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Why Is The Scene So Male Dominated?

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I think it's just that men are naturally more train spotter like and competitive...mine's bigger than yours etc. I collect a bit, not so much as I used to but I wouldn't ever want to dj and I have a loathing for the record bar since my early days at niters when I was either ripped off or patronised anytime I went anywhere near one.


I think it's just that men are naturally more train spotter like and competitive...mine's bigger than yours etc. I collect a bit, not so much as I used to but I wouldn't ever want to dj and I have a loathing for the record bar since my early days at niters when I was either ripped off or patronised anytime I went anywhere near one.

That pleasure is not just reserved just for us women. I have seen many a man made to feel like an idiot in the record bar :lol:

Just the way it is I suppose, not that it's right of course. It's like anything in life, you get knocked for it at first but if you are passionate enough you get there in the end.


That pleasure is not just reserved just for us women. I have seen many a man made to feel like an idiot in the record bar :lol:

Just the way it is I suppose, not that it's right of course. It's like anything in life, you get knocked for it at first but if you are passionate enough you get there in the end.

Well done treacle. Well said dear, gawd bless ya. Cuppa tea for the general :lol:


we all love the music on here,male & female.

i was hooked from day one.

was also in scooter scene for over 15years,also male dominated.

im male(no smart replys please) so cant give you the answer your looking for.

im sure most of the risque comments.were from people thinking they are funny or trying to be smart,me included.im sure no harm was ment.

but i thought this topic was about why more men on the scence(has also been the odd cross-dresser,cant leave him/her out)

it now seems race & colour has been added now.

whats next to be in the topic.....oldies/newies northern/modern 60s/70s boots/original. then youll see offensive comments :lol: :lol: :lol:

ps. every human starts its life as a woman(dont quote me on that,might of watched to many QI programmes).so maybe just a coincidence that some of those who ended up male,got the soul gene aswell.or you could say the scene is all woman,but most of us look like men.

just a bit of light harted humour from me for a sunday morning.no lynch mob @ my door needed.


I love threads like this :D

The simple answer to this question is TALC its always TALC :yes: hahahahaha xxxx


This is very true, most don't dance. Not sure whether it is because they can't dance or not though. One thing that has crossed my mind is whether they feel they are 'above' dancing to other DJ's sets?

Maybe you should be asking the boys this question :lol:

I don't dance too often these days, not above dancing to anyone either, two dodgy knees doesn't help.

Guest gordon russell
Posted (edited)

Joan...would you agree or disagree ....most male dj's either don't or can't dance :g:

lots of em can,t dj either :wicked:

Edited by gordon russell
Guest gordon russell

First of all my purpose was not to upset anyone or change the scene.

It was an innocent wondering who seem to have developed to a discussion about what's the difference between women and men. And some comments have been quite offensive.. today no one would compare black and white people in the same way that many of you have compared women and men.

It should not matter what color, race or gender you are as long as you love and respect the music. but obviously from reading the respond on this topic there is some people(not just men) who have an attitude against women on the scene... and perhaps that's the main reason why many women just choose to not take as much place as men. (It would be nice to get this confirmed or rejected from more women here.) That's at least the most rational answer I got so far on why the scene is so male dominated.


Woman have had every oppertunity to collect records......why they don,t they?.......maybe you should ask women :thumbsup:


Because women have little feet, they find it harder to dance..........it is however, easier for them to get closer to the kitchen sink, barefoot & pregnant............. :lol: .

One of the best collections in the country is owned by a woman Maxine Woon.

Best Russ

Guest Matt Male

HI , looking at some of the comments wrote, it is easy to upset us men when it comes down to a mostly male dominated scene,

You must be reading a different thread to me then because I can't see any posts from upset men, or men having a go at women, in fact it all looks fairly good natured.

Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)

And some comments have been quite offensive.. today no one would compare black and white people in the same way that many of you have compared women and men.

Am I living on a different planet or something? I've reread this thread 10 times and apart from the odd jokey post, with tongue firmly in cheek, I can't find any offensive posts. It makes me wonder if anyone bothers reading threads at all.

I give up.

My favourite DJ is Pat Bleasdale. She's head and shoulders above most male and female DJs around at the moment.

