C4 Tonight - 3 Min Wonder - feat Stevie Cato and Soul Revolution
northern soul c4

Stevie Cato (Little Stevie) passed on a quick heads up shout for the showing of a clip filmed at the just gone Soul Revolution event in LondonApparently it follows Steve on his journey from Manchester down to Soul Revolution last month and should feature some interesting footage of the club.
Here's Steves words
"A short film we shot a few weeks ago is on tv tonight at 7.55. channel 4 and repeated on channel 4 plus 1/ film 4 plus 1, one of those type channels an hour later if you miss it... just 3 mins and won't get in the way of the footie too much, ha ha... . A Northern Soul... Let us know what you think, i aint seen any footage yet and don't know what to expect... click on link below" steve x
Edited by mike
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