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Soul 45 Collector - Monthly List-Northern / R&b / 60's / Crossover / 70'S / Modern Soul

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UK Postage: Recorded Delivery: 7" singles; first record - £2.00, then 25p each extra single.

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Full list with sound clips here -


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Northern / R&B / 60's Soul

"Clayton, Pat" Someone else's turn recommended Silver Tip 75

"Brantley, Dan" I can't take no more/Please accept my love 2 great sides Sims 20

"Colbert, Phil" That's all it was/Where was I w/demo/tiny wol/recommended Smash 40

"Domino, Renaldo" I'm hip to your game 2 great sides Smash 20

"Douglas, Ron" Never you mind/First time around w/demo Smash 50

"Douglas, Ron" Never you mind/First time around 2 great sides Smash 40

Exsaveyons I don't love you no more/Somewhere superb/group flip Smoke 30

"Herbs, The" "Never, never (Will I fall in love)/Question" 2 superb sides Smoke 40

Sonny & Phyllis "Love,love,love/I've been lost" recommended Soft 30

"Love, Dave" Colalined baby recommended Solid Soul 10

"Taylor, Robert" Good times recommended Sonic 15

"Sophisticates, The" Back up baby superb Sonny 60

"Nero, Frances" Keep on lovin' me/Fight fire with fire MINT-/classic/great flip too Soul 75

"Walker, Jr & All Stars" Tune up 1st issue/superb Soul 20

"Wilson, Al" "When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.." 2 great sides Soul City 20

"Wilson, Al" "When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.." demo/2 great sides Soul City 25

"Fuller Brothers, The" "Time's a wasting/Moaning, groaning and crying" 2 superb sides Soul Clock 30

"Soulville All-Stars, The" Nobody to blame (but myself) lite lbl ring wear/superb Soulville 75

"Hall, Dave" Look at me/They're talking about my baby MINT-/2 great sides/very rare Sound 250

"Zen, Vinnie & Rogues, The" "Bricks, broken bottles and sticks" great version SSS Int'l 25

"Zen, Vinnie & Rogues, The" "Bricks, broken bottles and sticks/same" w/demo/great version SSS Int'l 30

"Baker, Butch" The fat man/Working at the go go(inst) superb St. Lawrence 20

"Epsilons, The" The echo/same w/demo/superb soul Stax 30

"Chandler, Carol" Time hasn't changed you Steel City 30

"Crayton, Maxine" Don't take your love superb Steeltown 60

"Washington, Baby" Hey lonely highly recommended Sue 30

"Washington, Baby" Hey lonely (xol) w/demo/highly recommended Sue 40

"Washington, Justine" I can't wait until I see my baby great version Sue 25

"Williams, Patti" Because I love him w/demo/recommended Sunflower 25

"Marcels, The" No love left superb/highly recommended Super M 20

"Malibus, The" Ten times a day recommended Sure-Shot 20

"Corvairs, The" A victim of her charms/Love is such a good thing w/demo/2 great sides Sylvia 40

"Moody, Joan" We must be doing something right classic Sylvia 20

"Shockettes, The" Hold back the tears w/demo/great Symbol 25

"Tikis, The" Hey girl/Sound of soul MINT-/2 great sides T.RE.CO. 75

"Marvelettes, The" I'll Keep holding on/No time for tears w/demo/MINT-/classic Tamla 75

"Miracles, The" Whole lot of shaking in my heart superb Tamla 15

"Weston, Kim" I'm still loving you vg++/classic Tamla 60

"Weston, Kim" I'm still loving you classic Tamla 75

"Wonder, Little Stevie" Contract on love sm wol/1st press/great Tamla 40

"Gunter, Shirley" Stuck up w/demo/recommended Tangerine 30

"Turner, Ike & Tina" Dust my broom orange label/superb R&B Tangerine 40

Master Four Love from the far east w/demo/#6024/superb Tayster 85

"Metrix, The" Gonna have to put you down ex-/great/rare Tiara 40

"David, Kal & Exceptions, The" Daydreaming of you recommended Tollie 30

"Loveables, The" Just beyond my fingertips demo/superb Toot 20

"Houston, Freddie" Soft walkin' great Toto 60

"Four Larks, The" Another chance w/demo/very sl lbl edge wear Tower 20

"Sherry & Inverts, The" I'm lost/I was made to love you (with Co slv) w/demo/2 great sides Tower 75

"Royal, Margaret" I'll never go away very sl lbl stain Tra-x 50

"Crook, Ed" That's alright classic/lite wol Tri-Sound 60

"Gardner, Don" Ain't goona let you get me down recommended Tru-Glo-Town 30

"Moore, Joe" Nobody loves me/Hang right in there flip-sm edge chip-nap Tru-Glo-Town 40

