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Soul! A New York Tv Music Show - 9 X 1972 Episodes Online

Soul! A New York Tv Music Show - 9 X 1972 Episodes Online magazine cover

The website thirteen.org has 9 full length episodes of the late 60s/ early 70s New York Tv show available to view online. As they have been up a year or so it may be "old" news to some, apoligies if that is indeed the case for you, but at a guess it may be "new" news to a few at least and so may be worth the effort,

The website thirteen.org itself has full details and history of this tv show (including full episode guide) and so apart from a grab of the episode listing and a few quotes will leave it for the site to tell the story. (link at bottom)

Aired 1968-73

Hosts: Ellis Haizlip, Nikki Giovanni, more

The entertainment-variety-talk show was not only a vehicle to promote black artistry, community and culture, but also a platform for political expression and the fight for social justice. It showcased classic live musical performances from funk, soul, jazz, and world musicians, but had in-depth, extraordinary interviews with political, sports, literary figures and more. It was the first program on WNET/Thirteen to be recorded on the then-new technology of videotape.




It's 1973. An impressively-dressed Ashford & Simpson launch into "Keep It Comin'," a radiant soul song about the sustaining power of love. As she sings, Simpson raises her arm above her head, the gesture simultaneously a nod to the rhythm and a revolutionary salute. Both she and Ashford are beaming. As the camera pans back from the singers, it becomes apparent that so, too, is the audience. Heads keep time, feet tap gently; the room is softly alive and buzzing, the massed bodies a single unit, riding the song's unifying and sustaining groove. "Keep it comin. Keep it comin.'"

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Edited by Mike

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after the great Dells post 


had a look at this past heads up and thought a update kick may be useful

since original post the site has added three other episodes

Al Green 60 mins, Black Protest and the final episode which takes a look back over the 5 years


plus also up is a complete listing of all episodes


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