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Dave Nowell - Interview 2000

Dave Nowell - Interview 2000 magazine cover

Interview with the author of "Too Darn Soulful " - Dave Nowell

Dave nowell has been busy over the last year, collecting information and details for his new book, Too Darn Soulful, with books final release date now sorted, he has took time to give this interview. Dave has been on soul scene since early days and recently was involved with another book. Anyway enough of my stuff ...read on


Q. Allright dave, for any new visitors can you give us a quick run down on your soul

background so everyone knows where you're coming from...



DAVE.......I'm orginally from Burnley, Lancs, and more latterly Chorley and

Blackpool. I got into the northern scene when I was 16/17 in 1975. I went to

Wigan Casino in April 1975 and stayed the course until its closure. After

another couple of years trying other venues like Rotherham, Stafford, etc I

gave up and got married and raised a family and concentrated on my career as

a journalist. I was astonished in 1992 to find something like the Keele

all-nighter still going. That was the start of my second childhood and I

have been a regular on the scene ever since.


Q. As most people may be aware you have a new book on the northern scene

called -Too Darn Soulful, its coming out in December, whats it all about?


DAVE.........It's called Too Darn Soulful and is published by Robson Books in

hardback at £17.95 (tel 0171 700 7444). As many people will know, I co-wrote

Soul Survivors with Russ Winstanley in 1996. Doing that project made me

realise what a rich heritage of music and clubs we have on the northern

scene, so I set about doing a follow-up.


The result is Too Darn Soulful - four decades of clubs, music and people

from the Twisted Wheel in the 1960's to the present day. It's informative,

gritty, realistic, funny and enlightening. It's the first ever in-depth look

at OUR scene and incorporates all views and opinions on the state of the



Q. ok dave obviously main thing you and visitors be interested in is the

book so a few questions on it, research is always a main thing, where did

you get all info from and how hard was gathering that?

DAVE..............Having a long soul background myself, a lot of it was second

nature. I used the usual routes of newspaper and magazine articles, searchin

g out archive material all over the country and copying pictures etc. I have

also interviewed dozens of DJ's past and present and loads of regulars from

home and abroad. Many of them are on the internet so it has been a godsend

in that respect. I also got access to artists like Brenda Holloway, Edwin

Starr and Fatboy Slim to ask them about their perspective on the northern

scene. (Norman Cook is chuffed to bits that most soul fans seem to like what

he did with Sliced Tomatoes). Some people proved very elusive, but many were

very happy to co-operate.


Q. recently there have been a couple of books out already what would you

say to soul fans out there is a good reason for buying yours


DAVE.......................As I have already said, this is the first in-depth

book covering EVERY aspect of our scene right up to the present day. Modern

soul, jazz-funk and the disco fodder of Blackpool Mecca are all covered as

well as every northern venue of the last four decades. If you only ever

bought one book on the northern scene, Too Darn Soulful has it all, and at a

very reasonable price I might add!!! |(End of plug)




Q. what was the highlight of writing this book.


DAVE.......Finishing it! I'm knackered. It has taken about two years of hard

slog. Seriously, though, the highlights came when soul gurus like Richard

Searling, Ian Levine ,and Colin Curtis took the time out to let me grill

them on their vast knowledge of the scene. They were all very informative,

good company and entertaining.


Q and any low points


DAVE........Being mucked about and stood up by people who make and break

appointments. Chasing around the country in my spare time at night and at

weekends for pictures that might or might not exist.


Q any chance dave of a few clips or photos to give soul fans idea of what

its all about


DAVE............A review copy is on its way to you, Mike.


Q. you were involved with russ winstanly's book a couple of years ago,

which was criticised in some quarters as painting a false picture, what

would you say to those criticisms?


DAVE.......Criticised by who? I have only ever seen one negative review, and

that was on a web site. The vast majority loved it, and it has been

responsible for bringing a lot of people back onto the scene. No-one has

ever told me to my face that they hated it, (apart from Ian Levine!) and

believe me they would.



Q. looking back would you do it different if you had the chance?

DAVE........Yes, I accept that it was a slightly biased and rose-tinted view

of things, but I was working with Russ, so what would you expect? Levine's

film has been accused of being Mecca biased. We maybe did concentrate too

much on some things to the detriment of others, hence my decision to do a

follow-up on the wider picture.


Q. onto other things dave whats your favourite current tracks being played

at moment


DAVE...........The Tangeers, the Gladys Knight motown tracks, Herman Hitson,

the Spinners I Just Want To Fall In Love.


Q what are your views on current v oldies debate

DAVE ......I get sick and tired of hearing the same oldies at virtually every venue.

Let's keep it fresh. We've all been back into the scene for a while now,

let's move on from reliving the Wigan days.



Q would you agree that there are still new soul sounds being discovered

today which are at least as good as any played in past ?


DAVE............They aren't there in quantity, but the quality is still there.

As I said above, stuff like Herman HItson, Jesse James, the Gladys Knight

and Jimmy Ruffin stuff get the adrenaline going. There is, however, a lot of

mediocre crap being sold for £1,000 and £2,000.


Q lots and lots of politics going round at moment , how would you cure all

the problems?


DAVE........I would get all the soul promoters of the UK together in one room

and force them to listen to Steps records or something equally horrible for

eight hours. Then perhaps they would stop bickering and realise what a great

and unique scene we have going and work together without cutting each

other's throats.


Q favourite venue at moment dave and why?


DAVE................The Ritz all-nighters in Manchester. The venue, the crowd

and the music is always bob on.



Q things that jack you off?


DAVE..........Guys who stand around pulling faces whenever a DJ strays away

from the tried and tested oldies. Let's be more open minded, like we were in

the 70's. A lot of the modern soul stuff is brilliant, too.


Q heres a cheesy one dave, all time favourite northern sound


DAVE......Yvonne Baker- You Didn't Say A Word. It has just about




Q back to the forthcoming book, whats the price and where can i get my

hands on it??


£17.95 from Robson Books of London (0171 700 7444). It should be in most

good book shops.


Q, ok dave thanks for that, last one any future similar projects or is it

back to your south sea island to chill with jackie collins and rest of gang

of writers?


DAVE.............Absolutely not. I'm having a nervous breakdown, I've earned

it! The next book I write will be a fiction bestseller that Hollywood will

pick up and turn into a film and make me very rich.



Q Cheers dave for that and thanks for time.


ok there you go, sounds like its going to be a good thing, doesn't it.

Once get my hands on a copy will post a full review, but for now it looks like one for the list to santa


The book is called Too Darn Soulful and

is published by Robson Books of London on December 10 price £17.95. Tel 0171

700 7444.

Edited by mike

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