Edited by Matt Male

lots of em can,t dj either :wicked:

And some people excell in critiscism ;)

CRITIC :- someone who knows how something should be done , but can't actually do it themselves ;)


Because women have little feet, they find it harder to dance..........it is however, easier for them to get closer to the kitchen sink, barefoot & pregnant............. :lol: .

One of the best collections in the country is owned by a woman Maxine Woon.

Best Russ


atb moldie


If you look at the history..... The hotbed of The northern soul scene is mainly from The working class industrial citys & towns like Stoke Manchester Wolverhampton Sheffield Leeds The north east.... Nottingham.... Mansfield etc.

The weekend soul scene was a release of working in rough industrial work in the week.maybe thats why The scene is Male dominated.

Posted (edited)

I'm not bothered about that because I'm just happy to meet people who love the music as much as I do unessential if they are men or women. I'm just genuine wondering why there is so few women who really are active when it comes to dj, collecting records and so on.. I have hard to believe it's just a coincidence.

What you have to remember Sujka and you will meet a few of these types of women on your travels , when they are interested in the matrix numbers and they collect for themselves they are a force to be reckoned with :) Also what I will mention is there are many men at the top of their game on the soul scene , some very respected collectors... who do they lean on to be their EARS .... their women ! lol

Many times I have been chatting with male collectors , one I recall in particular Frank Jackson , sad to say he's not with us anymore , anyway he used to play a group of us many a tune on a saturday , he eductaed both men and women in soul, he would play us a set of six sounds that were his choice, and they scanned a variety of genres, his commentery always mentioned the love of his life "Maureen" who quite often he would say knew a winner when he played it for her.

I think many men run sounds past their partners because they trust the judgement and honesty of those closest to them , and as they say behind every succesful man is a very succesful woman .

I have heard them say many times their first opinion is always the wife /partner /girlfriend ... or in Dereks case his dog , who happens to be the most soulful dog on the planet lol

Enjoy ... ladies records boxes are much more stylish and often double up as make up bags too :rofl:

Edited by Carms


I don't dance too often these days, not above dancing to anyone either, two dodgy knees doesn't help.



I wouldn't go anywhere without my mrs, then again i usually rely on her to get me home te he. Oh & when it comes to women on the scene, it's usually them that gets the floor moving cos us blokes have to have a few beers inside us before we get up on the floor :wicked: , some come on girls, you're the true heros :wink: IMHO

creeping again and just married as well (tut tut)

Guest gordon russell

And some people excell in critiscism ;)

CRITIC :- someone who knows how something should be done , but can't actually do it themselves ;)

Well it,s a damn sight better than standing in a venue and saying ...

".this guys playing a crap set" then posting on here "what a fantastic set" or "what a great line up" when anyone can see it plainly ain,t


well im always dancin...if its 60s!....but on the whole would agree more ladies dance than blokes....maybe now theyre older those blokes who once danced but dont anymore are a bit self concious while the women dont give a shit just wanna have a top nite out...although i think in the south west its probably equal certainly at go go children and soulfusion possibly has more women!!

agree their are more male djs collectors...doesnt make us better rthan those few women who do it too but think males are more likely to collect/hoard in any scene/hobby accept collecting shoes/handbags!



Have I noticed there are more men at venues? Yes.

Does it bother me? Yes

Is it too much to ask for some that are a bit of eye candy? Yes

Me, like Joan, can pop our musical blinkers on, skid on to the dance floor, and not care if anyone else is male or female.


I only wish that there WERE more women at soul nights, and nice looking ones too, as it might make it more interesting and I might go out more often!!! I'm with you Sujka ;)

Guest lambrettanik

Because men are better dancers and when it comes to buying and selling 'men are good at wheeling and dealing :thumbsup:

na there is some ladies out there who are better than most men at dancing-little donna,wigans own 'lil deb'(no relation) to name 2 ,and some ladies ive known use there femine 'influence' to get their way when it comes to deals-face it lads we're the weaker sex! :hatsoff2:

KTF ... Probably more apt to put WTF :)

In fairness , you started the topic , people replied , albeit with a lot of humour, surely we can draw our own conclusions from the answers given ??

well said NEV :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

I think everyone has a bit of eye candy in them meself :) , its just skin deep you know , its whats inside that counts whether you are male or female .