"Moore, Joe" Nobody loves me/Hang right in there-(2 x's ol) 2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50

"Treetop, Bobby" Wait till I get to know ya ex-/classic Tuff 200

"Radiants, The" Don't wanna face the truth/My sunshine girl ex-/demo/2 grest sides Twinight 35

"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl demo/recommended Uni 25

"Everett, Betty" Unlucky girl recommended Uni 15

"Brown, Estelle" Stick close great United Artists 50

"Germaine, Denise" Unforgotten yesterdays w/demo/great United Artists 30

"Kennedy, Jaye" I'm feelling it too rare issue/recommended United Artists 40

"Pollard, Ray" The drifter vg++/classic/awesome!!! United Artists 175

"Smith, Roy" I can remember demo/recommended United Artists 30

"St. John, Rose" Mend my broken heart/And if I had my(wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100

"Thomas, Gene" I'd rather not talk about it w/demo/superb United Artists 60

West Siders Don't you know great United Artists 40

"Lorri, Mary Ann" I wanna thank you w/demo/recommended United International 40

"Trotter, Don" Give back your lovin' great Utopia 40

"Eruptions, The" Whispers getting louder/Price of love 2 great versions Val 30

"Elgins, The" Street scene/You found yourself another fool w/demo/2 great sides Valiant 30

"Chandler, Gene" Check yourself recommended Vee-Jay 20

"Dontells, The" In your heart you know I'm right/Nothing but nothing ex-/2 great sides Vee-Jay 20

"Everett, Betty" Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit 2 great sides Vee-Jay 10

"Everett, Betty" Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15

"Jackson, Barbara" Second best w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30

"Jones, Bobby" A certain feeling great Vee-Jay 20

"Rivingtons, The" I love you always/Years of tears w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 50

"Rivingtons, The" I love you always/Years of tears 2 great sides Vee-Jay 50

"Thompson, Cheryle" Don't walk away vg++/w/demo/great Vee-Jay 40

"Thompson, Cheryle" Don't walk away w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50

"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50

"Velasco, Vi" I don't want to go on xol-flip/great Vee-Jay 50

"Wilson, Timothy" He will break your heart wol/great Veep 30

"Lashons, The" Little sister beware ex-/demo/rare/great Vended 60

"Ballads, The" I wish I knew recommended Venture 15

"Ambers, The" I love you baby/Now I'm in trouble (sm edge warp-nap) classic/great flip Verve 50

"Ashford, Nick" California soul demo/great version Verve 15

"Ganey, Jerry" Just a fool (wol) demo/classic Verve 75

"Porgy & Monarchs, The" Love chain demo/recommended Verve 15

"Superiors, The" What would I do ex-/classic Verve 25

"Bossmen, The" Take it easy w/demo/recommended Vim 75

Rick Robin & Him Cause you know me ex-/great VIP 40

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

"Starr, Edwin" Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same w/demo/recommended Motown 20

"Supremes, The" You're what's missing in my life recommended Motown 15

"Cameron, GC" Don't wanna play pajama games/same w/demo/recommended Mowest 15

"Kendricks, Eddie" I'm in love with you recommended Ms. Dixie 20

Korla with Klass Stop before you start dish nap/superb Music Master 150

Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. great Music Town 30

S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world 2 superb sides Musicor 15

"Poole, Jay" I love you (FIRST LABEL) superb mid-tempo Ne-bo 20

"Cheers, The" Take me to paradise/I made up my mind w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 50

"Lance, Major" Without a doubt superb Okeh 40

"Lance, Major" I got a right to cry (great version) w/demo/v sl warp-nap Osiris 50

"Lance, Major" You're everthing I need/inst. great Osiris 10

Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 50

"Parker, Winfield" I wanna be with you highly recommended P&L 25

"Courtney, Dean" It makes me nervous/You're all I've got 2 great sides Paramount 25

Tender Touch You were never mine to begin with demo/great Paramount 25

Two Tons Of Love What good am I without you/same-Spanish w/demo/wol/fantasic Paramount 75

"Montclairs, The" Hung up on your love classic Paula 60

"Jon, Leslie" Never want to lose this feeling 2x's ol/recommended Pelegrin Sands 25

Velvet Bet you if you ask around/inst. recommended Perception 15

"Originals, The" The magic is you recommended Phase II 15

"Bell, Archie & Drells, The" Old People superb/rare issue Phil. Int. 30

"Bell, Archie & Drells, The" Where will you go when the party's over demo/UK/Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 50

