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Full list with sound clips here -


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Northern / R&B / 60's Soul

"Clayton, Pat" Someone else's turn recommended Silver Tip 75

"Colbert, Phil" That's all it was/Where was I w/demo/tiny wol/recommended Smash 40

"Domino, Renaldo" I'm hip to your game 2 great sides Smash 20

"Douglas, Ron" Never you mind/First time around w/demo Smash 50

Exsaveyons I don't love you no more/Somewhere superb/group flip Smoke 30

"Herbs, The" "Never, never (Will I fall in love)/Question" 2 superb sides Smoke 40

Sonny & Phyllis "Love,love,love/I've been lost" recommended Soft 30

"Sophisticates, The" Back up baby superb Sonny 60

"Walker, Jr & All Stars" Tune up 1st issue/superb Soul 20

"Wilson, Al" "When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.." demo/2 great sides Soul City 25

"Fuller Brothers, The" "Time's a wasting/Moaning, groaning and crying" 2 superb sides Soul Clock 30

"Hall, Dave" Look at me/They're talking about my baby MINT-/2 great sides/very rare Sound 250

"Zen, Vinnie & Rogues, The" "Bricks, broken bottles and sticks" great version SSS Int'l 25

"Zen, Vinnie & Rogues, The" "Bricks, broken bottles and sticks/same" w/demo/great version SSS Int'l 30

"Baker, Butch" The fat man/Working at the go go(inst) superb St. Lawrence 20

"Epsilons, The" The echo/same w/demo/superb soul Stax 30

"Crayton, Maxine" Don't take your love superb Steeltown 60

"Washington, Baby" Hey lonely highly recommended Sue 30

"Washington, Baby" Hey lonely (xol) w/demo/highly recommended Sue 40

"Washington, Justine" I can't wait until I see my baby great version Sue 25

"Marcels, The" No love left superb/highly recommended Super M 20

"Corvairs, The" A victim of her charms/Love is such a good thing w/demo/2 great sides Sylvia 40

"Shockettes, The" Hold back the tears w/demo/great Symbol 25

"Tikis, The" Hey girl/Sound of soul MINT-/2 great sides T.RE.CO. 75

"Marvelettes, The" I'll Keep holding on/No time for tears w/demo/MINT-/classic Tamla 75

"Miracles, The" Whole lot of shaking in my heart superb Tamla 15

"Weston, Kim" I'm still loving you vg++/classic Tamla 60

"Weston, Kim" I'm still loving you classic Tamla 75

"Wonder, Little Stevie" Contract on love sm wol/1st press/great Tamla 40

"Gunter, Shirley" Stuck up w/demo/recommended Tangerine 30

"Turner, Ike & Tina" Dust my broom orange label/superb R&B Tangerine 40

Master Four Love from the far east w/demo/#6024/superb Tayster 85

"Metrix, The" Gonna have to put you down ex-/great/rare Tiara 40

"Four Larks, The" Another chance w/demo/very sl lbl edge wear Tower 20

"Sherry & Inverts, The" I'm lost/I was made to love you (with Co slv) w/demo/2 great sides Tower 75

"Royal, Margaret" I'll never go away very sl lbl stain Tra-x 50

"Crook, Ed" That's alright classic/lite wol Tri-Sound 60

"Gardner, Don" Ain't goona let you get me down recommended Tru-Glo-Town 30

"Moore, Joe" Nobody loves me/Hang right in there-(2 x's ol) 2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50

"Treetop, Bobby" Wait till I get to know ya ex-/classic Tuff 200

"Radiants, The" Don't wanna face the truth/My sunshine girl ex-/demo/2 grest sides Twinight 35

"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl demo/recommended Uni 25

"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl recommended Uni 15

"Brown, Estelle" Stick close great United Artist

"Kennedy, Jaye" I'm feelling it too rare issue/recommended United Artists 40

"Pollard, Ray" The drifter vg++/classic/awesome!!! United Artists 175

"Smith, Roy" I can remember demo/recommended United Artists 30

"St. John, Rose" Mend my broken heart/And if I had my(wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100

"Thomas, Gene" I'd rather not talk about it w/demo/superb United Artists 60

West Siders Don't you know great United Artists 40

"Lorri, Mary Ann" I wanna thank you w/demo/recommended United International 40

"Trotter, Don" Give back your lovin' great Utopia 40

"Eruptions, The" Whispers getting louder/Price of love 2 great versions Val 30

"Elgins, The" Street scene/You found yourself another fool w/demo/2 great sides Valiant 30

"Chandler, Gene" Check yourself recommended Vee-Jay 20

"Everett, Betty" Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15

"Thompson, Cheryle" Don't walk away w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50

"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50

"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on xol-flip/great Vee-Jay 50

"Wilson, Timothy" He will break your heart wol/great Veep 30

"Lashons, The" Little sister beware ex-/demo/rare/great Vended 60

"Ballads, The" I wish I knew recommended Venture 15

"Ambers, The" I love you baby/Now I'm in trouble (sm edge warp-nap) classic/great flip Verve 50

"Ashford, Nick" California soul demo/great version Verve 15

"Ganey, Jerry" Just a fool (wol) demo/classic Verve 75

"Porgy & Monarchs, The" Love chain demo/recommended Verve 15

"Superiors, The" What would I do ex-/classic Verve 25

"Bossmen, The" Take it easy w/demo/recommended Vim 75

Rick Robin & Him Cause you know me ex-/great VIP 40

Time Trouble & Money presents a Northern & Modern Soul All-Nighter

On Friday 30th December. 8pm to 6am. Entry: £10 on the door. Late bar to 4am.

at Redbourn Club, Cemetery Rd, Scunthorpe, DN16 1NU

DJ's - Dave Raistrick - Rick Scott - Chris Dalton - Terry Wright - Kev Thomas - Dicko + loads more

Main room - Northern & 70's Classics, Oldies & Motown.

