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Top Tips For 2012

Top Tips For 2012 magazine cover

Hi all,

Well, its that time of year again :thumbsup:

It's 12 months since we did the last 'Top Tips' thread... so, as it's now a Soul Source tradition, here we go again!

Here's your opportunity to tip the tunes in your box for future greatness, during the forthcoming year... or simply list any number of records that you'd like to recommend to other Soul Sourcers.

You might be a DJ with that tasty unplayed, unknown, hardly played or semi-known 45 stuck in the back of your box that you'd love to play out... but haven't quite got around to it... yet!

You might be a collector, sitting on a tune that you know, if it got into the right hands, could become massive in the next 12 months.

It could be an LP track that, for whatever reason, has never been given the recognition it deserves.

It might be a tasty 'B' side that, given the right exposure, might just have what it takes to become a monster!

We're talking, Northern, Modern, Crossover or 'Just Soul' :D Whatever floats your boat!

With increased diversity around these days, this should be an interesting list!

No need to post sound clips. Just let us know what you've got that you think deserves a really big plug in the coming year!

So come on. Look at your box and let's have your top tip (or tips) for 2012.

Oh... and a Happy (and Soulful) New Year to all!


Sean Hampsey

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Members Comments

Recommended Comments

Simon M



Seattle Pure Dynomite/ I Wonder Love

Should go big this year , but maybe not in the uk :D:shhh:

Russ Vickers


Sugar Boy & the Shades of Black - Free Man - Shades

Sublime dance floor crossover, that will surely gain more exposure this year.

Happy New Year

Best Russ



  On 02/01/2012 at 09:04, Russ Vickers said:

Sugar Boy & the Shades of Black - Free Man - Shades

Sublime dance floor crossover, that will surely gain more exposure this year.

Happy New Year

Best Russ

Just played this on you tube sounds a nice dancer.



Just listened for first time to the Sugar Boy & Shades of Black 45 quoted above. Love it, but doubt very much in my price range, even if I could ever find one! Personally I'm gonna TRY and stick to affordable records, 60's to current.

In terms of current soul, I'll be looking out for more from the likes of JC Brooks & The Uptown Sound (I think their track "To love someone that don't love you" is just sublime), DeRobert and the Half-Truths (eg, "The Joy" is lovely modern feel-good track) Westcoast Soulstars, The Teenagers, Kings go Forth and other great / tight bands like these.

Also more new releases from long-established soul artists like Betty Wright...Does anyone know if "In the middle of the game" is going to be released on a 45 soon?! I hope so. Was great performance of this on Jools Holland the other night.

All the best for 2012, Steve. :thumbsup:

Russ Vickers


Thank you - I really hope it gets more exposure, has huge potential & I love everything about it.....went down down very well at 'Filthy Soul' last week, alongside Scott Three, which is another quality dancer which could do with a bit more of a push this year.

Best Russ

Russ Vickers


I would also nominate Emmit Long - Call Me, which seems to have had a few revived plays towards the end of last year, first played 15 odd years ago, but reaching a whole new audience now....

Best Russ






Ok 3 from me.........

I played this the last few months over here in germany to a fantastic reception !!! :thumbsup:

Nice little funky Crossover monster !!!!!!!

and this one is dead cheap, underplayed & soooooo nice !!!!!!!!!!


Guest sharmo 1


Hi there have to echoe what's been said judging by sales for last year 45's like "joy" ,"to love someone" are selling well and proving popular there's some great new stuff ready with release dates that should rock the modern/nu funk/nu soul world shortly .A lot of people are buying latin tinged modern and outfit's like Setenta and sunlight square are proving popular.With dj's like moldie ect playing total cross the board and it being accepted I think records like Mr.Confuse featuring Elaine Thomas "Why can't you see me " are going to be the way forward especially in alternative rooms at Royce's dayers ect.Happy new year Simon.

John Parker


That time 0f year again

A few I hope to get round to playing out over the next few months

Roman Candle Love One Another Frankford/Wayne

Sledge Very Strong On You Cardinal

Barbara Christian There But For Love Sympathy

Soul Intentions Away With Me Empire

Chuck Strong I Got To Change My Way Of Living Aduwa

Monterey East Mannequin Girl Genie

Jack Harden She'll Be Back Star Shot

Norma Rivers You're Not Gonna Hurt Me Genuine

Bonnie Graham I Confess Preview

The Contenders I'll Show You How To Love Beth

The New Wanderers Since My Baby Came Back Bell Ac

Slip and Dell Gotta Get Away Modern Arts

The Celebrities The Rattler Ten High

and a couple following through from last year

IJ Harris All Ready To Go Cash

Tornadoes Wont You Forgive Magic Touch

Lena Mone You Stay On My Mind ASP

Happy New Year to you all




hmmm...I'm not sure about it . I bought it before listening the last part of the song , the ebay seller put a short soundclip without the instrumental long last part , after listening it without restrictions I'm not entirely convinced :(



  On 02/01/2012 at 12:59, john parker said:

Chuck Strong I Got To Change My Way Of Living Aduwa

I sold this on here middle of 2011 and always thought it was due some attention.

my 2 tips are

little beaver "i'm a man" cat

david dee "every loving man" time

both ripe for the rare soul scene.



