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Soul Source - Up and at em

Had to happen didn't it ?

After posting last week an "almost sorted" post...

no prizes for guessing that something had to happen, this time it was the main hard disk on server it went down at a bad time, causing all sorts of grief and hassle.

And so a week later; after doing again a lot of what did week before am back here again tempting fate by posting "sorted" style posts.

News is finally at a place where can say have got over the hassle and site and server is back on the road and 99% solid.


the hassle has meant that everything has had a sort out and so far seems to be running smooth and solid

due to this has been a fair bit of news

most can be found in the site section of forum

but have done a quick summary below


intro section now more prominent

if having problems with any part of site please check site section


changes on the mods team

farewell to Mandy and Dan who have both stood down due to real world kicking in

four new mods be shouted up tonight

still hunting high and low for another freebasing one


approx 6000+ members since 2003

have just had a series of clear outs and kept only accounts that have logged in since Jan 01st 2006

so now current members - 2400+ "active" members

while 6000+ may be more impressive to some, using a "active" only should be better for members/site

all new members now get pm'd a welcome and are asked to post a intro

still get people trying to use joke accounts for posting, sorry but those days are gone

terms of use/action by site

what the site is run on, all agree to follow them

vast vast majority do respect them, site hasn't time running around after people who don't

normally action goes like this

warnings, suspension, closure

no wish to do such, so ask all to follow them

can be found at foot of every page


see the site q and a bit if wanna know about what some ****s think is some sort of big "secret"

"wise up" is a term that springs to mind


members photo albums are now all back up less 3 recent onesthat were lost during hassle


flyer gallery - sorted and uptodate

note all flyers posted before june 2006 have been moved to past flyers

as there were some that wasn't sure if were still valid/uptodate

from now once any flyer is over 3 months old it will be moved

and so will need reposting

that way while a bit of a pain for early ones, it should ensure that all flyers are more valid and so flyer gallery more worthwhile


up and at them

the built in forum player will be replaced shortly by a pop up player,

this is so that can navigate away from the article and the counter will also reflect a true count

still work in progress more improvements to follow shortly


still trying to find best solution for the 1000s of articles on site

changes here in the very near future


do get many requests for banners for charity events

due to this a better policy for such charity events will be annouced shortly

that's all for now, hopefully the last two/three weeks will now just fade away and I can get to the travel agents...


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