Its all fancy plastic coating on the outstide , its what in the grooves that count and if i am being honest I would much rather be out with a bunch of anorachy blokes on a night out than out with a bunch of woman on the pull comparing lipsticks handbags and who has the best shoes .... oh dear I am going to be hated for that remark lol but its honest . But I will say that the "girly" types are the minority within the soul scene most WOMEN ..and i say that with Erma Franklyns voice on the soul scene are sort of well rounded and couldn't give a monkeys which gender is dancing along side them , they are out to dance ..end of

Funniest thing I have seen is when I used to go to a soul club that is very close to St Pauls , you looked down from above and all you saw was a sea of men dancing . I recall entering this club after working in the city one day ( I knew loads of the blokes there so it was no bother walking in alone ) I was meeting a girl mate down there later like, anyway there were some chaps at the top stairs looking down debating if they were coming in for a drink... they muttered it must be a gay bar lol

On a number of occasions I have been mistaken to be thought of as male ... never quite worked that one out ? the funniest thing was when a guy called Nige Carms ... I PML laughing

Aslo there are men that can have a very girls side to them .... the times I had been soaked with Dannys aftershave when we were just arriving at a soul do is unbelievable lol and he too used to say..... do you like me new shirt ? ..so its all on its head in Y2k ....does it really matter ? No just enjoy it for what it is , and if you get friends with a guy that has a femenine side to him you have cracked it !

Edited by Carms
Guest sharmo 1

I think everyone has a bit of eye candy in them meself :) , its just skin deep you know , its whats inside that counts whether you are male or female .

Its all fancy plastic coating on the outstide , its what in the grooves that count and if i am being honest I would much rather be out with a bunch of anorachy blokes on a night out than out with a bunch of woman on the pull comparing lipsticks handbags and who has the best shoes .... oh dear I am going to be hated for that remark lol but its honest . But I will say that the "girly" types are the minority within the soul scene most WOMEN ..and i say that with Erma Franklyns voice on the soul scene are sort of well rounded and couldn't give a monkeys which gender is dancing along side them , they are out to dance ..end of

Funniest thing I have seen is when I used to go to a soul club that is very close to St Pauls , you looked down from above and all you saw was a sea of men dancing . I recall entering this club after working in the city one day ( I knew loads of the blokes there so it was no bother walking in alone ) I was meeting a girl mate down there later like, anyway there were some chaps at the top stairs looking down debating if they were coming in for a drink... they muttered it must be a gay bar lol

Hi Carms it's strange you mention the gay thing you know , I used to go to a gay bar that used to play northern soul and also at Ibstock soul night there's usualy around 70% chick's the rest are blokes I stand with Rob Smith (with a bottle of oxygen for him ) He's like a greyhound in the trap .So I think some place's do have more ladies than Gent's so possibly a regenal thing but we do need more femail jock's I used to love your spot's at no more doggin' and I think Joan's very cool as well so perhaps you girls should try a femail dj only night show us how it's done lot's of love and happy Christmas (if I don't see you ) Simon.xxxx

Posted (edited)

You are too kind Simon , Robs oxygen did make me giggle , hope your Christmas is good too mate, I think i am being wheeled out on New years eve to the Queens and then we have both been asked to play at York for what looks to be a very interesting alldayer , promise to play some easy on the head tunes lol

Edited by Carms

Sara makes a good point with regards to women djs/ collectors and dancers, even more so when looking at the younger generation and scene in Europe, i have met very few.. The ones i known over the years are pretty established and have been around a good while.. WITH Sara being young, female and living in Europe she is a very rare breed indeed on the soul side i guess..

Keep collecting and do your own thing Sara..


Sara makes a good point with regards to women djs/ collectors and dancers, even more so when looking at the younger generation and scene in Europe, i have met very few.. The ones i known over the years are pretty established and have been around a good while.. WITH Sara being young, female and living in Europe she is a very rare breed indeed on the soul side i guess..

Keep collecting and do your own thing Sara..

