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Man of today Irish Greg -1999

Man of today Irish Greg -1999 magazine cover

Next in line with this series of interviews is Irish Greg DJ and CSC co-promoter

Man of today Irish Greg -1999

Q Ok Greg, to start us off, for people who don't know you, how did you get into northern and end up in London?

I first got into northern when I was young Mod all of 16 and was living in Galway (Ireland, hello guy's) but it was really when I moved to London in 1987 (was only 17). I remember going to Mod clubs and hearing things like Ron Baxter, Liz Lands etc etc. But it was when I went to the 100 Club and heard that magic mid-tempo sound of things like Bobby Kline, Magnetics, Danny Moore, and Kell Osborne - I had found my church to worship at.

Q. You're one of the main people behind the Capitol Soul Club and it all seems to be going well, what is the idea behind the club?

I had left the 100 Club as a resident D.J. and The Scene for about 2 years (you need a break ever now and then), on my return I found that nothing had changed, same D.J's spinning the same stuff (one or two exceptions of course). I meet up with my good friend Alan Handsome (D.J. and Collector) and decided to start up the C.S.C with the intention to get some of the best and entertaining D.J.'s who would spin quality newies and current big sounds (Oldies are played and always should be because we are here to entertain but we must also look to the future). The C.S.C is about the future and including the past all in one. D.J.'s like Carl Fortnum, Dave Flynn , Shifty , Andy Rix etc have shown it works. I must mention also Matt Jahans, who keeps doing a great job on the promotional front - he is totally into it and we couldn't do it without him.

Q. With the dome being a mainly upfront sixties soul venue, what are your views on events/djs that stick to classic oldies formula.

I think events that just play oldies have got to move on and oldies D.J.'s should not be playing so safe - otherwise the punter will go elsewhere. Also I think the punter should go and speak to the D.J.'s or Promoter if he or she is not happy, remember the punter pays the wage and without them this scene will DIE. Speak up-don't shut up.

Q. What would you say to critics of today's sounds saying they don't match up to the classics of yesteryear?

That is total bullshit, these people should listen to the sounds on your site and wake up. I wonder if they are the same people who just want to hear what they heard in there youth and are forever moaning. Yes some of the greatest records are classics but some of the unreleased stuff (small example) that are turning up are awesome.

Q. As said before at dome you do get a mixed age group, and have used methods such as free tapes at events and the GLR radio show. To spread the word, do you reckon this is the way ahead?

Yes, the idea of free tapes was simply to break new sounds. The punter would pay £5 in and was handed a tape of sounds that will be played at the club, they go home listen to it and the next time they come its like they know that record backwards (it's broken before it hits the turntable). G.L.R was a massive help to the club and was fantastic, we could advertise to a massive amount of people and spread the word in a way I could only dream of. I think more Promoters/D.J.'s should look to giving the punter more, we have given T-Shirts away for nothing because when they wear it we get The Capitol Soul Club promoted everywhere they wear it. We don't have loads of money (far from it) but it got the punters in and made them feel part of something, they are the capitol not us.

q. Next month capitol soul club are holding a event in Newton le Willows, how do you think this will go, and what have you got to say to people to may be thinking of going?

I hope it's a success; we will stick to our guns, play quality sounds, lots of new things plus old and hopefully entertain. To the people going to the venue I would like to say thanks and hopefully you will be entertained and come away from the event hearing sounds you liked. I think the promoter Alan has pressed up free tapes - now that's what I call a promoter who wants to move on and cares about his crowd.

Q. Capitol Soul clubs Plans for the future?

We have got lots of stuff but until all is ready I can't say as some people might just nick one or two ideas. Radio show on Internet is one.

Q. As said rarely hear any post 69 stuff is this a deliberate choice or just way it works out?

It's just the way it is, 75% of the D.J's are hardcore sixties (oldies and newies) and we have found that works great. We do play some crossover stuff but when you have new sixties things then that gets prority. The crowd is a great mix (soulies, mods etc) but in London we have found a mainly hardcore sixties following and we are more than happy with that.

Q. Ok Greg onto dj-ing side of life, how did you first get into it?

I started in Mod clubs in London and then Val Palmer packed in her set at the 100 Club (early 9'ts, so Adey asked if I would step in and of course I said yes (you don't say no to that). At first it was great but it upset some people that they were not asked and got quite nasty, it left a bad taste with me because I'm not into this ego D.J. bullshit. I remember going on to D.J and offering out these people in front of a packed 100 CLUB (my mates looking around for the first person to move) but this one person in particular just put his head down and I ain't seen him since (moaners etc). I then went on to work with some bands who are now very famous and I must say a big thank you to Adey because he stuck right by me and was always fare.

Q. What are your top 3 sounds at moment that are getting the most dance floor re-action?

1.Other Brothers - Nobody but me - Unissued

2.Jimmy Hughes - It ain't what you got - Atlantic (Thanks to Mick Smith)

3.Tyn Tymes - Baby I love you - Music box

Q. Have you ever done a spot that has totally bombed, like tumbleweeds blowing thru the dance floor during your spot, and why did it happen?

Not really, once or twice the dance floor would go quite but only when trying something new, a D.J should always have back up just in case (Luther Ingram and Gene Toones is mine)

Q. As said at beginning you've been recently signed up to dj at ocean colour scenes concert, how did this come about?

I have worked for many well know bands and we did interview Steve (O.C.S. guitarist) for G.L.R - So I got a call and was told they wanted me and if there's free beer and the rest !!!! then I'm your man. Party on Noel and Liam.