Ok last one from me :D

Fantastic Crossover which did really well at the last Motte Allnighter!!!!

Guest rennie


Try again...

Happy New Year Everyone....think this ones right on the button

Simon M


og 7 is different



Thanks viphitman that Thunder & Lightning has just gone on my hunt down at all costs list- TOON! SimonM, quality as always.

Nick Soule


Brotherhood - When you need me (Tesseract)

Sean Hampsey


Nice start folks.

Some 30 odd titles - all very diverse as predicted!

Will get a few more under the belt and then compile a list.

Keep 'em coming!





Ben Westbeech "Something For The Weekend"



  On 02/01/2012 at 21:49, Barry Cooper said:

Ben Westbeech "Something For The Weekend"

ive heard you play this out a cpl of times barry.....im glad your playing it from vinyl

regards moldie



frank mitchell jnr " this time" disco 45 its new both side are great and it will only cost you a tenner ! Its on you tube and crazy beat records sell it !

Mark B


Charles abdul Khaliq corner boy just got this

Same as frank I have been playing the thunder and lightning track

Post some more


Mal C


This is known, but cheap and very very good...

Willie Gresham & Free Food Ticket - I Cried Boo Hoo




Sounds right for todays northern funk scene to me, was released in the uk as well.



A couple to add from me that will continue get spins this year @ CHANGE.

Delia Gatrell- Fight fire with fire- Right on

Electric Express- The real thing- Linco



this thread should be titled: "Name a record you recently got that you hope will go up in value in 2012"

Jez Jones


  On 03/01/2012 at 01:49, geeselad said:

A couple to add from me that will continue get spins this year @ CHANGE.

Delia Gatrell- Fight fire with fire- Right on

Electric Express- The real thing- Linco

As will this......frantic Swedish cut...


...and this............


Russ Vickers


  On 03/01/2012 at 06:25, boba said:

this thread should be titled: "Name a record you recently got that you hope will go up in value in 2012"

What a shame Bob, what we are talking about are records that could become popular at dances, a totally different thing to records you may have added to the collection. Huge respect for you Bob, but nice soulful cheapies can be a different beast to dancefloor killers.

I'm sure you must have hundreds of discs in this category & I for one would be extremely interested in choices you would make.......so how about some positive input to the thread, you are someone we all look to for good soulful, positive contributions on SS, some times the only sane voice :lol: , so c'mon Bob lets hear your opinion on an unknown dancer with rareity not the main criteria of course.

Best Russ



  On 03/01/2012 at 06:35, jez jones said:

As will this......frantic Swedish cut...


Or try the original version by J.J. Jackson (flipside to "But It's Alright"):



'masquerading' fast funk



  On 03/01/2012 at 08:44, Russ Vickers said:

What a shame Bob, what we are talking about are records that could become popular at dances, a totally different thing to records you may have added to the collection. Huge respect for you Bob, but nice soulful cheapies can be a different beast to dancefloor killers.

I'm sure you must have hundreds of discs in this category & I for one would be extremely interested in choices you would make.......so how about some positive input to the thread, you are someone we all look to for good soulful, positive contributions on SS, some times the only sane voice :lol: , so c'mon Bob lets hear your opinion on an unknown dancer with rareity not the main criteria of course.

Best Russ

You should have a sense of humor about it, I know a bunch of cases in the thread where people are posting records they recently got, which they are excited about (often because they are good). Of course they also want it to go up in value. That doesn't mean they will though.

Like many other collectors I have unknown, good records, often ones that became "in demand" many years after I got them... even if I played them on my radio show. I have no idea what will break in 2012. I'm not part of "the scene" so I don't know or control which records will become popular in 2012. I guess a lot of sweet soul people listen to my radio show so I have a tiny but of control over that but not much.

If you look at the past years thread it's always similar, the only ones that people post that break in that year are the ones that are already starting to break when the thread starts..The records that actually become popular seem to be driven by specific DJs playing them, not by how good they are. There are thousands of good, unknown records, so I'm not sure which ones you would want me to list.

I'm not saying this thread shouldn't exist, people are posting good obscure records they like which is great. People are enjoying themselves. Just making a comment that they're mostly unlikely to break in 2012.



