 10 "Jenkins, Diane" "Sweet wine,music and my imagination" Creative Funk 8 "Butler, Billy" She's got me singing /Feel the magic great Curtom 15 "Butler, Billy" She's got me singing /same demo/great Curtom 15 "Chandler, Gene" Don't have to be lying babe /same demo/recommended Curtom 25 "Hutson, Leroy" Ella weez/same demo/great Curtom 20 "Hutson, Leroy" Ella weez /Could this be love 2 great sides Curtom 30 "Impressions, The" I'll always be here ex-/wol/recommended Curtom 12 "Impressions, The" I'll always be here recommended Curtom 15 Jones Girls Misteri great Curtom 15 June & Donnie What's this I see/I thank you baby 2 recommended sides Curtom 15 "Lance, Major" Stay away from me Curtom 10 "Mayfield, Curtis" Move on up /same demo/classic Curtom 50 Natural Four Love's so wonderful /same-mono demo/superb Curtom 30 "Waters, Freddie" Singing a new song /same demo/recommended Curtom 15 "Giles, Eddie & Numbers, The" Sexy lady superb Custom Sound 15 "Edwards, Mill" I found myself superb x-over Cutlass 15 "Edwards, Mill" I found myself/same demo/superb x-over Cutlass 15 "Smith, Roy" Consider me a friend Cutlass 8 "Electras, The" Another man's woman w/demo/recomnded/rare CVS 25 "Standish, John" It just takes some time x-over Cyma 12 Lady Margo Simply got to make it recommended Cynthia 20 "Latimore, Benny" I'll be good to you ex- Dade 20 "Clay, Otis" You hurt me for the last time /Baby Jane superb/great flip/MINT- Dakar 60 "Davis, Tyrone" I'll be right here Dakar 8 "Johnson, Jay" Ooh baby w/demo Dakar 8 "Qualls, Sidney Joe" Where the lillies grow great Dakar 15 "Smith, Floyd" Getting nowhere fast vg+ Dakar 6 "Craver, Sonny" Outside of Memphis (NEAR MINT) superb/what a voice!!! Dalya 30 Solaris You and me great/orange label Dana 8 Solaris You and me great/blue label Dana 8 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha superb Dash 75 Pat & Pam Hey love/My baby and I 2 great sides Day Dreaming 15 "Summits, The" It takes two great DC International 8 "Nero, Frances" Footsteps following me (ex- pic sleeve/sm woc) UK/recommended Debut 8 Jive (Five) Fyve If I had a chance to love you MINT-/superb Decca 40 "Holmes, Eldridge" Lovely woman x-over/recommended Deesu 75 "Holmes, Eldridge" Lovely woman w/demo/rare/recomnded Deesu 100 "Jones, Jimmy" I don't mind confessing/Live and let live 2 nice sides Deke 20 Crown Heights Affair Dreaming a dream great De-Lite 8 "Electras, The" Another man's woman recommended De-Lite 15 "Saddler, Janice & Jammers" My baby's coming home to stay /Inst. w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 "Troy, Benny" "Ecstasy, passion & pain" w/demo De-Lite 8 "Koons, Janice" If I had it all to do over MINT-/w/demo/superb Dellwood 30
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