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Further to the recent success of the Soulsville 1st Anniversary, we are pleased to announce that Pat Brady has agreed to become a resident DJ at the monthly Soulsville nights in Leeds city centre. We are also pleased to welcome John Parker (Holgate SC) as resident, and with his superb collection he adds considerbly to the strength of quality behind the decks. Pat will play the first of his monthly sets on Friday, December 3rd and then again kicking off 2005 on February 4th (No Soulsville in Jan 2005). Were also lucky to have the company of a certain Mr Brett Franklin as guest on December 3rd, playing out hot on the heels of his famous opening set at the Ducie Bridge New Century Warm-Up session on the 27th Nov. The policy will be to build on what Soulsville has achieved over the last year musically, and try to get the mix right between the much-loved, underplayed, rare and current big sounds across the 60s and 70s. If you havent been yet, expect a tight little cellar bar, with a low ceiling which adds to a cracking atmosphere as the night builds. (please see full details in events section) We look forward to seeing some of you Soul-Sourcers coming down to see us, and make sure you say hello! For further information please contact: Jamie Hartford: jamien1@btinternet.com 07739 917972 Rich Buckley: richard.buckley@granadamedia.com 07799 846629 Keep It Soulful.... Jamie&Rich

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