  On 03/01/2012 at 06:25, boba said:

this thread should be titled: "Name a record you recently got that you hope will go up in value in 2012"

  On 03/01/2012 at 08:44, Russ Vickers said:

What a shame Bob, what we are talking about are records that could become popular at dances, a totally different thing to records you may have added to the collection. Huge respect for you Bob, but nice soulful cheapies can be a different beast to dancefloor killers.

I'm sure you must have hundreds of discs in this category & I for one would be extremely interested in choices you would make.......so how about some positive input to the thread, you are someone we all look to for good soulful, positive contributions on SS, some times the only sane voice :lol: , so c'mon Bob lets hear your opinion on an unknown dancer with rareity not the main criteria of course.

Best Russ

Bugger the dancefloor cheapies. Can we have that thread about records going up in value instead?



also, that sugar boy and shades of black record is nice, i heard a clip of it once before but never heard enough of it to get into it. one more thing on my wants list.



Unity and the Downbeats - Love Dream

Haven't got it !!

Unlikley I will ever get it !!

Will be huge in 2012!!


Will go up in value !!

Mister Fish


Agree with the Unity & Downbeats, Brotherhood on Tesseract rarities.

Fav cheapies -

Donny Mann - Try me (Wooden Nickel)

Johnny Soul - Hey baby (the plea) (Pure Love records)

John Reed


Here some stuff that i've been enjoying in 2011

Buddy Ace - Pleasing You - Paula. With the organ and drum intro and then the girlies come in, such a great record.....

Eddie Floyd - It's Got To Be That Way - Malaco LP, I think its a great swayer.

Concervatives - Who Understands - Ebonic Sound (thanks to Dylan for highlighting this to me)

Lonie Jones - Treat Your Baby Right - Jenmark. I have a fondness for all Senator Jones' labels and this has Charles Brimmer at the controls.

Bettye Swann - When The Game Is Played On You - Atlantic, her release after Kiss My Love Goodbye.

Leon Byrd - I Got Love/ I Catch Myself Crying - SS7. Catch Myself Crying is the side for me, but the other side is a nice SS7 dancer. The 77 release can be picked up for pennies.



Would be nice to see IJ Harris take off....know a few are after it but it just needs one of the big guns to get behind it.

Loving the James Knight btw!

Steve G


Bob does make some fair points.

James Knight was big a few years ago, certainly in Europe, are we tipping it for a revival then in 2012? :unsure:

Muriel Day anyone? :D: Bout time someone up north wheeled this old bird out for a revival? :lol:



New one on me - didn't get out to Europe enough. Nice 45!

Steve G


Hi Joel, yes fraid so. Butch was the first one I heard play it. ATB Steve



  On 03/01/2012 at 16:50, Steve G said:

Hi Joel, yes fraid so. Butch was the first one I heard play it. ATB Steve

Yes i'm sure that james knight has been pushed before. I picked it up after first hearing "baby please pretty please" on cat then going on to look for other stuff by him.

Its a great record and has the latin vibe that seems in vogue now. So no reason why it couldn't go on to be a much more recognised and even more popular record than in the past. It seems quite obscure i've not seen loads of copies.



  On 03/01/2012 at 13:39, boba said:

also, that sugar boy and shades of black record is nice, i heard a clip of it once before but never heard enough of it to get into it. one more thing on my wants list.

So long as it doesn't go up in value.(cue sounds of 100 people googling the life out of Sugar boy....) :)



  On 03/01/2012 at 06:25, boba said:

this thread should be titled: "Name a record you recently got that you hope will go up in value in 2012"

Crikey Bob,cynicism? We do irony over here. :lol: .Folks are just posting what Sean has asked for.Not everyone can have all the knowledge,or be everywhere.Enjoy the thread. :thumbup:



  On 03/01/2012 at 21:09, KevH said:

Crikey Bob,cynicism? We do irony over here. :lol: .Folks are just posting what Sean has asked for.Not everyone can have all the knowledge,or be everywhere.Enjoy the thread. :thumbup:

does nobody have a sense of humor here? i apologize for posting non-recommendations in this thread.

here is a recommendation in the spirit of this thread:



  On 02/01/2012 at 15:27, rennie said:

Try again...

Happy New Year Everyone....think this ones right on the button

I like their cat release as well..



  On 03/01/2012 at 23:02, boba said:

does nobody have a sense of humor here? i apologize for posting non-recommendations in this thread.

here is a recommendation in the spirit of this thread:

Bob, having a sense of humour was banned from the UK soul scene in 1937. At the same time it became mandatory to moan constantly and be miserable. People laughing and enjoying themselves are obviously not real soulies! :wicked::D:lol:

Mal C


  On 03/01/2012 at 18:23, wiggyflat said:

Bring back the instrumentals....might stick this one in the box this year.


was a Big tune with certain funk collectors in Oz, probably all over, this used to get played every week on Eastside radio in Sydney back in 2004/5.. Great track..


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