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40 Years of Soul, Sweat and Talc - Annual Soulvation bash at Lea Hall Dec 30th


A Midlands club is celebrating 40 years of Soul music played at the venue with a special event on December 30.

The anniversary takes place at the popular annual Soulvation "Eve Of New Years Eve" bash at Lea Hall Club, Rugeley on Tuuesday December 30. The night runs from 8pm till Iam.

And the DJ who started Soul nights at the Staffordshire venue - Vic Sutton - has been coaxed out of retirement to return to the decks just for the night. Vic will be presented with an award celebrating his services to Soul music in Rugleley and surrounding areas. Rugeley has always had a proud Soul heritage, with car loads of locals regularly going up to the Twisted Wheel in Manchester in the 60's and bringing back rare 45's to get played in local clubs, including Lea Hall.

"Vic started Tuesday nights playing Soul at Lea Hall in 1968 and they carried on for 12 years. At one time you had to get to the club by 7pm to stand a chance of getting in.After they stopped in 1980 various Soul events have taken place at the venue which with its wonderful wooden dancefloor is ideal for a Soul night. Soulvation celebrates its 5th anniversary there in February," said Soulvation promoter Neil Rushton.

One of the guest DJ's on the 30th will be Nige Brown who remembers attending Soul night at Lea Hall as a teenager. He said:"Lea Hall was the local place to go to. There's 40 years of Soul, talc and sweat engrained on that famous dancefloor, December 30 is going to be a very special.".

Other DJ's on the night are Stinny, Blue Max, Hitsville Chalky and Neil Rushton with admission £6 pay on the door, no advance ticklets are available. Previous

"Eve Of New Years Eve" sessions at Lea Hall have attacted croweds of up t0 400 with appearances from The Flirtations, Richie Pitts and Kenny Thomas.

For further info go to the web site 


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