"Carn, Jean" Don't let it go to your head/same w/demo/recommended Phil. Int. 20

"Carn, Jean" If you wanna go back w/demo/classic Phil. Int. 15

"Carn, Jean" If you wanna go back classic Phil. Int. 12

"Futures, The" Party time man ex-/superb Phil. Int. 25

"Intruders, The" A nice girl like you UK Phil. Int. 25

"Intruders, The" A nice girl like you German/pic. sleeve Phil. Int. 30

"Pendergrass, Teddy" Where did all the lovin' go recommended Phil. Int. 20

"C, Fantastic Johnny" Don't depend on me/Waitin' for the rain classic/great flip too Phil-L.A. Of Soul 25

Paradise Tell her rare issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 40

Paradise Tell her w/demo/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 40

Storm She comes up ex-/superb Pi Kappa 25

Storm She comes up superb Pi Kappa 30

"Bottle Tops, The" Ain't love trouble demo/recommended Pink Bird 30

Shaker Give me love recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30

"Russell, Sam" "What's usual, ain't natural" w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30

"Jackson, Maurice" Step by step/inst. recommended Plum 20

"Jackson, Maurice" Step by step/inst. demo/sl label stain Plum 25

"Brown, James" (I love you) for sentimental reasons superb Polydor 15

"Downing, Al" I'm just nobody MINT-/highly recommended Polydor 40

"Gaynor, Gloria" This love affair UK/superb Polydor 40

"Gaynor, Gloria" This love affair French/colour pic slv Polydor 40

"Invitations, The" Love has to grow ex-/UK/great Polydor 30

Mojoba I know/same (NEAR MINT) w/demo/superb Polydor 75

"Warner, Pete" I just want to spend my life with you/same demo/superb Polydor 80

Main Ingredient Everything man UK/great version Power Exchange 25

Innervision Honey baby (be mine) superb Private Stock 25

Innervision Honey baby (be mine)/same demo/superb Private Stock 25

"King, Joe" Speak on up great Prix 50

"Fantastic Puzzles, The" Come back/Part 2 MINT-/colour pic slv/Portugal Pye 40

"Naturals, The" Da-da-da-da-da (I love you) great x-over Quadran 30

"Brothers, The" Are you ready for this UK/massive inst. RCA 20

"Brothers, The" Are you ready for this (full colour pic sleeve) Italian/massive inst. RCA 30

"Edwards, Dee" All we need is a miracle demo/great RCA 15

"Green, Garland" Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 75

"Hit Parade, The" Kisses never die demo RCA 15

"Hit Parade, The" Stand by me baby demo/superb RCA 25

"Hit Parade, The" Stand by me baby superb RCA 25

"Hollins, Everett 'Blood'" Heaven must have known recommended RCA 20

"Hollins, Everett 'Blood'" Heaven must have known/same demo/recommended RCA 20

Hudson County Heaven's here on earth recommended RCA 15

"I.G.'s, The" Show and tell UK/superb version RCA 25

"Inception, The" Everybody loves a winner/same-long version demo/recommended RCA 15

"Marcel, Vic" Won't you come and fly with me fantastic x-over RCA 15

"Ruffin, David & Kendrick, Eddie" I couldn't believe it recommended RCA 20

Walsh Gypsy Band, James Cuz it's you girl/same-mono demo/superb RCA 75

"Wycoff, Michael" Looking up to you/same-mono demo/superb/MINT- RCA 75

"Carstairs, The" It really hurts me girl (STAMPED ORIGINAL) ex-/w/demo/classic/superb Red Coach 125

"Martin, David & Rare Essence" You're mighty right superb/blue label Rekord 30

Rare Gems Odyssey It don't take much ex-/recommended Renfro 25

"Ward, Pattie" (Girls) you have to wait for love recommended Road 40

"Allen, Na" Everytime it rains recommended Ronn 25

"Ecstasy, Passion & Pain" Ask me demo/recommended Roulette 12

Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P./same demo/classic/superb Roulette 75

Gentlemen & Their Lady Like her/Inst. demo/superb Roulette 15

Ghetto Children It's not easy/Don't take your sweet lovin(sm wol) M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 100

"Hill, Roni" I wouldn't give you up wol/recommended Roulette 20

"Hill, Roni" I wouldn't give you up recommended Roulette 25

Time Trouble & Money presents a Northern & Modern Soul All-Nighter

On Friday 30th December. 8pm to 6am. Entry: £10 on the door. Late bar to 4am.

At Redbourn Club, Cemetery Rd, Scunthorpe, DN16 1NU

DJ's - Dave Raistrick - Rick Scott - Chris Dalton - Terry Wright - Kev Thomas - Dicko + loads more

Main room - Northern & 70's Classics, Oldies & Motown.

Room 2 - Crossover, Modern & Rare Soul

For tickets contact: Brad - 07919005713. Crumb - 07805576716

Edited by Henry
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