Room 2 - Crossover, Modern & Rare Soul

For tickets contact: Brad - 07919005713. Crumb - 07805576716

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

"Starr, Edwin" Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same w/demo/recommended Motown 20

"Supremes, The" You're what's missing in my life recommended Motown 15

"Cameron, GC" Don't wanna play pajama games/same w/demo/recommended Mowest 15

"Kendricks, Eddie" I'm in love with you recommended Ms. Dixie 20

Korla with Klass Stop before you start dish nap/superb Music Master 150

Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. great Music Town 30

S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world 2 superb sides Musicor 15

"Poole, Jay" I love you (FIRST LABEL) superb mid-tempo Ne-bo 20

"Cheers, The" Take me to paradise/I made up my mind w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 50

"Lance, Major" Without a doubt superb Okeh 40

"Lance, Major" I got a right to cry (great version) w/demo/v sl warp-nap Osiris 50

Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 50

"Parker, Winfield" I wanna be with you highly recommended P&L 25

"Courtney, Dean" It makes me nervous/You're all I've got 2 great sides Paramount 25

Tender Touch You were never mine to begin with demo/great Paramount 25

Two Tons Of Love What good am I without you/same-Spanish w/demo/wol/fantasic Paramount 75

"Montclairs, The" Hung up on your love classic Paula 60

"Jon, Leslie" Never want to lose this feeling 2x's ol/recommended Pelegrin Sands 25

Velvet Bet you if you ask around/inst. recommended Perception 15

"Originals, The" The magic is you recommended Phase II 15

"Bell, Archie & Drells, The" Old People superb/rare issue Phil. Int. 30

"Bell, Archie & Drells, The" Where will you go when the party's over demo/UK/Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 50

"Carn, Jean" Don't let it go to your head/same w/demo/recommended Phil. Int. 20

"Futures, The" Party time man ex-/superb Phil. Int. 25

"Intruders, The" A nice girl like you German/pic. sleeve Phil. Int. 30

"Pendergrass, Teddy" Where did all the lovin' go recommended Phil. Int. 20

"C, Fantastic Johnny" Don't depend on me/Waitin' for the rain classic/great flip too Phil-L.A. Of Soul 25

Paradise Tell her rare issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 40

Paradise Tell her w/demo/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 40

Storm She comes up superb Pi Kappa 30

"Bottle Tops, The" Ain't love trouble demo/recommended Pink Bird 30

Shaker Give me love recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30

"Russell, Sam" "What's usual, ain't natural" w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30

"Jackson, Maurice" Step by step/inst. demo/sl label stain Plum 25

"Downing, Al" I'm just nobody MINT-/highly recommended Polydor 40

"Gaynor, Gloria" This love affair UK/superb Polydor 40

"Gaynor, Gloria" This love affair French/colour pic slv Polydor 40

"Invitations, The" Love has to grow ex-/UK/great Polydor 30

Mojoba I know/same (NEAR MINT) w/demo/superb Polydor 75

"Warner, Pete" I just want to spend my life with you/same demo/superb Polydor 80

Main Ingredient Everything man UK/great version Power Exchange 25

Innervision Honey baby (be mine) superb Private Stock 25

Innervision Honey baby (be mine)/same demo/superb Private Stock 25

"King, Joe" Speak on up great Prix 50

"Fantastic Puzzles, The" Come back/Part 2 MINT-/colour pic slv/Portugal Pye 40

"Naturals, The" Da-da-da-da-da (I love you) great x-over Quadran 30

"Brothers, The" Are you ready for this (full colour pic sleeve) Italian/massive inst. RCA 30

"Green, Garland" Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 75

"Hit Parade, The" Kisses never die demo RCA 15

"Hit Parade, The" Stand by me baby demo/superb RCA 25

"Hollins, Everett 'Blood'" Heaven must have known recommended RCA 20

"Hollins, Everett 'Blood'" Heaven must have known/same demo/recommended RCA 20

Hudson County Heaven's here on earth recommended RCA 15

"I.G.'s, The" Show and tell UK/superb version RCA 25

"Inception, The" Everybody loves a winner/same-long version demo/recommended RCA 15

"Marcel, Vic" Won't you come and fly with me fantastic x-over RCA 15

"Ruffin, David & Kendrick, Eddie" I couldn't believe it recommended RCA 20

Walsh Gypsy Band, James Cuz it's you girl/same-mono demo/superb RCA 75

"Wycoff, Michael" Looking up to you/same-mono demo/superb/MINT- RCA 75

"Carstairs, The" It really hurts me girl (STAMPED ORIGINAL) ex-/w/demo/classic/superb Red Coach 125

"Martin, David & Rare Essence" You're mighty right superb/blue label Rekord 30

Rare Gems Odyssey It don't take much ex-/recommended Renfro 25

"Ward, Pattie" (Girls) you have to wait for love recommended Road 40

"Allen, Na" Everytime it rains recommended Ronn 25

"Ecstasy, Passion & Pain" Ask me demo/recommended Roulette 12

Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P./same demo/classic/superb Roulette 75

Gentlemen & Their Lady Like her/Inst. demo/superb Roulette 15

Ghetto Children It's not easy/Don't take your sweet lovin(sm wol) M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 100

"Hill, Roni" I wouldn't give you up wol/recommended Roulette 20

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