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list 889 Biggest rare soul 45 release of the decade. Available now at the site is THE CHESTERFIELDS - THINK IT OVER - GRAPEVINE 2000 # 134 This is the male group vocal version of Yvonne Bakers "You didnt say a word" backing track. Has been "Butchs" biggest exclusive sound for 2 years. Now available for £10 Dont forget the auction ending Monday 4pm GMT with tunes like : September Jones - Issue Prince Philip Mitchell Martha Star - Love ois the only solution OJays - Ill never foirget you - stock copy Sam Fletcher - rare euro press Tommy Navarro - rare bluen red label. Eartha Kitt - One off acetate Isley Brothers - Why when love is gone - Uk demo Cliff Nobles - My love is gaetting stronger J-V Lenny Curtis - Nothing can help you now. Price guide II, slight delay..since the incident last week with someone bootlegging our product we are making over 2000 subtle changes to ! the guide to protect our interests. Anyone coping any part of the guide for resale will face certain legal action. check forum out for new additions list

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