Maybe on a smaller scale but in Hamburg alone I think we have 8-10 ladies playing soul in pubs regulary !!! Once or twice a year they have a ladies dj only event as well !!! Also, Thorsten mentioned some female customers which are not very active within the soul scene but still collect!!!! :thumbsup:


Maybe on a smaller scale but in Hamburg alone I think we have 8-10 ladies playing soul in pubs regulary !!! Once or twice a year they have a ladies dj only event as well !!! Also, Thorsten mentioned some female customers which are not very active within the soul scene but still collect!!!! :thumbsup:

What? You Let Woman Into Pub,s In Germany.

Men have always been obsessive about their hobbies. Women very rarely get the chance to have hobbies. They are always working.

I don't think it's very healthy to be obsessed with anything..............unfortunately I always have been. :g:

Guest wangwanjo

James Brown (this is a mans world but it wouldn't be nothing,nothing without a woman or a girl in it )K T F

Guest Stevie T

women have more sense than to be stood behind the decks when they could be dancing :yes:

i am a lady you know :rofl:


Posted (edited)

Maybe on a smaller scale but in Hamburg alone I think we have 8-10 ladies playing soul in pubs regulary !!! Once or twice a year they have a ladies dj only event as well !!! Also, Thorsten mentioned some female customers which are not very active within the soul scene but still collect!!!! :thumbsup:

i think you have misquoted thorsten ..he actually said some german women are not very attractive

atb moldie

Edited by Guest
Guest sharmo 1

i think you have isquoted thorsten ..he actually said some german women are not very attractive

atb moldie

Jesus moldie are you trying to start a war ? regards Simon.

Guest riversider

OK Then , A good time to mention Carole Forte , top DJ on the R&B/Popcorn scene , and truly a nice lass! :thumbsup:


Record collecting has always been a male bastion, so with a scene based on collecting it's not suprising there are more men than women in it. As a collector this has always flummoxed me but it is what it is and I'd rather a DJ was selected on musical merit than gender, as with any field I find the forced upping of the female quoter skewed and sexist.

I have to admit as the years have rolled on I dance less because a tune is more than a tune now... it's I want it, I have it, what labels it on, what's this... etc

My gender hasn't swayed record deals but I think my location has. Sending a record to Australia get's it out of circulation when it's sold on :lol:

Guest allnightandy

men like to go out hear,spin,dance & talk 7 inchers

ladys like to stay in & play with there 7 inchers

taxi for me

while your out with your 7 incher

the Mrs is elsewhere with a few 12 inchers ! :D :D

  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I have wondered is how come that the soul-scene is so male dominated.. the venues, record-collectors, dancers, djs.. mostly men. What's the deal with that? Or I'm all wrong?


The scene is more male populated to ensure that the female devotees be of a higher stature. We are rarer and are on a par to a rare, obscure and sought after 45:: The male attendees will find some of us unknown, it may take you years to pick one up, some of us are cheap, some of us will cost you the earth, some of us are class oldies and some of us are in demand. The semi unknowns are great once you get to know them. The more soulful we are the quicker you place us in your top 3 all time faves. The first time outs will catch your attention and make you find out where we originate from and if we have the potential to go big one day. There will always be a few which you never get your hands on a many who over the years you have swapped along the way. Some of us gain a few surface marks as the time goes by and some of us always look mint. Some of us will be associated with top dj's, some of us will be resident at certain. Venues, some of us you will never tire of listening to and the rest you will be sick of hearing week in week out. You will kick yourself for letting one go without giving it a chance and you will always resent the jammy bleeder who kept a hold of her and treasured more as she increased in pounds. A toast to all the ladies of the scene despite being the lesser of the sex.