Q What do you reckon you be playing there, current stuff or well known stuff?

Plenty of Northern plus some British rnb and Indie stuff. This is the way to get the kids into it. What I love is seeing young kids heads moving when your playing something like Edwin Starr, Miracles etc - they fuckin love it to death.

Q. Radio show on GLR, where's Wigan seemed to go down well, how did that happen any plans for more shows?

It was a big success, everyone who knew about it tuned in and you could hear things like Gary Dean, Little Ann, Doni Burdick, Jimmy Burns, Pat Lewis, Vivian Carroll etc all on the B.B.C - wow. We would get people like Mark Lamar and other celeb's phoning in for request's and wanting to know about record's that we were playing, it was great fun. O'ya it came about because the lad's from Dodgy wanted to do a Londoner's guide to Northern and one of my best mate's is Nick Abnett the bass player - so in I go to oversee everything and end up one of the host's. No more show's planned as G.L.R are going for a talk station with very little music.

Q,. You recently did 100 club, how did that go? Any more appearances planned?

It was ok, the sound was very bad (deck's blew up at one stage) and the crowd seemed a bit quiet. The problem I found was that the regular D.J.'S are sometimes just going through the same stuff when everyone knows that they have loads of great new records in reserve, dig them out and play them. Otherwise what's the point in bringing a 200 box of single's when your playing the same 20 records every month, they might be very rare but a sound is a sound and if you have another 180 then for fuck sake play them over the year. The 100 club is still one of the best all-nighter's in the country and still leads the way on the soul road but the lights sometimes change. I mean poor old Adey is the only one over the last few years that has played a substantial amount of new disc's (Rca stuff etc). Come on boy's dig deep and mix it up - I think Shifty was a good signing and always put's a bit of passion into it. No plan's to return, as I'm busy enough with the C.S.C and other musical interests.

Q. Thanks so far Greg, few odd ones now! If during an event a guy wandered up stage and said, play some proper northern like out on floor or I do you! What track would you play next and has similar ever happened.

No but if someone make's the effort to ask for a track and I got it with me then I'll play it. If I put it in the box in the first place then I must think it's good enough to be played, otherwise I shouldn't have it in there. We respect everyone who come's to the Capitol for a peaceful soul night out - no bullshit - no snobs - no egos just a great celebration of the music we all love. Now if a piss head starts and is taken the piss then I'm not one to hold back.

Q. Heard a rumour that Ian Levine wouldn't mind doing a spot at the dome, how do you feel about that?

We are Booked solid - sorry. I spoke to Ian at the 100 Club and let me tell ya that he still has some great records and I found him quite a nice guy to talk too. I would still ask him for a tape though.

Q. London seems to have a 101 soul events on a month apart from 100 club and dome, where would you head for, for a great nite out?

Drinking with The Boy's from Dodgy is always a mad one, especially with Nick or maybe the nearest hardcore punk event, maybe to see The Business or a great new band called The Solar Flares (Medway band). Soul wise well These Old Shoes is a good one.

Q. Greg say you just discovered a great lp track, trouble is its by a uk white 70s pop star, and has no real soul connection, would you play it?

No, but I heard Rod Stewart's version of First cut is the deepest the other day and that's not bad? I'm joking of course - his balls must be a mess with all those tight trousers he wore.

Q. Cover ups- in old days were to stop bootleggers, nowadays... what's your view?

I do it for a laugh but really I think it's very bad because these artists have never received any recognition and then someone come's along and say's its someone else. I think C/U's should be done for a short while (give a D.J. an edge on others) and then uncover it and at least give something back to the real artist by saying who it really is. It's an elitist thing really.

Q. What's the greatest soul record you ever had pleasure in playing? What a Question?

I think it would have to be Jimmy Ricks "Oh what a feeling" because I just love his deep voice and also the line "came home with kisses that you never will forget" - we've all been there I think.

Q one the worlds been waiting for, now known here as Irish Greg, but do they call you cockney Greg when you go home?

It's funny, because that does happen but I do live in east London and have been in London now for 13 years but I'm still 100% Irish and proud of it.

Q. To finish off Greg, last two what's the most memorable northern event you ever been to and why?

My first visit to the 100 Club all-nighter (I still get that shiver now thinking about it) and also seeing Ray Pollard singing The Drifter live (I had tears of joy in my eye's that night - passion that's what it's about for me).

Q. How do you see the future of the current scene?

I think we need to get young people into the scene, I don't have the answers but we need them badly. Also the price's of records needs to slow down because it's just going mad, I think some people are just taking the piss. I also hope the older crowd that have returned to the scene will stay and encourage the next generation of D.J.'s and Collector's and Dancer's etc. Remember to win the race we must keep the faith and stand together and stop bitchin. Later Greg.

well all i can say is, thanks a lot for that greg, some top wear it on your sleeve stuff there, and find myself agreeing with a lot of it, he asked me to mention that for those who life up in north west, capitol soul club is holding a event in

Newton-le -willows at the viaduct, featuring carl f, dave f, irish greg, alan h - sounds like it be a killer, telephone alan on 07930 240 732 for info/ directions 31 mar being the date

for more info on capitol soul club check out their online home at matt j's site

Edited by mike

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