Posted (edited)

That told them , what a superb post :hatsoff2: we need to be hearing more from you Mrs M reading between those lines you could tell someone a thing or two about being a collector and have a great perspective of things in general.

i don't agree with the lesser bit though , especially after the christmas fat cell reunion lol

Edited by Carms
Guest sharmo 1
Posted (edited)

The scene is more male populated to ensure that the female devotees be of a higher stature. We are rarer and are on a par to a rare, obscure and sought after 45:: The male attendees will find some of us unknown, it may take you years to pick one up, some of us are cheap, some of us will cost you the earth, some of us are class oldies and some of us are in demand. The semi unknowns are great once you get to know them. The more soulful we are the quicker you place us in your top 3 all time faves. The first time outs will catch your attention and make you find out where we originate from and if we have the potential to go big one day. There will always be a few which you never get your hands on a many who over the years you have swapped along the way. Some of us gain a few surface marks as the time goes by and some of us always look mint. Some of us will be associated with top dj's, some of us will be resident at certain. Venues, some of us you will never tire of listening to and the rest you will be sick of hearing week in week out. You will kick yourself for letting one go without giving it a chance and you will always resent the jammy bleeder who kept a hold of her and treasured more as she increased in pounds. A toast to all the ladies of the scene despite being the lesser of the sex.

Hi there great post but this is why I don't like "Oldies " regards Mr. Spring chicken

Edited by sharmo 1

Thanks for complimenting my post. It was all wrote in good fun but with a sneaky underlying truth. I have always been a serious collector and probably am nore like one of the boys. There are a lot of great guys on the scene who I have gained much knowledge from and who have always treated me equal as an enthusiast and collector. Muchas gracias x


The scene is more male populated to ensure that the female devotees be of a higher stature. We are rarer and are on a par to a rare, obscure and sought after 45:: The male attendees will find some of us unknown, it may take you years to pick one up, some of us are cheap, some of us will cost you the earth, some of us are class oldies and some of us are in demand. The semi unknowns are great once you get to know them. The more soulful we are the quicker you place us in your top 3 all time faves. The first time outs will catch your attention and make you find out where we originate from and if we have the potential to go big one day. There will always be a few which you never get your hands on a many who over the years you have swapped along the way. Some of us gain a few surface marks as the time goes by and some of us always look mint. Some of us will be associated with top dj's, some of us will be resident at certain. Venues, some of us you will never tire of listening to and the rest you will be sick of hearing week in week out. You will kick yourself for letting one go without giving it a chance and you will always resent the jammy bleeder who kept a hold of her and treasured more as she increased in pounds. A toast to all the ladies of the scene a rare breed indeed !!

For me this has to be the quote of the year, superb use of words which sum it all up perfectely. Hope you don't mind tha I changed the last part to a more fitting description :wicked::lol: Well done Julie :thumbup:


we generally go out and about as a party of 5 , 3 women,my mate tom and me . so am definateley in a minority , one of our team is a collector and has recentley started dj,ing has a resident at two regular venues and is starting to get spots at other venues..and it aint tom or me.

what I have to say is dont take this site as being the be all and end of all things soul. for every one who comes on here there are 100s if not thousands who dont, and many who used to come on here have let it fall by the wayside.

dont come on here much myself nowadays because what it has become , ie the old adage if you cant say anything good dont say anything, rules here so you end up with a sanitised version of whats really happening out there, and same apples to the music , know its a rare soul site but come on here to gen up on venues etc but take the write ups with a pinch of salt and to listen to some of the latest wots new or interesting sounds, but believe that what a lot on here is deemed to be good just leaves me cold and would get nowhere if played out at most of the venues I go to ,

back on topic what I am trying to say is we go out every w/end mostly two nights but get the odd sunday dayer in as well and there are deffo more women out than men round here.


I agree Barney, many posts on here should be taken with a pinch of salt. This site is a great contribution to the soul scene sharing many musical facts as well as some serious and some humourous opinions and debates. Like I said mine was written in fun. It has been great to see an emergence of more female collectors and dj's, certainly in the past seven or so years as we were, fact a minority. It is fact, however that the scene was always and still is dominated by the male of the two sexes. Nice to hear yet another lass getting regular spots. Won't be long before we see more girls getting up to Eddie Parker - i'm Gone... N.b. Just my sense of humour ladies lol


Anything that involves collecting means a significant number of its participants are further along an Autistic Spectrum Disorder than the majority of the population.. The average male-to-female ratio for ASD's is 4 to 1, affecting 1 in 70 males, but only 1 in 315 females.

Guest Vinyl Flair

My fellow DJ Nicky 'Bint of Soul' Shaw is very much a female. She is every bit as obsessed with vinyl as me.

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